JustGoodTraffic Review – Where Is Everyone?

Updated: February 5, 2020
by Ray Alexander

JustGoodTraffic is another age-old traffic exchange site. While new online marketing tools and methods are continually innovated, traffic exchange hasn't evolved much. The concept is outdated. It's not the number of visitors that matters but it the type of visitors and what they do while they're on your site that matter. Today in my JustGoodTraffic review, I'll look into what kind of options are available and whether you can receive real benefits by joining.

JustGoodTraffic Review

Product Name:

Just Good Traffic

Website URL:



Traffic exchange


Tony Mathews

Launch Date:

December 2012


Free to join


What Is JustGoodTraffic?

JustGoodTraffic.com is a traffic exchange community that's been in operation since 2012. Traffic exchange provides the registered users an opportunity to promote each other's website business. You log into the surf panel, view another user's webpage for usually 5-10 seconds to earn a credit, and that credit can be used to display your website for another member to view. 

You can join JustGoodTraffic for free. As a free member ("Bronze" member), the timer is set for 8 seconds on you per webpage. After 8 seconds, you press the button to view another webpage. Each time you view a page, you'll earn 0.5 credit, and you need 1 credit to display your own webpage to another member.

Am I boring you? I think I am...

JustGoodTraffic Review

Basically, if you want to display your webpage 10 times (viewed by 10 people), you'll have to earn 10 credits by viewing other members' pages 20 times (20 x 0.5 credits), spending 160 seconds in total.

Your webpage can be any page of your choice - your own site or your affiliate link to a product page. As long as you know, not a site that promotes violence, sexually explicit, abusive, etc.

Paid Options

Paid options are available;

  • Silver member ($4 per month or $27 per year) will earn 0.75 credit by viewing a page, and the timer length is shortened to 6 seconds.
  • Gold member ($7 per month or $47 per year) will earn 1 credit by viewing a page, and the timer's length is 4 seconds per page.
Traffic Exchange Level Chart

An ad hoc paid option is also available for all members. If you don't like a fuss of viewing other members' pages to earn credits but wish to advertise your pages in the traffic exchange, you can pay;

  • $6 for 2,000 views
  • $10 for 4,000 views
  • $16 for 8,000 views, or
  • $24 for 16,000 views.

The option is actually a great time-saver because as a free member if you wanted your webpages viewed 2,000 times, you'd have to view 4,000 webpages of other members' to earn 2,000 credits. For 8 seconds each, which means you'd be spending 32,000 seconds = just under 9 hours. You can skip such a time-consuming task just by paying $6, so the option sounds fairly reasonable. In theory, anyway.

Up To 5-15 Webpages At A Time

As you can see from the chart above, you can display up to 5 webpages as a free member and allocate your credits in the way you want. For example, if you want to advertise 2 webpages in the traffic exchange and have 100 credits available, you can have the webpage-A viewed 70 times and the webpage-B viewed 30 times by allocating your credits 70/30 respectively.

Banner/Text Ads

Just Good Traffic Banner Ads

JustGoodTraffic also offers banner or text ad opportunities for an extra fee. It allows you to place a banner within the site, and the fee starts from $6 per 2,000 impressions.

However, it's considered that banner ads are least effective when placed in an entrepreneurs' community like this one, and I'm sure you agree. You might pay attention when you find one or two banners on a page, but when multiple banners are flashing like a tacky Christmas decoration, you see what I mean.

Free Website Rotator Feature

This one's good - if it works. It doesn't work with every site for some reason... You can add as many websites to one rotator, and use the rotator link either in the traffic exchange, or anywhere else, e.g. place it on your website or email. You can add as many sites as you want to one rotator, and a free member can create up to 5 rotator links. 

For example, I've added Bing and Wikipedia to a rotator and named the link "raytesting".

Rotator Link JustGoodTraffic

If I placed this link in my email, and a recipient clicked the link, they would be randomly directed to either the Bing page or Wikipedia page, with JustGoodTraffic ribbon ad displayed at the top. 

JustGoodTraffic Rotator

The ribbon ad at the top automatically has my unique affiliate link, so if my viewer clicked it and joined JustGoodTraffic, that person would become my referral.

However I can think of two negatives about this feature;

  • I've randomly tried to add as many major sites such as Amazon and Google, but they didn't work (came up blank) - it may be to do with the sites that use iframe (?)
  • The link is cloaked, which means the viewer will not know the true URL (bing.com or wikipedia.org). If you were to place the link on your newsletter/autoresponder, you'd better check if your email marketing service would allow it. Never use Amazon affiliate link - you're not allowed. 

How Effective Is The Traffic Exchange?

I've spent a good hour or so in total at different times of the day surfing to see what kind of sites are advertised. Almost all the sites I saw were promoting marketing tools for lead generation, traffic, and "make money" scheme. What I was concerned about is that the same pages repeatedly would show up on me so frequently. It means that there are not many registered users, therefore not effective if your page is viewed by the same people over & over again. If you go for a paid option, you'll be wasting some of your money.

In any case, I really don't think it's effective for the following 3 facts;

  1. "The greater the number of visitors, simply the better chance of ranking in search engines..." is an ancient mechanism. A thousand visitors to your page per day will mean absolutely nothing if they visit for a few seconds and leave.
  2. Only the people who still believe this decade+ old technique cling on to traffic exchange. Their outdated sit designs prove this. It means they're not actively willing to learn new skills or trends.
  3. ...This means they may not be particularly interested in other businesses, hence they're unlikely to pay attention to your campaigns.

For these reasons, I wouldn't really expect much from a traffic exchange site like JustGoodTraffic, unfortunately.

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Can You Make Money With JustGoodTraffic?

With all that said, a 30% commission is offered on whatever your referral spends on JustGoodTraffic.

Refund Policy

JustGoodTraffic's refund policy is not quite transparent, in my opinion. It offers a refund only if there's a payment processing problem. The terms of service say "all sales are considered final and non-refundable, as all purchases for advertising services are automatically delivered instantly" which is not true. (The services may start instantly but deliver over time.)

The terms also say that initiating a chargeback or disputing (i.e. against your card company or PayPal) without first contacting them will result in immediate suspension of your account. So if you're not happy with the service after you've made a payment, the only option will be to indeed dispute against your card company and let them suspend your JustGoodTraffic account.

JustGoodTraffic Pros and Cons


  • Free to join.
  • You get to check what other online business owners promote.
  • The rotator feature may be useful.


  • Traffic exchange is an old technique that no longer works.
  • Not many registered users seem to be around (based on my surfing experience).
  • "No refund" policy.

JustGoodTraffic Review - Conclusion:

For all the reasons I've listed above, you can't really expect good results by promoting your business via a traffic exchange, therefore I wouldn't waste my time and money if I were you. If you really want to find out what other marketers are up to, LeadsLeap seems to have a lot more active members and also offers various tools including rotators and link trackers, you may want to check it out if you haven't already.

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About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

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