Jimmy Connor Look Inside Secret Wealth Review: Is It Scam or Legit?

Updated: May 15, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

Welcome to The Look Inside Secret Wealth review. If you are wondering if this program can really allow you to make 500 dollars per day without a few clicks and less than 30 minutes of setting up, you already know it sounds too good to be true. 

The fact is, there are so many similar programs that tell you easy ways to make money online, are any of them really telling the truth? This in-depth and comprehensive review of The Look Inside Secret Wealth will provide everything you need to know. I will also list some alternative programs that can help you achieve your financial goals more effectively.

 Look Inside Secret Wealth Review

Product Name:

The Look Inside Secret Wealth

Website URL:



Affiliate marketing


Jimmy Connor (fake name)


$7 ($47 less $40 discount)


What is The Look Inside Secret Wealth?

Look Inside Secret Wealth says that it is a program that allows you to make $500 a day just by clicking some links and searching for potential customers for big corporates. But it does not tell you what kind of customers you need to search for or what kind of corporates you are helping your hands. According to the seller, Look Inside Secrets is a legitimate program that offers consumers access to products and services they need to better their lives. The problem is that this isn't always the case. In fact, there are several red flags that should raise suspicion about this product.

This is very suspicious because if someone is confidently selling a legitimate program, they should be more straightforward about it and show some screenshots of the platform. They can show you how to navigate and take you through exactly what to do. But instead, the seller of Look Inside Secret Wealth gives you too much irrelevant information.

Jimmy Connor Look Inside Secret Wealth Review

Too Many Made-Up Stories

In fact, there are too many obscure expressions about the program, and some explanations contradict each other. For example, you are told that you can switch off your PC before your go to bed and still the money is going to roll into your bank account 24/7. But if you want to earn more than $500 a day, you should leave your PC all night, then more money will roll in. This explanation makes no sense at all.

You are also told that a team of technicians will look after your system and all the hard work is taken care of. All you have to do is keep clicking links. If it's true, then, you should be asking this question. Why do they need you? Jimmy Connor says he's a millionaire. In this day and age, if you wanted some simple, continuous clicking actions, you could hire a developer to develop a system that automatically does the job.  

Unrealistic Income Claim

Look Inside Secret Wealth says it will make $500 per day for you, but also says that "some users are even making $10,000 by running the automatic system 24/7." The numbers don't add up. 

If this system was real and running literally 24/7, then $10,000 per month would mean $333 per day. This sounds like there is a discrepancy in what Jimmy Connor is telling you.

Not Clear About Licensed Professionals

The owner of Look Inside Secret Wealth also says that the program is legit because it's backed by over 200 "licensed professionals". so the program is legit. But he does not explain any further. We are not told what kind of professionals and how they support the program.

It doesn't sound like the owner is telling us the truth. But if it was true, it would sound even more suspicious. Because it's just one program sold by one person. It's not like a huge corporate. Why would he need 200 professionals to look into his program? And if they did, their approval badges or something should be displayed on the website to prove it. But there's nothing. 

Instead, Learn The Real Way To Make Money Online: Powerhouse Affiliate

Unfair Pricing Tactics

The first issue is that you are told there's only a one-time fee of $47 to access Look Inside Secret Wealth. But when you go to the checkout screen and try to leave the site, you will receive a $20 discount, which will make the price $27. But if you still try to leave the page again, you will receive a further $20 discount. This means that eventually, you can get the Look Inside Secret Wealth only for $7.

This looks bad because it's not fair on people who took the step too early and paid 671% higher than those who waited for a few minutes to take advantage of the discount. They will feel cheated for sure.

Even worse, there are higher charges to come. There will be a membership to the Look Inside Secrets monthly fee. This membership costs $47 per month but it does not tell you what kind of resources it includes. Monthly updates? Training? Who knows.

Jimmy Connor Is a Fictional Person

Jimmy Connor does not exist. The family photo that he is showing in the video is just a stock photo from Pexels

Jimmy Connor Fake photo

He explains a lot about his past working in a bar, his failed relationship with his girlfriend, and his lost money because of inheritance tax. But the unfortunate past is nothing to do with the program. 

Also, the story doesn't add up, because, under any circumstances, the amount of inheritance tax should not be greater than the money you inherit from your parent. There must be something going on like, you are contractually obliged to pay back your parent's debt on their behalf. But it doesn't matter if his story is true or false, it's nothing to do with the program this person is selling. The vital information is missing from the story Jimmy Connor tells.

What Are the Downfalls of The Look Inside Secret Wealth?

The Look Inside Secrets is a program that promises to help you "look inside your business like never before." However, there are several downfalls to this program. 

  • There is no guarantee that the information you discover will be useful or helpful.
  • The way dramatically decreases the price from $47 to $27, then to $7 is unfair.
  • The Look Inside Secrets is not a proven method of business growth.
  • Look Inside Secrets is a subscription-based program, which can be difficult to cancel if you decide you no longer want to use the service.

Is The Look Inside Secrets Scam?

Don't ever trust anyone who makes unrealistic income claims. They're almost always trying to scam you, and if they're not, they're probably delusional. There are plenty of ways to make a good living without resorting to shady tactics or making false promises, so steer clear of anyone who seems too good to be true.

How To Avoid Getting Scammed

Check BBB

Be sure to research any opportunities thoroughly before investing any money. It's important to read reviews and check out the company's Better Business Bureau rating.

There Is Never a Guaranteed Income

Be wary of anyone who guarantees you'll make a certain amount of money. No one can predict the future, so anyone who says you're guaranteed to earn a specific income is likely trying to scam you. 

What To Do If You've Already Been Scammed

If you think you might have been scammed, it's important to act quickly. The sooner you take action, the better your chances are of getting your money back. Here are some steps to take if you think you've been scammed:

1. Contact The Company First

Contact the company or person you paid. Explain what happened and ask for a refund.

2. Contact Your Credit Card Company

If you paid with a credit card, you may be able to dispute the charges and get your money back that way.

3. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 

The FTC takes complaints about all sorts of scams, including fake income claims. Be sure to include as much detail as possible in your complaint, including who you contacted and what they said.

4. Spread the word! 

If you've been scammed, there's a good chance other people have too. By sharing your experience, you can help warn others about fake income claims so they don't fall for them.

How To Make Money Online Legitimately

There are a lot of talks out there about making money online. You can find hundreds of blog posts, articles, and videos that all claim to have the "secret" to making money online. But the truth is, there is no secret. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to sell you something. The only way to make money online is by working hard and being patient. 

It takes time to build up a following, create valuable content, and establish yourself as an authority in your field. If someone tells you that you can make hundreds of dollars overnight with no effort, don't believe them. They're just trying to take advantage of you.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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