Retirement jobs for over 50 years of age - Now is the time for you to decide if you have been considering the available options. You know, our brain's internal clock runs slower as we age. Time flies faster. And you do realise that this is only going to accelerate at incredible speed, and it will be over pretty soon? You may find a lot of employers welcoming outgoing older workers, but you may have trouble finding a decent job that pays well. At this stage of your life, you wouldn't want to compromise and apply for any job that's available out of desperation. Your remaining life is too short to waste on the wrong things. You want to find the most suitable, least stressful retirement job which you can actually enjoy. I hope you agree.

Tired but Busy... Aren't We All?
It's tricky at around this age. There are still many years left before the official retirement age, but many of us feel so 'tired'. As in physically tired, also as in feeling 'stuck' with the current position. You pretend to be still in the driver's seat of the company, but you're actually no longer. The young ones are.
...this is how I often felt towards the end of my office career. Then I'd get busy. It's busy. I have another hectic day, don't have time to think about all that. What I have now is probably the best shot. If I left now, I'd lose so much of the pension benefits... Anyway I'm busy, I'm just going with the flow.
I kept fooling myself into believing that way and clung on to the office job for a couple of years, until I finally realized. Good salary, but is this job really worth keeping until the end of time? Hours and hours of overtime and all the politics? And talking about a private pension scheme, is it ever reliable?
Working Online

I'm going to be 55 later this year. Quit my day job 3 years ago to pursue my career online. My primary income is from affiliate commissions and is probably a little more than I used to earn from my office job. But I work a lot fewer hours.
I would recommend anyone to consider working online as one of the retirement jobs for over 50 for a few reasons, such as;
I'll come back to that in a little while. But other than working on the internet, what other retirement job options are there?
Other Retirement Jobs For Over 50

When I checked various sites to find out retirement jobs for over 50, I was quite underwhelmed by the suggestions. The best jobs for retirees; housekeeper, petsitter, driver, concierge... Yep. Very retirees. Those lists might help people who are dreading the worst case scenario ("If I'm made redundant at this stage of life, what jobs are available for me?") But you wouldn't think, wow! I could quit my executive job and become a housekeeper because I'm old!
I must add, I'm not being disrespectful for these jobs, nor should anyone be, because I personally know a lot of young dog walkers and caretakers who do their jobs brilliantly. They should never necessarily be "suitable for retirees", do you agree?
If you go through one of those lists of suggestions to check what's available out there, then you'll probably eliminate the jobs that don't appear to be feasible to you. It'll be like;
- Continue the current job but go part-time - my employer won't allow me that.
- Become a driver - no, I don't like driving.
- Become a dog sitter - I don't mind dogs but dogs don't like me, etc...
The choice is so limited. Once again, the aim is to retire early so that you can spend the rest of your life doing what you really enjoy. Potentially the last 'career' in your life. You don't want to be missing out your possibilities. Perhaps you can ask yourself once again; what do I really want to do?
Turn Your Hobby Into Business
Do you want a life that allows you to spend more time on your hobbies, for your family, to visit places that you haven't been for a long time?
Then I recommend you to do what I do - affiliate marketing. It is a business where you promote products on the manufacturer's/retailer's behalf on your website. When someone visits your site and make a purchase, you'll receive a percentage of the sales price as a commission.
The biggest misconception about affiliate marketing is that you have to sell. That you must choose a product first, and somehow try to encourage your website visitors to buy it.
...It's actually totally the other way round.
The Keyword Is 'Help'

Firstly you build a website and start writing (blogging) about what you love - it can be your hobby, your favorite sport, collection, cooking... Basically anything. It can be about the TV series that you loved as you grew up. The Incredible Hulk, Charlies Angels...
Then you find related products to your blog posts. If your hobby (website) is about cooking, millions of cooking utensils are sold in Amazon. If your hobby is running, all the running gears and energy supplements can be the related products.
You recommend these products to your site visitors. Never 'sell' them because you're an affiliate, not a seller. You give your honest opinion in your blog posts and tell visitors about products that you think is best.
So you help people by making recommendations. This way, your visitors will listen to you, trust you and hopefully, make purchases.
"Building A Website? Too Technical!"
No, it's actually not, because you'll be using WordPress, the world's most popular website builder.
All you do is to choose your website title and theme design out of hundreds of templates.
- Your site will be ready in 2 minutes and you can start writing about the hobby, profession or any subject you feel passionate about - for FREE.
- Of course there will be step-by-step tutorials. You'll receive the first 10 tutorials for free.
- Includes community support 24/7, live chat 24/7 (first 7 days), 1-2-1 support (first 7 days).
