Etsy Review: Is It a Good Marketplace For Sellers, Collectors, and Affiliates?

Updated: December 7, 2022
by TJ Salvatore

Etsy is an online marketplace that specializes in selling handmade, vintage, and unique goods. It’s a popular site for those who are looking for items that are not mass-produced, and as such, it has become a go-to spot for many shoppers. But is Etsy really a good marketplace?

In this Etsy review, I will take a close look at its offerings and see if it’s worth your time (and money). The different types of products you can find on Etsy, the prices, the shipping, etc. By the end of this review, you should have a good idea of whether or not Etsy is the right place for you to shop.

Etsy Review

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What is Etsy?

Etsy is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of handmade, vintage, and craft items. Etsy offers a unique shopping experience to its users, as well as a platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs to sell their products.

Etsy is based in Brooklyn, NY, has been in operation since 2005, and has been a publicly traded company since 2015. Etsy can sell physical goods, digital products, and services.

The vast majority of Etsy's revenue comes from transaction fees charged to sellers. A small percentage of revenue also comes from advertising and promotional fees paid by sellers.

Etsy has been growing in popularity in recent years, due in part to its focus on providing a more personal and intimate shopping experience than other large online marketplaces. Etsy is also known for its strong community of creators and shoppers, who support and connect with one another through the platform.

If you're interested in becoming an Etsy affiliate, you can sign up through the Etsy Affiliates program. As an affiliate, you'll earn a commission on qualifying purchases made by customers who click on your affiliate link.

Etsy Review

What Are Popular Items Sold on Etsy?

There are a variety of items that are popular on Etsy. Some of the most popular items include:

  • Clothing: Etsy is a great place to find unique and vintage clothing. There is a wide selection of both new and used clothing available, so you’re sure to find something that suits your style.
  • Jewelry: You can find all kinds of jewelry on Etsy, from simple pieces to more elaborate ones. There is a wide range of prices, so you can find something to suit your budget.
  • Home decor: There are lots of great home decor items available on Etsy, from wall art to tableware. You can find items that fit your personal style, whether it’s rustic or modern.
  • Gifts: If you’re looking for a unique gift for someone special, Etsy is a great place to start your search. You can find personalized gifts, as well as items that are perfect for any occasion.

How to Succeed on Etsy

There's no doubt that Etsy is a popular marketplace for selling handmade and vintage items, but is it right for your business? In this Etsy review, we'll take a look at the pros and cons of using Etsy to sell your products.

On the plus side, Etsy is a well-established platform with a large audience of potential buyers. It's also relatively easy to set up and manage an Etsy shop. And because Etsy attracts mostly DIY-ers and creative types, your products may be a good fit for this market.

On the downside, fees can eat into your profits, and competition is stiff on this platform. You'll need to put in some work to stand out from the crowd and attract buyers to your shop.

If you're thinking about selling on Etsy, here are some tips for success:

How to Succeed on Etsy

1. Do your research first.

Check out other similar shops on Etsy to get an idea of what's selling well and what prices are reasonable. This will help you price your own products competitively.

2. Create great product photos.

Etsy shoppers are visual people, so make sure your product photos are bright, clear, and attractive. Consider hiring a professional photographer if necessary.

3 Write compelling product descriptions.

Your photos should pique shoppers' interest, but it's your product descriptions that will convince them to buy from you instead of someone else. Take some time to write persuasive descriptions that highlight the unique features of your items.

4. Offer fast shipping.

Many Etsy shoppers are willing to pay extra for fast shipping, so consider offering expedited shipping options.

5. Promote your shop.

In order to attract buyers to your Etsy shop, you'll need to do some marketing. Share your products on social media, participate in Etsy teams and forums, and run ads on Etsy and other platforms.

6. Provide great customer service.

Etsy shoppers are often looking for a personal touch, so make sure your customer service reflects this. Respond to questions and concerns promptly, and go above and beyond to make sure your buyers are happy.

7. Stay active on Etsy.

To keep your shop visible on Etsy, it's important to stay active by listing new products regularly and maintaining good seller ratings. If you take a break from selling, your shop may become buried in the search results.

8. Keep an eye on your competition.

It's important to stay up-to-date on what other sellers in your niche are doing. Check out their shops regularly to see what they're selling, what prices they're charging, and what promotions they're running. Use this information to fine-tune your own marketing strategy.

9. Be patient.

Building a successful Etsy shop takes time, so don't expect overnight success. Keep working hard to market your products and provide great customer service, and eventually, you'll start to see some sales.

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Etsy vs eBay, Which Is Better?

There are many online marketplaces to choose from when selling handmade goods and vintage items, but two of the most popular are Etsy and eBay. So, which is better?

Etsy has a more niche audience than eBay does. If you make handmade jewelry, for example, you’re likely to have more success selling on Etsy than on eBay. That’s because people who shop on Etsy are specifically looking for handmade and vintage items – they’re not just browsing online as they would be on eBay.

However, that doesn’t mean that eBay is a bad choice. If you have a large following on social media or your own website, you can drive traffic to your eBay listings and do quite well. And, of course, there are always people who prefer to browse eBay over Etsy (or vice versa).

Ultimately, it's really up to personal preference. Try out both Etsy and eBay and see which one works better for you and your business.

Etsy Pros and Cons

Etsy Pros and Cons


1. Tremendous User Base

Etsy has over 60 million active buyers. That’s a lot of potential customers for your products! And because Etsy is such a well-known site, there is a built-in trust factor that can help you make sales.

