20 Rare(ish) Affiliate Niches That You Can Still Earn Decent Money With

Updated: October 21, 2023
by Agent Raydar

Are you on the hunt for rare affiliate niches? Honestly, it's a smart move. Because everyone's into the common niches like health, wealth, tech, and beauty, right? They are big-buck niches but competitive, so it only makes sense if you are in search of less competitive ones. And indeed, if you dig deeper, there are niches where you can carve out your own space.

Will you hit the jackpot with any of these niches? With affiliate marketing? I doubt it. But why lose hope? See if you can give any of them a try.

20 Rare(ish) Affiliate Niches That You Can Still Earn Decent Money With

1. Eco-Friendly/Sustainable Products

So here's the deal: with the growing concern about climate change, eco-friendly and sustainable products are no longer just a fad; they're becoming a lifestyle. Think of anything from reusable coffee cups to solar-powered chargers. You'd be tapping into an audience that's not just looking to buy; they're looking to invest in a cause. The affiliate programs in this space often promote ethical business practices as well, which adds another layer of appeal.

Plus, new products are hitting the market all the time, so there's plenty to talk about. Sure, the commissions might start out modest, but this is a long-game niche. As people become more eco-conscious, you're likely to see a steady increase in interest and commissions, right?

2. Prepping/Survival Gear

Now this one is fascinating. The prepping community is all about being ready for anything, from natural disasters to, well, the end of the world. It might sound intense, but these folks are committed, and that commitment often includes spending money on specialized gear.

We're talking about items like water filtration systems that can purify an entire lake if needed, or multi-tools that have about 20 functions, or even survival food that can last decades. Since these products are so specialized and, in some cases, quite expensive, you're looking at higher commission rates.

And don't forget, the people in this niche (both retailers and affiliates) are always on the lookout for the next best thing to add to their survival kit. It's a constant cycle of buying, testing, and upgrading, which spells recurring commissions for you. 

3. Specialized Hobbies

Oh man, this is where things can get really fun and unique. When I say specialized hobbies, I'm talking about interests like model trains, RC planes, or coin collecting - things that require a lot of skill, knowledge, and, yep, money.

These hobbies often need specific parts, upgrades, or special tools. Not to mention, people in these communities love to geek out over the tiniest details. Because these are high-involvement hobbies, the folks involved are usually super engaged and value expert advice, which is where you come in.

Plus, the products can be quite expensive—imagine a limited-edition model train set or a high-end RC car. That means good news for your commission rates. If you can become the go-to source for information and recommendations, you've got yourself a loyal following, and a profitable one at that.

4. Luxury Pet Items

Luxury Pet Items

Now, everyone loves their pets, but some people really go all out, you know? I'm talking about pet parents who won't settle for generic pet food or the basic chew toy. No, these folks are in the market for premium, designer, or tech-savvy items for their fur babies. Imagine tiny tuxedos for dogs, organic and specialized pet foods, or even high-tech GPS collars to keep tabs on where little Fluffy or Fido is.

Given that these items aren't cheap, you can expect some pretty attractive commissions. Plus, this is an evergreen niche; pets are family members, and people will always be willing to splurge on them. If you can position yourself as an expert who knows the difference between an average pet bed and a luxury one, you've got a strong selling point, right?

5. Spiritual/Metaphysical Goods


Alright, this one's for those interested in the more mystical aspects of life. Tarot cards, crystals, incense, aura photography - these are products you won't find at your local department store. It's a niche filled with a variety of items and services, and many of them are far from cheap.

High-end tarot decks, special crystals, energy healing courses, you name it. These aren't impulse buys; people usually research before they invest. That's where you come in. You could be the trusted guide to recommend the best metaphysical products, especially to newcomers who might find the world of spirituality a bit overwhelming. Since these items often carry a higher price tag, your commission can add up quickly.

Pretty neat area to focus on, don't you think? The market for spiritual and metaphysical products has been growing, especially with the stress of modern life pushing people to look for alternative forms of relief and meaning. 

6. Ethnic Foods/Cookware

Food is universal, but the tools and ingredients for making specific ethnic cuisines can be hard to come by. Think specialized utensils for sushi, unique spices for Middle Eastern dishes, or rare ingredients for traditional South American meals. This niche is a treasure trove if you know where to look.

You're essentially catering to people's love for authentic, home-cooked meals from different cultures. These aren't items you'd find in every kitchen, making them a prime subject for affiliate marketing. And let's not forget about the potential for high commissions.

Some of these items, especially imported ones, can get pricey. People want quality and authenticity when it comes to food, and if you can guide them to the right products, you're in for a tasty commission.

7. Adaptive Technology

This niche is all about improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. Whether it's software that helps visually impaired people use a computer or custom-designed wheelchairs, the adaptive technology market is an area where you can really make a difference.

These products often require a significant investment, not just in money but also in understanding the technology and its applications. This is where you can step in as an affiliate marketer. You can help demystify complex products, explain their features, and guide users toward the best choices for their needs.

