Sell Calendars Online All Year Round

Updated: May 28, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

Calendars remain a popular wall decoration choice. Their disposable nature means a consistent market demand, making them perpetually saleable items. So there's a great opportunity for you to venture into selling calendars online with your own designs.

Everyone needs a calendar, and if you've got some creative designs, you could make yours stand out. Plus, it's always fun to see your art hanging in someone's home or office. So why not give it a try and see where it takes you?

Sell Calendars Online All Year Round

Did You Know?

  • Market Size: The global calendar market is valued at several hundred million dollars.
  • Annual Sales: Millions of calendars are sold annually worldwide.
  • Digital Calendar Usage: Over 70% of Americans use digital calendars regularly.
  • Physical vs Digital: Despite digital alternatives, physical calendar sales remain steady.
  • Retail Peak Season: Over 80% of calendar sales happen in November and December.

How Can I Sell Calendars All Year Round?

Selling calendars all year isn't as tricky as it might sound. Here's what you can do.

1. Offer Different Calendar Types

First up, think about offering different types of calendars! 

  1. The usual January to December ones.
  2. Academic calendars that usually run from August to July. Great for students and teachers.
  3. Financial calendars for businesses, which can start in April or October.
  4. Undated calendars - super flexible because people can start using them any time of the year.

Each type appeals to different folks at different times. So if you sell a variety, then you're not just stuck with the end-of-year rush. You’ve got something for everyone, all year round.

CyberCash Wonderland

Couple Arguing Wonderland
"Babe, I'm thinking of selling a calendar. It'll feature my photos for each month."
"Oh, like your selfies? What's February, you with a box of chocolates you bought for yourself?"
"Exactly! And March is me pretending to find a four-leaf clover in the backyard."
"Let's hope December shows you with a profit, or it's back to being my calendar model for free!"

2. Seasonal Calendars

Create calendars themed around different seasons. Imagine a spring-themed calendar filled with flowers and fresh starts, or a summer one with beaches and sunsets.

3. Themed Calendars

Highlight holidays - Valentine’s Day, Halloween, or Mother’s Day. For instance, a calendar that starts in February with romantic themes could be a unique Valentine's gift.

These themed calendars can catch the eye of customers who are looking for something that matches the current season or upcoming event. All these are giving people a reason to buy a calendar not just at the year's end but throughout the year.

I'll Kill You, AI
If I hear the phrase "in this fast paced digital age" one more time...!

4. Marketing Strategies

So how should you get the word out? Since you're selling year-round, your marketing should be ongoing. I'll come back to that in a little while. But keep in mind nobody's really interested in buying a calendar until toward the end of each year. Highlighting unique features can create interest.

  • Start Your Year Organized: Highlight how having a calendar early can help users plan their year from the very beginning. "Kickstart your year with our beautifully designed calendar! Stay organized and never miss an important date."
  • Limited Edition Designs: Create a sense of exclusivity by emphasizing limited edition designs or features. "Get our limited edition 2024 calendar now before it's gone! Unique designs that you won't find anywhere else."
  • Early Bird Discounts: Offer special discounts for early buyers to incentivize them to purchase now. "Buy now and save 20%! Our early bird discount won't last long. Get your 2024 calendar today!"
  • Bundle Offers: Create bundle deals with related products to add value. "Purchase our 2024 calendar and get a matching planner at 50% off! Perfect for a fresh start to the new year."
  • Perfect Gift Idea: Position the calendar as a perfect gift for friends, family, or colleagues. "Looking for the perfect gift? Our 2024 calendar makes a thoughtful present for loved ones and colleagues."
  • Monthly Inspiration: Emphasize any inspirational quotes or beautiful artwork included in the calendar. "Start each month with inspiration! Our 2024 calendar features motivational quotes and stunning artwork."

Regular social media posts and emails keep your calendars in people's minds. Share posts about how your calendars can be useful in different months or for various purposes. Maybe show how an academic calendar can help plan a school year, or how a financial one is perfect for business planning.

Also, consider offers and promotions throughout the year. A mid-year sale, for instance, or a special discount around a major holiday. These deals can nudge people to buy even when it's not the traditional calendar-buying season.

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5. Tailoring for Customers

Understanding your customers is key. Think about what different people might need at various times of the year. A fitness enthusiast might want a new calendar in April to start a spring fitness challenge. A parent might look for an academic calendar in summer to prepare for their child's school year.

Keep an ear to the ground. Listen to customer feedback and see if there are any specific requests or needs. Maybe someone's looking for a calendar to help them plan a wedding or a big trip. The more you tailor your products to these different needs, the more you'll sell all year.

"Is there a market for calendars in June?"
"Definitely. It's for the hopeful souls planning a mid-year resolution reboot."

6. Refresh Your Product Line

Regularly updating your calendar designs helps maintain customer interest. Introducing new themes or discontinuing less popular ones can keep your product selection dynamic and engaging. This strategy not only attracts new customers but also encourages repeat purchases from existing ones.

Did You Know?

  • Online Sales Increase: Online calendar sales have grown significantly in the past decade.
  • Custom Calendar Market: The custom calendar market has seen a steady increase, especially for corporate gifts.
  • Promotional Calendars: About 50% of businesses use calendars for promotional purposes.
  • Consumer Preference: Over 60% of consumers prefer wall calendars over desk calendars.
  • Environmental Impact Awareness: Eco-friendly calendars are gaining popularity, with a notable increase in sales.

