Sendshark Review: Not Convinced By The Deliverability

Updated: February 8, 2020
by Ray Alexander

There is one circumstance that you may want to choose Sendshark over many other email marketing providers; where you want to promote your legitimate online business seriously AND are looking to build a big list of subscribers from the beginning. I mean, tens of thousands of. Today my Sendshark review will explain it all - I find it fairly easy to use, it has everything that you need, and most importantly, the deliverability is taken seriously. Absolutely no-spam policy, that's often missing from many cheap mailing services out there.

Sendshark Review

Product Name:


Website URL:


Email Marketing


GVO Inc.


$25 per month


What Is Sendshark?

Sendshark is an email marketing service, which is part of the "Now Lifestyle" brand, owned by GVO Inc (Global Virtual Opportunities) based in Schertz, near San Antonio, Texas. Now Lifestyle sells health & workout programs as well as business automation tools, and with these two of the evergreen bestselling niches, it also offers an affiliate program that pays the 2-tier level of commissions. 

Sendshark is the Now Lifestyle's business automation tools. The autoresponder (email marketing tool) is sold as the main product, either solely or together with a page builder tool as a bundle. Other tools including Lead Capture system, Site Builder, and HD Video Bundle, are available for extra charges.

What's most unique about Sendshark is probably the fixed price of $25 per month that it charges up to 50,000 subscribers. It may seem slightly more expensive if your list size is small, but it'll become dramatically cost-effective as your list grows - I'll explain more about it later.

The Founder and CEO - Joel Therien

Joel Therien

"Come with me if you want to live."

Joel is a multimillion entrepreneur, specialized in network marketing training, fitness training, web hosting, and other software solutions. His company GVO has created marketing tool suites including Pure Leverage and MyOwnMeeting. Now Lifestyle has been very popular among affiliate marketers - believe me, I've helped over a hundred affiliates make money with Now Lifestyle by sending traffic to their sites in the past.

The Autoresponder - Usability

I find the Sendshark dashboard clear and easy to use. If you've used any other well-known email marketing software, each menu items should be self-explanatory to you;


This is where you create and monitor your "campaigns". If you only have one website and plan to build one set of subscribers, you'll only need to create one campaign (e.g. name it "My Campaign"). If you are promoting two or more niches and building separate lists of subscribers, for example, Health/Wellness and Business Opportunities, then you'll create multiple campaigns.

With each campaign, you can set its own Company name, website URL, "From" name, "Reply-to" Email, Notification email, Unsubscribe text (e.g. "Click here to unsubscribe"), and Activation text (e.g. "Click here to join").

You can also add shared campaigns, which is useful when you use a set of followup messages that are provided by other "done-for-you" online marketing systems.

The stats (sent, open/click rates, failed, active/pending, unsubscribed, blocked) of each email can be viewed from here. Complaints (feedback-loop and spam complaints) will also be monitored and displayed here.


Sendshark HTML Message

This is where you create and monitor your messages;

  • Follow Up messages (autoresponder)
  • Broadcast (one-off newsletter) and
  • Opt-in message.

The message can be created in a standard HTML message editor. A drag-and-drop email editor is due to be introduced soon, but to be honest, there is a reason why not many email marketers use drag-and-drop email templates. Because statistically the more images, borders, and buttons you add to it, the more chance of your email ending up being treated as spam. For that reason, we tend to consider it best to create a simple text message with one or two photos if necessary, using a simple HTML editor. All the syntaxes are available to insert (e.g. "Hey [first name],")


Add, view and search subscribers, or delete particular subscribers from here. You can view and edit each subscriber's status, added date, last followup, and next followup. You can also block subscribers by email address or domain. If you want to add bulk email addresses, not from here but go to the "Import/Export" tab.


Sendshark Form Wizard

Create signup forms and view the list of forms. The Form Wizard will let you create one by one-click (choice of 27 templates), otherwise you can create a custom form and paste the HTML code to your own already-made landing page. 

Ready-made "Thank you" page and "You're already subscribed" page are provided, but you can also use your own by inserting your website URL. One-click to choose single or double opt-in.


Sendshark's anti-spam policy will prevent you from importing a list of leads freely, which is good. You can import only up to 100 leads per 24 hour period, and an opt-in message will be sent to the lead upon import.

Whereas exporting is easy - select the campaign and the subscribers status to import, just add fields that you want to export (name, email address and so on) and click to download a CSV file.


Sendshark charges a fixed fee of $25 up to 50,000 subscribers. If you're promoting the "business opportunity / work-from-home" niche, there are two other email marketers to compare; AWeber and GetResponse, inevitably. (Because most of the other services don't allow affiliate marketing.)

No. of Subscribers up to
























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As you can see, if you are with AWeber and the number of leads (subscribers) in your list exceeds 500, it will start charging $29, therefore Sendshark will be cheaper. Likewise with GetResponse, when the number of leads exceeds 1,000, you'll be charged $25 per month, same as Sendshark.

I've seen many email marketers who have multiple AWeber accounts (prohibited, by the way!) partly because it's cheaper that way. For example, if your list size was 16,000, AWeber would charge you $145 per month, but if you created 2 x AWeber accounts (prohibited!) and split the leads across 8,000 each, you would be charged slightly less (2 x $69 = $138 per month).

