Moving On From Affiliate Marketing? What Can You Do Instead?

Updated: October 20, 2023
by TJ Salvatore

Starting out in affiliate marketing was a rollercoaster. There were days I felt on top of the world, and others, well, not so much. Tracking down the best products, setting up campaigns, and keeping up with analytics was exhilarating, but also exhausting. Over time, I began to wonder if there was more I could do with my experience.

Moving On From Affiliate Marketing? What Can You Do Instead?

Did You Know?

  • Career Transition Success: Approximately 60% of professionals who switch careers report higher job satisfaction in their new roles.
  • Increased Earnings: About 50% of individuals transitioning to a new career see an increase in their earnings within the first two years.
  • Learning and Development: 75% of career changers invest in additional education or training to facilitate their transition.
  • Entrepreneurial Pursuits: Nearly 30% of those moving on from their initial career paths start their own businesses.
  • Remote Work Opportunities: With the rise of remote work, 40% of career switchers find opportunities in fields they previously thought were inaccessible to them.

The Drive Behind the Switch

Affiliate marketing had its fun moments, but after a while, the repetitive cycle began to wear on me. I loved connecting people with products that could change their lives, but I started yearning for a deeper connection. I wanted to help others find their way, just like I had. That's when the thought of teaching affiliate marketing started to grow.

My New Passion

Don't get me wrong, affiliate marketing was great, but teaching felt different. Every time I shared a tip or strategy and saw someone's face light up with understanding, it was a whole new level of fulfillment. Plus, I had amassed so much knowledge over the years – it felt right to share it.

CyberCash Wonderland

Wonderland Woman Surprise
"Chantelle, darling, are you sure I'm saying 'Bonjour, mon petit chou-fleur' right? Wait, was it me or you who was supposed to be learning Spanish? Because frankly, you and I may be both confused but do you believe in life after affiliate marketing? I can feel something in side me say, Por qué? Honestly, love, la question c'est voulez-vous, darling."

The Prospects of Teaching

Jumping into the teaching world opened up a treasure of opportunities. Not only could I conduct workshops and webinars, but I could also consult for upcoming businesses. The thrill of helping someone start from scratch and watching their progress was unbeatable. And the best part? I was still in touch with the affiliate marketing scene, just from a new angle.

Facing the Challenges Head-On

Of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Teaching has its own set of challenges. From skeptical students to ever-evolving marketing trends, there was a lot to keep up with. But every challenge brought with it a learning experience. I was not just a teacher; I became a perpetual student.

Building a Community

Over time, I found myself surrounded by a community of eager learners and fellow teachers. We shared stories, swapped strategies, and supported one another. The world of affiliate marketing can sometimes feel isolated, but in teaching, I found camaraderie.

Did You Know?

  • Age is Just a Number: 60% of people who successfully change careers are over the age of 35, debunking the myth that career transitions are only for the young.
  • Tech Industry Appeal: The technology sector attracts about 25% of career changers, drawn by the promise of innovation and growth.
  • Health and Wellness Focus: Around 20% of individuals seeking a second career express interest in the health and wellness industry.
  • Volunteering Leads to Opportunities: Volunteering helps 35% of career switchers gain experience in their new field before making a full transition.
  • Networking: 80% of successful career changers cite networking as a key factor in their transition.

Are You Wondering What's Next?

If you’re deep into affiliate marketing and feeling a bit restless, consider the switch to teaching. It’s not about giving up or admitting defeat. It’s about growth, change, and following where your heart leads. For me, that was from the bustling lanes of marketing products to the warm classroom setting, helping others find their way.

CyberCash Wonderland

Man Thinking Wonderland
"Alright there, champ, listenin' up? See, folks say I don't know how to talk good. They say I mumble worse than a hibernating bear. Words just come out jumbled like a scrapyard. So, I figgered, you bein' here and all, maybe you can help a fella out. 
Y'know, point me in the right direction when I mess up, like a tiny translator in my belly. Whatcha think, champ? You up for the challenge?"

Is Communication Your Strength?

