Warrior Plus is a focal point for any internet marketers who work on "MMO/Bizopp (make-money-online & business opportunities)" niche. It's a marketplace where you can either sell your own products, find products to promote as an affiliate, or purchase useful products for yourself. It's free to join. Sellers will pay a percentage of commission to affiliates upon each sale, but for others there's absolutely no fees to pay.

Warrior+Plus Review
Firstly, what I think is good about Warrior Plus is that you can join instantly to see what's on offer first. If you like a product and become an affiliate, then apply for it. You might find some products that can help your business and purchase yourself. Or even just to take a look around and check what the top sellers are up to - you will find some pretty good, inspiring sales pages.
If nothing interests you, just leave. Switch off all the notification settings (in "Account Settings" > "My Account") and you won't hear from them.
And if you have your own products to sell, Warrior Plus provides a great platform to advertise them. You can simply promote them to potential customers, or also to affiliates and decide how many % of commission you want to pay upon sale.
MMO/Bizopp Related Products

Products that are sold on Warrior+Plus are generally online marketing related. There are quite a few products that I have actually bought myself and found useful (including "Open Rates Solved"). Some training courses are decent for sure.
On the other hand I also find some not-so-convincing products or sales pages. In other words - they can be misleading and scammy, it's just a matter of choosing what you think is the right product whether you get it for yourself or decide to promote as an affiliate on the vendor's behalf.
Pretty Transparent
In my opinion, the Warrior Plus network is fairly open and transparent. Some affiliate networks such as "CashNetwork" don't reveal what kind of advertisers (vendors) they have to public, and they most likely offer a lot of hyper-scammy programs such as "Become a millionaire within X weeks". Whereas as I mentioned earlier, Warrior Plus is free for anybody to join at any time, so you can browse to see what's on offer first, then decide whether it's useful for yourself or your customers/visitors/followers or not.
With all that said, there are some "million bucks sellers" who are notorious for producing similar products every month (if not more frequently!), all of which claim to earn thousands of dollars with free traffic. As an affiliate, you might want to be careful when choosing the Warrior Plus products to promote, otherwise you'll lose your own reputation for being deceptive to your audience.
Promote Products As An Affiliate

- 1Go straight to "Affiliates" in the top menu, then choose "Offers". It will come up with thousands of products.

- 2Sort the list by clicking each header. You can check the latest offers (by Launch Date), which ones convert well (by Conversion Rate), which ones pay more per conversion (by Average Sale), etc. Click the product name to view the detail.
* Pulse Score and Refund Rate
The great feature is "Pulse Score" - the heart shape on the right in the header. The score is an indicator based on the overall sales numbers as well as the number of affiliates who have made sales in the past few months. The higher the better. So click this shape and check out the products with best affiliate performance.
You cannot sort by "Refund Rate" for some reason, but this is something that should not be ignored. If a refund is made to the purchaser, your affiliate commission will also be reversed. A product with 20% means 1/5 of the users regret purchasing it, that's pretty huge and there must be a reason for it. The product may not be necessarily a scam, but the rate makes it appear to be one. You wouldn't want to promote a product knowing that's disapproved by 20% of the users.

- 3You'll get the product overview and the seller's information. Click the blue button at the top-right corner to view the actual sales page. If it's believable to you, it's believable to whoever you are promoting it to - read the sales copy (or watch the video) and decide whether you want to become an affiliate based on your judgement as a user.
- 4If you like the product and would like to promote it, send a request for approval to the product holder (seller) by clicking the orange button at the top. A small window will come up with a box where you can send a message to. Tell them briefly how you want to promote it, such as on your webpage, to your own subscribers, social media ads etc. You don't have to, but you should, as a common sense!

How long it takes for your affiliate request to be approved depends on the seller. It can be in a matter of minutes if they're online, or it can take days. Once approved, you'll receive a confirmation from Warrior Plus by email. And your approved products are listed under "Get Links" menu, where you can get your unique affiliate link.
Earning Withdrawals

