Jaaxy Review – SEO Keyword Search Tool

Updated: January 1, 2018
by Ray Alexander

It is crucial for a webmaster to operate a keyword research tool comfortably when writing an article. Jaaxy is an indispensable SEO keyword search tool for their website to be ranked in search engines. Google, Yahoo and Bing are there to provide the most relevant and up to date information to the users when searched by words or phrases. You as a webmaster, research SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve your website’s ranking in the search engine.

One of theJaaxy Review most important factors for SEO is that your website is targeting the right market. You need to make sure the words and phrases you use on your site are correctly “optimized”, so that more visitors will find your site when they search by these words.

Jaaxy (www.jaaxy.com) SEO Keyword Search Tool

Jaaxy is a web-based powerful SEO Keyword Search Tool. I have been using it myself for a while. I’ve used many free tools such as Keyword.io and Übersuggest, I’ve also used Long Tail Pro (which is also great), but in my opinion Jaaxy is by far the best keyword search tool, costs me $19 per month but I think it’s well worth the money. So I wanted to share my experience with you.

Free registration, search the first 30 keywords/phrases for free. No spam by registering your email address (important!) No Credit Card required (even more important!) So I’d like to show you how to use it, and see if you like it.

[1] Simple Keyword Search – Step By Step

Jaaxy first step

First of all there’s a blank box for you to type in the keyword(s) you are looking for. I’ve just put “new york cruise” for example. If I wanted to write a blog about a cruise vacation from New York, what would be the best keywords to use, in order to be ranked high in search engines?

Jaaxy Results

I’ll explain the main listing from left to right;

Keyword: the top line (“new york cruise”) is the word(s) you just typed in. From the 2nd line onwards are random suggestions of similar key phrases often being searched.

Avg: Average number of searches that the keyword receives per month = the more the better. Meaning the phrase “new york cruise” is searched 308 times per month in the world.

Traffic: Visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the search engines = the more the better. If you use the keyword “New York Cruise” in your website and ranked in the first page, 53 people per month will click and view your site.

QSR: Quoted Search Results. Number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword = the less the better, and generally should be at least less than 200. So there are too many competitors who use the key phrase “new york cruise”, as 213 is a little too high.

KQI: Keyword Quality Indicator. Green=Great, Amber=Normal, Red=PoorSo using the phrase “New York Cruise” is just okay, not the best, as shown as Normal.

SEO: A score based on traffic and competition. The higher the score, the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page. (Score of 1-100) – as you can see 78 is not bad, so-so. It means just using the phrase “Yew York Cruise” is not the best idea.

Domains: Availability of domains that are related to the keyword. I’ll just click Search to reveal…

Domain availability

This means www.newyorkcruise.net is available. www.newyorkcruise.com or www.newyorkcruise.org are already taken. If you click where it says .net, a new tab with the domain hosting site, Wealthy Affiliate Domain Service screen will open.

Related: the list underneath this heading are similar or longer-tail phrases, not necessarily including the exact phrase “New York Cruise”, but randomly selected from search engines to give you more ideas. Such as “NY cruise”. This is useful because it’s just made me realise that not everyone would type in the word “New York” in the search engine box, because universally “NY” means New York.

Apart from the top line – all other suggested phrases are scoring quite high – all green, all over 90. But not all the phrases are relevant to what I want to write about.

Keyword search close look

“New York Cruise Holidays” sounds like something that I can write about, average number of search is only 40, only 7 people may click my site per month, but not many competitors (9), it’s shown as Great, and the SEO factor is high as 100.

So I’ll once again click the line that says “new york cruise holidays”

Long tail keyword search

Now here is a list of suggested phrases containing any of the words from “New York Cruise Holidays”. The all look good, all green and all high SEO factor. So it gives me more phrase ideas to use all over my blog page.

[2] More keyword ideas – Jaaxy is a Keyword Idea Generator

Another very useful function is “Alphabet Soup” function shown on the top menu. Earlier on I learned that the phrase “New York Cruise” on its own would unlikely to have my page ranked easy in search engines.

