From Personal Reflection to Public Expression: Finding Your Voice Through Blogging

Updated: May 4, 2023
by Ray Alexander

TikTok and YouTube are undeniably the main sources of entertainment. But there is still a significant number of people who prefer to engage online with writing and reading instead. Writing can still create a sense of community as readers can relate to authors by forming personal connections through their words. Some users find different perspectives through reading.

From Personal Reflection to Public Expression: Finding Your Voice Through Blogging

Blogging Is Dead. So Why Would You Write?

There was a time when "nobody's diary" was a thing - yes, when the internet became a household item 2 decades ago. Blogging is dying, if not already dead. Content marketing is an outdated strategy. You may not agree now, but it is going to be obsolete. Going out of the way. 

Then why still write on your website rather than using social media? Who still believes there is value in writing blog posts?

Many of us still use blogging as a way to establish authority and credibility for our business. People never stop reading, and never stop writing. For some of us, the written word always wins over the spoken word. Blogging gives us a platform to share our thoughts but in a much more deeper way than social media. Much more careful thoughts about topics that are important to us. 

Blogging Keeps Chatterboxes Away

In this networking society, those who are the loudest, speak most quickly and most frequently win. If you are an introvert like me, your every other word is interrupted, which makes you rather distracted and you end up failing to say half of what you wanted to say. Sound familiar?

Writing can be an incredibly comfortable and liberating experience because you're not interrupted by those chatterboxes. Writing gives you the ability to carefully craft your words in a way that conveys exactly what you want to say, without any fear of stuttering or stumbling over your words.

Your blog space encourages creativity and exploration as you are able to take more risks with your ideas when you put them down on paper since it's much easier to delete something than erase a verbal mistake. It enables you to think through your idea before expressing it, which usually results in presenting clear thoughts and avoiding confusion.

For Those With a Speech Problem

I have a speech impediment and perhaps because of it, a mild social anxiety too. Or shyness, or self-doubt, I don't know exactly, and I don't have to know. I've always struggled when it comes to speaking in front of others. Writing has always been the solution for it - allowing me the opportunity for greater confidence in expressing myself without feeling rushed or judged.

This, in turn, also gives the chance for others who may have difficulty understanding due to your impediment the chance to go back and read over everything until they understand. For people like me, blogging is a gateway to communicating without having the fear of being misunderstood or judged by how we may sound while talking.

What Can You Achieve With Your Blog?


Your reason to start a blog may vary, but you can make your blogging space reflect your personal journey of growth and discovery. You can have a hugely rewarding experience from it - connect with others, gain insights into yourself, and even make a difference in the world. You can achieve things like;

1. Boost Your Creativity

Writing regularly can help to boost your creativity and problem-solving skills. When you're faced with a blank page (or screen), it can be tough to know where to start. But once you get into the flow of writing, ideas will start flowing more easily. And as you continue to blog over time, you'll find that your creative well only continues to deepen.

2. Enhance Your Communication Skills

Have you ever seen Quora answers that are unnecessarily lengthy? They only need to tell you what happened, but instead, they tell you how they reacted initially, how the second thoughts came to their mind, who was there exactly...all the irrelevant information.

It's a lack of writing skills. Quora is open to everyone, and the contributors are not required to be perfect writers, but the number of likes and shares reflects their skills.

The regular practice of blogging enables you to express your thoughts clearly with the reader's perspective in mind. As you receive feedback from readers, you'll also learn how to better articulate your ideas and respond constructively to criticisms.

3. Connect With People

Blogging can actually be a great way for people who are not comfortable with verbal communication to connect with others and express themselves. Writing allows you to carefully craft your thoughts and ideas, i.e. not spontaneously. It allows you to share them with others only when you’re ready.

Blogging can also provide a sense of community and belonging for people who may struggle with social interaction. And of course, it’s good for them to develop their writing skills and build their confidence in expressing themselves. As they receive feedback and engagement from their audience, they may gain the confidence to communicate more in other areas of their life as well.

4. Share Your Opinions To Help Others

Sharing your “knowledge” means very little nowadays as AI can provide good information. But sharing your opinions is a different thing, you still have the potential to help others in a big way. People still turn to blogs for human advice and inspiration, so if you have something meaningful to say, blogging can still be a good way to give back.