2. Low Selling Fees

Etsy only charges $0.20 per listing plus a 6.5 % Transaction fee, 3% + $0.25 payment processing fee when you make a sale. This is much lower than other major eCommerce platforms.

3. You Can Sell Customized Products

One of the great things about Etsy is that you can sell customized products. This means you can add personalization to items like mugs, T-shirts, jewelry, and more to make them unique to each buyer. This can be a great way to stand out from the competition and make more sales.

4. Easy to Use

Etsy is very easy to use, even if you’ve never created an online store before. The platform walks you through the process of creating your listings step-by-step so you can get started selling quickly and easily.

5. A Built-in Marketing Platform

Etsy has a built-in marketing platform that allows you to promote your products to buyers both on and off the site. You can use Etsy Ads to reach buyers who are searching for specific items on Google, and you can also share your listings on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


1. The Competition Is Tough

Because Etsy is such a popular marketplace, the competition can be tough. There are millions of other sellers all vying for the attention of buyers, so it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. This means you need to have great product photos and descriptions, as well as competitive prices, to attract buyers to your listings.

2. You Might Not Be Able to Scale Your Business

If you’re looking to grow your business beyond a hobby or side hustle, Etsy might not be the best platform for you. Because of the low transaction fees, you might not be able to make enough profit on each sale to invest in the growth of your business. You might be better off selling on a platform like Shopify, where you can have more control over your pricing and branding.

3. Etsy Can Be Overwhelming

Because there are millions of listings on Etsy, it can be overwhelming for buyers to find what they’re looking for. This means they might not even see your listings unless you’re using the Etsy Ads platform to promote them.

4. There Are No Guarantees

Unlike other eCommerce platforms, Etsy does not guarantee that your products will sell. This is because buyers are not required to purchase anything they add to their cart, so you could end up with a lot of unsold inventory if your products are not appealing to buyers.

5. You Might Not Be Able to Quit Your Day Job

Unless you’re willing to put in the time and effort to grow your Etsy business, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to quit your day job and rely on your sales for income. The average seller is said to be making around $2,000 per year on the platform (which is still good).

How To Become an Etsy Affiliate

How To Become an Etsy Affiliate

As an Etsy affiliate, you can earn a commission on qualifying Etsy purchases made by customers who follow your special link. When a customer clicks your link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you'll earn a commission on that sale. Commissions are paid 60 days after the purchase is complete.

To be an Etsy affiliate, sign up for the affiliate program here. You'll need to have an Awin account to sign up. Once you're signed up, you'll be given a special link to share with your followers. When someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you'll earn a commission on that sale.

How Does the Etsy Affiliate Program Work?

As an Etsy affiliate, you can earn a commission on qualifying Etsy purchases made by customers who click on your special affiliate link. When a customer clicks on your link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you'll earn a commission on that sale.

To participate in the Etsy Affiliate Program, sign up for an Etsy account and then apply to become an affiliate. Once you're accepted into the program, you'll be given a special affiliate link to share with your audience. You can share this link on your website, blog, social media channels, or wherever else you like.

When a customer clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you'll earn a commission on that sale. Commission rates are case-by-case; typically 5-10% of the total sale amount but may be higher or lower depending on the items purchased.

Etsy also offers promotional tools to help you promote your affiliate links, including banners, buttons, and links to specific items or collections. You can use these tools to create custom affiliate links that are more likely to convert into sales.

If you're interested in becoming an Etsy affiliate, sign up for an Etsy account and then apply to become an affiliate. Once you're accepted into the program, you'll be given a special affiliate link to share with your audience. With some creativity and hard work, you can start earning commissions on qualifying Etsy purchases made by customers who click on your links.

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How to Sign Up for the Etsy Affiliate Program

In order to sign up for the Etsy affiliate program, you must first create an Awin account. Once you have created, you will be able to access the affiliate program sign-up page. To sign up for the Etsy affiliate program, you will need to provide your name, email address, website URL, and to be able to explain why/how you want to promote Etsy. Once you have submitted this information, wait for your application to be approved. Upon approval, you will be able to start promoting Etsy products on your website.

Tips for Success as an Etsy Affiliate

1. Establish a social media presence: 

In order to be successful as an Etsy affiliate, you need to have a strong social media presence. Make sure you are active on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and that you are regularly sharing your affiliate link.

2. Engage with your audience:

Take the time to interact with the people who follow you online. When you engage with your audience, they will be more likely to click on your affiliate links and make purchases from Etsy.

3. Promote popular items:

Take advantage of the fact that people are already searching for items on Etsy. Use social media and other channels to promote popular items that you think your followers will love.

4. Use visuals:

People are more likely to click on links that contain images or videos. Make sure you are using attractive visuals in your posts and tweets, and that you include links to product pages in your descriptions.

5. Be patient:

Don't expect instant results when promoting Etsy products as an affiliate. It takes time to build up a following and generate sales, so be patient and keep working at it!

Etsy Review: Conclusion

If you’re a maker, chances are you’ve thought about selling your wares on Etsy. Perhaps you’ve even taken the plunge and created a shop. But you could also make money from Etsy without even having a shop of your own as an Etsy affiliate. By promoting Etsy products on your blog or social media channels, you can earn a commission on every sale that you generate. Put as much effort as you can, and you can start earning money from Etsy – whether as a seller or an affiliate.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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