Because these technologies can be specialized and pricey, commissions are usually on the higher end. Also, you're connecting people with products that can significantly improve their lives. Feels good to be part of that, doesn't it?

8. Board Games and Tabletop RPGs

Board Games

Video games get all the hype, but let's not sleep on board games and tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. This community is thriving, and what's really cool is that many of these games aren't cheap. I'm talking about elaborate board games with intricate pieces, quality materials, and sometimes even miniature landscapes.

Or think about RPGs where you might need special dice, character sheets, rulebooks, and more. The people in this niche are generally super passionate and willing to invest both time and money. You'll find that new games and accessories are always coming out, giving you plenty of fodder for content and reviews. Your audience will likely be a tight-knit community that values quality and depth in their gaming experience, making your recommendations highly influential. Sounds like a pretty fun niche to be part of, right?

9. Alternative Health Therapies

When it comes to health, people are increasingly looking for options outside of traditional medicine. That's where alternative health therapies like acupuncture, cryotherapy, and hyperbaric oxygen treatments come in. These therapies are usually not covered by insurance and can be quite costly, making them prime candidates for affiliate marketing.

The audiences for these therapies are often well-researched and willing to invest in their health. Since these are specialized services, commissions can be high. You could review different local therapy centers, at-home treatment kits, or even courses that teach people about the benefits and methods of these alternative therapies. 

The key here is to become a trusted resource in a field where expertise is highly valued.

10. Vintage and Collectible Items

Vintage and Collectible Items

Vintage and Collectible Items are a real treasure trove if you're into the unique and rare. Think about it: rare stamps, limited-edition comic books, antique furniture, and so much more. This niche is super interesting because the items aren't just products; they're often pieces of history, right?

Collectors in this space are usually very passionate and knowledgeable. They're not just buying items; they're making investments. That could mean a first-edition book or a vintage record player—items that not only have intrinsic value but often appreciate over time. The higher the rarity or historical value, the more people are willing to pay. So, we're talking about potentially high-ticket items here, and that could translate to higher commissions for you.

In this niche, your role as an affiliate marketer could involve curating and reviewing the best places to buy these items, how to verify their authenticity or even tips on storage and preservation. Trust is a huge factor; people want to know they're getting the real deal, especially when they're shelling out big bucks. So, if you can position yourself as a trusted expert, you've got a good shot at some serious earnings. A fascinating area with a dedicated community - does it sound like a win-win or not?

11. Tiny Home Living

First up, we've got the Tiny Home Living niche. This isn't just a trend; it's becoming a lifestyle for those who want to declutter, save money, and live sustainably. In this space, you could promote everything from tiny home blueprints to multi-functional furniture and compact appliances.

The cool thing is, people venturing into tiny home living are usually committed. I mean, you're not going to invest in a tiny home on a whim, right? They'll need guidance on choosing the right materials, optimizing space, and even navigating zoning laws.

Considering these homes are a significant investment, commissions can be pretty sweet. Plus, there's a feel-good angle too: you're helping people achieve a dream of simpler, more sustainable living. A win for you and for Mother Earth, don't you think?

12. Eco-Tourism and Adventure Travel


Now, this is a fun one: Eco-Tourism and Adventure Travel. With people becoming more conscious about their impact on the planet, eco-tourism is on the rise. You'd be looking at promoting anything from eco-friendly resorts and nature expeditions to specialized gear for adventure travel like high-end hiking boots, sustainable travel kits, or even courses on wilderness survival.

The travel sector usually offers pretty good commissions, and this niche adds that eco-conscious layer that's increasingly appealing. The audience here is also likely to be well-educated, well-traveled, and willing to spend on unique experiences that align with their values. Sounds like the kind of crowd you'd want to connect with, right?

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13. High-End Audio Equipment

Last but not least, let's talk High-End Audio Equipment. We're not talking about your average headphones or Bluetooth speakers here; this is about premium, top-of-the-line audiophile gear. Think tube amplifiers, vinyl record players, and studio-quality headphones.

The people in this niche are often incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about sound quality, and they're willing to spend big bucks to get it. As a marketer, you could review different pieces of equipment, compare brands, or even create how-to guides on setting up the ultimate home audio system.

Since this equipment can get pretty expensive, you're looking at the possibility of earning some high commissions. If you've got a keen ear and an interest in high-quality sound, this could be your jam, wouldn't you say?

14. Specialty Coffee and Teas

Specialty Coffee

Specialty Coffee

Let's kick things off with Specialty Coffee and Teas. People have always loved their caffeine, but there's a growing segment that's taking this love to the next level. I'm talking about the folks who seek out single-origin coffee beans, rare tea leaves, and artisanal brewing methods. This isn't your average cup of joe or afternoon tea; it's an experience.

As an affiliate marketer, you could connect caffeine aficionados with the latest pour-over gadgets, the finest Ethiopian coffee beans, or curated tea subscriptions from around the world. The higher the quality, the pricier these items tend to be, making your potential commissions pretty tempting. Specialty beverages have quite the cult following, perfect for an affiliate niche, would you agree?

