Can You Increase Your Blog Earnings With Press Releases?

Updated: September 27, 2023
by TJ Salvatore

I've been in the blogging game for years, and throughout my career, one method has often been overlooked by many of my peers: the press release. Some see it as old-fashioned or something reserved for large corporations.

With that said, I've found that press releases can be a goldmine for monetizing my blog. Here's how:

Can You Increase Your Blog Earnings With Press Releases?

1. Sponsored Content and Announcements:

Early in my blogging career, I partnered with a few brands to produce content. As our partnerships flourished, some brands wanted to announce our collaboration via press releases. For each announcement, the brand offered compensation. Not only did this bring in direct income, but the press release also drove new readers to my blog, resulting in increased ad revenue.


I once collaborated with an organic skincare brand. They were launching a new product line and wanted me to be the first to review it. The brand sent out a press release announcing our partnership. Not only was I compensated for the review, but the press release also mentioned my exclusive first look, which drove a lot of their customers to my blog.

2. Hosting Events and Workshops:

Using press releases, I've announced several workshops and online webinars. Charging attendees a small fee turned these educational sessions into a revenue stream. The press release helped in maximizing sign-ups and attendance.


I organized a weekend blogging workshop in my city. By sending out a press release to local media outlets and sharing it on social media, I saw a surge in registrations, turning a neat profit from ticket sales.

3. Affiliate Marketing Boost:

Affiliate Marketing - How Much Should You Earn?

Some of my blog posts contain affiliate links. By using press releases to announce exclusive reviews or articles containing these links, I've seen a surge in clicks and, consequently, in affiliate income.


I reviewed a set of e-books about freelance writing, for which I had an affiliate link. I sent out a press release about my comprehensive review, which piqued the interest of budding writers. This led to a noticeable spike in e-book sales via my link.

4. Launching My Own Products:

When I decided to venture into selling my own e-books and merchandise, press releases were my go-to for announcing each product launch. They created a buzz and drew in potential buyers, leading to direct sales.


On releasing my first e-book on "Blogging Basics," I coupled the launch with a press release. It not only reached my regular readers but also got the attention of newbie bloggers searching for guidance, resulting in an impressive number of sales in the first week.

5. Paid Guest Appearances:

Guest Appearances

Several times, after sending out press releases about milestones or events related to my blog, I've been approached for guest appearances on podcasts, webinars, or even local children's shows. Some of these appearances were paid opportunities.


After sending out a press release about hitting 500,000 subscribers, I was invited to speak on a local online marketing podcast. The host compensated me for my time and insights.

What to "Release" Press About

Really, you can announce in the press about a variety of events, milestones, or anything related to your personal brand. Here's the breakdown;

  • New Blog Launch: If you're starting a new blog, that's news! Let the world know about your unique angle and why people should read it.
  • Milestone Achievements: Did you reach a good number of subscribers or followers? Perhaps you hit 1 million page views or celebrated your blog's 5th anniversary.
  • Exclusive Interviews: If you've managed to get an interview with a notable figure or expert in your niche, that's worth sharing.
  • Product or Service Launch: If you're introducing a new product, e-course, e-book, or service related to your blog, announce it.
  • Awards and Recognitions: If your blog wins an award or you're recognized as a top blogger in your niche, share the news.
  • Collaborations or Partnerships: Teaming up with another blogger or brand for a project? Let others know.
  • Events: Hosting or participating in a webinar, workshop, meet-up, or other event? Share details and invite people.
  • New Features: Maybe you've added a forum, a shop, or some other significant feature to your blog.

Finding Press Companies

Finding a reputable press company is vital when you're looking to distribute a press release or require PR services. Here’s a guide on how to locate these companies.

  • Online Directories: Websites like the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) or the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) often list PR agencies and services, sorted by specialization or location.
  • Search Engines: A simple Google search for "press release distribution services" or "PR companies" will yield numerous results. Be sure to check reviews and case studies to gauge their reputation.
  • Referrals: Ask fellow bloggers, business owners, or industry peers. Personal recommendations can provide honest insights into a company's performance and customer service.
  • Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn can be a treasure trove. Many PR professionals and agencies maintain active profiles showcasing their work and client testimonials.

The Pricing:

As you may have guessed already, the cost of PR services varies, widely based on the service type and a few other factors.

Service Type

  • Press Release Writing: Some companies charge for crafting the content of the press release itself. This is typically a one-time fee and can range from $100 to over $1000, depending on the writer's expertise.
  • Distribution: This refers to sending your press release to media outlets. Prices can range from $50 for basic distribution to thousands for premium services targeting major outlets, including features like multimedia integration or international reach.
  • Full-Service PR: Comprehensive PR campaigns, which include strategy, content creation, distribution, and media outreach, will naturally be more expensive, often requiring monthly retainers or project-based fees.

