5 Tips for New Moms Transitioning to Work from Home

Updated: May 3, 2023
by Crissie-Jess Adeola

Congratulations, new mom! You've made it through the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes. Now, you're ready to tackle a new challenge: working from home. While it may seem like the perfect solution for balancing your career and family life, transitioning to remote work can be tough - especially with a little one at your side.

But don't worry, I've got you covered. I will share five tips to help you navigate this exciting but challenging time in your life as a new mom transitioning to work from home. Trust me, you'll be able to juggle motherhood and your career like a pro over time!

5 Tips for New Moms Transitioning to Work from Home

1. Set a Schedule

Balancing work and childcare can be challenging, especially when working from home. Here are some tips to help you set a schedule to work from home with a newborn baby:

Create a flexible schedule: 

It's essential to have a flexible schedule when you have a newborn. Babies are unpredictable, and their needs change frequently. Create a schedule that allows you to work during your baby's nap time and when they are content playing independently.

Prioritize tasks: 

Make a list of tasks that are urgent and important and prioritize them. Focus on completing these tasks during your work hours. It's essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish with a newborn baby in the house.

Communicate with your employer: 

Be transparent with your employer about your situation. Let them know that you are committed to your work, but your schedule may be different from before. Discuss with them the possibility of working part-time or having flexible work hours.

Get help: 

Consider getting help from a family member, friend, or babysitter. Having someone who can take care of your baby while you work can be a great help. Alternatively, you could also consider joining a co-op or playgroup to share childcare responsibilities with other parents.

Be kind to yourself: 

Never try to be perfect, you have a new person to take care of. Balancing work and a newborn is a challenging task, and it's okay to ask for help and take breaks when needed. Remember to take care of yourself, get enough sleep, and eat healthily.

Setting a schedule to work from home with a newborn baby requires flexibility, prioritization, communication with your employer, and help from others. By following these tips, you can create a schedule that works for you and your baby.

2. Find a Support System

Being a new mom who is transitioning to work from home can be an overwhelming experience. Finding a support system is crucial during this time as it can help you navigate through the challenges and make your transition smoother.

You already know that you can;

  • Ask your partner/spouse: If you have a partner or spouse, consider sharing the responsibilities of caring for the baby while you work. This can include taking turns watching the baby or working different shifts to ensure that one person is always available to care for the baby.
  • Ask your family members and friends: Reach out to family and friends who can provide support, such as watching the baby while you work or bringing over meals to help with household chores.
  • Employ babysitters or nannies: If you need additional help, consider hiring a babysitter or nanny. This can be a great option if you need someone to watch the baby while you work, run errands, or take a break.
  • Use a daycare service: If you prefer a more structured environment, consider enrolling your baby in a daycare program. Many daycares offer part-time and full-time options that can be tailored to your schedule.

But you can also find other options such as;

Co-working spaces with childcare: 

Create a Workspace

Yes, co-working spaces with childcare services are becoming increasingly popular for parents who want to work while their children are nearby. These spaces provide a professional workspace for parents, while their children are cared for by trained professionals.

Here are a few examples of co-working spaces with childcare services:

  • The Wing: This women-focused co-working space has several locations that offer childcare services. Parents can drop off their children in the on-site childcare facility while they work.
  • Hera Hub: This co-working space has several locations across the United States that offer on-site childcare services. Parents can work in a professional environment while their children are cared for nearby.
  • Kith and Kin: This co-working space in Brooklyn, NY, offers on-site childcare services for children ages six weeks to six years old. Parents can work in a shared office space while their children are cared for in a nearby facility.
  • NextKids: This co-working space in Los Angeles, CA, offers on-site childcare services for children ages six months to six years old. Parents can work in a professional environment while their children are cared for nearby.
  • Third Door: This co-working space in London, UK, offers on-site childcare services for children up to eight years old. Parents can work in a professional environment while their children are cared for in a nearby facility.

These co-working spaces offer a convenient solution for parents who want to work while their children are nearby. They provide a professional environment for parents to work and grow their businesses while their children are cared for in a safe and nurturing environment.

Online communities: 

Online Community

Join online communities of parents where they can provide emotional support, tips, and advice on balancing work and parenting. Many online business communities of parents can provide support and resources for parents who are starting or running a business while caring for their children. Here are some examples:

  • Mompreneurs: This is a community of moms who are entrepreneurs, offering resources and support for moms who are starting or growing a business.
  • Working Mother's Mentor: This community offers mentorship and resources for working mothers who are balancing careers and parenting.
  • Boss Mom: This community provides resources and support for moms who are running a business while raising a family.
  • The Mom Economy: This is an online community that connects moms who are running businesses and provides resources and support for them.
  • Moms Mean Business: This community offers resources and support for moms who are starting or growing a business.
  • Parent Entrepreneurs Association: This is an online community that provides resources and support for parent entrepreneurs.