By all means, your list will grow pretty quickly if you start affiliate marketing by using CPA ads and solo ads, so as you can see, Sendshark definitely offers a competitive price.

Deliverability Rates

Sendshark Dashboard

No matter how many flashy templates it has, how easy it is to use and how reasonable the price is, an email marketing service is total rubbish if it cannot safely deliver your emails to the recipients' inbox. Sendshark takes this absolutely seriously, and Joel explains in his video how trustworthy the Sendshark's server is, and shows the IP addresses have extremely low spam scores, according to Sender Score.

Whilst I appreciate this, I've tested the deliverability by sending various test emails to myself over a few days - to a couple of Gmail accounts, Hotmail and iCloud. 

The tests include;

  • Absolutely no spammy words anywhere in the email,
  • My sender/reply-to email being my domain,
  • Containing a few paragraphs,
  • Include one hyperlink, as well as no hyperlink,
  • No syntax or emoji in the email. 

Disappointingly, the results I saw weren't good at all. All my emails ended up in the spam folder. It means that even a recipient confirms subscription, any followup emails will also end up in the spam folder unless you tell them to make sure to whitelist your email address.

Sendshark Deliverability

Having said that, I carried out these tests for myself to find out whether Sendshark was good for me. It's not like I sent broadcasts to thousands of leads to confirm the open rates, so I cannot either recommend nor not recommend Sendshark to others based on my quick test-run results.

30-Day Money-Back Policy

If you're not happy with Sendshark, you are covered by its 30-day money-back policy. You can tell the support that you wish to discontinue via support (online chat, ticket system, or phone), and claim a full refund.

Sendshark Pros and Cons


  • Competitive price - $25 up to 50,000 subscribers.
  • Strict no-spam policy.
  • Extremely easy to navigate.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.


  • I was not totally convinced by the high deliverability rate that it claims.

Sendshark Review - Conclusion:

I definitely like Sendshark for the price and usability. Monitoring the subscribers and segmenting the lists are easy to do. If you are in affiliate marketing, I wouldn't say Sendshark can replace your existing trusted email marketing services, but if you have a large list, it can be your backup option for sure.

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About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

Thank you for your Comments!

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  1. Do you have any updates about your experience with Sendshark? Especially about the deliverability (very important) Any other users have experience with this? Please comment –
    Thx for info – Johan

    P.S. People might want to try out this list provider with 100 leads to start with and training as well in their 3 day challenge

    1. Hi Johan, I haven’t used Sendshark for a long time myself. I have seen some campaign emails sent from Sendshark in my spam folder though (my account)

      Thanks for the info re: 3-day challenge, I had to remove your link for 3 reasons; As per my affiliate disclosure I cannot display third parties’ affiliate links. Tinyurl links are often considered spam. And your suggestion is unrelated to this article. Thanks anyway, all the best to you!

  2. I recommend sendshark to everyone it’s cheap you’ll next have to change ur autorespinder ever again it’s for life pls check this link.

  3. I’m not sure of the delivery rate. I signed up with one solo ad seller about 2 weeks ago and he keeps sending me autoresponder. He has sent me 10 emails so far. The first 8 were found in my spam folder but Yesterday I noticed his last 2 emails were delivered to my Inbox. What do you make of this?

  4. If its email marketing is about generating as many people it’s pointless isn’t it. The context matters much more than the number of people you have I’m not interested in spams thank you.

    1. Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts However there’s no way Sendshark advocates spamming behaviors. In fact it’s totally the opposite. It emphasizes the importance of safe email marketing and automatically checks the spam score of each email before you send it. But yes I agree with you about the lead generation tactics. You need your target audience, no point collecting “any” subscribers randomly.

  5. Hi Ray, I found your review really interesting, as I was just looking for a good auto-responder service. I was wondering which one is the best, first thought Sendshark was perfect for me for the price. But as I read your review I learned that deliverability was important. I missed that point but now I agree with you. No matter how many subscribers you have, it’s not effective if you cannot deliver your emails to inboxes.

    I understand that Aweber and Getresponse are good but do you recommend any other email marketers? I see some of them offer for free? What do you think about Send in Blue? Thanks Ray for your review, I found it really useful. Seb

    1. Hi Seb, thanks for your comment. Yes, my friend Mathius commented earlier on to say that the open rates aren’t good, so unfortunately Sendshark doesn’t seem to be the best. In terms of other email marketing services, Send in Blue prohibits affiliate marketing, so does Mailchimp (which is the most popular one) if your niche is work-from-home. We all stick to Aweber for that reason as well as the deliverability. Any more questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. I wish you all the best!

  6. Thank you for your Sendshark review. it looks like awesome services. Every time I find your reviews very helpful.
    Please visit my site and check my review.
    I’m a fan of your website I would love to use send shark. Thanks a lot.

  7. Hi Ray, as per my fb message.. I can prove it to you. I invested 3000 subs, open rates less than <5% I no longer use it. Some guys say it's better than using a self server.

    1. Hi Mathius, thanks for your message and your comment. Good to know. I think it shows how hard it must be to gain trust from ISPs…! Shame because it seems to have everything that a decent email marketer needs for a very, very competitive price.

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