10 Budgeted Ideas to Start an Online Business

Updated: June 11, 2024
by Agent Raydar

Starting an online business with a tight budget is a path filled with hurdles. Let's face it, the dream of launching a successful online venture with minimal financial backing is a steep uphill battle.

While the internet is rife with stories of overnight successes and digital gold rushes, the less talked about truth is the countless unseen struggles. Without a decent budget, the chances of making substantial money are slim. It's a difficult scenario where the lack of funds often translates to limited resources, constrained marketing opportunities, and a narrowed scope for growth and innovation.

This is not for the faint-hearted or those hoping for quick wins. It’s a gritty, grind-it-out kind of endeavor where success stories are the exception, not the norm. In the real world of online business, having a shoestring budget is more of a barrier than a launchpad. 

But if you still want to try - here are some ideas. Don't let me tell you "I told you so"!

10 Budgeted Ideas to Start an Online Business

1. The Bare Essentials Strategy

So, you're thinking about stripping down to the basics, right? Selling everything might sound extreme, but it's one way to squeeze out some extra cash for your online business. Picture this: your room, just a computer sitting on the floor, and you, ready to hustle. It's your commitment - you're telling the world (and yourself) that you're all in, you know?

  • Clear the Clutter: Sell those old books, the lamp you never use, maybe even your desk.
  • Spartan Setup: Embrace the minimalist workspace. A mat, your computer, and that's it.
  • Focused Mindset: Fewer distractions mean you can concentrate better on your goals, right?

2. Writing for the Wise

Something a bit more traditional but with a twist: writing fantasy novels for older readers. It's true, older folks love to read, and they appreciate a good story. Connect with users who have the time and often the means to support your work, you see?

  • Attract Elderly: Older readers might look for different themes, maybe more nostalgia or wisdom in their fantasy.
  • Engaging Tales: Craft stories that resonate with life experiences and the joy of escapism.
  • Building Loyalty: When older readers love your work, they stick around, and they might even recommend your books to friends, right?

Did You Know?

  •  High Failure Rate of Startups: Approximately 90% of new startups fail. Since many startups are based online, this statistic is relevant for online entrepreneurs.
  • Dropout Rates in Online Ventures: Around 80-90% of blogs that are started are eventually abandoned.
  • E-commerce Challenges: Nearly 50% of small online retail businesses make less than $25,000 annually.
  • Affiliate Marketing Difficulties: Only about 3-10% of affiliate marketers actually generate significant income, suggesting that a vast majority struggle.

3. Ghost Stories for Paranormal Enthusiasts

Reality TV: Ghost-Hunting on Screen

Got a knack for spooky tales? Capitalize on that by crafting ghost stories. There's a whole crowd out there who can't get enough of the paranormal. You don't need much to start – just your imagination and a platform to share your stories. But, how do you make money off it, you ask? Simple: sell products that align with the ghostly theme.

  • Crafting Chilling Tales: Start a blog or a YouTube channel. Share your ghost stories regularly to build a following.
  • Engaging the Paranormal Crowd: Use social media to connect with other ghost story lovers. They're everywhere, and they're eager for new content.
  • Selling Themed Products: Think about what paranormal fans might like. Maybe sell custom ghost story books, themed apparel, or even spooky decor. You can dropship these products, so no need for a big investment upfront, right?

4. Sell Unique Services

Creating a service that no one else is offering can be quite hard, as the online freelance marketplace is vast and diverse. However, focusing on highly specialized niches or combining skills in unique ways can lead to innovative service ideas. Here are ten examples of unique service ideas that might not be widely available:

