If you search for how to make money by writing a blog, you'll certainly find hundreds of tips and advice. Find a niche that suits you the best. Keyword research is important. SEO. Meta tags... Boring, but helpful. Of course they're all true to some extent. But because it can all sound complicated, those tips and advice might make you think blogging is a hard barrier to entry. You might forget the fact that blogging is such a fun way to make money.
Blogging allows you to show your personality and express your opinion without being interrupted.
Blogging really is a joy. It's supposed to be. In fact it has always been. I built my first website in the late 1990s, well before the word 'blog' or 'weblog' became popular. I just loved the idea of broadcasting my own content to the 'world wide web'. I even once had a part-time web designing job for a living.
Then I had no option but to quit, because things became too technical and I couldn't keep up.
When Content Wasn't King
By the mid-2000s, Flash animation had become the mainstream. A website with no Flash was considered no style. If we wanted to stand out from the crowd - more specifically, in order to monetize our website - not using Flash didn't seem to be an option anymore at one time.
I would spend hundreds of hours trying to create fancy moving images. I'm not a graphic designer, I can't even draw. Content is not king. But Flash is. And me struggling with it, what for?
In the end I quit the web designing job and also put an end to my own website. It was the right decision at the time no doubt, because if website building was about being so heavily involved with animation making, it really wouldn't be my future career.
Having said all that, was everyone using Flash on their site? Of course not. There were many blog platforms where people could simply share information and exchange opinions. Wikipedia didn't have Flash. Flash technology once became the general norm in order to make a site look more professional, hence to make money, yet it was just the norm. So people like me were making ourselves believe that websites without Flash wouldn't make money. If it's too technical to do it myself but too costly to outsource it, the job's not for me, you see?
Blogging: Accessible By Anyone
It was only a few years after I gave up website building, Flash started to become a thing to avoid. No longer considered good because search engines couldn't crawl Flash, also the end users had to have Flash player loaded before they could view the content. I even thought my 2nd Gen iPhone was "useless" when it came to browsing websites back in 2008, because it wasn't supporting Flash.
At the same time, easy website builders such as WordPress and Wix were developed, and for the past over a decade, any individuals and companies have been able to create reasonably stylish websites without much of technical skill.
Don't Be Put Off By How-Tos!
Going back to the point I was trying to make in the beginning. Now it's easy for anyone to build a website, but there's something else that's boggling our minds - search engine algorithm.
If you want to find out how to make money by writing a blog and Google search it, thousands of articles explaining "SEO how-to's" will come up (including this very site, I must add!) Not only about SEO's but copywriting technique, what you should or shouldn't write about in order to keep the readers interested, how to place and where in the page to place a CTA button, etc. etc.
Doesn't all that put you right off? You're just thinking about creating your first blog site. A blog that will hopefully and eventually be visited by thousands of people, and that will make good affiliate income sometime in the future. When you just want to get it started, you find an overwhelming amount of information, as if you must learn everything before you start anything. Are there really so many rules?
It'll be a shame if you give up the idea of blogging just because you think there are too many technical skills to learn before you even start it.
Forget The Rules
The main thing is to get your blogging career started. Don't try to follow all the 'how-to's' in the beginning at the same time. Your brand new blog posts will not be recognized as 'trustworthy' by search engines anyway. While you're not making money with your website just yet, you can, and you should write anything you want, in any style you want, as long as it's your original.
Here are some examples of the "Make Money by Writing a Blog Rules" that you often see but don't have to follow for a while. Just for a while. Try learning as you go along so that your website will start earning passive income at some point in the future. Because for now, taking it all in today won't let you earn money any sooner.
#1 Don't Be Obsessed with Information-Providing
What you often get told is that your website "must provide high quality and valuable information". Because that's what people are looking for on the internet. No one's interested in you unless you're a famous celebrity. So "stop using your website as a diary. Don't write your personal stories, unless they're related to the product you're promoting." So they say.
That's true, nobody cares about what you had for lunch today unless it's relevant to your post topic. But by following this rule ("you MUST provide information"), what new bloggers often do is to literally write necessary information throughout the post, and in a very serious tone.
