7-Day Action Plan To Master Affiliate Marketing

Updated: July 12, 2024
by Ray Alexander

Starting affiliate marketing is not as a lengthy process as you think. Sure, you'll have to monitor traffic and analyze the results and all, but that can wait until much later. The main thing is to get it started and keep your content rolling. If you're ready to put in a focused effort, a 7-day intensive plan is entirely achievable. From selecting a niche that resonates with your interests to building a website, creating quality content, and forging partnerships with relevant affiliate networks, the job is a banger and manageable within a week.

7-Day Action Plan To Master Affiliate Marketing

The step-by-step guidance mentioned in this post is designed to make this process smoother, breaking down complex tasks into daily milestones. Follow this, and you can definitely lay the groundwork for a successful affiliate marketing venture. Your commitment to this intensive week can become the springboard for a potentially lucrative online business. Okay, are you ready?

Days 0: Get The Boring Stuff Out Of The Way

You are reading this because you're on a mission to master affiliate marketing in just 14 days. So you must already know what affiliate marketing is. Then waste no time. Skip all the boring stuff that's never going to be useful, such as;

  • How it works.
  • Its history.
  • "Today's digital marketing landscape", etc.

Day 1: Decide Your Niche

Choosing a niche is indeed a critical first step in affiliate marketing, and it sets the direction for many subsequent decisions. Here's why it's so essential, and how to approach this pivotal stage:

1. Why Picking the Right Niche Matters

It Shapes Your Online Presence

  • Your Website or YouTube Channel: The niche you pick is like choosing a theme for your online party. It helps you decide what your website or videos will look like and what you'll talk about.
  • Your Business Name: Your niche will also help you come up with a cool name for your business that tells people exactly what you're all about.

It Guides Your Content

  • What to Talk About: Your niche helps you decide what to write about or make videos about. It's like choosing something to chat about with friends all night.
  • Getting Found Online: By focusing on a specific topic, it's easier for people interested in that topic to find you online.

It Helps You Choose What to Promote

  • Finding the Right Products: Your niche helps you find products or services that fit what you're talking about. Think of it like recommending your favorite movies to friends.
  • Making Money: Different topics might help you earn money in different ways. Your niche helps you find the best ways for you.

It Helps You Connect with People

  • Understanding What People Want: By focusing on a specific topic, you can become the go-to person for that subject. Again, this is just like being the expert in a game among your friends.
  • Building Trust: When people see that you know a lot about a topic, they'll trust your recommendations more. It's like having a friend who always knows the best places to eat.

2. How to Pick a Niche

  • What Do You Like?: Pick something you enjoy or know a lot about. It's more fun that way!
  • Is It Popular?: Look for a topic that many people are interested in but not too many people are talking about.
  • Who Else Is Doing It?: Check out who else is talking about the same thing, and find your unique twist.
  • Can You Make Money?: Look for ways to earn money with your chosen topic.

In a Nutshell

Choosing the right niche is like picking the best conversation topic at a party. It helps you decide what your online space will look like, what to talk about, what products to recommend, and how to connect with people. It's a big first step, but it sets the stage for everything else in your affiliate marketing work. Make sure to pick something you love, and the rest will follow!

Day 2: Build Your Website


Building a website is like crafting your own little corner of the Internet, and it can be a fun and creative process. Let's walk through it in simple terms:

1. Choosing Your Domain Name

Think of your domain name as your online street address. It's how people find you. Pick something that goes with your niche (that topic you've chosen to focus on) and is easy for people to remember.

2. Starting with WordPress

WordPress is like a toolbox for building websites. You don't have to be a tech wizard to use it, and you can start for free!

Use a Free Subdomain First, and Move to Your Domain Name Later

A subdomain is like a temporary address for your site. You can build and play around with your website here without committing to the full address right away. It's like practicing in a sandbox before building a real sandcastle.

Once you've got things looking good, you can move your site to your official domain name. It's like moving from the practice field to the big stage!

This hidden knowledge used by the elites will let you generate wealth and prosperity

Designing Your Site

Now comes the fun part: designing your website! Think of this as decorating your online room.