Ever thought about how much communicating you do as an affiliate marketer? A lot, right? From crafting persuasive content to negotiating deals with vendors, you've been flexing those communication muscles hard.

This superpower is super useful everywhere. Clear, persuasive communication can help resolve conflicts, lead teams, or even make your day-to-day interactions more pleasant. So, keep honing this skill; you’re making life better, one superb conversation at a time.

Sell Your Own Digital Product

Creating your own product? Absolutely possible and potentially a game-changer! Teaming up with a developer can be the start of something exciting and rewarding. Here’s how the process can unfold, especially when you're considering the financial aspects like advanced payments.

Digital Products

Understanding Each Other's Expectations

First things first, before any money talk, you and your developer need a clear understanding of what you're both diving into. What's the product? Who's your target? What features are must-haves? Having a comprehensive product roadmap ensures you're both on the same page.

The Talk About Money

Now, here comes the slightly awkward part – discussing finances. Developers might need an advance payment, and that's fair. They have their costs, and they're dedicating their time to bring your vision to life. How much should you pay upfront? Well, it all depends on the project's complexity, the developer's expertise, and the estimated duration of the work.

Did You Know?

  • Job Satisfaction: 70% report greater job satisfaction due to more aligned values with their new career.
  • Gender Parity: Women and men are equally likely to change careers, with both genders representing about 50% of career switchers.
  • Stress Levels: 40% of individuals report a decrease in stress levels after changing careers.
  • Cultural Shifts: The acceptance of career mobility and transitions is growing, with 85% of employers now viewing career changers positively.
  • Digital Skills: Gaining digital skills is a priority for 65% of career switchers, highlighting the importance of tech proficiency across industries.

Drafting a Detailed Contract

Nothing spells seriousness like a detailed contract. This isn't just some paperwork; it's the safety net for both parties. Specify the payment terms, project timeline, and what happens if things go south. It's also wise to include how potential profits might be shared if that's part of your agreement.

Staged Payments: A Middle Ground

Paying your developer in stages can be a great approach. How does this work? Instead of paying a lump sum upfront, you release funds as the project hits specific milestones. This keeps the developer motivated and assures you that your money is well spent.

Keeping Communication Open and Regular

Open lines of communication go beyond the initial stages. Regular check-ins allow you to see how your product is shaping up and gives your developer the chance to clarify doubts, seek feedback, or discuss potential additional costs for new features.

Being Ready for Additional Costs

Speaking of costs, there might be more than just paying the developer. Costs for hosting, marketing, third-party services, or even licensing fees can crop up. Plan for these in your budget well - you know you can do this.

Testing, Feedback, and Tweaks

When you have a prototype or beta version, it's time for testing. Get feedback, preferably from potential end-users, and be ready for a round or two of tweaks. Remember, your developer's work isn't over after the first draft, and your initial payment might not cover extensive revisions.

Launching and Marketing Your Product

Once all the fine-tuning is done, you’re ready for launch. But the work doesn't stop there. Your product needs marketing. Having been in affiliate marketing, you already have a foot in the door. You know what makes an awsome campaign.

Did You Know?

  • Career Longevity: Individuals who switch careers often have a longer working life, with 30% delaying retirement.
  • Impact on Personal Life: 55% of people who change careers report positive impacts on their personal life, including better work-life balance.
  • Soft Skills: 90% of career changers believe that soft skills such as communication and adaptability were crucial in securing their new role.
  • Professional Networks: Expanding professional networks is a goal for 75% of individuals seeking a career change, emphasizing the value of connections.
  • Satisfaction with Change: 85% of those who have changed careers say they would do it again, reflecting a high level of satisfaction with their decision.

Paying It Forward

Finally, if your product does well, think about how you can acknowledge your developer's hard work. Maybe it's a bonus, a shout-out, or an opportunity to be a co-founder. After all, this product isn't just a solo venture. It's a collaboration.

Any Other Things You Can Do?