You're not WikiHow, your blog is you. And what's the point in writing a blog if you're not showing your wonderful personality?
#2 Never Mind The Keywords
You could easily get bogged down in keyword research. You can ruin half of your day by trying to find the perfect keywords.
Finding the best keywords - yes, it's important. But instead of spending too much time for it, I suggest that you just find 'reasonably appropriate' keywords and use them, because your priority is to focus on writing the whole article and publish it. Just remember to use the keywords in...
- The headline (page title) - for example 'Best Travel Umbrellas'
- The permalink (URL) - for example https://yoursite/best-travel-umbrellas
- The first paragraph of your article, if you can.
- Again in a few other paragraphs. Repeat the keywords but don't over-repeat it unnecessarily.
You can always update your blog content as well as the keywords at a later date. In fact, we bloggers all check our old web posts from time to time, to find better keywords and touch up the content so that it will rank better in Search Engine Results Pages. By that time, you may be using a better/faster keyword tool and easily find more search engine friendly phrases.
So to summarize, don't worry about keywords too much right now!
#3 You CAN Change The URL
Many experts say, you can change your headline (page title) or any of your blog content, but you mustn't change your permalink. But they often advise you without the full logical explanation, unfortunately.
What they're saying is, with the above 'umbrella' example, you might find a better key phrase 'Best Compact Umbrellas' instead of 'Best Travel Umbrellas' at a later date. You can rename the title to 'Best Compact Umbrellas' but you cannot change the permalink to https://yoursite/best-compact-umbrellas because it can "potentially harm your site ranking".
That is only the case if your page is already ranked high in search engines and the page has backlinks from other sites or internal links from other pages.
At the early stage of your website building this will rarely be the case, so I suggest that you don't have to be afraid of that. You can always check to see your page is back-linked by using a tool such as SEOquake. Also to see if your site has broken links using a free broken link checker.
#4 Don't Be Obsessed With Word Count
"You must be writing at least 2,000 words in order to rank on the first page of Google". It seems to be the case most of the time, sadly. And it gets harder as more and more content marketers write insanely lengthy articles for ranking purposes.
However one of my most popular niche affiliate pages back in 2016 was about vintage style suitcases, was in the first page of Google with that very phrase, but amazingly the page had only less than 350 words.
Sadly I neglected to maintain the site (lost interest in the niche, in other words!) and the page has vanished from SERPs, but it did tell me that a blog article could be extremely short and still manage to be recognized by search engines.
#5 Forget Backlinks!
A backlink is where another website places a link to your site. So the webmaster recommends their readers to refer to your site. It means your website is seen trustworthy. Many SEO tools measure the value of your website by the number of backlinks that you have. (There's more to it, but that's what it is, to simply put.)
One of the few best ways to receive backlinks from other websites is...is to ask!
If you've written an article about travel umbrellas for example, Google search for other websites in the same niche, and send a polite email to each website owner.
"I was reading your page about umbrellas and found the information very useful. Especially about XYZ... By the way, I've written an article about travel umbrellas. I'd be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes to read it for me, and the link in your page if you consider it worthy. The URL is..."
Do you have time to do that? You might do, but I suggest that you shouldn't waste it. While it seems to be a good idea, it is only an alternative strategy to rank better in SERPs. Use your precious time in writing another good meaningful blog post!
Also let me add that some experts don't believe in backlinks: "Are Backlinks Good For Rankings? Nope."
What Not To Do
I must reemphasize that these rules that I've mentioned will come as important in due course. But the most important thing for you right now is really, to enjoy the whole blogging experience, so don't let these rules become your obstacles right now. That's what I'm trying to say.
However, there are a few things that you really mustn't do. So keep these in mind from Day 1.
(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
December 2024: $8,380.00
Ways To Make Money by Writing a Blog
The best way to make money by blogging is as an affiliate because you're not selling anything, you only recommend products to your readers. It's a great idea mainly for two reasons;
#1 Promote Anything You Want
Any brands that you love, any services that you think are useful, any household items, say, that you think are convenient - you can share your thoughts with your readers and make a recommendation in your blog post. Providing the brand offers an affiliate program, you can promote anything on their behalf, and when your blog reader makes a purchase via your page, you'll receive a commission.