  • Choosing a Menu: navigation menu is like a guidebook for your site. You'll want to decide what pages you need (like Home, About, Contact), so people can easily find their way around.
  • Picking a Logo: Your logo is like your online signature. It should reflect what your site is about. You can create one yourself or use free tools online. Have fun with it!
  • Using a Free Theme: A theme is like the wallpaper and furniture for your website. WordPress has tons of free themes you can use to make your site look just the way you want. Play around with different ones until you find your favorite!
  • Adding Your Own Flair: Now, add your pictures, videos, and words. Make it personal and unique. It's your space, so make it feel like you!

Bonus Tips

  • Take Your Time: Building a website is not just for Day 2, but it's a continuous creative process from now on. So don't rush it. Keep experimenting to see what you like.
  • Ask The Community Members for Feedback: Affiliate marketing communities have a facility for the members to visit each other's sites and leave feedback. A fresh pair of eyes can see things you might have missed.

Building a website is like putting together a puzzle. You start with a name, add some structure with WordPress, and then fill in the pieces with your design, logo, and content. You can even start for free and then move up when you're ready. 

If you consider yourself creative, that’s great. But if you’re worried about your lack of creativity, there’s no need because all the templates are ready for you to customize. You really don’t need to build anything from scratch. They’re rather inspirational - I think that’s the best part.

Day 3: Start Publishing Posts

Publishing Posts

Starting to publish posts on your website is like throwing a series of little parties online, and each post is a new celebration. If you're looking to create some detailed how-to guide posts, AI writers can lend a hand. Here's how:

1. Get Help from an AI Writer

Imagine you have a super-smart robot friend who's great at writing. You can tell this AI friend the topic you want to write about, and it will create a 1,000-1,500 word how-to guide for you. Neat, right? But it's not quite ready for the party yet.

2. Make It Your Own

You wouldn't send out a party invitation written by someone else without adding your personal touch, right? Your AI friend's writing is the same. It's a good start, but it needs your flair.

  • Add Your Style: Rewrite some parts in your own words, like you're chatting with a friend.
  • Include Your Insights: You know your topic and what you want to say. Add your own thoughts, tips, and tricks. That's what makes it special!
  • Use Real-Life Examples: If you can, include stories or examples from your own experience. It's like sharing fun anecdotes at a party.

3. Check for Quality

You wouldn't want to serve stale chips at a party, and the same goes for your post. Make sure it's fresh and ready for readers.

  • Look for Mistakes: Even robots make mistakes sometimes. Check for any spelling or grammar errors.
  • Make Sure It Makes Sense: Read it through, or even better, have a friend read it. Make sure it all flows nicely.

4. Add Some Extras

Think of these as decorations for your online party.

  • Include Pictures or Videos: These can help explain things and make your post more engaging.
  • Add Links to Other Posts or Sites: If you mention something that needs more explaining, link to where readers can learn more. It's like handing them a helpful guidebook.

5. Publish!

Once you've added all your special touches, it's time to publish your post. Hit that publish button and celebrate. You've just hosted another great online celebration.

Using an AI writer to help create how-to guide posts is like having a party-planning assistant. It can do a lot of the heavy lifting, but it still needs your unique touch to make everything perfect. Add your style, insights, and extras, and you'll have posts that feel like you and are ready to engage and help your readers. It's a fun and creative way to share what you know, so enjoy the process!

Day4: Join Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Training Program

Finding and joining affiliate programs is like going on a treasure hunt. You're searching for the perfect partners to team up with on your online adventure. Here's how you can embark on this exciting quest:

1. Start the Hunt for Affiliate Programs

Imagine you're exploring a big online mall filled with different stores like ClickBank, Amazon, ShareASale, and more. Each store represents an affiliate program that you can partner with.

  • ClickBank: Think of it as a bustling marketplace where you can find digital products to promote.
  • Amazon: It's like the mega-department store of the online world, where you can find almost anything.
  • ShareASale: Picture a cool boutique mall that offers unique products from various sellers.

2. Apply to Join a Few

Now that you've found some interesting stores, it's time to team up with them.

  • Fill Out the Applications: It's like signing up for a club or a team. Tell them about your website, what you do, and why you want to join.
  • Wait for Approval: Some programs might let you in right away, while others take a little longer. It's like waiting for a reply to a party invitation.