Virtual Reality Home Design

Virtual Reality Home Design

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Home Design Consultation - Offering personalized home design using VR technology. Clients can get a virtual tour of their future home or room renovation before it happens.
  • Customized Meal Planning Based on DNA Analysis - Tailoring meal plans and recipes based on a client's genetic makeup for optimal health, leveraging advancements in genomics and nutrition science.
  • Heritage Video Biographies - Creating personalized documentary-style videos where clients' family histories and ancestral stories are researched and presented in a compelling narrative format.
  • AI-Assisted Life Coaching - Using AI algorithms along with traditional life coaching methods to provide more data-driven advice and insights into clients' habits and choices.
  • Personalized Children’s Book Writing - Crafting unique children’s stories with characters, settings, and themes based on a child’s interests and personality.
  • Virtual Pet Behavior Consultations - Providing expert advice on pet behavior and training through video calls, especially for exotic or less common pets.
  • Eco-Friendly Living Consultations - Helping clients reduce their carbon footprint by providing personalized advice on sustainable living, from eco-friendly home modifications to sustainable lifestyle choices.
  • Online Escape Room Game Design - Designing customized virtual escape room experiences for private groups, corporate teams, or educational purposes.
  • Custom Language Learning Plans - Creating bespoke language learning strategies and materials based on a client's learning style, goals, and interests, incorporating cultural immersion experiences.
  • Personalized Fitness Routines for Specific Medical Conditions - Developing tailor-made exercise programs for those with medical conditions, taking into account their limitations.

5. Teach Something Online That Others Don't Teach

Become an Online Teacher

Start by looking at your everyday hobbies or interests. Find an angle that's not commonly covered online.

For example, if you're into gardening, you could create a course on growing rare or exotic plants in different climates. Or, if you're a fan of a particular sport, you could focus on the lesser-known techniques or strategies used by professionals in that sport. Think about the aspects of your hobby that friends or family find intriguing when you talk about them.

Personal Touch

Your personal experiences can add a unique twist. Maybe you've developed a special technique or method in your hobby or interest area.

For instance, if you enjoy cooking, perhaps you've created some unique fusion recipes combining different cuisines. This personal touch can make your course stand out, as it's based on your unique journey and experiences, something no one else can replicate.

Combine Skills to Create Something New

Think about how you can combine two or more of your skills or interests to create a unique course. For example, if you're good at woodworking and also have a passion for history, you could offer a course on creating historical furniture replicas.

Or, if you're a musician who's also tech-savvy, you might create a course on using modern technology to produce classical music.

Your Life Experiences and Cultural Background

Personal stories and experiences are a goldmine for unique course ideas. If you've traveled extensively, you could create a course on travel photography with a focus on less-explored destinations. Or, if you've had a unique career path, you could offer insights into transitioning between vastly different fields.

If you have a rich cultural background, consider creating a course that delves into aspects of your culture that are lesser-known globally. This could be anything from traditional cooking methods to local art forms. Sharing your culture's unique aspects can provide a fresh perspective and an engaging learning experience.

Did You Know?

  • Low Earning from Online Surveys: The majority of those participating in online surveys earn less than $100 per month.
  • Freelance Struggles: A significant portion of freelancers on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr earn less than the minimum wage in their respective countries.
  • Online Course Completion Rates: Only 5-15% of people who enroll in online courses complete them, indicating a potential drop in expected revenue from course creators.
  • High Competition in Online Markets: For every successful online business, there are likely hundreds that don't make a significant income.

6. Resell Thrift Store Merchandise

If the thrill of rummaging through thrift shops for amazing bargains appeals to you, selling your second-hand items online may be a fantastic online business idea. Online buyers want current goods, but they don't want to go through outdated soccer jerseys and braided belts in order to get them. You can offer them right out of the gate.                

Reasons to sell your thrift store purchases:

  • Making a profit just by shopping.
  • Anything can easily be turned over for higher value because it might be vintage.
  • Selling one-of-a-kind items that can't be found anywhere else.

7. Muscle Marketing

Muscle Marketing

Now, let's talk about an unconventional approach: using your physique to draw attention. It sounds out there, but hey, if you've got it, why not use it? Building muscles takes dedication and hard work, but the payoff could be a unique personal brand. Go shirtless on camera and you can showcase the result of hard work, you see?

  • Fitness Journey: Share your workout routines and progress. It's relatable and real.
  • Attracting Views: Muscles do more than just look good; they grab attention, you know?
  • Building a Brand: Your physical strength becomes a symbol of your dedication to your business.

Did You Know?