- You can stay free forever, but if you are convinced that affiliate marketing is your ideal retirement job, the premium option will be $49 per month, which will be less than 1/2 price of other web hosting/training communities.
Start Blogging At This Age? Yes, You Can.

This is something I never thought I could do either. As you can tell by now, English is not my first language. I know I'm not particularly good at writing, and I don't see myself as an excellent communicator. But I'm managing it (just).
I make my living this way, receiving affiliate commissions. I enjoy running websites about things that I love and get paid for it. Of course you can do this too.
Also Read: Perfect Jobs For Aspergers [Work Online]
Suggested Scenario
This is just an example.
You want to create a website about age-related health issues. The first thing you want to do is to come up with a good website title and the domain name (URL).
Website title: Men's Healthy Adventure at 50 (you can change it at any time)
Domain name: (you can't change it easily)
- 1Build the website - it won't take minutes.
- 2Join the Amazon affiliate program. (It doesn't have to be Amazon - there are thousands of retailers who offer affiliate partnership.)
- 3Start writing!
- 4At the same time, learn how to place affiliate links in your webpage, how to find and use royalty-free images.
- 5Use the keyword tool (free exclusively to the members) to find the best keywords for your blog posts.
The blog post ideas can be:
- "The Best Exercise For Middle Aged Men" - write about your daily exercising regime, and you can also promote gym equipment from Amazon. Not the monstrous ones that young muscle marys use, but perhaps simpler ones that you think are good.
- "How To Lose Weight After 50 Without Restricting Food" - you can promote food steamers or perhaps herbal diet supplements?
- "How To Look Younger But Not Desperate" - you can talk about fashion coordination or anti-aging cream as well as healthy eating and moderate exercise. Promote related products (the cream, clothing...)
- 6Use 'Site Comment' facility to get other members to leave a comment in your post.
- 7Use 'Site Feedback' facility to get other members to leave feedbacks. (What they think of your website. Layout? Content? Areas to improve?)
- 8Any questions, ask the community or the site support any time!
Your Retirement Goal Planner
If 50 the new 30? If you believe so. I don't particularly like that phrase. If you still have the stamina and mentality to party all night, then that's good for you. But whatever the age group you are in, we know that life can take an unexpected direction at any time.
Why am I saying this? Because we all take a little more relaxed attitude towards life as we age. We're not as goal-oriented as we used to be (if you still are, you're not reading this!) Then using your spare time, firstly you can make your retirement work-from-home plan like this - this is just an example.
- Start your online job now.
- By Month 3: Make your first $100 affiliate income.
- By Month 6: Get solid 100 site visitors per day.
- By Month 9: Make $500 per month. Start using paid advertisement services for more returns.
- By Month 10: Make full use of email marketing services.
- In 12 months from now: Make $1,000 per month. Plan when to quit your day job.
- In 18 months from now: Increase monthly income to $2,000 (or more).
Had we still been young, we would have said to ourselves, "monitor your goals regularly, stick to the plan, keep focusing!" The principle is the same, but we should also be enjoying the planning process too. We're busier than ever, get too tired in the evening. If things don't turn out according to the plan, we can be flexible and "relax" the numbers (halve each number, $500 instead of $1,000) or delay the goals slightly. But still focus on your final goal - to retire early.
Your Time Is Now
If this sounds like something you may want to do, then I suggest that you should start now. Seeing is believing, and if you change your mind, you can quit or come back later.
Why now? Because it will take time before you can receive your first affiliate commission. Just like any other businesses, it's all about learning curve and building up.
I'll talk about my experience for the last time.
I started this while I was still working full-time. I fell in love with it (designing my site, searching for topics to write, learning about Google...) But I only had a few hours to spare each day and, it took me 6-8 months before I started to receive enough money to convince myself to quit the day job.
I haven't looked back since, and I believe this is one of the best retirement jobs for over 50. But you never know how this is going to turn out for you. Then you'd better try it now while you still have a main source of income elsewhere.
Never stop dreaming. Build your own stunning website, learn & earn!
Great options on your site, thanks. I semi retired when I was 51 to work from home. I love the flexibility of working online, but I miss the social interaction of an office. It can get really lonely, and sometimes I struggle with staying motivated. There’s no one around to bounce ideas off or have those quick chats that break up the day. But like you say, it’s all your responsibility and if you don’t like what you do, you can always go back to work for someone else. You can keep your head high always. Thanks for the great work.
Thank you for such a piece of vital information. I find it very useful. I would like to retire early and have been looking for the best way to make money as a retiree. In fact, I have been a fan of your website for a while now. This page provides everything I need. Thank you. Recently, I have started to make a fulltime income by taking surveys. It’s one of the best ways because it doesn’t require experience or qualification. It’s good for people who don’t know where to start. Please take a look and join, tell me what you think of it. Thank you.