3. Keep the Party Going While You Wait

Waiting for approval can take some time, but that's no reason to sit around twiddling your thumbs.

  • Keep Posting Content: Think of this as keeping the music playing and the snacks coming at your online party. More posts mean more fun and information for your readers.
  • Explore More Programs: While you're waiting, why not explore more affiliate programs? You might discover new treasures to add to your collection.

4. Remember to Be Genuine

Promote products that you genuinely like or believe in. It's like recommending your favorite games or snacks to friends at a party. People appreciate honest suggestions.

Finding and joining affiliate programs is a thrilling part of your online business. It's like teaming up with different stores to share cool stuff with your readers. Just like any treasure hunt, it takes some searching, waiting, and celebrating along the way. Keep the excitement alive by posting more content, and always strive to make genuine recommendations.

Day 5: Turn Your Website Into an Affiliate Marketing Site

Turning your website into an affiliate marketing site is like upgrading your treehouse into a clubhouse where you can share cool stuff with users. There are two main steps to make this transformation happen:

1. Create Legal Pages

Think of legal pages as the rules posted on the wall of your clubhouse. They let your visitors know what's okay and what's not, so everyone can have a good time together.


What You Need:

  • Privacy Policy: This is to protect your site and yourself by being transparent to users. You tell what kind of information you'll keep and what you might share. It's about letting people know how their information is used on your site.
  • Terms and Conditions: This is the big rule book for your clubhouse. It explains how people can use your site and what's expected of them.
  • Affiliate Disclosure: If you're recommending products and earning money from those recommendations, you need to tell them about it. It's not like you’re making a fortune out of it. You just need to disclose that you are affiliated with the seller.

How to Do It:

  • Use Templates: There are online helpers, like templates or generators, that can make creating these pages easier. It's like using a clubhouse rule book that's already written and just adding your personal touches.

2. Learn How to Place Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are like secret handshakes that let the stores know someone visited them through your clubhouse. When people click on these links and buy something, the store knows to send you a thank-you note (in the form of money).

What You Need to Do:

  • Find the Links: Once you join an affiliate program, they'll give you special links to use. Think of these as your custom secret handshakes.
  • Put Them in Your Posts: You can add these links to your posts, like sprinkling secret handshakes throughout your clubhouse. Maybe it's a link to a cool toy in a blog post about your favorite toys.
  • Make Them Look Nice: You can also make these links look prettier with tools that shorten or customize them. It's like giving your secret handshake a snazzy name.

Be a Good Friend:

  • Only Share What You Like: Only use affiliate links for things you honestly think are cool or useful. It's like only sharing your favorite snacks at a party.
  • Be Transparent: Let people know when you're using affiliate links. It's like telling your friends, "Hey, try this secret handshake, and the store will know I sent you!"

Turning your website into an affiliate marketing site is like adding some exciting features to your online clubhouse. You'll want to make sure you have the rules posted (legal pages) and learn the affiliate links to share with others. It's all about being clear, honest, and having fun sharing things you genuinely enjoy. Welcome to the affiliate clubhouse!

Day 6: Get Yourself Ready For Email Marketing

Getting into email marketing is like starting a friendly pen-pal club online. You're setting up a way to send fun letters, news, and special offers to people who want to hear from you. Here's how to create your pen-pal club, step by step:

Cleaning Up Your Email List

1. Build a Landing Page to Find Pen Pals (Generate Leads)

A landing page is like the sign-up sheet for your pen-pal club. It's a special page on your website where people can join your email list.

  • Make It Inviting: You want your sign-up sheet to look friendly and inviting. Tell people what they'll get by joining, like fun newsletters, special offers, or insider tips.
  • Offer a Gift: Sometimes, it helps to offer a little present for signing up, like a free guide or a discount. It's like giving a welcome sticker to new pen pals.

2. Choose a Friendly Postman (Email Marketing Service Provider)

You'll need someone to help you send all those letters, so you'll want to join up with an email marketing service. Think of them as your friendly neighborhood postman.

  • AWeber or GetResponse: These are like postmen who specialize in delivering letters for clubhouses like yours. They're known to be good with affiliate marketing.
  • Sign Up and Get to Know Them: Joining is usually pretty easy, and they'll have guides and helpers to show you around. It's like meeting a new friend who shows you all the best places in town.

