Do Not Use Digital Marketing Agencies. You Can Do It Yourself.

Updated: July 27, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

These days, you'll find a lot of marketers, especially the ones who haven't had much success, going on and on about digital marketing. They keep saying it's the best thing ever. But the truth is, digital marketing is just...normal. There’s a lot of hype around it that doesn’t always match up to reality.

Do Not Use Digital Marketing Agencies. You Can Do It Yourself.

Not-So-Successful Marketers and Digital Hype

Marketers who haven’t had much luck often become the biggest cheerleaders of digital marketing. They’ll tell you it’s the greatest and far superior to any other form of marketing. But in reality, digital marketing is just another tool in the toolbox. It's not better or worse than traditional marketing - it’s just different. And while it can be really useful, it’s not the magic bullet that some people make it out to be.

Digital Marketing Is Just Normal

There's nothing wrong with using digital marketing. In fact, it’s essential for most businesses today. But it's not something that deserves to be put on a pedestal. Just like any other marketing method, it has its strengths and weaknesses.

And just like any other marketing method, it won’t work miracles unless you put in the time and effort to do it right.

Don’t Believe the Hype

So, the next time you hear someone singing the praises of digital marketing as if it’s the solution to all your problems, take it with a grain of salt. It’s a valuable tool, for sure, but it’s not the only one you should have in your arsenal. And it’s definitely not something that should be treated as more special than it actually is.

Do Not Use Digital Marketing Agencies

And it seems like everywhere you look, there are digital marketing agencies offering their services. But are these agencies really worth it? Here are some reasons why you might want to think twice before hiring one.

Overhype Digital Marketing

High Costs

Digital marketing agencies can be really expensive. They charge a lot of money for their services, and the costs can quickly add up. And while it's true that digital marketing is essential for most businesses, it's also true that there are a lot of free or low-cost resources available that can help you get started. 

So, before you decide to spend a lot of money on an agency, consider whether you could achieve the same results with a little bit of effort and a lot less money.

Overhyping Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is just…marketing. It’s certainly important, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of marketing. Some agencies, however, might make it seem like digital marketing is the ultimate, super-technical way to get your business noticed. But this isn’t true.

Traditional marketing methods like print ads, billboards, and TV commercials are still very effective for many businesses. It’s essential to have a balanced approach to marketing that includes both digital and traditional methods.

Learning It Yourself

Digital marketing is not rocket science. With a little bit of effort, you can learn the basics of digital marketing and start implementing strategies for your business.

There are plenty of online resources, tutorials, and courses available that can help you get started. By learning digital marketing yourself, you can save a lot of money and have more control over your marketing efforts.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Depending on the industry you’re in, and the size of your business, there are methods that you don’t necessarily use. But digital marketing agencies often offer packaged services that may not be tailored to your business's specific needs.

Believe me, you can take control of your efforts and create a customized strategy that is suited to your business and target market.

They're Not As Great As You Think

Many digital marketing agencies don’t know what they’re doing. Only a few out there are as good as you think. Some agencies might have a good sales pitch, but that doesn’t mean they can deliver results.

It’s common for agencies to overpromise and underdeliver. Moreover, some agencies use outdated tactics or a one-size-fits-all approach that might not be suitable for your business.

Lack of Personal Touch

Digital marketing agencies handle multiple clients at a time, and it’s possible that they might not give your business the attention it deserves. They may not fully understand your business, your target market, or your goals. By managing your digital marketing efforts yourself, you can ensure that your marketing strategy is aligned with your business objectives and tailored to your target market.

High costs, a lack of personal touch, and overhyping digital marketing are just a few reasons why you might want to reconsider using a digital marketing agency.

Instead, consider learning the basics of digital marketing yourself and creating a customized strategy that is tailored to your business and target market. This approach can save you a lot of money and result in a more effective marketing strategy in the long run.

Who Should Manage Your Cyber Persona?

Creating a Fictitious Persona

Your cyber persona is everything about you or your business that exists online. This includes your website, social media accounts, online reviews, and any other public information. 

Managing your cyber persona is essential because it’s how you present yourself or your business to the world. And who better to manage it than you?

You Know Your Business Best

No one knows your business better than you do. You know your products or services, your customers, and your goals. This makes you the best person to create and manage content that reflects your business accurately.

While you can hire someone to manage your persona, they may not fully understand your business or be as invested in its success as you are.

