Stop Living Below Your Means. Set and Achieve Ambitious Financial Goals.

Updated: August 31, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

Some wisdoms, i.e. old people, often tell us to "live below our means." They say frugality is gold, saving is paramount. Oh no, no. That principle may be rooted in stability, but doesn't necessarily ignite growth.

We can all achieve our financial goals more ambitiously. Spend wisely, invest in ourselves, and catalyze an economic movement. It's time we reevaluated our relationship with money and success.

Stop Living Below Your Means. Set and Achieve Ambitious Financial Goals.

Fueling the Economy

Consumer-spending powers economies. In the U.S., for instance, consumer spending accounts for nearly 70% of the Gross Domestic Product. When people buy products and services, businesses profit. With those profits, they can reinvest, innovate, hire more staff, and contribute to an upward economic cycle.

A stagnant or overly conservative approach to spending can hinder this cycle, creating ripples in unemployment, stock markets, and overall economic health.

Did You Know?

  • Dreaming Big and Achievement: Studies suggest that those who set high aspirations for their financial futures tend to achieve 50% more than those with lower expectations.
  • Income Growth: Those who set ambitious financial goals report a 30% higher income growth over a 10-year period compared to those who don't.
  • Wealth Accumulation: According to a survey, people who dream big and follow through with detailed financial planning are three times more likely to accumulate significant wealth over their lifetimes.
  • Investment Success: Data indicates that people with clear, ambitious financial goals are 40% more likely to invest successfully in stocks and real estate.
  • Retirement Planning: Those who set specific, high-reaching retirement goals by age 30 are twice as likely to retire comfortably than those who do not.

What It Means To Be Investing in Yourself

"Spend more" doesn’t mean buying things haphazardly. It means strategically investing in areas that provide value and enhance your life. This could be education, experiences, or quality products that last longer and enhance your lifestyle.

Each dollar spent on personal development, be it courses, certifications, or wellness retreats, has a potential return on investment in the form of better job opportunities, increased earnings, or improved well-being.

Quality Over Quantity

Instead of purchasing cheap, short-lived items, invest in quality. Not only do such items often provide a better experience, but in the long run, they can prove more economical.

A well-made pair of shoes or a reliable car might have a higher upfront cost but can save money (and environmental waste) in the long run by not needing frequent replacements.

The Power of Dreams

Dreaming big is about aspiration. When we aim higher, we push boundaries, innovate, and often achieve more than we imagined. This applies to our personal finances too. If you’re always living in a mindset of scarcity or limitation, you might miss opportunities simply because they don't fit within a predefined, restricted framework. Taking calculated risks is the way to go - you will find your financial breakthroughs!

Building Wealth Through Spending

Building Wealth Through Spending

It might seem counterintuitive, but strategic spending can lead to wealth. This is seen most clearly in business. Entrepreneurs invest capital to create products, services, or platforms that can generate revenue. The key is to ensure that your spending aligns with opportunities that have the potential for growth or appreciation, like real estate, stocks, or starting a business.

Money is a tool, not just a goal. So by shifting our perspective from merely "living below our means" to "spending wisely and dreaming big", we can unlock pathways to greater financial success and broader personal fulfillment. This isn't a call to abandon thriftiness, but rather to adopt a more expansive view of financial strategy, one that combines prudence with ambition.

Understand Your Net Worth

Understanding your net worth is an essential step in achieving your financial goals. It involves taking a close look at your assets, liabilities, and overall financial standing. By understanding where you currently stand financially, you'll know how to improve and grow your wealth.

Don't worry if that sounds a bit complex; think of it like the "health checkup" of your finances. Let's break it down together.

1. What's Net Worth Anyway?

Imagine you've got a giant financial jar. Into this jar, you'd place all your assets (everything you own that has value). Then, you'd remove everything you owe, known as liabilities. What you're left with? That's your net worth!

In a more 'mathy' term: Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities.

2. Assets – What's in Your Pocket (and Bank, and Garage...)

Assets are everything you own that holds value. This can be:

  • Cash: This includes the money in your checking and savings accounts.
  • Investments: Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or retirement accounts like a 401(k) or an IRA.
  • Real Estate: The market value of your home, rental properties, or land.
  • Personal Property: Think cars, jewelry, electronics, furniture, or that priceless stamp collection of yours.
  • Others: Any other financial assets like a business you might own, or royalties.

Tally all these up, and you've got your total assets!