Jaaxy Alphabet Soup

Click Alphabet Soup, and type in the same phrase “new york cruise”.

It will come up with a long list of the phrase plus another word starting with “a”, “b”, “c” and so on.

Jaaxy Alphabet Soup

This function is actually very useful – as it saves you a lot of time trying to think of another longer phrase containing “New York Cruise”, it shows a list within a few seconds. I use this Alphabet Soup function very often myself to get an inspiration or even when I’m stuck with words or expressions, just like using a thesaurus!

[3] Other Features

Other functions & features including;

  • Up to 5 searches at the same time – for example I could start searching about completely different subject, then click to go back to New York cruise searches instantly.
  • Site ranking tool – type in the keyword and your website url (or any url) and check where in Google the site is ranked currently.
  • Brainstorm function – shows you what words are currently in trend in Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Amazon Best Sellers, and Alexa Topics.
  • 4 x training videos worth 1 hour 15 minutes long in total.

Price Plan

As explained briefly above, the first 30 keyword searches free, if you’d like to continue to use, $49 per month (or $588 per year) for unlimited use, and for heavy users $99 per month (or $1,188 per year). For casual users like me, $49 per month Pro plan is more than good enough and fast enough (I think it’s very fast) to search.

Jaaxy Review – updated in 2018

30 Keyword Searches FREE

Try some keywords in the box below and see how you feel – I hope you’ll find it useful.

About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

Thank you for your Comments!

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  1. Hi Ray,

    Thank you so much for sharing invaluable information with us. I would like to start using this software but I just started affiliate marketing 1 month ago. It is a burden to pay USD 49 every month. Is this necessary and is there a discount option?


    1. Hi Bob, thanks for your comment. It is a lot of money for a newbie marketer, and it depends how you’re promoting your products and the scope of it. If you are in content marketing and updating your website daily right now, or running more than one website simultaneously, Jaaxy will save huge amount of time and I’d say it’ll be well worth it.

      Why don’t you give it a try, but use the 30 words very carefully. Let it choose the keywords for you and see how well your page gets ranked, and use other free keyword tools and check the results too. You will not get the answer tomorrow (whether Jaaxy is for you or not) but slowly in time. If you have any technical questions, please don’t hesitate to get back to me. I’ll be more than happy to help.

    2. Hi Bob, I forgot to mention about the discount option – if you pay yearly in advance, you’ll receive 2 months free: $499 per year, i.e. $41.58 per month (though it may be a lot to pay in advance). You can pay monthly, and at any point you can switch to yearly whenever you believe it’s the best tool for you.

  2. Hello Ray. I have heared Jaaxy is part of Wealthy Affiliate now. ? Do you need a keyword research service if you want affiliate marketing? Thank you.

    1. Hi Mai, thanks for your comment. Jaaxy is now accessible from Wealthy Affiliate dashboard, but you don’t have to be a WA member to join Jaaxy. To answer your question…there are many different forms of affiliate marketing. If you promote products by blogging (or content marketing), in order for your web page to get ranked in search engines, the keyword research is one of the most crucial work to do. So yes you need a keyword search tool. There are free tools available online as I explained in the post, but not as good as Jaaxy. Jaaxy will save a lot of time.

      I suggest that you use free tools online, then try 30 searches for free and see what you think. Thanks Mai for your visit.

  3. Hey Ray, keyword search is a pain. I just can’t waste so much time only to find out the right keywords even before I start writing, I’m seriously thinking about using a paid search tool. I’ve read another Jaaxy review and it says Jaaxy can be slow. Do you experience that? Thanks, MP

    1. Hi Martin, how’re you doing? The keyword search speed that Jaaxy provides is I would say totally normal and acceptable. It’s not super lightening fast, it takes 5-20 seconds to return the result. Just like any other word search engines. It can get ‘stuck’ at times, just like it happens with Google search, and all you have to do is to refresh the screen. Again it’s never something you experience repeatedly. As you say, searching for the right key phrases can take up a lot of your time and in my opinion Jaaxy is the perfect timesaver. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Thank you so much for jaaxy review. I like jaaxy but a little expensive but it’s easy to use. I take long time to write my blog and I don’t want to spend so much time in keyword searching, jaaxy saves so much time. I cannot go back to free keyword search.Thank you, Ray.