Hi Mario, thanks for your comment. I had to remove your link unfortunately, as we cannot display affiliate links by third parties, as per our legal disclosure. I have looked at the particular survey site in the past, but I don’t think it’s genuine. There is no terms & conditions page or a user guide. Plus the surveys are not the ones cast by genuine research companies. Surveys-for-cash sites are not designed to let the participant make a full-time income anyway. Where there’s something that anyone can do, there’s not enough resources to pay out. Thank you for your comment, I wish you all the best.
It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. I am Timothy. Due to the volume of comments you probably receive daily, I will keep it short.
In addition to your blog’s amazing content, I also noticed that you write about topics related to my blog. I’d be happy to contribute directly to your blog if you need more contributors. If so, I would be delighted to contribute some original content to your website that your audience will be delighted to read. Currently, I write for several blogs on a regular basis. Check out my latest blog post by clicking the link below.
Please let me know if you are interested – and I’ll send you the blog.
Sincerely, thank you
I had been hoping to retire from the rat race several years before the pandemic hit. In addition to losing my job, I received little redundancy pay, and things got worse when I was unable to find resources and the market was extremely competitive. My search for construction work or vacancies in supermarkets has been fruitless, and now I’m desperate for anything. There is no way out for me.
Is there anything I can do? I can assist you if you need any assistance with your site.
Hi George, I’m sorry to hear that. Unfortunately this is just a content marketing site and there’s no vacancy. I hope you’ll find something but start working on your online business as soon as you can. It may take time but it will happen if you never quit. Sorry I couldn’t help you personally, but I wish you all the best!
Thanks Ray, I'm not 50 yet in fact I'm still in my 30's but the earlier I can retire the better. My goal is to receive substantial income every month no matter how small it is, affiliate marketing is hard but at least you can work on your initiative without getting negative impact from disagreement with other people etc. I like your suggested scenario. I'll follow exactly you say and hopefully get somewhere before I'm too old! Thanks Ray!
Hi Josh, thanks for your comment. I agree with you, working from home on your own is virtually stress-free. Well, not exactly but everything you do is your responsibility and the rewards are all yours, so keep learning, you’ll get there! Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. I wish you all the best!
Hello, thank you.
Life that can only be retired at the age of 50 seems difficult. If possible,
I would like to live a life that is easier and easier to understand, but I also have problems with English, so is it a big dedication to keep things inside? You should try to overcome various obstacles while you are still young.
Hi Li, thanks for your comment but I’m not sure what you mean. If you are trying to say you want an “easy retired life”, start working for it now and work hard for it – that’s all I can say. If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to get back to me at any time. Good luck!
The problem is they increasingly beome forgetful specially the short term learning memory.
Hi Donnie, yes we all do as we age…! We just have to try whatever we can, regardless of our age. I wish you all the best. Thanks for your comment!
This is a great advice. Thank you. How long does it take to learn everything before I can retire to make enough money?
Hi Sunatha, thanks for your comment. There is not just one technique to learn, you’ll be learning continuously. You start building your website as you learn simultaneously, and when your site start picking up traffic, that’s when you start making money. It depends on how quickly you can learn; 6 months, longer, I really cannot give you even a rough idea. Join me from the link in the post and I can take you through.
Thanks for this useful information
Hi Ray, thank you for a valuable article. My father was made redundant when he was just over 50. I remember he didn’t have a job for a few years and struggled.
I definitely avoid the same situation that my father experienced and I’m working hard to learn to make money online. Your article is motivating many people over 50 or senior because there are some practical tips. I was especially inspired by the goal planner.
Thank you, Ashley
Hi Ashley, thanks for your comment. Good to know that the post has helped. I wish you all the best. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask at any time.
It’s a great article. If you want to retire early in this day and age, you cannot rely on employment or any other opportunities created by someone else.
It’s important to find the best investment for yourself.
I agree with everything that you say. Thanks for your awesome post.
Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think it really depends on the job type and industry. And self-employment is as risky. Your business can be beaten by your competitors who are more innovative, I guess! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
Hi, I enjoyed reading your article. I also got myself “Compoundly” training by Paul Nicholls after I read your review. Some of the things that Paul teaches seems unfeasible for me, I cannot do Youtube marketing and things like that. Your article about blogging seems totally feasible however. I think I can do this using my spare time. This may be the way forward. Thank you.
Hi Barbara, thanks for your comment. Yes I feel the same about YouTube marketing, it all depends on your personality, though you never know if something works out or not until you’ve given it a try. If you’re interested in blogging, I can certainly help you. Join me and I’ll take you through.
