One of the most major concerns any website owners face is how to drive traffic. If you're involved in affiliate marketing, it's not the exception - not just any kind of traffic but you need "targeted" traffic. Here are the top 10 proven ways to drive quality traffic to your affiliate marketing website and increase your income-generating potential.

#1 Blog
It is virtually essential to have your own website in order to achieve good success in affiliate marketing. You can do without it, but your own website adds credibility and trust to your business. Your site can be purely an affiliate sales site, but your personal blog adds a greater chance to engage with prospective customers and members. Your blog can also be a great source of information, news, advice and tips from you to your prospects. Affiliate links, banners and call-to-action buttons can be added to your blog page.
#2 Articles
You can write informative and how-to articles elsewhere rather than on your own website, in a platform such as and place your affiliate link as well as a link to your website, though you're generally not allowed to write posts primarily aimed at affiliate marketing. It's effective when unique and well-written because your articles can be exposed to a larger number of target audiences. Extra links can be placed within the article body to another page of yours to provide additional information.
#3 Email Campaigns
Email campaigns can be the most powerful and effective way to drive traffic to your affiliate website. Using a service such as Udimi is the best shortcut to find the target audience. By providing highly relevant and valuable information but making the message brief with a link to your site, you'll bring a lot of visitors within a short period of time.
Alternatively you can provide the full content in the email message and offer a link to invite the recipient straight to the affiliate site. A linked email signature should also be included.
#4 Newsletter

Building a list of subscribers can take time, and you need a landing page to handle the subscription process. But your subscribers are the exact target audience and they love to hear more information periodically.
The key is to provide an easy-to-read but quality content in each newsletter in order to keep your subscribers entertained. Generally people don't like reading a lengthy email, but that can depend on your niche, your uniqueness and how you write interesting content. The great thing is, you can ask your subscribers for their opinions directly, such as what kind of information they want and how.
#5 Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites such as BibSonomy, Diigo and Hatena are a rich source of targeted traffic that you can drive to your affiliate website. It is also easier to define your market demographics, making it much more effective in sending out invitations to potential members and customers.
#6 Discussion Forums
Discussion forums are great places to build a networking relationship. Other members will react to your thought-provoking comments and likely to send you a reply. Make sure to sign with a link back to your affiliate website. Depending on the forum's policy, please note there are certain types of sites that you're not allowed to link to, such as a traffic exchange site or a simple squeeze (lead generation) page because these types of sites themselves don't provide value to the users.
#7 Guest Blogging
If you are confident enough to write compelling content elsewhere other than on your site, becoming a guest blogger for someone else's site is another idea. By writing unique and useful content, the readers will find you interesting enough to follow you to your own affiliate website.
Each webmaster sets out their own guideline which you need to follow before your guest blog content is accepted. You're never allowed to place your own affiliate link, and a link to any sales-oriented page is also unlikely to be allowed.
#8 Allow Bookmarks On Your Web Pages
Another effective method is to ask your readers to bookmark some of your 'key' pages. This may help promote not only the specific pages but also to help the readers come back to your site to check updates and grow their interest in other areas within the same niche.
#9 Host a contest
Hosting a contest or quiz is another way to boost traffic to your website. Registration should be performed on your landing page, and the details should be found on your affiliate website so you can make sure the users visit and know your intention as they enter the contest/quiz. The prizes you're offering should be something the users will find useful.
#10 Freebie Offers
Offering a gift such as downloadable pdf, an audio file, a set of images that you own, or access to the member-only area is always a successful way to drive targeted traffic to your affiliate website. It is easy to implement and, if you don't have your own unique item to offer for free, you can obtain royalty-free items from elsewhere for free.
Your free gift offer preferably should be in exchange for signing up for your campaign promotion, in order for you to keep in touch with your potential customers to drive recurring traffic to your site. Sites such as provide thousands of products with resell rights or private label rights for a small fee. Check each product's copyright information and the restrictions - very few of them allow you to simply give away, but the majority of them allow you to give away to your "members", i.e. you can give them to your readers in exchange for signing up to your newsletter.
