New Automated 4-in-1 Multiple Stream System? Oh God No.

Updated: September 14, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

The name sounds fancy, right? But the Automated 4-in-1 Multiple Stream System is more fluff than substance. You might be curious about what it does, but the short version is: not much that you couldn’t already do yourself. Let’s break this down in a practical way and see why this “system” may not be worth your investment.

New Automated 4-in-1 Multiple Stream System? Oh God No.

What Exactly Is This System?

The 4-in-1 Multiple Stream System claims to streamline multiple streams of income into one automated platform. Essentially, it markets itself as a way to simplify your life by combining several income sources, supposedly removing the hassle of juggling them individually.

However, what they don’t tell you is that most of the things this system does are tasks that either:

  • Already have free or cheaper alternatives.
  • Aren't as complicated as they make it sound.
  • Don’t really need automation to work effectively.

Take a closer look:

  • You’re probably already using tools like PayPal or Stripe for payments. This system might claim to integrate that, but it’s nothing new.
  • If you’re doing email marketing, free or low-cost options like Mailchimp or ConvertKit are more than enough. The supposed "automation" this system offers isn't adding much beyond what those tools already do.
  • Affiliate marketing, which they try to fold into this package, already runs smoothly on platforms like ShareASale or Amazon Affiliates. Again, there's no real benefit to having this system “automate” it for you.

Bottom line: If you’re already handling these areas on your own, this system doesn’t really add anything groundbreaking. It just combines them into one place, but that convenience doesn't outweigh the cost.

Woman Moaning

Is It Really as Automated as It Claims?

The big selling point of this system is the word “automated.” It’s marketed as though once you set it up, everything runs by itself. But that's not how things usually play out.

Automation in any system has its limits, and this one is no exception. You still have to:

  • Set everything up manually at first, which takes time.
  • Check in regularly to troubleshoot issues.
  • Make ongoing tweaks as your business or streams of income change.

For instance:

  • If you're running an online store, it’s not like you can just step back and have products appear out of thin air. You still need to monitor inventory, customer queries, and promotions.
  • With email marketing, yes, you can set up some automated sequences, but you’ll still have to create fresh content, adjust based on subscriber engagement, and handle deliverability issues.

It’s a bit like buying a treadmill because you think it will make you fit without actually walking on it. Sure, the treadmill is a great piece of equipment, but you still need to put in the effort. Automation might sound like a magic bullet, but this system won’t eliminate the need for your involvement.


Cost vs. Value: Is It Worth Your Money?

Another big factor to consider is the cost. These types of systems usually come with monthly subscription fees, add-ons, or a hefty one-time purchase price. When you weigh that against what you’re actually getting, it's hard to justify the expense.

Here’s what to think about:

  • You’re likely paying for features you never need.
  • Many free platforms already handle the tasks it’s automating.
  • Even if you use all of its features, it won’t save you that much time.

Let’s break it down:

  • Email marketing platforms often have free tiers for small businesses, offering most of what you need. Why pay for a system that does the same thing but with extra steps?
  • Affiliate marketing doesn’t require a complex system. Just a few emails and simple tracking methods will suffice for most people.
  • Handling payments? Your customers likely trust PayPal, Stripe, or any major credit card processor more than some lesser-known system you’re trying to integrate.

When you compare the upfront and ongoing costs of this system with how much actual value it adds, the math doesn’t work out. You’ll end up spending more money than you’ll save in time or effort.

The Illusion of Being "Helpful"

The Illusion of Simplicity

These systems are sold on the premise of simplicity—do less work, make more money. But that’s rarely the outcome.

In reality, the more systems you integrate, the more complicated things get. You’re suddenly dependent on one platform for everything, which means if something goes wrong, your entire setup is affected.

Some practical points to think about:

  • If the platform crashes or has a glitch, you’re stuck without access to all of your income streams.
  • Customer service for these systems is often unhelpful. Or even worse, non-existent. If your automated system breaks, you could lose days of revenue waiting for a fix.
  • Learning how to set up and manage the system takes time. It’s not plug-and-play, even though they sell it as such.

Imagine a situation where you have everything funneled into this one platform, and then one small issue arises—like a broken email link or payment gateway error. Now you’re in a position where you’re trying to fix a complex problem that you wouldn’t have faced if you just handled things the old-fashioned way.

So, instead of simplifying your life, this system might add layers of complexity that you didn't ask for.

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The Overhyped “Multiple Streams of Income” Promise

Another hook this system uses is the promise of creating multiple streams of income. While this sounds appealing, it’s nothing new. You don’t need a fancy system to build different income sources, and relying on one to magically multiply your money is a false promise.

You could:

  • Run a blog and use Google AdSense for ad revenue.
  • Start affiliate marketing by promoting products that align with your content or business.
  • Sell digital products like e-books or online courses.
  • Offer freelance services or consulting based on your expertise.

Notice that all of these can be done without any expensive, automated platform. The truth is, setting up multiple streams of income takes effort, regardless of what system you’re using. This system won’t suddenly open up new revenue channels without some work on your end. So, don’t fall for the idea that automating the process will suddenly result in overnight success.


Should You Even Bother?

So, should you give this system a try? Here’s the takeaway: It doesn’t offer enough to justify the cost or the time investment. Most of what it does can be achieved with existing tools that are either free or cheaper.

To wrap this up:

  • You’re paying for convenience that you likely won’t even need.
  • The system isn’t as automated as they claim, and you’ll still need to keep an eye on it.
  • You can build multiple streams of income on your own without spending money on an expensive “solution.”

In short, skip the hype. You're better off sticking with what you know works and using existing, proven methods to manage your income streams.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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