China Cash Clone Review – Fake News!

Updated: June 6, 2019
by Ray Alexander

My China Cash Clone review reveals almost everything that's claimed by the seller is untrue. He says that China Cash Clone is a software, it is "revolutionary" and it works by exploiting a "little-known glitch on the internet".

I'm sorry but we've heard that all before. How long has it been since the internet became a standard household item? I got my first Windows 98 back the '90s (yes I'm old!) when I was so excited to hear some stranger on AOL chat telling me there was a revolutionary way to make thousands of dollars per day, discovered in some exotic country.

China Cash Clone Review

Now we're in 2019, still thousands of scammers advertise some "untold secrets" to make a ridiculous amount of money online. None of them is true, yet people still fall for this kind of thing.

There are NO such secrets that you and I can easily obtain for as low as $9. If you've watched the China Cash Clone's sales video and believed any part of the seller's story - you really should know. You should know this is a kind of sales video that a typical scammer creates. Otherwise you'll come across with many other similar sales page in the future and you'll be scammed sooner or later!

China Cash Clone Review

Product Name:

China Cash Clone

Website URL:


Drop-shipping (Doh!)


Daniel Barber's Chinese friend Mr. Fong

Launch Date:

May 2019


$9 + upsells


China Cash Clone - Overview

Now so far, have I called China Cash Clone a scam?

The product is a guide to a drop-shipping business using AliExpress. AliExpress is based in China - that's where the name came from.

For the initial price of $9 that you pay for China Cash Clone, this is just a guide. If you are willing to follow the steps and actually start a drop-shipping business, you'll have to pay for the upsells which is $197, plus a lot more for monthly web hosting fees and you will NOT make a cent for a long, long time, which I'll explain in a little while.

Now the sales page claims one of the fake users say "I just joined China Cash Clone last week and I'm $30,000 richer!" You tell me this product is a scam or not.

China Cash Clone Get Started

What Is A Drop-Shipping?

A drop-shipping allows you to run an online store without having item stock. For example, you see a pair of jeans sold on AliExpress for $30. You list the same item on your own web store for $45. Your customer orders the pair of jeans and pays you $45. You'll immediately buy the same item from AliExpress for $30 and get them to ship directly to your customer. The difference of $15 is your profit.

It's Hard Work!

I'm personally not a fan of drop-shipping (I've done it in the past) because it's busy! Drop-shipping is a hard job because;

  • You have to monitor your store listing all the time. Not only to continuously add new items, but also to continuously check your supplier's site (i.e. AliExpress). If an item goes out of stock in AliExpress, you have to put "out of stock" on your site.
  • You have to take care of all customer service matters (take orders, send dispatch notes, handle complaints and returns!!)
  • Yes, returns! Ask your customer to return it directly to your supplier, make sure you got your money back and refund your customer at the same time.

You see what I mean? And what does China Cash Clone tell you?

  • "Start dropshipping and make thousands of dollars every single day on autopilot."
  • "Up to $30,000 per week from less than 10 minutes of work each day."

No chance. Absolutely not possible. The seller of China Cash Clone is lying or/AND has never experienced a drop-shipping business himself.

AliExpress Isn't That Great

I'm personally not keen on AliExpress either for two reasons.

One is critical. The suppliers listed on AliExpress are from all over the world, and the standard delivery time for the majority of items is 30-60 days. Please tell me you're kidding?

Internet shopping - a maximum of how many days would you wait for the delivery? 5 days, perhaps? I usually abandon my cart if I can't get it the next day. You can't run an online store that offers 60 days shipping time on most items and expect such a great success. Unless you sell them really cheap, like AliExpress.

And that's the second reason - AliExpress only sells unknown brand products and cheap, inferior products. If you choose quantity over quality and run a, say, cheap electronic shop, imagine this scenario. If you were selling a USB charger for $2 each with 40% profit margin, that would be $0.80 profit per item. Selling 1,000 of them per month to make $800 profit...that would be insanely hard work!

The Misleading "Proof of Profits"

Well, we know these numbers are totally made up, but there was something wrong that I spotted right away when I looked at the graph. I couldn't help but to stop the video and take a closer look at it.

It says the sales total from April was over $153k, but the graph underneath doesn't say so - there was one day that made it to $10k, other days around $3k or less. If you roughly add up the total of all the bars, it will only come to $60-70k.

What's worse is that the seller says he made $153k "profit" in this month - a sales/revenue is not a profit. The cost of sales is not included. What he paid the supplier (i.e. AliExpress) should be deducted from it, and that'll be called "gross profit".

The seller's comment makes me think, does he understand the very basic of a retail business, or is he just totally making it all up because he couldn't care less? Perhaps the latter?

Another comment that he makes in the video is "Make an easy passive online income!" Passive income is an income that comes in without doing anything, like affiliate commissions, investment interest income, etc. You can never make passive income from a drop-shipping (e-commerce) business. Again, because the whole thing is made up and he's only selling a product that's created by someone else, he's never had an experience in drop-shipping himself and doesn't know the term...or he knows but is plainly scamming.

Fake Testimonials

The testimonials are all fake.

Fiverr is a perfect place for scammers to get fake user testimonials made up. You can hire a spokesperson for $5-10, give them a script and get them to speak in front of a camera for 30-40 seconds.

Fake Testimonials

They're all "repeaters", already appeared in many other scam product testimonials to say "I have made [large sum of money] for the first time in my life! Thank you for so-and-so system!"

These people are not 'actors' since they call themselves spokespeople. Perhaps they're in a vulnerable position, no option but to whore themselves out to scammers for money? Or they just don't know/care the consequences of making false statements?

It's Not "Newbie Friendly"

Well, I always become wary of people who say "this product requires no experiences, skills or qualifications". I don't trust those words.