These are just a few examples of the many online communities of parents who are starting or running a business. By joining these communities, you can connect with other parents who are facing similar challenges, share tips and advice, and find support and encouragement as you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and parenting.

3. Create a Workspace

As a new mom transitioning to work from home, creating a workspace is crucial for productivity and focus. It's essential to have an area designated solely for work, free from distractions that come with being at home. Here are some tips for creating a workspace with your baby:

Designate a space for your baby:

 Set up a space in your office or workspace for your baby, such as a pack-and-play, bassinet, or soft play mat. Make sure the space is safe, comfortable, and within your line of sight.

Baby-proof your workspace:

If your baby is mobile, make sure your workspace is baby-proofed to prevent accidents. This includes securing cords, covering electrical outlets, and keeping hazardous materials out of reach.

Invest in a baby carrier: 

A baby carrier can keep your baby close while allowing you to work with your hands-free. Choose a carrier that is comfortable for both you and your baby, and make sure it is suitable for the age and weight of your baby.

Use a white noise machine: 

A white noise machine can help create a calming environment for your baby, making it easier for them to nap or play while you work.

Take frequent breaks: 

Set aside time for frequent breaks to tend to your baby's needs, such as feeding, changing diapers, or playing with them. These breaks can also help you avoid burnout and improve your productivity.

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Stay organized: 

Staying organized can help you stay on top of work tasks while caring for your baby. Use some scheduling apps such as to-do lists and project management software, or even just a calendar app, to keep track of your tasks and deadlines.

Be flexible: 

Remember that caring for a baby can be unpredictable, and be prepared to adjust your schedule and priorities as needed. Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't complete everything on your to-do list, and remember to take care of yourself and your baby first and foremost.

Creating a workspace with your baby can be a great way to balance work and parenting. By following these tips, you can create a safe and productive environment for both you and your baby.

4. Go Out Every Day If You Can

baby need to get some fresh air

While both you and your baby need to get some fresh air and sunshine, it's not always necessary to take your baby outside every day, especially during the early weeks and months of their life. In fact, newborn babies may need more rest and may not be up for outdoor activities every day.

It's important to find a balance between caring for your baby and taking time for yourself and your work. If you're running a home business, it's understandable that you may want to take a break and get some fresh air. However, you should also consider your baby's needs, schedule, and health when planning outdoor activities.

Here are some things to keep in mind when planning outdoor activities with your baby:

  • Start with short outings: During the first few weeks of life, start with short outings of 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the duration as your baby gets older and more accustomed to being outside.
  • Consider the time of day: Try to plan outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, to avoid exposing your baby to direct sunlight and heat.
  • Dress your baby appropriately: Dress your baby in weather-appropriate clothing, including hats and sunscreen for sunny days and warm layers for cooler days.
  • Choose safe and appropriate activities: Activities such as walking, strolling, and sitting in the park are safe and appropriate for newborns. Avoid crowded places or areas with a lot of traffic or noise that can be overwhelming for your baby.
  • Follow your baby's cues: Pay attention to your baby's cues and signs of discomfort or distress, such as fussiness or crying, and adjust your activities accordingly.

Remember that your baby's health and safety should always come first. While it's important to take breaks from your home business and get some fresh air, make sure to plan outdoor activities that are appropriate for your baby's age, health, and needs.

5. Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

As a new mom transitioning to work from home, you don't have to be perfect. It's easy to feel guilty about not being able to do everything at once, but it's okay if things aren't always perfect. Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't balance everything perfectly right away.

Remember that everyone has their own struggles and challenges when adjusting to working from home with a baby or young child. There will be days when nothing seems to go according to plan, and that’s normal! Instead of focusing on what went wrong, try focusing on what you did accomplish for the day – even if it was just getting dressed or taking care of your little one.

Never compare yourself with others who might seem like they've got it all together. Social media often portrays an unrealistic picture of perfection and can make us feel inadequate in comparison. Remember that everyone is different and has unique circumstances - so focus on your own journey instead of comparing yourself with others.

Be kind and patient towards yourself as you navigate this new phase in your life. Take breaks when needed, reach out for support when necessary, and most importantly remember that no matter what happens during the day - tomorrow is another chance for success!

5 Tips for New Moms Transitioning to Work from Home: Conclusion

Transitioning to working from home as a new mom can be challenging, but by following these five tips, you can make the process smoother and less stressful. Remember to set a schedule that works for you and your family, find support in friends or online communities, create a workspace that is conducive to productivity and comfort, take time for yourself whenever possible, and don't be too hard on yourself if things don't always go as planned.

Working from home has its unique challenges but it also offers many benefits such as flexibility and allowing mothers to spend quality time with their children. By implementing these tips into your daily routine, you'll find that transitioning back into work mode will become easier over time.

Remember to be patient with yourself during this transition period. It takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it, the rewards are immeasurable. So go ahead; embrace this exciting chapter in your life!

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About the Author

Jess is a working mother of two small children. Writer, graphic designer and a trainee accountant, who's looking to set up a design institution for children under 13 in the UK.

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