#2 No Need To Worry About Sales/Order Status
You don't need to worry about any maintenance aspects that merchants normally face - ordering stocks, monitoring orders, customer services, etc. When they buy, they buy, and you'll automatically receive a commission (simply speaking!)
Except that sometimes your readers may leave a comment to ask for more information about the product that you recommend. You are not the seller, so you give your honest opinion about it. In fact it's important to tell them your honest view because you're trying to influence your readers by making recommendations. Although you might not want to be too brutally honest and criticize products that you have an affiliate agreement with. But then if you didn't like a brand, you wouldn't become an affiliate...
Amazon Associates Program
Amazon affiliate program (Amazon Associates) will definitely give you versatility in terms of promoting products that are related to each blog post. For example, if you like fashion and your article is about feeling blue on a rainy day, you can certainly introduce some colorful umbrellas for ladies, classy rain jackets for men, waterproof boots perhaps.
It's great because you are allowed to promote almost any items that are sold on Amazon. Also joining the program is easy and you can start promoting goods on your website almost immediately. Check for more details from here: How To Make Money As Amazon Affiliate.
If You Like A Particular Brand
If you are a fan of a particular brand and intend to recommend multiple products from the brand, the best way is to Google search by the phrase "[Brand Name] + affiliate program". For example, if you love the fashion brand Paul Smith, search by the phrase "Paul Smith affiliate program".
You'll find a page that explains how to join with a signup link. Not always, because not every brand is open to an affiliate program, but most of the time you'll find it. (By the way, if you want to be an affiliate for Paul Smith, you can find it in the affiliate network FlexOffers.)
The joining application can be a 1-step process or a 2-step process. With some brands such as Paul Smith's example will be a 2-step; they will first ask you to join the affiliate network (FlexOffers), then to join the brand's affiliate program. They're all free to join, and it's not difficult - you just need to fill in a simple form (your name, address, website address, how you want to get paid, e.g. via PayPal). 99%+ of brands check your application manually so you'll wait about a day for it to be approved.
Placing Your Affiliate Link In Your Post
Once your affiliate application is approved, you'll be supplied with banners, text links and some convenient widgets that you can embed in your blog post. You can place the link multiple times within one post but don't go crazy, obviously!
[1] - You can simply place a text link, but it's a little boring and can be easily missed.
If you want to know how to make money online >>> Click HERE! <<<
[2] - You can place a banner in between two paragraphs, but it can be missed too because the eyes of the users are often used to ignoring any ads completely while reading a web article.
[3] - Or you can place a Call-To-Action button which is definitely effective;
How you can place a link in your blog post - check the related post "How To Create A Website For Affiliate Marketing".
Advertising Ads
Google Adsense allows you to earn on a PPC (pay-per-click) basis. Means every time your reader clicks the ad on your website, you'll receive a few cents. As far as your expected income is concerned - how much exactly depends on the ad, but it's a very small amount. So it's almost not worth considering it as a way to make money by writing a blog.
But it will add a variety to your post, and also it's easy to sign up with Google Adsense. For an experience you might just want to try it out. Of course there are many other PPC agencies available, but the rates per click are all so low, I personally don't think it's worth trying them out other than Google Adsense.
Make Money by Writing a Blog
Do you want to set up your website for free and start writing a blog today? You can actually do that in the next few minutes. Your immediate goal is to get your blogging platform kick off without worrying about any complex methods. You can learn all the SEO 'rules' gradually as you keep posting your blog from here.
Your post is encouraging for someone like me who is apprehensive of writing about themselves.
It is good to be reminded that you are not an encyclophedia you don’t have to write information all the time. You can be yourself.
My writing style has not established yet but I am guessing it’s only practice that makes it better.
Thank you for your advice. I can make use of it for the future.
Hi Jamie, thanks for your comment. You don’t even have to try to ‘establish’ your writing style, I don’t even know if I have mine! Good luck & all the best to you!