Other Factors

  • Distribution Network: Reaching national media outlets or specialized publications can be pricier than targeting local news or general web distribution.
  • Add-Ons and Features: Additional services like multimedia integration, detailed analytics reports, or follow-up media outreach can increase costs.
  • Agency Reputation: Established PR agencies with a track record of securing high-profile media placements may charge higher rates.
Guest Appearances

How They Charge

  • Flat Fees: Many press release distribution services offer packages with a fixed price for specific services.
  • Monthly Retainers: If you're working with a PR agency for ongoing public relations efforts, they might charge a monthly fee. This can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.
  • Hourly Rates: Some agencies or freelancers might charge based on the hours they put into your project.
  • Project-Based Fees: For specific campaigns or projects, a PR company might set a fee for the entire task.
  • Performance or Placement Fees: In some cases, agencies charge based on the results. For example, they might set a fee for each media placement they secure.

How To Make Your Press Release Stand Out

1. Make It Newsworthy

A press release should always be about something interesting and fresh. It should offer news that makes people stop and think, “Oh, that’s cool!” If you're launching a new blog, a new section on your blog, or have achieved a big milestone, these are great examples of newsworthy items.

Think about why people would care about the news you're sharing. Ask yourself, is this something that could excite, inform, or intrigue others? When you find that special thing that is both new and interesting, you’ve hit the newsworthy jackpot.

2. Write Clearly

Clarity is your best friend when writing a press release. You want everyone to understand your message easily, without having to puzzle over complex words or long, winding sentences. Here are a few tips:

  • Use simple and direct language.
  • Avoid jargon that could confuse readers.
  • Make each sentence short and to the point.
  • Make sure each paragraph conveys a clear idea or fact. A clear, well-written press release makes it easy for readers to grasp your news and share it with others. So, always prioritize clarity over fancy language.

3. Use Catchy Headlines

The headline is the first thing people see, and it’s what will make them decide whether to read further. Your headline should be catchy, exciting, and straight to the point. Here are some tips to craft that eye-catching headline:

  • Keep it short: A good rule is to keep it under 10 words.
  • Be precise: Tell readers exactly what the news is in a nutshell.
  • Add some zest: Use action verbs or interesting adjectives to give it some flair. Remember, a catchy headline can be the doorway to getting your news the attention it deserves.

4. Share Quotes

Including quotes in your press release can add a human touch to your news. It gives a voice to the people behind the news, making it more relatable and real. Here are some tips:

  • Use quotes to provide insight or comment on the news.
  • Make sure the quotes sound natural, like something a real person would actually say.
  • Keep quotes short and sweet. Long quotes can lose the reader’s attention.
  • Include the name and title of the person being quoted to add credibility. Quotes can breathe life into your press release, making it more engaging and personal.

Popular Press Release Sites

PR Newswire

One of the oldest and most reputable platforms for press release distribution.

  • Features: Extensive distribution network including thousands of journalists, bloggers, and news outlets, multimedia support, and detailed analytics.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on distribution scope and additional services like multimedia.

Business Wire

Another industry leader known for its widespread distribution network.

  • Features: Secure and patented NX network ensuring broad and targeted reach, multimedia capabilities, and analytics.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing, depending on the distribution network and additional features required.


Known for its holistic PR and marketing solutions.

  • Features: Distribution to media outlets, multimedia support, influencer identification, and comprehensive analytics.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on the suite of services opted for.


Renowned for its worldwide distribution.

  • Features: Global distribution network, multimedia support, financial disclosure services.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on distribution needs and geographic reach.


Cost-effective platform for small to medium-sized businesses.

  • Features: Online distribution to various search engines, social media platforms, and news sites, multimedia support.
  • Pricing: Tiered pricing starting from basic distribution at around $99 to premium distribution at around $389.


Provides personalized distribution service focusing on smaller businesses.

  • Features: Distribution to a network of journalists and bloggers, personalized PR strategy, multimedia support.
  • Pricing: Packages start at around $299 for a single press release distribution.


Affordable and effective for smaller businesses or startups.

  • Features: Targeted national, state, or regional distribution, professional writing services, and multimedia support.
  • Pricing: Packages start at around $99 for basic services.

24-7 Press Release

Known for its affordable pricing structure and effective distribution.

  • Features: Online distribution, targeting options, multimedia support.
  • Pricing: Packages range from around $69 for basic distribution to $389 for mass media visibility.

What Do You Advocate?

Are you willing to share what you love? Show your creativity and earn rewards. Websites, AI tools, community & coaching.

About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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