Really an eye-opening post. I am not old, yet, and I need to work harder too further improve my prospects. Thanks for sharing this Ray.
Thank you!
Your post is truly influential. Everyone over 50 years old (or even younger) should read this!! I have just turned 57 today. Luckily I am able to retire in the next few years but working online will open up a new chapter of my life!! I just like to say thank you. All the best.
Hi Phil, first of all happy birthday to you! I’m glad to hear that the post has helped. I hope you’ll be able to set up your online business, but if you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. Thank you for your comment. I hope you have a great birthday!
Hi Ray, thank you for the great post. It gives me a lot of inspiration. I am very aware the there is no job security in the future, and the only way to secure it is to rely on my own ability and start a business whenever I can, get myself prepared for the rainy day. Your suggestion is inspirational. I need to think about a good topic that I can write about for years and years to come. As I don’t have a hobby particularly but all I care about is my family, maybe it is something I can think about. Thank you.
Good scenario. I love it.
We all worry about the future. We never know if we even receive pension money in the future as we live longer.
Health insurance costs are going up, inflation is getting worse.
The only way is to run your own business.
I’m serious about online marketing job.
Hi Michael, that’s all true, we don’t know what will happen in the future. Especially with AI a lot of jobs are becoming redundant. So start your own side business and get yourself prepared. Thanks for your comment, if you need any help don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
The problem that many of us over 50’s have is that we are not computer literates. Only 20 years ago I didn’t even know where the Start button was. In the past 20 years technology has developed too fast. We haven’t caught up with it and now we are too old to start things like blogging and internet marketing. But I do appreciate your suggestion and good luck to anyone who’s willing to challenge that.
Hi Dawn, thanks for your comment. Yes, it gets harder to keep up with technology as we get older. But many of us over 50’s know how to operate desktops and smartphones, and blogging job doesn’t require such complex technical skills. I would still say, anyone can do it. How long it takes depends on how much time you dedicate and how much you enjoy the process. You’re never too old to do anything, and a ‘can-do’ attitude can make your early retirement life more enjoyable. Thanks Dawn, all the best to you!
Hey Ray, another great post. I’m far from 50 just yet but I’d better get my writing skills sorted and start a blogging job whenever I can. I was really inspired by your other post about pride goods. I really wanna do that. I guess very competitive. Your plan sounds really feasible to me though. Thanks for the awesome suggestion.
Hi Zak, great to know that you’re willing to give it a go. Contact me whenever you’re ready, I can personally take you through! All the best to you, and thank for your comment!
Very inspiring and motivational for us who are experiencing a midlife crisis. No way do I intend to become a driver or dog sitter but no decent employed job left out there, working online seems to be the only hopeful option.
Hi Niall, thanks for your comment. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for you – join me at any time you feel ready, and I can take you through!
Hi I’m not retiring yet but I am increasingly worried about my future as I haven’t paid my personal pension contribution. I have a feeling I will have to work until 70 or over if I’m still alive. Working from home seems like a perfect choice as I don’t know if I can even travel when I’m older. Thank you for a good suggestion.
Hi Kaju, thanks for your comment. You never know what’s going to happen to us in the future, it’s good to have a passive income source and you can start building up now whatever age group you are in!
Your suggestion about blogging seems very good. But the problem is when you reach my age it takes much longer to do something like that. Setting up is something then writing is another skill. Some things are too late to start in life. But I keep that in mind as an option. Thanks.
Hi Mick, thanks for your comment. It may take longer to learn and to get on top of things as we get older, but it’s never too late to start something like this though, because it’s not too technical. It’s comprehensive. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, the main thing is to enjoy it while you make money. Anyway thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it!
Hey, I agree with you on the point that everything’s going online now that working online using a website is one of the most feasible ways to get paid continuously.
Not restricted to people in 50s but anybody in any age group. Plus you are your own boss you will never get fired. If anyone is worried about the future take Ray’s advice seriously.
Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes you’re right, you’ll work on your own initiative, totally on your own, that’s what I love about it. Thank you!
Hi Ray, I am 53 and from London, UK. I was just looking for some ways to retire early but make some extra cash, and just found your Retirement Jobs For Over 50.
This is extremely useful for me because I’ve been made redundant recently and had a hard time looking for a new job. My husband works, so do my two children, but I’d still like to have my career. I’m not young but I’m not old enough to retire just as yet.
Thank you for suggesting a blog opportunity, this is something I’d like to seriously consider.
Kind Regards,
Hi Christine, thanks for sharing your thoughts. It’s good to hear from someone from the UK. Yes you’re still young and I think it’s perfect for you to start an online business promoting niche products that are related to your hobby. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me at any time, I’ll give you a hand as much as I can. Thanks for your comment!