Hi I had a blog for over 6 years and all of a sudden I got banned by google. I knew a few signs but I wasn’t warned in advance. Out of the blue my site stopped ranking. Tne damage was so big. I learned a huge lesson. You need to learn good technique and don’t take bad advice from people in yester years. that’s my advice.
Hi Roman, sorry to hear your experience. Not sure what exactly you’ve done, I’d like to hear your advice more in detail? Thanks for your comment, please get back to us!
Hi Ray I totally agree with what you are saying. If you have time to wonder if it’s worth writing a blog or not because you don’t have enough experience, you are totally wasting your time because everyone was once at the starting point, if you don’t decide to do it, you are not even standing.
I think your post will help millions of blogging hopefuls. I really hope so. Thank you for your inspirational post. Best regards,
Hi Isa, I appreciate your comment. I’m glad that you agree! I wish you all the best to you too. Thanks for your visit!
Hi Ray, I think blog writing is one of very few, convincing ways to make money along with Youtubing. People who are seeking for a get rich quick schemes try to avoid it but bad news for them is that without a blogging platform they will never make money properly.
If anybody listens to what you say about not to worry about the rules but start trying anyways, they will be able to continue and learn in due course. Thanks for your advice.
Hi Seb, you’re absolutely right, any website business without a blog is not sustainable, because it won’t be found by organic search. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it!
Hi, I too have not enough courage and motivation to start a blog. I’ve had my site for a long, long time about 4 years but I’ve only updated less than 10 times, I am paying for the website domain name for nothing. I don’t really know if I should carry on but your post has encouraged me a little.
What is the best way to give a revamp to my very old site?
Hi Pandre, thanks for your comment. If you still want to use your domain then simply restart blogging, but if not, perhaps you can start building something totally new? Let me take a look at your website then I can give you advice. Contact me at any time, I’ll take you through!
Cool blog. I wish I could write a blog like you. I know you have to be persistent but it’s extremely difficult.
Hi, thanks for your comment. No every job is suitable for everyone, but if you love something you can start by believing yourself!
Hi, very informative article. Because too many people struggle to understand how search engine optimization works and they spend an enormous amount of time learning, then they neglect their primary duty…to keep publishing blog posts. This is important to let all of us know that not to be afraid of all the rules and keep going. Thank you for great post.
Hi Anusha, yeah that’s the plan! I hope the post and also your comment will encourage blogging hopefuls who feel apprehensive. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Hi Ray, thank you for your guidance. Your advice not to be bothered by the rules makes perfect sense, I have written some articles on Medium and didn’t have to worry anything about SEO. Now I’m willing to take more control of my own blog and hopefully monetize it in the future. Your guide helps me a lot together with other pages. Thank you. Fiona
Hi Fiona, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask at any time!
Hi, thank you for a mindboggling article. I am still learning affiliate marketing. If I make money by blogging and make it as a full time income it will be ideal. I have one question, you say you can change URL but if someone has already linked to your page it’s best not to change it?
Hi Kenny, if your webpage is informative enough for other people to link back, then no, you shouldn’t change the URL, you may lose some other visitors otherwise. This is just for the beginning when your website has virtually no visitor, then you can do ‘almost’ anything you want, in my opinion. Thanks for your comment. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time.
Hi, you mentioned about keyword stuffing but how about links, I was interested to see your post with many links. How many are allowed?
Hi Nitesh, in my opinion as many as up to 1-2 do-follow links per every paragraph, as long as the link destinations are all authority sites, the page can still rank high in Google. Not to spammy sites.
Hi, I find it very interesting to read. I have no idea in SEO and things that you shouldn’t do. I’ve bookmarked this page and your site so that I can come back to. I’d like to start as a freelancer then eventually wish to run my own blog. Thank you.
Hi Natsuki, I’m glad to hear that the post helps. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask. I wish you all the best, and thanks for your comment!
Thank you. You give me a courage to write a blog. Many information is good help for me because I have no experience before. Thank you.
Hi Dila, thanks for your comment. I’m glad to hear that the post has helped. If you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to ask any time!
As always, such a great piece of content, Ray. Thanks for this guide. I wonder how long it will take to get settled in terms of building a blog site, from the very start to the time your page starts to rank?