3. Liabilities – The Other Side of the Coin

Liabilities are everything you owe. This includes:

  • Mortgages: What's left to pay on your home or other real estate properties?
  • Loans: These could be student loans, car loans, or personal loans.
  • Credit Card Debt: Those pesky balances that you've been meaning to clear.
  • Other debts: Maybe you owe money to a friend or have some other form of debt.

Sum all these, and you've got your total liabilities.

4. Doing the Math

Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets, and voila! You've calculated your net worth.

For example, if you have $200,000 in assets and $50,000 in liabilities, your net worth would be $150,000. Positive net worth? That's great! Negative? Don't fret, it’s a starting point, and knowledge is power. Now you know where you stand, and you can create a strategy to improve it.

5. Why Should I Care About My Net Worth?

Your net worth is a snapshot of your financial health at any given point in time. By tracking it:

  • You Get a Reality Check: You'll understand exactly where you stand financially.
  • Growth Tracker: Checking your net worth periodically to track your financial growth.
  • Decision Helper: When considering a big purchase or investment, knowing your net worth can help guide your decisions.
  • Goal Setting: Want to buy a house? Travel the world? Retire early? Understanding your net worth can help set and achieve these goals.

6. A Note on Fluctuations

It's natural for your net worth to fluctuate. Market values change, emergencies happen, and investments can go up or down. The idea isn't to achieve a perfect number but to have an evolving understanding and to move in a positive direction.

Understanding your net worth is like taking a financial selfie! It shows where you are right now. The great news is, just like personal growth, your financial situation is ever-evolving. Celebrate the wins, learn from the setbacks, and keep aiming for your goals. Here's to a future filled with wise financial choices and ever-growing net worth!

Did You Know?

  • Entrepreneurial Success: Entrepreneurs who set high revenue targets for their startups within the first 5 years are 50% more likely to achieve these compared to more conservative peers.
  • Financial Confidence: People who regularly set and review ambitious financial goals report 25% higher levels of financial confidence and control over their economic situation.
  • Educational Attainment and Wealth: Statistics show that people who aim for higher educational levels earn significantly more over their lifetimes—up to 75% more income than high school graduates.
  • Long-Term Financial Stability: 60% of those who set lofty and detailed long-term financial plans report experiencing less financial stress and more stability.
  • Happiness and Financial Goals: About 70% of people who meet or exceed their ambitious financial goals report higher levels of overall happiness and satisfaction with life.

How to Achieve Ambitious Financial Goals

Whether it's buying that dream home, taking a world tour, or retiring by 40, let's map out a route to your financial dreams. 

Dream Big, But Be Specific

Every journey begins with a dream. Want to be a millionaire? Cool! But let's add some detail: "I want to save $1 million by the age of 45." Now we're talking! There’s no harm in trying to be as specific as you can. Because your path will become clearer, and if you decide that your plan’s not working at a later date, you’ll know how you can change it. (You won’t if your goals are vague.)

Break It Down

Big goals can feel daunting. But, what if we break them into bite-sized pieces?

Let's say you want to save $100,000 in 5 years. That's $20,000 a year, $1,666 a month, or about $55 a day. Suddenly, it feels more digestible, right? Setting mini-milestones can also keep you motivated, as you get to celebrate little victories along the way!

Budget with Purpose

Budget with Purpose

Think of your budget as the GPS guiding you toward your financial destination. First, track all your expenses for a month to understand where your money is going. Then:

  • Essentials First: Cover your basics - rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, and any essential bills.
  • Fun and Future: Allocate a portion for entertainment (because hey, all work and no know the rest!) and the rest towards your goal.
  • Review and Adjust: Check in on your budget regularly. Had a surprise expense or a bonus? Adjust accordingly!

Invest Smartly

Let your money work for you! Investing can be a great way to grow your savings. Stocks, bonds, real estate, or even starting a small business can yield returns over time. If you're new to this, consider consulting a financial advisor. Remember, there's risk involved, so always do your research.

Stay Clear of Debt Traps

Credit cards and loans aren't inherently evil, but they can quickly become black holes if not managed well. Always aim to clear high-interest debts first and avoid accumulating unnecessary debt.

Create Additional Income Streams

Got a hobby or skill? Why not monetize it? Freelancing, offering consultancy services, or even renting out a spare room can give your financial goal a boost.

Automate Your Savings

Automate Your Savings

Out of sight, out of mind. Set up an automatic transfer to your savings or investment account as soon as your paycheck comes in. This way, you're less tempted to spend that money.

Stay Educated

The financial world is ever-evolving. From new investment opportunities to tax laws, stay informed. Subscribe to financial newsletters, join forums, or even attend webinars. The more you know, the better decisions you'll make.