Hi Ray, this is very informative. I have been thinking about retiring early, this sounds like a perfect option. I don’t need a full time equivalent of income, I just want to make some extra cash by writing. What I will do is I will take your writing job advice first and start as a freelancer. Then if it’s feasible I’ll definitely try blogging again. Thanks Ray. Zak
Hi Zak, that sounds like the most suitable plan for you! Let me know if you need any help. Thanks for your comment again!
I am close to my retirement age and was just thinking about working online. This is a very educational post. Thank you.
Dog sitting or driving was never an option as I was always looking to work from my country home. I like the idea of being able to work only with my computer and internet connection. This is ideal. Your scenario example is very encouraging. Thank you for your post.
Hi Joe, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes, a computer and an internet connection are all you need to get your blog business started. Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me.
I worked for an organization for over 30 years. I was transferred to a social media marketing dept then a few months later I was made redundant.
I see myself lucky because just before I left I was able to learn some marketing technique.
Blogging seems to be the perfect idea for me. As it will be very unlikely for me to be employed so easy.
Hello, sounds like this is something you can do – if you need help finding a niche, don’t hesitate to ask at any time. Thanks for your comment, and good luck!
Hi great option. I’m disabled and close to 50 I think one of the very few ways left for me to work to earn actual money is by using online then it makes sense if I start blogging. Thanks.
Hi Myleston, perfect idea. I know many disabled people who are making a success with blogging/online business from home. Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. Thanks for your comment!
This is a very detailed suggestion. Not only as a retirement job option but you can actually start whatever your current age is. I have tried affiliate marketing on and off for the past 2, 3 years without success. Perhaps because I’m not getting proper training and I have very limited source of tools and knowledge.
This looks like a convincing way to start again. I’ve bookmarked this page. Thanking you for the advice.
Thanks for sharing the useful information Ray, I’m not at all yet ready to retire but all your tips can be used right now. Especially about your niche scenario is typical of you giving us a chance to be more creative + imaginative. Great job, thanks!
Hi Ben, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it! All the best to you!
I just noticed your blog today, I want to try the method you said. My website is new and there is no traffic for the time being. I am willing to retire as soon as I can and therefore I need to work hard on this.
Thanks Zella, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask at any time. Thanks for your comment, and good luck!
Ahhh thank you so much Ray. Before I thought I must quit any online jobs and find something more suitable that doesn’t involve technical knowledge. But it now seems feasible. Thanks!
Thanks Koen for your comment. It does require relevant skills but nothing like programming because all the platforms are there. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask any time. Good luck!
Hi thanks to all the tips I want to try out. The scenario has given me a big picture now because I had no idea what it was like to continue to blog. Thank you for this valuable topics, wish you the best ?
Hi Waquas, thanks for your comment. I’m glad to hear the post has helped. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Thank you!
I would be more than happy if I could make $1000-2000 per month as my retirement plan. If I can make $5000 like you do then it’s definitely going to be my option. How do I start.
Hi Kaji, thanks for your comment. Yes if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too. Join us from the link in the post, we’ll take you through.
Hello, thank you for your blog suggestion. It’s been in my mind for a while. I would like to retire well before 50, actually, as I am disabled and can only work part time no more than 4 hours a day. If I can come home in the afternoon then spend my time blogging, it will be ideal. I should start thinking about it seriously. Awesome post, thank you. Louis
Hi Louis, thanks for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like a perfect plan for you. You don’t have to rush into anything. Start now without spending any money and see how you feel about it. Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask at any time.
Hello. I am writing to ask if there are some retirement jobs immediately available to me.
I am 52. I am planning to sort everything out in relation to my family, possessions and future travel plan. If you give me some advice, please call
Hi Wesley, sorry I’m not a recruitment agent. But I wish you the best of luck!
Sounds like a real deal coz you have control over your job. As you get older you never know when you become all of a sudden ill or get fired.
Indeed, you never know what the future holds! Thanks for your comment.
Oh man, I have loads of mates who are in affiliate marketing and make tons of money, it’s just not my thing. I wish. All the networking I can’t do with all the fuss. I’ll have to think about another way. I still have 5 years and a bit til I seriously think about my retirement.
Hi Daniel, this is nothing to do with network marketing that you’re referring to. You don’t have to contact anyone, as you can see from the post. Any question don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks for your comment.
Hello and thank you. For very good guidance. I am over 60 now but would love to try my own online business. Thank you.
Thanks for your comment Lily, if you need help don’t hesitate to let me know!
Hi, initially I thought blogging was never my thing and it would never be my retirement career option, but when I read the “suggested scenario” it makes me think maybe I can do that. It’s all about imagination! Thank you for the very clever post.