Hi, thanks for your comment. People talk about ‘ranking’ on search engines but that all depends on the long tail keywords. You can get your blog site up and running within a day, start blogging straight away and get your page ranked on the same day as long as the keyword is scarce!
Hello. Thank you for your advice. One of the best things I’ve ever read was in one of your past guides. I will try my best following this. Surely I wil let you know the results.
Thanks Kristina, any questions don’t hesitate to ask at any time!
It’s an extremely helpful guide. I owned my blog between 2008 and 2014 when I could have been a travel writer making money never crossed my mind. I never made a penny. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing such useful info because it makes me think about blogging once again. Good work, keep it up.
Hi Pete, thanks for sharing your experience. It’s great to hear that you maintained your blog for 7 years, yes this time monetize it! Once you know the technique you’ll be swimming. Thanks for your comment!
Hey Ray, terrific article as always, I’m a big fan. Thanks for your amazing post.
Thanks Irvan, I appreciate your comment!
This is awesome! Before I was writing with full of doubts because if you don’t have an SEO knowledge what’s the point of writing using your own domain name. But now I am much more confident. Thanks!
Hi Steve, thanks for your comment. Glad to hear that the post helps. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you!
I wanna just thank you, for all information you share with us, you’re amazing. I like receiving step by steps tips from you. I wish you all the best to you 🙂
Hi, thanks for your comment. Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time!
Thanks for another great post, will be implementing them in my future and hopefully I will build my own writing platform to monetize.
Hi Azeem, great to hear that, thanks for your comment. I appreciate it!
Fantastic resource. It’s interesting to see that blogging platform is not totally dead (as many say), I have been working on sales funnels only but I’m just about to start a large niche marketing campaign by daily blog. Great read!
Thanks Akil for your comment, I’m glad to hear that the post has helped a little. I wish you the best of luck!
Hi Ray! Awesome post. It’s been a while I updated my blog (kinda busy with other projects) but I agree with you 100% because I can tell you from my own experience. It took me like 2 to 3 years before I finally decided to build a website. I thought it would be like an astronomically difficult thing to do. I thought I had to learn all the techniques before I even started. It’s not as hard as you think. Anybody can do this. You don’t have to hesitate. Cheers Ray!
Hi Zak, thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate it. That’s right, don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate!
Hi, thank you for all the advice, Ray. I am beginning to believe that I can start a blogging job despite the fact that I have zero confidence in it. My job is at risk and I am leaving my family home, this seems to be the best option. Especially if I don’t have to remember all the training content all at once, it seems like something I can do. I will contact as you suggested. Thank you.
Hi Vernie, congratulations on your decision to try blogging which is totally new to you. By all means if you need any help don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, I would like to learn how to make money by blogging please. I have some experience in article writing but not in blogging. I understand the basics from your post but I would like in depth training. I would like to receive training for free until I can make money.
Hi Kavita, you can join us and receive training. If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck!
Great post. I can learn a lot from this post. I know lot of webmsters are just obsessed by the word count which makes me think we all have to write lengthy posts. It’s a relief to hear from someone like you that you don’t really have to. At least at the start. Thanks for your work. Alex
Hi Alex, thanks for your comment. Good to hear that the post has helped a little!
Hi, it still looks like a hard job to do. My problem is I only have an hour max a day, I’m running my own business all on my own. Firstly I need to set up a website but secondly, is there an option to employ someone to write a blog?
Hi, yes it is possible to get other people to write blog posts for you. If full-time, obviously you’ll be paying a hefty amount of salary though. Any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. Thanks for your comment.
Hi, I read your article with interest. I guess if you ignore all the rules and keywords and start writing, the posts won’t be listed in Google and only they’ll be listed when you start using the right keywords, so what’s the point of it?
Hi Slava, your posts will be listed in Google whatever you write (unless the contents are a censored material). The so-called “keywords” will only determine the position in the listing, and they can be edited and improved at later dates. My point was, not to waste time to hesitate and keep going.