    1. Hi Tony, thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. I’ve heard quite a few newbie bloggers say that paying $19 for a keyword search every month is a little too expensive. But exactly like you say, your time is precious for keeping up with the constant blog posts especially with new sites. I personally think Jaaxy is worth it.

      How long I spend time on Jaaxy depends on the key phrases. Some phrases are spot on with my blog content, others are too broad or too competitive and, I can always log off, think about other keyword ideas, log back onto Jaaxy and check with my previous search history. It’s “handy”. Thanks again for stopping by.

  5. Hi Ray. Jaaxy sounds like a good tool but paying $19 a month is another big expense for me. Is there a discount if you pay quarterly or yearly? I also have another question. How about the stability of the site. Is it reliable and can you use it off line if you save information? Thanks you have a great site. Pierre.

    1. Hi Pierre, thanks for your queries. Yes Jaaxy offers a yearly payment discount ($199 instead of 12 x $19 = $228…saves $29).

      In terms of the site stability, it’s been pretty reliable. I’ve been a Jaaxy user for 2 years or so and I think there’s been once that the site was extremely slow, but not down completely. Jaaxy is owned by Kyle & Carson from Wealthy Affiliate, and used by many of the WA members, so the good news for the members is if anything happens (e.g. slow loading), we can give other members a shout via live chat. Of course Jaaxy has its own support desk who would get back to you within a few hours the longest.

      Jaaxy is a cloud based tool therefore you can’t use it offline by the way.
      Thanks Pierre, any other questions or comments please don’t hesitate to leave another message.

  6. Good content!

    As a jaaxy user i approve this. It is maybe the most useful tool that i’ve came across with. I have been using it for quite a while and by the keywords that i picked it helped one of my posts to rank in page 1! You believe it???

    I also like the safved keywords tool a lot. It saves me a lot of time and gives me ability to organize my schedule

    1. Hi Tyler,

      Thanks for your comment, and I’m glad you agree with me and great to hear that your post is ranked in page one! Yes I like the function in Jaaxy that shows the history of your saved keywords, it saves a lot of time searching the similar words again & again, certainly makes it easier to organize your SEO schedule as you say.


  7. Jaaxy is by far the life blood of any good website. I have been able to get some of my posts on page one right away because they are the low hanging fruit. But I never would have known that without Jaaxy. I think the $19 a month is well worth being able to build a successful business and get you on the #1 page of a Google search right away.

    1. Hi Jessica,

      Thanks for your comment, I’m glad you like using Jaaxy. I actually use it every day and spend a lot of time finding out keyword trends myself, therefore I agree with you, $19 per month I think is well worth paying for.

      Thanks again,


  8. Hello there,

    Great article for Jaaxy, i am on a pro membership and i feel good with it as my website in the beginning stages, but i am wondering why the enterprise membership is too high comparing to the pro!, Jaaxy is a great tool for keyword search but needs a lot of search to find the suitable keyword, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your comment, me too I haven’t used the Enterprise version and $49 per month is quite pricey for an individual but affordable for a company I guess, and it’s faster (x5 as opposed to x2 for Pro version). I’m glad you are on Pro membership and happy with it. Thanks again!

  9. Jaaxy is the best. It is very straightforward and very simple to use. I started out with the free trial of course which provided 30 free searches. After that I pretty much fell in love with it. So I had to get the pro version. It helped me out a lot. I am now ranked on page 3 on a few of my post. I started out not being ranked at all for about a month. I am now a little over two months total when I created my site. So it definitely works. I tried using the Google Keyword Planner tool but it sucks. I am sticking with Jaaxy.

    1. Hi Brandon,

      Thanks for sharing your great experience! That proves that Jaaxy works really well, great to hear that it’s got your pages high in rank on search engines. I too have tried Google Keyword Planner tool and some other free tools but not as useful, fast and easy as Jaaxy. Thanks again for stopping by.


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