3. Start Writing Letters (Emails)

Now that you have pen pals and a friendly postman, it's time to start writing letters!

  • Make Them Fun and Personal: Write like you're chatting with a friend. Share news, tips, and maybe some special offers for products you think are cool.
  • Include Your Affiliate Links Sometimes: If you're recommending something you really like, you can include an affiliate link. It's like adding a "P.S. You can find this cool thing here!" at the end of your letter.

4. Remember the Pen-Pal Etiquette

Being a good pen pal means respecting people's wishes.

  • Only Write to People Who Want Your Letters: People should join your pen-pal club because they want to, not because they were tricked or forced into it.
  • Let People Leave the Club If They Want: Always include a way for people to stop getting letters if they change their minds. It's like letting a friend leave the club with no hard feelings.

Starting an email marketing pen-pal club is a friendly way to keep in touch with people who like what you do. You'll create a place for them to sign up, find a friendly postman to help with the mail, and then start sending letters filled with fun, news, and friendly recommendations.

Day 7: Learn Marketing Techniques


Learning marketing techniques is like diving into a big, colorful ball pit. There's so much to explore, and while you might not discover every ball in the pit in one day, you can still have a blast and find some favorites. Here's a friendly guide to what you can dip into:

1. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is about optimizing individual pages on your website to rank higher in search engines.

  • Keywords Research: Identify the specific words and phrases people might use to find content like yours. These keywords should appear in your titles, headings, and body text.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write concise summaries for your pages that tell both search engines and readers what each page is about.
  • Image Alt Text: Describe your images using text that helps search engines understand what they depict. It also aids accessibility for those using screen readers.
  • URL Structure: Organize your URLs to be descriptive and straightforward, so both readers and search engines can infer the page's content from the URL alone.

What Not To Do

Such as Black Hat SEO techniques and plagiarize content. 

2. Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO involves actions taken outside your website to improve your site's position in search engine rankings.

  • Social Networks: When people like, share, or comment on your content on your social media, it can help your website's visibility.
  • Brand Mentions: When people talk about your brand or website, even without a link, it's a good sign for search engines.
  • Guest Blogging: Writing articles for other websites can introduce more people to your brand and get you some "votes" (backlinks).
  • Working with Influencers: Teaming up with popular people online can help more people see your brand.
  • Local Listings: For businesses in a specific area, it's good to be listed on local online directories, like Google My Business. Good reviews help too!
  • Forums: Joining online discussions related to your topic and helping others can make you seem trustworthy and drive people to your site.

What Not To Do

Link building - People attempt to guest blog and post content on forums such as Quora and Reddit solely for backlinking purposes, often seen as spam.

3. Prepare for Video Marketing

Video marketing is an engaging way to present content to your viewers.

  • Plan Your Content: Determine what kind of videos would interest your readers. This could be tutorials, product reviews, or behind-the-scenes looks.
  • Use What You Have: While professional equipment is great, a smartphone with a good camera can also get you started.
  • Edit for Impact: Simple editing can make your video more engaging. Many free or inexpensive tools can help you trim, add titles, or even background music.
  • Promote on Various Platforms: Share your videos on your website, social media, and platforms like YouTube to reach a broader viewership.

Monitoring, Analyzing

Everyone says it’s “important to” monitor and analyze traffic, but you only need that kind of analysis technique when you actually start to drive traffic, don’t you? Until then, frankly, it’s pointless and boring. 

You just need to learn the very basics like connecting your website to Google Analytics. It’s just the first step, and as you progress, you’ll naturally pick up the rest.

7-Day Action Plan To Master Affiliate Marketing: Final Words

Mastering any skill is a rewarding experience, isn’t it? You can grasp the fundamentals in a short period, but true proficiency takes time. You can certainly learn the basics of affiliate marketing this way in just 7 days, but there’s a lot more. You need weeks more to learn, and a few months at least before you make your affiliate business a successful one. 

Click on the link below to join the supportive community. You’ll have a comprehensive learning experience. And make money!

(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
 September 2024: $8,550.00

About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

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  1. Thank you for your advice. I was not sure where to start and did not even know how long it would take to master online business techniques so I’m so grateful that I know the scope of it.

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