Hi, thanks for your email Ray. I just found this post. It’s interesting what I thought was not good is actually okay like about keywords you don’t have to worry. It’s true, you get obsessed with these things and you don’t get anything done. Just write, that’s it. Then you start other things next. Good review. Thanks.
Hi Wade, that’s right, no need to feel apprehensive. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, I have been trying to write blogs for many years but without success. How can I continuously publish blog posts? The problem I always have is I cannot write consistently. I try my best but I run out of ideas or I cannot spend long hours. Please guide me. Thanking you in advance. Rasel
Hi Rasel, I think it’s the same kind of challenge for every blogger. Everyone experiences writer’s block! You just need to keep searching for new topics and inspirations I suppose. As for spending ‘long hours’, I schedule my time of day and try to finish writing within the timescale. That’s all I can do… What do you think? Thanks for your comment.
Of course, I remember Macromedia Flash! And Dreamweaver! I was pretty good at using Dreamweaver but just like you I just couldn’t get Flash to work. Too many dots! Those days are gone. And forever. I hope!
Hi John, Yes Dreamweaver! Wasn’t it the easiest website builder to us? Didn’t nested tables use to drive us crazy? Those were good old days! Thanks for your comment.
Hi, I appreciate your honest opinion. I must agree that if you are worried about how to get things right before even starting any job, it will become a huge obstacle and you won’t be able to do what you originally planned to do. The most important thing is to get it started, then worry later. I totally agree with your post.
Hi Eden, yes, that’s all true! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
Hi Ray, thank you for the post, and thank you for giving me an opportunity to write a guest blog for you. I have finished half way. I will send it to you as soon as I can. Now I find this post very useful and encouraging for me. I will keep going as much as I can. Thank you.
Hi Jun, thanks for your comment. I’m glad the post is of help. I look forward to receiving your article. Speak to you soon!
Good suggestion, though sooner or later you have to learn all the technique ,and even so you are not guaranteed to earn substantial income every month. plus you never know what’s gonna happen in the future. If everyone’s blogging nowadays it’s getting increasingly competitive isn’t it.
Hi Amarachi, I get your point but no job in this world is absolutely evergreen, and any job requires you to learn techniques more or less. In fact many types of offline businesses are going. So I still recommend anyone who’s interested in writing a blog to make it happen without hesitation. Thanks for your comment.
Hi, your post has inspired me to ask a question. I’ve got someone to write then someone else will put in some money If I can get 100 writers in a reasonable period of time, Would you be down to help? I and some writers that I have a connection with could really use the momentum and it might just get us completely funded, all or nothing! The pledges only go through and we only get the money if we can hit 100% funded.
Hi Sam, thanks for your comment but I don’t understand what you’re saying. If you can give me a little bit more in detail, I’ll see if I can help. Thanks!
Hi Ray, I remember about Macromedia Flash exactly as you said. I am one of the ones who gave up web designing because of the Flash trends. When 10 years old children could create amazing animations, I was struggling and it made me feel like a waste of time.
Now blogging and youtubing are mainstream, maybe those are the things that I can try again. Thanks for the encouraging post.
Hi Russell, great to know that there’s someone who knows what I’m talking about! If you need help particularly about a blogging startup, do let me know at any time, I’m more than happy to help. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, do you know if I can keep writing a blog even if I move to Germany, I know all the SEO rules might be different out there but I’ll be writing in English? Targeting USA customers and the niche will be about US products. I don’t know how to go about.
Hi Alicia, if your target audience is not in the country you reside, you either need a keyword search tool with a geotargeting tool or VPN (or both) to check your search engine ranking positions. But as I said in the post, the main thing is to start blogging first. Contact me at any time, and I’ll be more than happy to take you through. Thanks for your comment.
Hi, it’s so true you know about the word count, My page that came on top of Google last year only had less than 400 words, so don’t worry about it. I quit my blog because despite the Google success I didn’t make money. But it’s a good try for any one if they continue to post as many posts then hit Google. You can make money with a blog. Good luck to your success.