Hi Gio, glad to hear that the post has helped a little. If you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. I’ll be more than happy to give you a hand. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, Ray, I have a team of 50 people working online as part of MLM business. I’m over 55, retired 5 years ago. Age doesn’t matter as long as you have enthusiasm.
You don’t mention network marketing but do you have an objection to that? I personally think you can make 10 times or more money from it. Let me know what you think.
Hi CJ, thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. To me MLM is only suitable for certain people – who like networking, i.e. can be harder than employment sometimes. You can only make money by pushing other people therefore it’s not in my list. I wouldn’t say you could make ’10 times’ more, because the method is different, just like comparing two different jobs. Thanks for your comment.
I’ll be happy for the rest of my life if I can get $5k every month. The big question is, will everyone be able to? What’s the secret (if any)? I don’t want to be involved in a dishonest way to sell stuff on the internet. I want to go proper.
Hi Eugene, thank you for your comment. To answer your questions, there is no secret, and not everyone will be able to make a success in online jobs. There are different types and it’s all up to your personality and how much time you can invest in. My other posts may be able to help you How To Make Money Online Blueprint. Always be honest and proper!
Hi Ray. It seems very good for me. I will look for my retirement job in about 5 to 10 years from now. In order to do it, I will need to start very soon. I am not so good at writing in English. But I live in America, I would like to try my best. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Hi Nori, thanks for your comment. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at any time. I’ll be more than happy to give you a hand!
Hi, how do you know this job is sustainable? Right now affiliate marketing is one of the very popular online jobs, but you could say that it’s already saturated. If you take up a job like this at a later stage of life and the income source dries up, there is no other way and for my opinion it’s very risky. How do you think about it?
Hi Mathieu, all I can say is online marketing is considered to be sustainable right now. But like any other jobs, you never know what jobs will disappear in 5 years time and what will come up instead. Until a decade ago the word ‘blog’ wasn’t even widely known. Or you never know what will happen to customer service jobs that are being replaced by robots… I wouldn’t say affiliate marketing is risky in terms of sustainability. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate your input!
Hi, what I really want to do is to continue to interact with people. Especially meeting new people. What I fear is that my brain might get rusty if I stay in a small circle of old friends. Is there any way that over the internet by making my own site, meeting new people and possibly doing new venture business? With you possibly? 🙂
Hi John, thanks for your suggestion. The Wealthy Affiliate community allows you to connect to people with all sorts of different background, although it’s not quite the place to look for a venture business with others. What are you looking into specifically? Perhaps I can do some research for you.
May we congratulate you on introducing such a new way to spend a retired life. Many seniors are not able to travel freely. It could be the most ideal way for them to work from home but not just to earn pocket money but decent money. Thank you.
Hello, thank you so much for your approval! This is how I make money and I consider myself retired since the age of 52. It’s not exactly “easy” to get it started, so I’d recommend anyone who’s interested to start as early as they can. Any questions please don’t hesitate to get back to me at any time!
Hi Ray! I haven’t thought about my retirement life just yet but this post is truly inspirational because my father was made redundant and didn’t have a steady job for about 10 years. And sadly he died from an illness. He was very good at writing, by the way. If he had known that there was such an option he would definitely have pursued a career as a blogger.
Hi Premia, sorry to hear about your father. If you like writing and are thinking about it as part of your retirement job plan, then you can start now whatever age group you are in. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to let me know at any time. Thanks for your comment!
I think one of the most exciting things about planning retirement is to find out what you want to do rather than what’s available. In that respect I agree with you, you should choose to do whatever you want to do. You only live once and it’s your last chance, as you say!
Hi Duncan, hear hear! The main thing is to enjoy it. It’s to believe you’re going to enjoy it! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
Hi, good blog suggestion but I have a question. If you are already over 50 or younger than 50 but still can write about health adventure? What about retirement? Thanks.
Hi Sylvester, sorry I don’t quite understand your questions. In terms of blogging as a retirement job, you can start at any age, and you can write about anything at any age. Get back to me at any time and I can explain it to you. Thanks for your visit!
Hey, I appreciate the suggestion but it’s not like everybody has a choice to do what they want to do. They work to feed the kids and all that. My uncle had to work until he died at 75 because of some addiction probs. He couldn’t read or write means no option in internet stuff. Not everybody has the same taste or skills.
Hi Kevin, there is no job that’s universal to everyone. This post is in a text format, therefore it’s for people who can read. And I recommend this option for the readers who are interested in writing. Sorry to hear about your uncle who had some addiction problems. A problem is followed by relevant consequences, so it needs to be sorted before trying to apply different suggestions in life. I hope you understand this, but thanks for your comment.