Are there any other opportunities to use skills that you've earned from affiliate marketing? I can think of a few;

  • Business Development & Partnerships: Your ability to forge relationships with companies and promote their products can translate into business development roles where you identify and create strategic partnerships.
  • Market Research: Affiliate marketers understand what attracts customers. This insight can be pivotal in market research roles, where understanding customer behavior and preferences is essential.
  • Event Planning & Coordination: If you've organized promotional events or webinars, you've got event planning skills. You can coordinate industry events, product launches, or even niche conferences.
  • Brand Ambassador: Your expertise in promoting products can make you an excellent brand ambassador, representing companies at events, in media, or even online.
  • E-book & Guide Writing: If you've mastered certain strategies or have insights into affiliate marketing, consider writing e-books. These can either be sold or used for lead generation.
  • Community Management: Building and engaging a community is often part of affiliate marketing. This skill can be useful in roles where community building and engagement, especially online, are central.
  • Design & Multimedia Production: If you've created banners, videos, or other promotional materials for your campaigns, these skills can lead to design or multimedia production roles.
  • Crowdfunding Campaign Management: Launching a product or idea on platforms like Kickstarter? Your affiliate marketing skills can help in promoting the campaign and attracting backers.
  • Lead Generation Services: Affiliate marketing often revolves around driving traffic and converting clicks into sales. This knowledge can be applied to provide lead generation services for businesses.
  • Trendspotting: Being on the cutting edge of products and services, affiliate marketers often have an innate ability to spot trends early. Companies value this skill for product development and marketing strategy.

CyberCash Wonderland

"Look at me, with this camera right here, I practically invented influence! I mean, who else but me could spot such a gem at a flea market? It takes a real visionary to see its potential. I mean, look at the followers I don't have yet - they're practically lining up. 
With every snap, I'm not just capturing moments, I'm crafting a new era of digital charisma. People just don't understand the power in my hands. It's not arrogance if you're simply acknowledging the inevitable. So, yeah, call me an influencer. Because with this bad boy, I'm not just part of the conversation. I AM the conversation."

  • Influencer Collaboration: Your connections and expertise can help you liaise between brands and influencers, ensuring mutually beneficial collaborations.
  • Mentorship: Beyond formal teaching, offering mentorship can be rewarding. Guiding newcomers in the field can be fulfilling and even lead to collaborative opportunities.
  • Venture into Dropshipping: Using your knowledge of online sales and marketing, you can set up a dropshipping business where you promote and sell products without holding inventory.
  • Public Speaking & Workshops: Share your experiences, successes, and lessons at industry events or by hosting workshops, either offline or through platforms like YouTube or podcasts.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Given that conversion is a massive part of affiliate marketing, using your expertise to offer CRO services to businesses can be a profitable venture.
  • Licensing and Branding Consultation: Guide businesses on how to license their products or improve their branding based on your insights into what sells and what doesn't.

Creativity Unleashed

If you think affiliate marketing is all logic and no magic, think again! Coming up with fresh content ideas, designing layouts, or finding new approaches to old problems – weren’t those acts of creativity? Absolutely, they were! 

This creativity can color every aspect of your life, from how you decorate your home to how you present a school project. The best part? Creativity is like a fun friend who makes everything exciting!

Creativity and Critical Thinking

Learning to Ride the Change Wave

The affiliate marketing landscape changes so quickly, as you probably know. You’ve adapted to algorithm changes, market trends, and product shifts. This adaptability isn't just a survival skill in marketing; it's a life skill. New job? Moving to a new city? Whatever change life throws your way, you’re ready to catch it and ride the wave like a pro surfer.

The Confidence Kick

Let’s not forget the confidence boost! Every sale through your affiliate link was a pat on your back, an affirmation that you could do it. This confidence spills over into every challenge you face. Public speaking, learning a new skill, or even squashing that pesky spider on the wall (well, maybe) – you’ve got this!

More Than Meets the Eye

See? Your affiliate marketing experience is like a hidden treasure chest, filled with skills that can enrich various aspects of your life. So, the next time you're facing a challenge, give yourself a little nod. You've got a whole arsenal of abilities from your marketing days ready to back you up. Go out there and shine bright like the skillful star you are!

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"The most valuable thing I've ever done!"

About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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