Hi Cane, thanks for sharing your experience, whether you’re planning to blog again or not I wish you the best. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, thanks for your advice, thanks also for your email. I think you just cleared my confusion about web hosting. So it’s definitely not possible to start blogging and affiliate marketing at the same time. Then I will find some alternative ways but will get back to you. I have also told a couple of friends of mine about blogging ideas. One is interested. Will let you know. Thanks, appreciate it.
Hi Alexander, as per our conversations earlier (promote your affiliate products on your blog), I hope all is going well. If you have more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. Thank you!
Hi Ray, I try to follow exactly as you advise me. But my English is not so good. I struggle but is it ok? I like to do anything to make money. If blog is so important I will try. Thank you.
Best regards
Hi Rai, the main thing is to enjoy what you do, so if your ‘struggle’ is too painful maybe you shouldn’t, but your English sounds great to me (mine’s not good either!) If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, I came to this site via your retirement job online work suggestion and for the first time I think it is a brilliant idea to write a blog. It’s a great way to spend a quality time in the evening (instead of spending hours on Facebook!!) and if I can make money from it it’s only going to be a plus. Thank you for such a wonderful post. Harry
Hi Harry, I’m glad to hear that you’re willing to start your own blog. Thank you for your comment, and also thanks for your emails. I wish you the best of luck with every success!
Hi, it is a very good advice. We have forwarded your page to our clients. Many of them are looking to start independent blog but they have no idea as to how they can monetize and how long it will take them. Also they are anxious that there are too many mistakes they can possibly make. We believe this page will help them succeed. Thank you for such an informative site.
Hello, thanks for your comment, I’m glad to hear that the post may help your clients. Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time!
Thank you for the information I find it very useful because these are the exact reasons that I did not start blogging. But instead I created sales funnels and I managed to receive some commissions. My belief is that not necessarily you need to be writing a blog but you just need to have your website continuously running so that your brand will be known by people. Niko
Hi Niko, congrats to you for successfully running your business! You don’t have to blog if you have enough source of traffic by using solo ads, etc. Yes as you say, it’s important to be persistent. Thanks for your comment!
Good to know what not to do because I think I made a lot of duplicate content. Am I allowed to make duplicate content in my own site like identical 2 pages?
Hi Amand, thanks for your comment. No it’s not a good idea to have two identical pages. You can specify a “canonical” page – this Google page can help you: Consolidate duplicate URLs.
I can say blogging is the only way you can make sure you receive passive income, from my 5 years of experience. It is extremely important to learn blogging techniques. Else you will not make any money.
Hi Ahiba, thanks for your comment. I agree with you, there may be some other internet marketing methods but blogging for me personally, is the only convincing way to earn constant passive income. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
As much as a good idea to ignore the rules when you start blogging, it doesn’t always work for everybody because without seo knowledge your site will be unlikely to rank. And as you see nothing’s happening no result after your blood and sweat, then you will be demotivated and it will be so hard to find a reason to continue. That’s how I see.
Hi Royhan, yes as you exactly say, you’ll start learning about all these techniques at some point in the very near future in order to make your website known. What I was trying to say was, don’t get overwhelmed by all the information in the beginning. To simply put, just get it started. I hope it makes sense. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your input!
Hi, I was blogging for 3.5 years but long time ago. Now the standard of blogging seems very high. Not allowed to write just anything but you have to write something that readers are interested because the competitions are high.
I would like to learn start all over again because this is something I enjoyed very much.
Thank you for your advice. It’s very useful.
Hi Pé, thanks for your comment. Yes the blogging competition might be tougher compared to years ago, but you can’t take away the fact that the experience will give you so much joy and also opportunities to get paid. It’s great to hear that you’re willing to start again. Thanks for your visit!
Hello, it’s very impressive you manage to receive passive income every month. Please guide me, how can I find the best product to promote. I tried for a few years in the past but never worked out. My website was hacked and I had to abruptly quit my affiliate quest. If I know the best platform and know the best product I am willing to restart again. Thank you for your assistance.
Hi Abhijit, sorry to hear that your blogging/affiliate marketing experience hasn’t been great. You know you need to be persistent, so don’t be put off by the unfortunate events and start again. Your question – the best product to promote should be a product that you believe in the most! I can recommend you some products to use, but I cannot recommend you products that ‘pay the most’… I hope it makes sense. Thanks for your comment!