Hi, Ray. It sounds like a lot of concentration and determination to do this. But if I can make as much as you do now, I will be more than happy for the rest of my life. It is definitely something I should consider. I work as a driver. I am hoping to quit some time this year. Thank you.
Hi Dietro, yes as you say, if you’re willing to make it a success, you can. If you need any help don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. I’ll be more than happy to give you a hand 🙂
Yeah, that’s exactly what I do as one of my retirement jobs. The trouble is my level of income fluctuate and my future is extremely uncertain with this kind of money that I receive as affiliate.
Hi Amarachi, thanks for your comment. Depending on the niche you’re promoting, it can happen unfortunately. But it is very possible to receive a constant passive income, enough to live a comfortable retirement life. If you want me to look at your promoting method, don’t hesitate to let me know any time, I’ll be more than happy to share my thoughts with you.
Hi, my brother in law started his retirement job 3 years ago, something about online and unfortunately he has made very little money. I would say less than well under $100 per month and he is in debt. I’d rather want him to stop it and start looking for a proper job. But he is 50, I’m not sure if there are any jobs available for him. He does seem to work so hard over 12 hours every day, if he can receive good training perhaps there’s a chance. Any ideas? I am a little hesitant to refer your site to him because it may not be applicable. Please give me advice. Thank you.
Hi Josie, I understand you want to help your brother in law, but you know I can’t answer for him if you don’t think this page/site is applicable to whatever he works online for. If you’re really worried, you can get him to contact me. Otherwise there’s not much we can do to help him without knowing what he does. Thanks for leaving a comment anyway.
Hello. This is something that I’ve never thought about. I thought for a long time all the technology was for young ones. Whatever we do is beyond our knowledge. Let alone create our own websites is not for our generation. But your suggestion sounds like it’s making it possible for all of us. When I think about 5, 10 years time, if I am still here, I won’t be able to travel to work as I do now. I want to save my health and stamina for leisure, if I make money from home, this will be the best solution for me. Thank you for your post. John Kelly
Hi John, thanks for your comment. Just like you said, I once gave up my career in web designing because I thought I was getting too old to keep up with the technology, which is true by all means, but writing a blog is evergreen. Something that people of any age can do as long as they can write. Your plan to no longer travel to work is exactly what I do now. Although I need to actively go out on a daily basis as I’m putting on weight! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Hi, great post. Do you wish to retire now and travel anywhere in the world? Do you prefer to stay in the city other than countryside even when you are retired? Have you every dreamed of working in Wall St? Then I have a proposal for you.
I agree with you. Life is too short. I embrace my life more and more as I am getting older. My health is a worry, my job position is never secure. I need to find what I really want to do. Your idea is very inspiring. Good luck to you with your retirement job searches.
Hi Russell, thanks for sharing your thoughts. If you need any help in building up your own online business, don’t hesitate to get back to me any time!
Hi, I am planning to move to Germany because of various personal circumstances.
It will be a good idea if I can make money by running my own website and make some extra cash. Because I have very limited knowledge in German, I doubt if I can get a good job, if at all.
I will be staying there indefinitely, means I’ll be practically retired over there.
Your post helps me to decide what to do. I know it’s a long term plan, but it’s a convincing plan.
Hi Alicia, thanks for your comment. Your moving plan sounds exciting to me, a lot of new things including the language to learn. I wish you the best of luck. Contact me at any time, and I can take you through!
Hi I thought your page had disappeared but it’s good to find it again because I really needed the information for me to retire early. I would love to start working online but have no idea where to start and what I should prioritize at the very beginning. Please guide me through. All I have is a 5+ years old desktop, a smart phone and internet connection. I am prepared to pay. Thank you.
Hello, thank you for your comment, and also your personal message – I’ve replied but my email’s been returned undelivered. If you send me your right email address I can send you the info again. A desktop is all you need to get it started for now. You don’t want to invest too much money on tools in the beginning. I wish you the best of luck, look forward to hearing from you again.
Hi, I am so happy to find this instruction. I am willing to retire before 60 or hopefully before 50 depending how much money I can make. I will try your method and take as much time as possible o learn. Thank you.
Hi Rasel, that’s great to hear that. It’s best to start preparing earlier than later! Thanks for your comment.
Hi, thank you, Ray, for your advice. I am just about to start my retirement plan.
Doing something on the internet and making it as a career is something that I’ve been thinking for a long, long, time. I will ask some more questions if you don’t mind. OK. Thank you.
Hi Alex, thank you for your comment, and also for your emails! I hope everything’s going well. I’ll speak to you again in the next day or so. Good luck!