15. Smart Home Security

Next up, Smart Home Security. With the rise of IoT devices, home security is going way beyond a simple alarm system. Think smart doorbells with facial recognition, WiFi-enabled locks, or pet-friendly motion sensors. These devices provide peace of mind, but they're not exactly cheap, which makes them a solid choice for affiliate marketing.

Your audience is likely to be homeowners or renters who are tech-savvy and willing to invest in top-notch security. They'd value detailed reviews, comparison charts, and installation guides, giving you plenty of content opportunities. With a higher average sale price for these gadgets, you're likely to pocket some decent commissions. Sounds like a safe bet, right?

16. DIY Electronics and Robotics

Finally, let's talk DIY Electronics and Robotics. This is for all the makers and tinkerers out there who love nothing more than assembling their own gadgets or robots. In this niche, you could promote everything from Arduino boards and Raspberry Pi kits to specialized sensors and motors. It's a playground for creativity and innovation, but it's also a niche where high-quality parts can carry a higher price tag.

This crowd values detailed specs and trusted reviews, so you've got an engaged audience hungry for expert advice. You could create tutorial videos, write how-to guides, or review the latest kits on the market. If tech and gadgets get you excited, you could really make a name for yourself in this space.

17. Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancers

Here's a niche that's sparking interest these days: Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancers. These are supplements and substances designed to boost mental performance, focus, and memory. Whether it's the college student preparing for finals or the executive who wants to stay sharp in high-stakes meetings, the market is growing. Products in this niche can range from herbal supplements to more scientifically-formulated compounds.

As an affiliate, you could be reviewing these products, offering dosage guides, or even discussing the science behind them. Given that these products often promise significant life improvements, people are generally willing to invest, setting you up for higher commissions. A pretty mind-bending opportunity.

18. Indoor Gardening and Hydroponics



Indoor Gardening and Hydroponics is a field that has been blossoming, especially with more people spending time at home. This isn't just about a pot of basil on your windowsill; it's a full-blown ecosystem with LED grow lights, nutrient solutions, and even smart hydroponic systems that you can control with your phone. The tech and gear involved can get pretty sophisticated, and therefore expensive.

That's a good sign for you as an affiliate marketer because higher price tags usually mean higher commissions. If you've got a green thumb or an interest in sustainable living, this could be a great fit for you. Plus, you get to promote something that's inherently positive and life-affirming. Pretty cool, right?

19. Ethical Fashion

Now let's talk Ethical Fashion. This isn't your run-of-the-mill fashion blog niche; it's geared toward people who want to look good and feel good about their choices. Think brands that are eco-friendly, cruelty-free, or fair trade.

These items often come with a higher price tag due to the ethical and sustainable practices involved, making them prime for higher commissions. Your target audience is likely passionate about social and environmental issues, making them more committed to the brands you recommend. A perfect fit for the conscientious shopper, right?

20. Cybersecurity Tools for Small Businesses

Last but not least, Cybersecurity Tools for Small Businesses. Cybersecurity is critical, but smaller businesses often don't have the resources for an in-house IT department. That's where specialized software and services come in. From VPNs to secure cloud storage, you'd be recommending a range of must-have tools.

The beauty of this niche is that these are often subscription services, opening the door for recurring commissions. Business owners need these tools but may not have the expertise to choose wisely - that's your cue to offer value through well-researched recommendations. A pretty serious yet lucrative niche, isn't it?

There you go—four more niches that can offer decent commissions due to their specialized or high-end nature. Each one has its own community of passionate, dedicated followers, making it a goldmine for an affiliate marketer who knows their stuff. Which one piques your interest the most?

(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
 September 2024: $8,550.00

About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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  1. I have been looking for alternative health service affiliate programs for a long time but have not found one. When I finally found someone, he said there were too many regulations that he couldn’t take affiliates, do you know anything about this?

  2. Thank you for such a insightful post, Raydar! I’ve been affiliate marketing for a few years now and am just thinking about a new niche site so found this post so useful! One thing though, rare niches I guess are hard if you don’t have good knowledge of the areas.

    Speaking of board games, I once tried a board game niche but there were other bloggers who were much more knowledgeable than me, I felt defeated at the time and quit. I am thinking about a few specialised collection niche and have been wondering if I’m good enough. Your post has now convinced me! Thank you. Your ideas are always inspiring!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Clair. I’m glad the post has helped – make sure you invite me when you start your niche site. Look forward to hearing from you soon again. All the best!

  3. Hey Raydar, this is a very useful article. I’m trying to start affiliate marketing and I’m so into survival games. It’s never crossed my mind as I thought I would have to sell crypto or some make money stuff. It sounds like the best niche for me. Also we don’t know what’s really going to happen to the world, we all need survival kits so if we get kicked out of our places we can keep ourselves safe for a while. Thanks for your helpful & useful article.

      1. This post doesn’t really offer anything new. Affiliate marketing has been oversaturated for years now, and unless you started a decade ago, you’re just fighting for scraps. It’s not worth it.

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