Because NO product requires experience, skills or qualifications! Usually people only warn you if a product is not suitable for everyone. Age 13+ or above. Windows users only. The next video contains flashing images, etc. No internet marketing jobs require special qualifications anyway. Anyone can start it (and that's why there are so many scammers).

When they say "it's newbie-friendly", in what sense? And China Cash Clone is a typical example. The seller says it's newbie-friendly, but drop-shipping is NOT easy. Is there a comprehensive step-by-step instruction? There isn't.

You Will Not Make A Single Cent!

To be perfectly honest, telling you that you can make $5,000 daily, is a joke. Because I've already said it a few times - drop-shipping is not easy. It's a seriously competitive business. This product may help you get started, but it doesn't teach you the most important, most critical subject...


No one will visit your newly-built online store for a long, long time, if you don't learn the technique to drive traffic. Unless you run a campaign furiously and spend a serious amount of money on advertisements, you will not start making sales in such a short period. And of course, your money and effort will be a total waste if you randomly advertise your store without learning the technique.

You see, "make $5,000 every day" is an unrealistic income claim, and "I only joined last week and already made $30,000!" is false testimony. With China Cash Clone alone, you will NOT make a single cent.

False Disclaimer

While China Cash Clone suggests all that "only 10 minutes of easy work" in the video, you visit the disclaimer page and find it say "Results vary. Success is a result of hard work, time and variety of other factors".

You also find it say, "Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential." Which is totally inaccurate. Testimonials are fake, and the user comments are fake. You just don't make that kind of money from drop-shipping so quickly. A disclaimer page exists to protect a seller from claims of liability, but China Cash Clone's disclaimer is quite invalid for that reason.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

You can claim your money back within the first 60 days. That's one good news!

China Cash Clone Pros and Cons


  • Low cost.
  • 60-day money back guarantee.


  • Sales page is grossly misleading, with unrealistic income provisions.
  • Fake testimonials prove no credibility.
  • The business is not at all "easy" as suggested by the seller.

China Cash Clone Review - Conclusion:

By now you see the China Cash Clone is not how it's described in the sales video, and no part in the actual product is "easy".

A drop-shipping is a good business to start with, only if you're willing to work extremely hard on it. I don't believe China Cash Clone will help you succeed with it, therefore I don't recommend it.

This Is "Passive Income"!

As I mentioned earlier, drop-shipping never pays you passive income. Affiliate marketing does. If you're looking to build your own website and create a monthly income stream from trusted affiliate networks; firstly you need to know the most legitimate and ethical ways to promote products. Then you also need to know how to build a trust relationship with users. Without it, you'll only be making a few dollars here and there. That's not a sustainable way to make money online. There are 3 main elements that will be essential to you;

  • Fast and secure web hosting service,
  • Keyword tool (so that your website will rank high in Google search), and
  • Continuous help and support to keep your skills and knowledge updated.

Join me if you want to know how I make a substantial passive income every month and follow my steps. It's not going to happen overnight, but with your effort and patience, your will definitely make a good success online with niche affiliate marketing.

(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
 January 2025: $7,650.00

About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

Thank you for your Comments!

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  1. I thought something was wrong when I saw this. Someone was using my name to run a campaign then I saw it again today. It’s all too good to be true. Wake up people!

  2. A few people send me different emails and they all try to get me to buy China Cash Clone. I know this is a scam. I want to stop them from sending these ridiculous emails. How can I stop that, I have sent numerous messages to them but have received no response.

    1. Hi Gerrard, the senders can tell if you open their email and also if you click the link in the email. Every time you click the link, you’re telling them that you are interested in their promotion. There are two ways to stop; treat them as spam (right-click the mail and see if you can ‘complain’) or change your email address! No point sending them messages – they use their email account for sending-only, they never look at the inbox.

  3. Hi Ray, it sounds like another product that wastes so much of your time.

    Everyone should know if you want to make money online you have to work, stop buying products that make false promises to make you rich over night.

    Your review is helpful for every new online marketer to let them know there is no quick way. Thank you for your post.

  4. Hey, I know the seller. Don’t know personally but I know every time he comes back. I’ll continue to keep posting scam alert on every review & social media until this guy stops.

  5. Hi Ray, this is very interesting for me because the product itself is maybe not totally useless. But I really don’t understand that please tell me. Why do these people promote products like this way and never say it is useful for people who want to start dropshipping, because it is not useful? Is this purely for them to make money and that’s why they hide their identity?
    Thanks Ray, your post is very interesting.

    1. Hi Sam, thanks for your comment. These people know the quality of the product they’re selling is not up to scratch, so they know they couldn’t sell many copies if they were to target the right people and promote it in the right way. The only way is to target lazy get-rich-quick dreamers who can never be bothered to learn the steps. Yes frankly speaking, it is purely for them to make money. They stay incognito because easy for them to come back using a different name every time they’re banned by the payment clearance networks. Hope it makes sense.

  6. Hey, I saw this one only a few days ago. Normally don’t watch that c**p throughout but had it on then saw the testimonials. I recognize most of them from other scam testimonials. Your right its not believable whatever.

  7. Hi Ray, great review. I’ve seen so many of similar products and I too feel it’s become so stupid. When are we gonna learn!? I’ve never had an experience in drop shipping, now I know what it’s like. It takes a lot of your energy, I guess, then you gotta love what you sell. Something I could never do. Thanks for the post. Mind boggling as always. Ben

    1. Hi Ben, yes they’re all boringly similar yet new to some people! You’re right about drop shipping, it’s better to like the niche of the products than to sell any household items, for example, just because they’re evergreen. Because you need to constantly check new/old items, you need to keep yourself up to date with the latest info. Thanks for your comment!

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