Stay Grounded

When you hit a milestone, sure, you can celebrate. But be wary of lifestyle inflation. Just because you've started earning or saving more doesn't mean you should proportionally increase your spending. Stay focused on the goal.

Stay Flexible

Life is unpredictable. You might encounter financial hiccups or even windfalls along the way. Maybe your priorities change. It's okay to adjust your goals, as long as you're progressing towards a better financial future.

Achieving ambitious financial goals is a mix of dreaming big, planning well, and staying consistent but flexible and versatile. It's like training for a marathon. There will be tough days, exhilarating moments, and maybe a few blisters. But crossing that finish line? Totally worth it! So, keep your eyes on the prize, and here's to your financial success!

This hidden knowledge used by the elites will let you generate wealth and prosperity

Here's Your 5-Year Plan

Let's put on our adventure hats and map out this epic 5-year quest to financial glory!

Year 1: Lay the Groundwork

  • Define the Dream: By the end of five years, what's the dream? Be it buying a home, setting up a business, or saving a specific amount, get clear on that vision.
  • Budget Bootcamp: Before we sprint, we gotta tie our shoelaces. Dive deep into your spending habits. Understand where each penny goes. Categorize your expenses and allocate a portion for savings.
  • Debt Dragon: If you've got debts, prioritize them. Start slaying the high-interest ones first.
  • Learning Lane: Enroll in a finance or investment workshop. Knowledge is your compass!

Year 2: Building Momentum

Building Momentum
  • Automate the Adventure: Set up auto-transfers to your savings or investment account. Let the magic of automation streamline your saving process.
  • Investment Islands: Begin by dabbling into low-risk investments. Maybe a fixed deposit, bonds, or mutual funds. Seek advice, start small, and learn the ropes.
  • Side Hustle Street: You'd better use your skills fully to make some extra money. That photography passion or coding skill can be lucrative!
  • Stay Insured Inn: Ensure you have health and other essential insurance. This will safeguard against unexpected financial hits.

Year 3: Taking Flight

  • Advanced Assets Alley: By now, you've got a grasp of basic investments. How about venturing a little into stocks or real estate? Always have multiple options in mind so if anything bad happens to one, you’ll still have good backup plans.
  • Emergency Escape: Set up an emergency fund, ideally covering 3-6 months of expenses (may not be easy but if you can!) This gives you peace of mind, and you’ll be more protection-conscious.
  • Re-Evaluation Ridge: Look back at the past two years. How far have you come? Adjust your budget and strategy as needed. Keep that dream in focus.

Year 4: Leveling Up

  • Debt-Free Dome: If you started with debts, aim to be nearing the end of them. If not entirely, then significantly reduced. Imagine the freedom!
  • Skill-Boost Boulevard: Invest in yourself. Maybe an advanced course/certification can fetch you a higher income or better opportunities.
  • Retirement Resort: Yes, retirement! It's never too early. Put a portion of savings into a retirement fund. Future you will be grateful!

Year 5: Finishing with a Flourish

  • Dream Doorstep: You're close! Re-assess your goal. How near are you? If you're about to achieve it, fabulous! If not, don't fret. Every journey has its pace.
  • Luxury Lane: Splurge a little! Not a lot, just a tad. Maybe a short vacation or that gadget you've been eyeing. You've worked hard; you deserve it.
  • Legacy Loop: Think about wealth beyond yourself. Maybe setting up a recurring charity contribution or an investment for your kids.

You Get This

You know your life is filled with ups and downs. There'll always be rainy days, sunny moments, and occasional rainbows. You go through all that to win, learn from every stumble, and always keep that dreamy destination in sight.

It's not just about the destination but the adventure of getting there. And here's to hoping your 5-year journey is every bit as rewarding as the goal itself!

How I "Finally" Make Over $6,000 Monthly Income

"The most valuable thing I've ever done!"

About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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  1. You said before about raising money for charity. What’s happened to that? Is this part of this article or something else you mentioned?

  2. I think the problem is people do not know how to spend their money the right way. Saving is crucial for long term success but so is investing in being financially stress free. It is easy to dump money in your 401k and hope its good when you retire but it takes strength to invest money elsewhere. Could be dividend investing, a business or some other type of revenue source. Not know how to spend and that fear with wanting to succeed is where I think people fail the most. Awesome article, thanks.

      1. Good positive article. But in reality only a handful of people can achieve success like that. The rest of us work hard night & day to make ends meet.

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