Warrior Plus will pay either to your PayPal or Stripe account. You can set it up easy from your "Account Settings" > "Vendors/Affiliates" > "Merchant Accounts".
When you first become an affiliate, you need to make sales to a minimum of 5 unique buyers before your account is eligible to make withdrawals. There will be a delay of payment due to the fund clearance in the beginning, but as you make more affiliate commissions and make a trust relationship with vendors, the payment delay period will be shortened. Some vendors may decide to pay you instantly (at their discretion).
Can You Make Money As A Warrior Plus Affiliate?
Now having said all that - it's been a few years since I originally wrote this review, and many Warrior Plus affiliates have started to sell products in a particular way;
- Go to muncheye.com. This site displays a "future release calendar" - lists up all the products to be released in the future from Warrior Plus and JV Zoo.
- Pick a product, write a positive "review" based on the invitation page.
- Publish the review well before the product release date (7-10 days in advance, at least) so that your review goes to the top of Google search.
- Download some free PLR products/ebooks from a free PLR website, and offer the prospective buyers as a bonus. "If you buy this (Warrior+ product) from my link, I'll give you 10 x amazing bonuses!"
As you can imagine, the majority of the "reviews" written before the release date are not real user reviews. Also the majority of the bonus products that these affiliates offer are outdated and unusable ebooks and videos. Obviously the tactics are not genuine and those reviews are often written with dishonest intent. But that's what it is now, and you may struggle to make money if you wish to make money by running a campaign as a real user affiliate for Warrior Plus products.
Criticisms of Warrior Plus
We have seen criticisms and complaints - mostly from buyers - over the years and understandably, the majority of the complaints are about the refund requests that are not handled in a timely manner. And most of the time, the cause of the problem is misleading/deceptive sales page content (which Warrior Plus admin has no direct responsibility of). The buyers often ask for a refund when they feel the actual product is different from what's been described on the sales page. Here are 3 of the main causes of the problem.
#1 Product That "Makes Money"
I can see the sellers' dilemma though. They develop products after products that are innovative but not "revolutionary" enough to go viral for months to come. So inevitably, their target audience is internet marketing beginners. But beginners are not interested in "innovative web tools" such as video creation tools, for example. They're only interested in making money and looking for magic words such as "6 figures in X weeks".
Video creation tools may help users increase their revenue, ultimately, not directly. But the sellers may have no choice but to emphasize the projected income when advertising. The majority of the bestselling Warrior Plus product sales pages are full of "commission screenshots" whether the product is an SEO keyword tool or a set of e-commerce manuals. Which is...misleading.
#2 Sellers and Affiliates Teaming Up
The big-buck sellers on Warrior Plus are also big-buck affiliates. They promote each other's products to their leads to make more money. And they repeatedly appear on each other's sales pages to leave testimonials. Nothing's wrong with that if they truly recommend each other's product every time. But many of us know that this makes the sales page less credible. (Google "Warrior Plus fake testimonials" and you'll see what marketing experts say). Again, their target audience is newbies, so perhaps they don't care?
#3 Fake Product Reviews by Affiliates
I've already mentioned it earlier - you'll find a lot of complaints if you google "Warrior Plus fake reviews".
#4 Dubious "Refund Guarantees"
Almost every Warrior Plus product sales page displays a 30-60 day money-back guarantee badge, and that's one of the assurances for the buyers to make a purchase. They often seem to get into trouble when they claim a refund and the seller doesn't respond quickly enough. (Some complaints can be viewed from here.)
Warrior Plus has its own payment clearance system, so the registered sellers don't have to be involved with taking payments from the customers. But when it comes to the refund, it must be dealt with the sellers and Warrior Plus admin barely gets involved. That's where the customers feel "unfair".
Warrior Plus Review - Conclusion
As an affiliate, at least you can sign up for free and see what kind of products are selling and who the top sellers are. As I explained earlier, a top-selling product doesn't necessarily mean the top quality, but it may be due to the pre-launch contest campaign. Typical top sellers on Warrior Plus tend to only approve affiliates who have a good sales history, anyway. Even if you've bought their product, your affiliate request may be rejected. My personal advice is to check the sales page and see what's being said all makes sense to you first. If you like it, send your affiliate request to the seller, but if rejected, don't dwell on it. Find the next product!
Your analysis about WarriorPlus is very good, I am an affiliate from Brazil and I have been through some situations of requesting a refund and the difficulty is enormous.
Thank you for your honest review I too was misled and refused to get my money back it's an ugly world cause the descriptions are indeed misleading and false
Thanks for your comment, Thai. I hope you got your money back eventually!
First time here and I was going to bring defense to WPlus due to the commissions it has brought me but realized I agree with many of the things you wrote.
One thing I have noticed though is that WPlus is used as a testing ground for aspiring product vendors. They will see how well it does on WPlus then use those stats to boast on bigger selling platforms.
It is still a good way to enter the digital marketing space at a free to low cost margin and get some skin in the game.
Hi William, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I see what you mean now, I’ve seen a W+ vendor switch to ClickBank and he announced as if he had a “better” vendor status despite the fact that CB is also open to anyone. Thanks for your comment, best wishes for continued success.
Very helpful content.
Hey bro,
Great article and dead-on!
WarriorPlus seems to be a complete scammer-magnet, and nothing at all is done about it, just another flashy (empty) object added almost everyday. They all seem to use the same landing page template too.
Oh, my favourite (sarcasm) is when they claim to provide "secret buyer traffic on tap", and it ends up being just a basic social sharing app, which of course shares to our own traffic, not some secret traffic source.