Personal Connection

Managing your own digital image allows you to create a personal connection with your customers. When you respond to comments, messages, or reviews, your customers will appreciate the personal touch. Your customers are yours, so you build trust and loyalty with them by yourself.

Cost Savings

Hiring someone to manage your cyber persona can be expensive. By doing it yourself, you can save money that can be used in other areas of your business. There are plenty of free or low-cost tools available that can help you manage it without breaking the bank.

Learning Experience

You will learn about what works and what doesn’t, what your customers want, and how to improve your brand. Only your knowledge can keep taking your business to higher levels. You can’t keep depending on third parties. 


Managing your online cyber persona gives you the flexibility to make changes as and when you need to. You don’t have to wait for someone else to make updates or changes for you.

Challenges of Managing Your Own Brand

While there are many benefits to managing your image, there are also some challenges. It can be time-consuming, and there is a learning curve if you are not familiar with digital marketing or social media management. With that said, plenty of resources are available - just google!

Managing your personality is definitely doable with a little bit of effort and the right tools. After all, who better to manage your cyber persona than you?

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How to Get Started with Self-Managed Digital Marketing

Obviously, digital marketing is all about promoting your business online. And you already know you use all those usual things like social media, emails, and your website to tell people about your products. If you’re thinking of managing your digital marketing yourself, here’s how you can get started.

Don't Be A Follower, Be A Trailblazer

Everyone's going to tell you to make a website or hop on social media platforms. But let's get creative and find innovative ways to make your business shine online. It's not just about what tools you use; it's about how you use them to create a unique voice for your business.

Play The Detective: Know Your Competition

This isn’t about copy-pasting what others are doing. It’s about studying the digital landscape, pinpointing gaps, and then filling those gaps with your own flair. Think of it like detective work. What is everyone else NOT doing? Could be a fun game!

DIY Trends: Create Your Own Wave

Who says you need to follow trends? Why not create one? Utilize overlooked platforms like Pinterest, Etsy, or even virtual worlds like Roblox to market your product. It sounds out there, but these are untapped reservoirs where you can make your mark without drowning in competition.

Engage Through Gamification

Don't just post stuff and wait for likes. Turn engagement into a game. Host online scavenger hunts across your platforms. Drop Easter eggs in your blog posts that offer discounts to keen-eyed readers. The more you engage people in a fun way, the deeper the connection becomes.

Don't Appear To Sell, Tell Your Story Instead

Here’s where you can go against the grain. Instead of making your online platforms just a digital storefront, make them an evolving narrative. Create an ongoing story with your posts that keeps people coming back for the next "chapter." Tease upcoming products like plot twists. It's not just marketing; it's online theater.

Old is Gold: Revive Forgotten Media

Podcasts and newsletters might seem a bit '90s, but they are goldmines for niche markets. People crave personalized, curated content. Turn your expertise into a weekly podcast or a newsletter that dives deep into topics your customers care about.

Experiment, Then Pivot or Persevere

The digital world loves rule-breakers. If something’s not working, swap it out. No harm, no foul. If it works, double down on it. Just because one tactic failed doesn’t mean the next one will. The only mistake is not trying something new.

Be Unpredictably Consistent

Consistency is good, but predictability is boring. Have a consistent posting schedule but mix up the content. Throw in surprises now and then. Consistent doesn't have to mean monotonous.

Master The Art of FOMO

This is not about creating fake urgency. It's about offering value that people fear missing out on. Exclusive live Q&A sessions, limited releases, and surprise collaborations can create real-time excitement and engagement.

Managing your own digital marketing can be a rollercoaster. But you’re the one controlling the ride. Step out of the box, be a renegade in the digital field, and you'll find that self-managing your digital marketing isn’t just doable; it’s an adventure.

Mastering Your Cyber Persona: Unleashing the Power of Self-Managed Digital Marketing

Taking charge of your individuality is more than just doing your own digital marketing. It's about being a creative force, an innovator, and a storyteller. You have the power to create your own narrative, engage with customers in new and exciting ways, and stand out in a crowded online world.

In a world where everyone is trying to sell something, be different. Create value, tell a story, and engage with your customers in a way that is uniquely yours. By managing your own digital marketing, you have the power to create a brand that is unforgettable.

So, take the reins of your online presence, unleash your creativity, and show the world what you've got. After all, no one can tell your story better than you.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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