  • Digital Marketing Challenges: Small businesses often struggle with digital marketing, with around 47% of them spending less than $10,000 on digital marketing, often due to limited results.
  • Social Media Monetization: A small percentage of influencers and content creators on platforms like Instagram and YouTube make a significant income, with the majority earning little to no money.
  • Low Success Rate in Online Trading: Approximately 95% of day traders lose money.
  • Crowdfunding Failures: About 70% of crowdfunding campaigns fail to reach their financial goals.

8. The Dance and Cook Show

Picture yourself in the kitchen, chopping veggies and suddenly, you're grooving to the music. This is your new YouTube channel idea - cooking with a twist of dance. It's unique, isn't it? You're not just another face behind a pot; you're the chef who dances. It's all about mixing a bit of fun with the serious business of cooking.

You should be sharing your happy lifestyle here. It is all about making cooking fun. And let's be real, everyone loves watching someone having a blast, especially when there's food involved, you know?

Budget-Friendly Recipes

So what should you be cooking? The focus is on cheap eats. This is great because you're not spending a ton, and it connects with loads of people trying to save on groceries. Think about dishes that use basic stuff from the store but still taste great. You're showing how to make awesome food without needing fancy ingredients.

You teach viewers to make the most of their shopping budget this way. People really appreciate learning how to save money and still enjoy their meals, right?

The Dance and Cook Show

Growing Your Channel

So you gradually increase your channel subscribers and grow your confidence with what you do - keep posting videos regularly, so people know when to expect new content.

Use the right words in your titles and descriptions so people can find your videos easily. And when someone comments on your video, chat back. It's not just about making videos; build a good network around your channel. People like feeling part of something, you see?

Earning From Your Efforts

Alright, you're making these cool videos, but how do you make money from them? There are a few ways. Once you get enough views and subscribers, you can make money from ads on your videos.

You can also talk about products you use and get a bit of money when people buy them through your links. And as your channel gets more popular, companies might pay you to use their stuff in your videos.

It's all about being smart with how you use your channel to make a bit of cash. You're entertaining people and teaching them something useful, so why not make a little money while you're at it, right?

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9. Work as a Dream Weaver

Let's talk about a cool, out-of-the-box job called a "Dream Weaver." Imagine a world where, instead of just helping with emails or schedules, someone designs and shapes your dreams.

Sounds fun, right? Basically, a virtual assistant because the goal is to help entrepreneurs, firms, and executives manage their personal and professional lives.

Dream Weavers would work closely with people to create tailor-made dreams, kind of like crafting a personalized movie every night.

Why Dream Weaving Rocks

  1. Customized Dream Experiences: Dream Weavers would get to know your likes, dislikes, and even your hidden wishes. Ever wanted to fly like a superhero or explore the ocean depths without worrying about breathing? Well, a Dream Weaver could make it happen in your sleep. This means every night could be an adventure tailored just for you.
  2. Mood Boosting: You know how a good dream can make your whole day better? Dream Weavers would be experts in crafting dreams that leave you waking up with a smile. Imagine starting every day feeling refreshed and happy because you spent the night on a thrilling or relaxing dream adventure.
  3. Therapeutic Benefits: Beyond just fun, these dream experiences could help with real-life problems. Struggling with stress? A Dream Weaver could design dreams that help you unwind and find peace. Working on a tough problem? Maybe a dream about overcoming obstacles could give you a new perspective.
  4. Enhanced Creativity: Regular exposure to such imaginative scenarios would surely get your creative juices flowing. You might find inspiration in your dream experiences that you can bring into your day-to-day life.

So Dream Weavers could take what we love about virtual assistants and turn it up to eleven, creating nightly escapades that enrich our waking lives too.

10. Appeal with Honesty

Appeal with Honesty

Sometimes, honesty is the best policy. Telling people you're struggling and asking for help can resonate with them. People appreciate transparency and might be inclined to help hard-working people trying to make ends meet. Be genuine and not come off as just another internet scam.

  • Sharing Your Story: Create content that explains your situation. Maybe start a blog or vlog discussing your journey of starting an online business with no budget.
  • Building Trust: Be consistent and genuine in your updates. Show your progress and the real challenges you're facing, you know?
  • Ask for Support: Platforms like Patreon or GoFundMe allow you to receive support directly from users. Be clear about how you'll use the funds to grow your business.

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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