What To Blog About?

Identity On Your Blog

You can blog about anything. Anything that you believe will be of value to your readers, for example;

  • Personal experiences: Write about your personal experiences and share what you've learned from them. This could include travel, hobbies, relationships, or any other aspect of your life.
  • Reviews: Offer your opinion on products, services, books, movies, or anything else you feel passionate about. This can help others make informed decisions.
  • News and current events: Share your thoughts on current events, news stories, or trends in your industry.
  • Tips and tricks: Offer your readers tips and tricks on anything from productivity to self-improvement.

Who Will Read My Blog?

Because you are the author, you likely have some level of personal investment in what you share. Whether your blog remains private or becomes public, it can be therapeutic to put words to your thoughts and feelings - even if no one ever reads them. 

That being said, there are ways to increase your readership by making your content more discoverable. For example, if you're interested in growing a following beyond your personal network, consider SEO strategies like choosing targeted keywords and tagging other related blogs or websites. The more visible your blog is, the more likely people are to stumble across it and become regular readers.

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How Often Should I Post?

It really depends on your goal. For SEO purposes, every day. But you don’t want to be obsessed with the frequency and burn yourself out from it. So consider;

  1. Consistency: Whether you post once a week, twice a month, or daily, it's important to be consistent. This helps to build your audience's expectations and encourages them to check back for new content.
  2. Quality over quantity: It's better to post less frequently but with high-quality content than to post often with low-quality content. Focus on creating content that is valuable, well-researched, and engaging.
  3. Be realistic: Consider your availability and resources. Don't commit to posting more frequently than you can realistically sustain. It's better to set a schedule that you can stick to rather than over-committing and burning out.
  4. Your availability: How much time do you have? If you only have a few minutes here and there, you might not be able to commit to posting every day. Once or twice a week might be more realistic for you.

Making Money From Your Blog

You've been told a million times that you need to "monetize your blog," but you don't want to clutter up your beautiful creation with ads. With that said, it’s good to be able to make a living from your writing. Here are a few ideas for how to make money from your blog without sacrificing its integrity:

  • Offer paid subscriptions. This is a great option if you have high-quality, exclusive content that your readers can't find anywhere else. They'll be happy to pay for access to your work, and you'll be able to keep your blog ad-free.
  • Sell products related to your niche. If you're an expert on something, why not sell products related to it? You can set up an online shop easily enough, and market your wares through your blog posts.
  • Use affiliate marketing. If you're comfortable promoting other people's products on your blog, this can be a great way to earn some extra income. Just make sure that the products you promote are relevant to your readership and that you're not just in it for the commission check!
  • Offer consulting or coaching services. If you have expertise in a certain area, there's no reason why you couldn't use your blog as a platform to offer consulting or coaching services. This is a great way to monetize if you don't want to sell products or use affiliate marketing.
  • Ask for donations. If you have a loyal readership and want to keep your blog ad-free, you could consider asking for donations from your readers. This can be done through services like Patreon, where people can choose to donate a certain amount each month in exchange for exclusive content or other rewards.

Learn Affiliate Marketing Through Blogging

Affiliate marketing through blogging is still a good way because: 

  • Low start-up costs: Blogging requires minimal start-up costs, and many affiliate programs are free to join, making it a low-risk business model.
  • Passive income potential: Once you've created high-quality content that includes affiliate links, it can continue to generate income for you over time. This means you can potentially earn money while you sleep or while you focus on other projects.
  • Flexible schedule: Blogging allows you to work from anywhere and set your own schedule. This can be especially appealing to those looking for a side hustle or to work from home.
  • Creative freedom: Blogging allows you to showcase your creativity and voice through your writing, and to tailor your content to your audience's needs and preferences.
  • Diversification of income: Affiliate marketing through blogging allows you to diversify your income streams, making you less reliant on a single source of income.

Start your blog first to test the waters for free, so you’ll see if blogging is something you enjoy and want to continue doing. Start WordPress with a free plan with basic features, and you can always upgrade to a paid plan later if needed. All training programs are included here.

You Too Can Blog and Make Money!

Learn every step that I took to make $6,000 every month from blogging and niche affiliate marketing from here.

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About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

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