"I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me." - Tracee Ellis Ross
Motivational quotes love to contradict themselves sometimes. Some say "you need to make a good plan to avoid wasting your time", while others say "be spontaneous." Some say "challenge your limit" while others say "don't exhaust yourself, take it easy." Some say "you can be anyone you want to be" while others say "be true to yourself." It's all about negotiating your own capability.
People change, things change, you change, and you can only do what you think is right for you depending on the circumstances in life. But one thing that never changes is, life is about development, so you never give up on your goals and keep learning. Here are 22 motivational quote posters recently posted on our social media - we hope they'll help you keep going for your dreams.
Contributors: TJ Salvatore, Mami Yamashita and Ray Alexander
Be Spontaneous
We often forget that sometimes the best things in life come about when you just go with the flow. When you let yourself be open to new opportunities and experiences, you can truly enjoy life - and that’s what being spontaneous is all about.
Allow yourself some freedom
If you're always thinking about what you should and shouldn't do, you'll end up being less spontaneous. Let go of the need to plan everything out in advance and just live in the present moment.
Be open to new experiences
When you're ready to try something new, don't worry about how it will look or if others will think it's weird or foolish - just go for it.
Make time for spontaneity
Don't put off things that make you happy - your happiness is key to being spontaneous. Find ways to squeeze in some fun and adventure into your day, week, or month.
Embrace change
When something new comes along, don't resist it – embrace it! Seeing change as an opportunity rather than a threat can help boost your spontaneity level immensely.
There's no need to be a slave to your schedule. You can have fun and live life spontaneously by following these simple tips. By freeing yourself from the fear of making mistakes, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences. Experimenting is key to living an exciting life, so take some risks and see how things turn out!
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. [Oscar Wilde]
I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me. [Tracee Ellis Ross]
You Can Be Anyone You Want To Be
There are no limits to who you can be or what you can achieve, as long as you're willing to work for it. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom looking to start your own business, or an entrepreneur ready to take on the world, there are plenty of ways to motivate yourself and make your dreams come true.
There's no need for mundane tasks to sap your motivation; try something new and exciting every once in a while to keep things interesting. Go on trail hikes or explore new cities - anything that gets your heart racing will do the trick.
Keep a positive attitude. No goal is too big or too small if you have the determination to see it through - even if things get tough in the process! When things get tough, remind yourself why the goal is important and what good could come from reaching it.
Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. [Stuart Scott]
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. [Farrah Gray]
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...But Be True To Yourself
The people around us are reflections of us, and what we project onto them shapes how they behave and how we feel. So the next time you find yourself doubting your own worth or feeling like you don't quite fit in, remember: happiness and success in life come from being true to yourself.
Start with self-acceptance
One of the first steps to being true to yourself is accepting that you are who you are – flaws and all. Feeling good about who you are makes it easier to be accepting of others, since they'll likely reflect back aspects of yourself that make you happy and proud.
Respect your own limitations
Just because someone is more accomplished or popular than you, doesn't mean they know everything or can do everything better than you. Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, and don't try to overcompensate by trying to do too much – that'll only lead to stress and self-doubt.
Be okay with imperfection
It's okay if things take longer than usual or if something doesn't turn out exactly the way you planned - in fact, those things might actually end up making your life more interesting! Embrace spontaneity and allow yourselves room for error – it'll make learning and growing much easier.
Believe in yourself
Don't forget to give yourself the support and belief that you need to be true to yourself – without it, you'll quickly lose momentum and start to doubt yourself again. Tell yourself that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and believe it until it becomes true for you.
Nothing is impossible. 'Impossible' just takes a few more phone calls. [Michael J. Fox]
Negotiate Your Own Capability
No one can motivate you more than you. If you're not motivated, no one else can be either. It's up to you to find the motivation that works for you and sticks with you.
Find your personal drive
What is it that gets you excited about reaching your goals? What drives your passion? Once you know what motivates you, work to find ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. When things get tough, turning to what drives you will give you the strength to keep going.
Take small steps toward success
When starting out on a new journey or undertaking a new challenge, it can be difficult to reach large goals overnight. Break down larger goals into smaller chunks and take on one new task at a time - this way, every accomplishment feels like another step closer to the final destination.
Be proud along the way
When reaching milestones or accomplishing great feats, be sure to celebrate with pride. Not only does this boost morale and encourage continued effort, the sense of pride also allows you to savor your accomplishments in peace and tranquility, which can lead to even greater success down the road.
Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter. [Francis Chan]
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. [Haruki Murakami]
Don't Exhaust Yourself
In order to be successful, you know you have to get out of your comfort zone and do things that are new and different. However, doing too much too soon can actually exhaust yourself instead of motivating you.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by a new challenge, start by undertaking a smaller part of it. Once you feel more in control of what needs to be done, set smaller goals rather than attempting larger ones right away. This will give you the satisfaction of completing something and will also reduce the fear of failure that can lead to burnout.
Make sure all the important items are placed in one place so you know where to find them when you have time for them. This will also help reduce stress because everything will be easier to track down when it matters most. And if something goes wrong along the way, it won’t feel as daunting. One step at a time.
Sometimes it takes a good fall to know where you really stand. [Hayley Williams]
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. [Stephen Covey]
"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." - Dale Carnegie
There are times when we all encounter struggles. We may find ourselves in a tough spot, with no clear path to success. But deep down, you know you’ll find a way through it. Your resilience will lead you through the hard times, and eventually you will reach your destination. That’s why it’s important to remember that there are always opportunities ahead.
No matter how bad the situation may seem at the moment, take it as a stepping stone to the next stage. You can and will prevail.
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. [Dale Carnegie]
It's All In Your Head
Recognize that failures are good. Recognize that it's only you feel discouraged - it's all in your head - it's all caused by our own thoughts, not the situation at hand. So the first step in overcoming this situation is admit that you are taking it negatively and tell yourself that it's not your fault, nor anyone else's.
Then start replacing those negative thoughts with more positive ones. Commit to taking action in spite of the discouraging situation and see how things progress from there.
Also Read: Rediscover yourself and Be Proud Of Who You Are
Sometimes in life, you have to make a selfish decision and do what's best for you. [Saquon Barkley]
The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way. [Keanu Reeves]
Stay positive by focusing on the good things about the situation
In every bad circumstance, there are always ways to sty positive, make good decision for yourself, and what's best for you. Keep focusing on small good things, and you'll never be beaten.
Remember that bad situations happen for a reason
The problem may be fixable or it may be something that can't be changed, but in either case there are usually reasons for it. Sometimes bad things just need time to correct themselves, so don't get too upset if the situation doesn't turn around immediately.
Dwell on the positive aspects of the situation
Think about all of the good that could come from this complication or challenge. What can you learn from it? What will you gain if you overcome it? Focus on what's best for you and your future, not on what's worst at this moment.
Don't take everything personally
No one is responsible for everything that goes wrong in life, including you! It's important to remember that bad things happen to everyone and they don't mean anything personal against you specifically. Just because something isn't going according to plan right now doesn't mean it won't eventually turn around or that you're a bad person for having expectations in life!
Be patient with yourself and others
Bad situations can often make us feel impatient and angry with those around us, but we should resist those feelings if we want to stay positive in difficult times. It's important to be understanding and compassionate to ourselves and to others, even when things are tough.
Let go of negative thoughts
It's easy to get caught up in our own negative thoughts about the situation, but we should try to resist this temptation. Thoughts like "this is hopeless," "nobody can help me," or "I'm just a victim" only make us feel worse about ourselves and our situation. Instead, focus on positive thoughts that will help you stay positive in tough times. Examples might include things like "I can handle this," "this is only temporary," or "everything will work out in the end."
Power perceived is power achieved. [Brad Thor]
You Can Always Get What You Work For
If we want something more in life, we need to put in the effort and work for it. Similarly, if we want to improve our relationships with others, we need to be willing to communicate and work on resolving conflicts. Doesn't it illustrate the importance of taking responsibility for your actions and not blaming others for your circumstances?
No, there is no guarantee that you will always be rewarded for your efforts, but by working hard and doing your best, you can achieve at least something that you can be proud of. If you're not happy with the result you're getting, just keep going. If you never give up, 'something' will happen.
Your Willingness Will Never Be Wasted
One thing that you can control is your effort. If you put in the necessary effort, you will be successful. So be willing to take risks and make some sacrifices. If you don't try new things or risk failing, then you won't achieve anything. In fact, if everything is going according to plan, it's more likely that you're not working hard enough.
There are also times when luck plays a role in success. For example, if someone has a natural ability for business or sports, they may be more likely to succeed because of their lucky genes or circumstances. However, even if someone does have advantages over others, it doesn't mean they won't have to work hard for their success.
Remember that no one is immune from failure and there are always opportunities for improvement. Your willingness will never be wasted!
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Very useful quotes. Good to see that this is the direction you’re going rather than not-so-helpful how to guides. Especially your guest posts, to be frank. I also follow your Instagram posts. Look forward to seeing new quotes. Please don’t repeat. Thanks