I was practically retired when I was 45 and started to learn online marketing. Within the first 3 months I put on 10 pounds because of the lack of exercise. Beware of that! But apart from that I had a great time in internet affiliate marketing. Right now I’m helping my brother’s business I’m away from it but am thinking about going back. Thanks for your advice. But keep exercising regularly!
Hi Terry, wow, I must be careful about my weight too! In fact I have put on a few pounds since I started working from home full time 3 years ago! Because I no longer commute, though I run in the morning and take my dog for a walk in the AM, I don’t go out for the rest of the day. I get tired pretty easily after a long walk. Yes exercising gets more important as you get older! It’s great to know you once managed to retire so early. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
Hi, Ray. I am already starting an affiliate marketing and getting ready to retire. It’s been 12 months but have had ups & downs. I use BuilderAll but constantly struggle to drive traffic. Your site is impressive. It’s something I’m aiming to do. Thanks.
Hi Rose, it’s good to hear that you already have a site (?) but driving traffic is a skill issue, unless you use paid advertisements. You didn’t leave your website URL, if you can give that to me, I can take a look for you and perhaps give you some advice? Thanks for your comment!
It’s a great option, I can still work for a charity shop or wherever non profit organisation a few times a week then work online. If I make any money that will be a plus. Thank you. I’ve never actually thought about it. I’m using social media all the time, why not try this?
Hi Harry, thank you for your comment. Sounds like a great plan! If you need help in starting up, please don’t hesitate to let me know any time!
Hey Ray, definitely a good suggestion that you’re making here. I don’t want to keep working for an employer until I become useless, I’m not expecting to receive good retirement bonus or pension money. I gotta start blogging. Just hard to get around it after I failed to continue. Motivation is all I need. Thanks for the advice. IC.
Hi Isaac, I guess that’s what’s everyone’s mind – the future is uncertain, and nobody wants to have to work until ‘they’re useless’. At least if you keep working online, you won’t have to travel. I’m glad to hear that the post has helped. If you need any help don’t hesitate to let me know any time. Thanks for your comment!
I have been looking for retirement jobs and I agree with you about working online is the best choice to make early retirement. In my past experience I only used my spare time to create sales funnels and I managed to make money using some affiliate method. However I also spent quite a lot of money on traffics. If you want your retirement to happen quickly I suggest that this is one of the best ways. Niko
Hi Niko, thanks for sharing your experience. Yes if you can make sure to make a good ROI, why not spend money on paid traffics or ads? It’s hard to find your target traffic in the beginning though. I personally choose to drive organic traffic by blogging, and with consistency, it works. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
What a good idea. But only if it works. The reality is not everyone has a computer. I don’t own one. I don’t use a fancy cellphone. I can only use a computer at work. Inevitably if retire I’ll have no access to the internet. I need some alternative ways.
Hi Larry, thanks for your comment. I guess it’s whether you want to have a life without access to the internet or not. I’d rather give up my TV or even some of the cooking facilities to save my Mac and broadband, but everyone has a different priority… This site is about making money online therefore I only wrote about my personal suggestion, but I do realize it’s not for everyone. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it.
Hi, great option and good income. Is this normal, or is it possible that other people cannot make money as much as you do. I know I will not be able to work outside because of some health issues. I will be good if I can take online income possibilities.
Hi Eden, thanks for your comment. How much you can make will all depend on how much you are dedicated to your work! If you prefer to work from home, it’s best to start now and witness how easy (or hard) yourself! Any specific questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. I’ll try answering as much as I can!
I really like your suggestion. I have been using my own sales funnels and focus on selling but not blogging. Inevitably I rely on solo ads 100%. Blogging is perhaps the next option. Thanks for the heads up advice for new hopefuls. I hope they make use of this page.
Hi Amand, thanks for your comment. As long as the solo ad providers have a good target audience for you I guess it works very well, assuming you’re in MMO niche? If you have a blogging facility with your funnel builder, perhaps you can start trying when you have some spare time? Thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate it.
Hi Ray, I’ve been thinking about affiliate marketing for a while now. I’m 47, I’m hoping to retire sometime between 50-55. It was good to find your site because I can now form the idea. I must admit the blogging was not something in my mind. Not on the top of my list anyways. Would you say it’s necessary, is there any way in affiliate marketing without publishing blogs?
Thanks for such a useful information. Matt
Hi Matt, thanks for your comment. Sounds like you are at the perfect time to start considering about making a living online. Yes it is possible to be a successful affiliate marketer without blogging. People in network marketing or people who primarily promote products using paid traffic don’t blog. Whichever way you choose you’ll have to learn the relevant technique. The method I recommended in my post is just my way – what I personally think is the best. Any more questions in detail please don’t hesitate to get back to me any time, I’m more than happy to help!