How To Start Your Computing Career

Updated: June 14, 2024
by Jack Stan

What is your dream job? When you really think about it, the best career you can have, whether you work for someone else or choose to start your own business, is one that is going to give you many years of interesting work – after all, this is something you’ll be doing every day so it needs to be something you have an interest in.

It’s also a good idea not to choose something that is going to become obsolete in years to come, or at least less important. Choosing a job for the future means choosing a career of the future, and computing fits into this category perfectly.

How To Start Your Computing Career

Learning the Basics

First, the different fields within computing.

  • Software development involves creating programs and applications.
  • IT support focuses on helping people with their technology needs.
  • Data analysis uses data to find trends and make decisions.
  • Cybersecurity protects information from threats.

Knowing which area interests you will help you focus your learning. And each field requires different skill sets.

For example, software developers need to know programming languages, while cybersecurity experts must understand security protocols and systems. Researching each area will give you a clearer picture of what to expect and help you make a decision about your career path.

Learning Programming Languages

One of the first steps in a computing career is learning programming languages. Popular languages include;


Python is a versatile language well-suited for a wide range of tasks. It's popular for its readability and beginner-friendly syntax. Common uses include:

  • Data Science and Machine Learning: Python excels at data analysis, manipulation, and visualization with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch are also written in Python.
  • Web Development: While not primarily a web development language, Python can be used for backend development with frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Scripting and Automation: Python is great for automating tasks and creating scripts to handle repetitive processes.


Java is a mature and robust language widely used for building large-scale,complex applications. Its focus on security and performance makes it a popular choice for enterprise environments. Common uses include:

  • Android Development: Java is the primary language for developing Android applications.
  • Server-side Development: Java servlets and frameworks like Spring are commonly used for building backend systems.
  • Big Data Processing: Java is used in frameworks like Apache Hadoop for processing large datasets.
Learning Programming Languages


JavaScript is the king of interactive web pages. It brings web pages to life by adding animations, handling user interactions, and creating dynamic content.

  • Web Applications: JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js allow developers to build complex and feature-rich web applications that run in a web browser.
  • Beyond the Browser: JavaScript engines like Node.js enable JavaScript to be used for server-side development as well.

In short, these languages excel in different areas:

  • Python: Easy to learn, great for data science and scripting.
  • Java: Robust and secure, ideal for enterprise applications.
  • JavaScript: Makes web pages interactive and builds modern web applications.

Online platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, and Khan Academy offer free and paid courses to help you get started.

Learning a programming language requires practice and patience. Start with simple projects and gradually tackle more complex tasks. Joining coding forums can also be beneficial. You can ask questions, share your progress, and get feedback from more experienced programmers.

Gaining Practical Experience

Build Projects

Build your projects to gain practical experience. Start with small projects that interest you, such as a personal website or a simple game. These projects will help you apply what you’ve learned and improve your problem-solving skills. As you gain confidence, take on larger and more complex projects.

Create a portfolio of your projects when applying for jobs. Because you'll need to prove your skills and demonstrate your ability to complete real-world tasks. Employers often look for candidates who can show their work, so having a strong portfolio is a big advantage.

Internships and Volunteering

Internships and volunteering opportunities provide hands-on experience in a professional environment. Look for internships at tech companies, startups, or organizations that need IT support. Even if these positions are unpaid, the experience you gain will be invaluable.

Volunteering for non-profit organizations or local community groups can also help you build your resume. Many of these groups need help with their websites, databases, or technical issues. Offering your skills can give you practical experience and help you make connections in the industry.

Networking and Building Connections

Join Professional Groups

Networking is crucial in any career, and computing is no exception. Joining professional groups and associations can help you meet others in the field. Organizations like the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) hold events including conferences.

Attending these events can help you learn about the latest trends and technologies. It also provides opportunities to meet potential employers, mentors, and collaborators. Building a network of contacts can open doors to job opportunities and career growth.


On GitHub, you can share your code, contribute to open-source projects, and collaborate with other developers. This platform is especially useful for showcasing your skills and getting feedback from the community. Building a strong online presence can enhance your visibility and credibility in the industry.

Further Education and Certifications

Pursuing a Degree

While not always necessary, a degree in computer science or a related field can be beneficial. Many employers prefer candidates with formal education. A degree program provides a structured learning environment and access to resources like labs, libraries, and professors.

If a full-time degree is not feasible, consider part-time or online programs. Many universities offer flexible options that allow you to study while working. A degree can provide a strong foundation and open up more advanced career opportunities.

Earning Certifications

Certifications can validate your skills and knowledge in specific areas. Popular certifications include CompTIA A+, Cisco’s CCNA, and Microsoft’s MCSE. These certifications are recognized by employers and can enhance your resume.

Earning a certification typically involves passing an exam. Many resources are available to help you prepare, including books, online courses, and practice tests. Certifications show that you have the expertise and dedication to succeed in the computing field.

Job Hunting and Career Development

If you have a master’s in computer science then employers will be pleased to welcome you, and – assuming your resume stacks up in the other ways we have mentioned – you will be able to have interviews at many different companies. So you can really pick and choose as to where you want to work and who you want to work for.

Don’t limit yourself to location, and remember, computing by its very nature can often be done remotely – if a company really wants you, they may be able to arrange for you to work from home. It is always worth applying and asking if this could be the case; if you have impressed in the interview, concessions can be made. 

Preparing Your Resume and Portfolio

You probably already know that well-prepared resume and portfolio are required for job hunting. Your resume should highlight your education, skills, and experience. Use clear, concise language and focus on relevant achievements. Tailor your resume for each job application to match the job requirements.

Your portfolio should showcase your projects and any work experience. Include links to your code on GitHub, screenshots of your projects, and descriptions of what you did. A strong portfolio can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your capabilities to potential employers.

Applying for Jobs

When you’re ready to apply for jobs, start by searching online job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. Look for entry-level positions that match your skills and interests. Apply to multiple jobs to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Preparing for interviews is also crucial. Practice common interview questions and learn how to explain your projects and experiences. Being able to clearly communicate your skills and how they apply to the job is key to making a good impression.

Continuous Learning and Growth

The computing field is always changing, so continuous learning is important. Stay updated with the latest technologies and trends by reading blogs, watching tutorials, and taking courses. Joining webinars and attending conferences can also keep you informed and connected with the industry.

Seeking feedback and learning from your experiences will help you grow professionally. Be open to new challenges and opportunities. As you gain more experience, you can advance to higher positions and take on more responsibilities.

How To Start Your Computing Career

Starting a computing career involves learning new skills, gaining practical experience, and building connections. By following these steps, you can set a strong foundation for your career. Remember to stay curious, keep learning, and be proactive in seeking opportunities. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve success in the exciting field of computing.

About the Author

Online Marketing Career Consultant. Network marketing and web developing since 2009, helping people quit daytime job and earn enough money and freedom. Keen swimmer, horse-rider, cake-baker, a little bit of OCD.

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