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Much obliged for the information your article brings. I see the oddity of your composition, I will share it for everybody to peruse together. I anticipate perusing many articles from you.
I don’t know what you really mean, what do you think is the oddity? Share your thoughts with us. Thanks!
Thank you for your information. can you please tell me how can I make money quickly? I am desperate because of covid I lost my job and need money to feed my kids and pay rent. If I don’t make any money by next week I will be in deep trouble. Please please I am in need of advice from experts like you. Thank you. I am looking forward to your positive response urgently.
Hi Sian, I’m afraid there is NO quick way to make decent money online. If you are so desperate to pay your bills, you really need to ask your local authority for help, and I suggest that you contact them as soon as you can, to avoid the worst-case scenario (e.g. becoming homeless!) The only way to make money online is to start your own business, which will take time to learn, cost you to get necessary tools that you need, and take time for your business to actually take off (i.e. start generating money). If there was a “quick way”, everyone around the globe would have started already, you see what I mean? So stop wasting time searching online, go out and ask for help locally. I hope this makes sense. Good luck!
thanks for sharing these information and I would like to add two other ways to get targeted traffic. I think, one of the most efficient ways to get targeted traffic is using because it is a high authority domain and it will help you to get your content on the first page on google easily, but here are some notes can help.
1-write high-quality content (consist of 1500 words or more).
2-use google planner to choose the right keywords (freeway to search for keywords).
3-use eye-catching title using these keywords.
4-insure that, there is no other content on medium has the same title because google does not show two medium contents with the same title on the first page.
5- do not write Spam content on because your account will be panned.
6-add closure to your affiliate link, to avoid getting panned, for example, write at the end of your article that this article contains an affiliate link and you may receive compensation if you buy using this link.
the other way by low price software called Syndtrio, it creates your content in any niche you want, take care of keywords analysis, creates you social accounts on a complete autopilot ,and create your campaign to syndicate your videos or website across all of your networks to make your content go viral. However I think, beginners should use the free ways to not loose the chance to learn more about keyword analysis and other skills and ways to get targeted traffic. Actually, Syndtrio like driving a Bugatti on the autobahn, you will reach your destination fast and enjoy the speed, but you won't realize or learn more about the environment around you. if you are interested in Syndtrio, you can read my article. undefinedundefinedmedium.comundefinedmohamedmorshed111undefinedall-about-syndtrio-ultimate-guide-2c45234e2128
Hi Morshed, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your valuable advice. But it’s been 3 years since I wrote this post and my opinion towards writing articles on Medium has changed – I actually wouldn’t particularly recommend it if you want to build a sustainable affiliate marketing business. The majority of affiliate marketers who write review articles aim to cash in short-term profits and after all, they’re no more than “guest contributors” to Medium as far as content marketing is concerned. Also you mentioned about the affiliate disclosure – if you own your site, you would have had a disclosure page set up already, so you don’t have to disclose it every time you place an affiliate link.
Thanks for the info about Syndtrio, but when you say “it creates your content” it sounds like a red flag to me – the content will be either copied or spun. I’ve seen many similar products from JVZoo and Warrior Plus that automatically create content for you, which will be unusable in terms of readability as well as SEO. I haven’t used Syndtrio myself so I’m just guessing. Thanks for sharing the info, I appreciate your input. I wish you all the best.
Awesome advice but I have a question. I don’t have a website yet but if I build one now and use these 10 methods, can I drive traffic right away? If not how long does it take? Thanks. Iz
Hi Iz, thanks for your comment. This post is purely about driving traffic to your site, so using these methods, you will definitely welcome visitors ‘right away’. How long you retain the visitors for is another thing; if there’s no quality content (i.e. nobody’s interested), then obviously they’ll also leave right away. So however long it takes you, it’s important to make each and every page meaningful to visitors as well as to yourself. Any more questions don’t hesitate to ask any time. Thanks for your visit! 🙂