I have been a full-time internet marketer for years, and I have never read one honest positive review of any Warriorplus vendors.
Anyway thanks for the review bud. This article alone will save many from wasting $$$ on that site.
Jonny Tyson
Hi Jonny, thanks for your comment, I’m glad you said it. I agree with you, all the landing pages look the same, repetitive, the testimonials are made by the same people, free traffic = social media… It’s a shame because I have indeed seen a couple of good training programs sold via W+ in the past, but nowadays I lose interest the moment I see a vivid “Warrior Plus-like” landing page! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it. I wish you all the best!
Never buy nothing from WarriorPlus is a nest of scammers. And they know that. And They don´t do anything. Al the products doesn´t work or are defective. They are not responsible. They do not review the products before their launches and neither do they sanction the scammers who register on their page. They are only supporters of scams because they leave them money.
Hi Nelson, thanks for your comment. I agree with you, Warrior Plus allows scammers to go off the hook. It’s been a few years since I wrote this review, and I have seen some great training products and respectable tutors (e.g. Michel Sirois). But others…too many useless products are released so randomly and frequently. Unethical. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it.
Please i have seen so many products on warrior plus like blaze, webbyo, big ticket commission and so on but i don’t know which one is trustworthy to automate my sales or give me good training on affiliate marketing on a low budget. Pls how can i find the best product to purchase.
Hi Alex, products sold via Warrior Plus are all short-lived, so I wouldn’t particularly recommend any of them to make your affiliate marketing business a long-term success. It depends what you’re looking to do; if you want to receive training for free, look at this one; BEST Free Affiliate Marketing Training: My Online Startup Review
Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. Thanks for your comment, I wish you all the best!
Hello Ray Alex,
I joined warrior plus a month ago, and I am promoting an offer that gives $5 for free sign ups and 44% of $19.95 when they upgrade. Only one out of my 40 free sign ups have upgrade. I have $40 in my warriorpluswallet. I tried withdrawing to PayPal but I get a notice from warrior plus that I have to make 5 unique sales before I can withdraw. Please what does this mean?
Hi Joseph, yes WarriorPlus only allows you to withdraw your earnings after you sold a product (any product at any price) to 5 different people. In your case only one person has upgraded (=made a purchase) so far… So you need to get 4 more people to upgrade, or buy something via your affiliate link. I hope it will happen soon…!
Hello Ray Alex what offer are you talking about. What’s the name of the offer that pays $5 per free sign up. I would love to promote that offer.
Hi Destiny, that’s not me talking about it, I don’t know which one it is. But it’s been a while and I guess it’s no longer available.
Hello help me further more to explain
Hi, if you can tell me what you specifically need to know, I’ll try my best!
Warrior plus its a trash platform where is all scammers are
with unworking,garbage programms.
Hi Helga, thanks for your comment. I cannot totally disagree with you. Warrior Plus, ClickBank and JVZoo all have quite a few scammers, unfortunately. There are also many good sellers though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I have to aggree with Cathy Brandy , RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM WARRIOR PLUS. I am not able to log into my account right from the start.and decided to cancel . I have sent numeral mails to their support mail box but they don’t even bother to return to me with an answer. I am greatly dissapointed not only in the product but also in SAMUEL CHEEMA who endorse a product that’s not keeping to their ploicies as well
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing your experience, and sorry to hear that you’re having a difficulty getting a refund from this vendor. The Warrior Plus’s buyers terms say (clause 7) “This would start with contacting the vendor first, then escalating to the our support desk, the payment processor’s dispute process, and then to their bank as a last resort.”
So without the response from the support desk, you have a valid reason and enough proof to dispute against your PayPal or credit card company. It will take time to get your money back but you definitely will – so make sure you’ll receive a full refund! If you need a help (how to dispute) don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. Thanks for your comment.
RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM WARRIOR PLUS. I purchased a product through them over 6 weeks ago. I cannot Access the product. They, Warrior Plus say that’s not their Problem.
I disagree. If the seller will not return my messages Warrior Plus Should either make certain I get the Product or see to it that my money is Rerturned.
I will haunt them…
Hi Cathy, wow, sorry to hear about your bad experience. And I’m pretty disappointed to hear that Warrior Plus isn’t cooperative to you as they should be… But you can view each seller’s refund rate, so the sellers should do their best to resolve issues with the buyers too, otherwise their reputation will be at risk. Though scammers would always come back using a different name each time.
If you can’t resolve your issue with the seller and can’t get the money back, you know what to do, don’t you – you can dispute against your credit card company or PayPal. Sellers with multiple refund records will hit the damage themselves. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. Thanks for leaving a comment, good luck!
I am so new to affiliate marketing. I’ve never heard about Warrior Plus and I just joined. Thank you so much for giving me a good opportunity. I’m hoping to make a good success.
Hi Jasmine, thanks for your comment. I hope you’ll find some great products to promote. Good luck with success, any questions please don’t hesitate to get back to me any time 🙂
Great post. Instabuilder is a great way to promote Warrior Plus. If you haven’t used it, I recommend it 100%! It’s essential for every online marketer or affiliate marketer.
Hi, thanks for leaving a comment. This post is an information that I hope will help online moneymakers especially my readers who are affiliate newbies. There’s no point in “promoting” Warrior Plus though, it won’t pay you a commission. The registered vendors will, when they make a sale via your affiliate link. And Instabuilder is just a visual editor plugin for WordPress. It’s about a design, not a sales strategy. I recommend Thrive Architect, if you’re interested in that kind of plugin, it gives you more options and it’s the most up-to-date.