Hi, let me congratulate you first of all for your success….
Writing a blog is not easy for just anybody, it takes a lot of patience and concentration to complete one post….
You seem to be doing so well, and let alone making money is the next level but you have made it to live a life of your dream….
This is that way that every new online marketer should follow.
Hi Fergus, thanks for your comment and your compliment. Yes as you say, blogging is not everyone but it’s accessible by anyone. I’m hoping this post will help people who may think the hurdle is too high to start building their own blogging platform to change their mind. Perhaps you could give it a try too!
Blogging is a great way to make money online. But if you don’t make money from it, it can demotivate you. It’s really important that you think about monetizing your blog if you haven’t. This is a great post. Thank you.
Hi Kym, you’re right, the level of income from your blogging is a great motivation factor! Thanks for your comment!
So are you telling me you don’t need seo for blogging?
Hi Dan, you do need to learn SEO if you want to drive organic traffic to your site, as I mentioned in the post. But it’s something that you can gradually learn as you build up your site, nobody has to be warned about it before even starting anything. Any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time. Thanks for your comment!
Hi do you know if a partially blind person can join your scheme, I am and my writing skill is not too great.
Although my writing speed isn’t too bad, there are some times that I cannot work in the evening because of the sight.
Hi Zelda, I actually know someone who is actually partially blind and has been successful in blogging and making money as an affiliate. If you can send me a message from here I can tell you his website URL and show you how fabulously this person is doing. The writing speed is, I can say almost irrelevant because I write extremely slow.
To be honest I cannot really work in the evening either, as my eyesight’s not great and I get pretty tired! I wish you the best of luck, any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me any time 🙂 Thanks for your comment!
Hi, interesting story about Flash animation. I remember there used to be lots, I used to see it on almost any artistic sites like portfolios. Never thought about making it myself. If it was still here I wouldn’t be considering writing a blog either. Good post. Thanks.
Hi Fazill, you’re absolutely right…I hated it (loved Flash, hated making it!) Thanks for your comment!
Hi, thanks for the encouraging post. I am so apprehensive about showing myself on web space and all the security aspects. But your post makes me realize this is something millions of people are doing and makes me think this is nothing special. I’m willing to make money by writing a blog.
Hi Colin, I see what you mean because about 10 years ago my ID was stolen. I’m not going into the detail but it was seriously stolen. Time’s passed and the web spaces are pretty securely protected, we don’t really have to be worried about it just for being bloggers. Great to hear that you want to get it started. Thanks for your comment and also your email messages too. I’ll catch you up later!
Hello, it’s something different than what I expected. I thought you get paid by someone directly by writing a blog. Is it something that you offer, if so how much do you pay? Please give me some advice, thanks.
Hi Bilkis, you can make money by writing a blog article for someone else. Sign up with a network such as iWriter and Fiverr and advertise yourself. But no, this site doesn’t offer such services. Any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Ray! I find your website the most helpful, there is so much I can learn from your site. I’m just gathering my ideas and I’m more than willing to start my own blog and DEFINITELY I’d like to monetize it. What’s the best way to find out my niche? I know it should be something that I really love but when I have several ideas, I’m so undecided. I need a little more advice… Thanks Ray! I hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Premia, thanks for your comment. I’m glad to hear that this site helps. If you have several niche ideas, you might want to nominate one that shouts out to you the most and leave others until sometime later in the future. You can always create your 2nd, 3rd websites later on. Contact me any time and I’ll be more than happy to help 🙂 Thanks Premia, you too have a good weekend!
Very informative review. What I was impressed was that you listed up online marketers “rules” and what you should do with it. What I wasn’t impressed was that, you didn’t refer other methods of making money like investment like cryptocurrency, which helps millions of people make money. Also there are many other ways to make money online. Not just by writing blogs. But I praise you for your effort.
Hi Watts, I appreciate your comment, but the blog post is about making money by using a blog platform (look at the title!) It’s nothing to do with investment. Maybe you were confused with other posts on this site? Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me 🙂