Designing Your Calendars

When you're kicking off your calendar business, the fun part is designing them. Think about what grabs your attention;

  • Seasonal Landscapes: Each month showcasing a beautiful landscape fitting the season.
  • City Skylines: Famous city skylines from around the world.
  • Underwater Scenes: Stunning underwater photography, including sea life.
  • Gardens of the World: Featuring a different world-famous garden each month.
  • Wildlife Photography: Captivating images of animals in their natural habitats.
  • Astronomy and Space: Cosmic images like galaxies, planets, and stars.
  • Vintage Travel Posters: Retro-style travel posters from different eras.
  • Local Landmarks: Celebrating well-known sights and hidden gems in your area.
Designing Your Calendars
  • Famous Artwork: Reproductions of classic paintings or contemporary art.
  • Culinary Delights: High-quality images of delicious dishes or ingredients.
  • Historical Events: Key events from history for each month.
  • Zen and Nature: Peaceful, tranquil scenes focusing on nature and mindfulness.
  • World Festivals: Featuring a different global festival or celebration each month.
  • Literary Quotes: Paired with artistic interpretations or thematic backgrounds.
  • Sports and Action: Dynamic photos of various sports or outdoor activities.
  • Children’s Art: Bright, colorful drawings or paintings by kids.
  • Patterns and Textures: Abstract designs, intricate patterns, or unique textures.
  • DIY and Crafts: Each month offering a new craft or DIY project.
  • Pets and Animals: Cute and funny pictures of pets or wild animals.
  • Music Icons: Celebrating legendary musicians or music genres each month.

Or, how about making customizable calendars? That way, folks can add their own photos or special dates. It's a personal touch that many customers go for.

Keep your designs fresh and varied. You might want to have a mix – some for nature lovers, some for art enthusiasts, and maybe a few quirky ones for those who like something a bit different. This mix can help you reach a wider range of customers. And hey, don't forget about the quality of your images and printing – clear, high-res pics make all the difference.

Manufacturing and Inventory


Now, producing calendars. You've got two main routes: stock up in advance or go with print-on-demand.

  1. Stocking up means you order a bunch of calendars beforehand. It can be cheaper per calendar, but it does mean you're paying upfront and you'll need space to store them.
  2. Print-on-demand is where a calendar gets printed only when someone orders it. It's great because there's less risk – you're not stuck with loads of unsold calendars. But, each calendar might cost more to make this way.

Think about what works best for you. If you're just starting and don't want too much risk, print-on-demand might be the way to go. As you grow and get a better sense of how many calendars you can sell, you might switch to stocking up in advance.

"Who buys a calendar in September?"
"Students who think the academic year is the real New Year. Plus, they're finally out of denial summer's over."

Did You Know?

  • Photography Calendars: Photography-based calendars account for a significant portion of the market.
  • Charity Calendars: Charity calendars contribute a substantial amount to fundraising efforts annually.
  • Celebrity Calendars: Celebrity-themed calendars are among the top sellers each year.
  • Price Range: The average price of a calendar ranges from $10 to $20.
  • Collector's Market: Limited edition calendars can sell for significantly higher prices.

Setting Up an Online Shop

Setting up an online shop is your next move. Typical e-commerce methods are via;

They're all user-friendly, which is great if you're not a tech wizard. They also let you customize your store to make it look just right. You'll pick a design template, add your products (that's your awesome calendars), set prices, and sort out how you'll get paid. Most platforms guide you through this process, so it's pretty straightforward.

Good product descriptions and clear photos can really make a difference. You want your customers to get a good feel for what they're buying.

Spreading the Word

Spreading the Word

Alright, so you've got these cool calendars ready to go. Now, it's all about getting people to notice them. You're going to tell a story. You want to share what's special about your calendars and why they're worth buying.

  • Social media marketing is dominating through TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook - any of them (or all of them) can show off your calendar designs as long as you're using eye-catching videos and use hashtags. 
  • Email newsletters can be super useful too. They're like a direct line to your customers. Share updates, special offers, or sneak peeks of new designs. It keeps people interested and coming back for more.
  • Work with influencers and bloggers. If they share your calendars with their followers, that's a lot of extra eyes on your product. Just make sure to partner with folks who align with your brand and have an audience that would genuinely be interested in your calendars.

Did You Know?

  • Theme Variety: There are thousands of different calendar themes available.
  • Pop Culture Impact: Pop culture trends significantly influence calendar sales each year.
  • Seasonal Themes: Seasonal and holiday-themed calendars see a spike in sales during relevant months.
  • Art Calendars: Art calendars, featuring both classical and contemporary artists, remain popular.
  • Educational Calendars: Educational calendars, especially for children, have a steady market presence.

Shipping and Handling

Now let's talk about getting your calendars into your customers' hands. You need a plan for shipping. If you're starting small, you might handle shipping yourself. It means packing and sending out orders from your home or office. It's more hands-on, but it gives you full control.

As you grow, or if you prefer to skip the post office trips, you might want to look into fulfillment services. These companies store your calendars and handle all the shipping for you. It's convenient and can save you a lot of time, especially when orders start rolling in big numbers.

Don't forget to think about shipping costs and delivery times. Be clear with your customers about how long they'll have to wait for their calendars. And, if you can, offer tracking. It's a nice touch that lets your customers know when their order is coming.

Customer: "Do people really buy calendars in April?"
Seller: "Absolutely! It's for those who've just realized the year didn't pause waiting for them to catch up."
Customer: "Do calendars sell in May?"
Seller: "Of course! It's for people realizing they've forgotten every important date so far."
Customer: "What a load of old crap! You're basically trying to sell anything at any time, aren't you?"
Seller"Basically, yes."

Customer Service

Last but definitely not least, customer service. This is huge as you can imagine - happy customers are likely to come back or tell their friends about your calendars. Always be ready to answer questions, whether it's about your product, shipping, or anything else. Quick and friendly responses make a big difference.

Also, be prepared for the occasional hiccup - maybe a shipment gets lost, or a customer isn't happy with their calendar. Stay cool and handle these situations with a positive attitude.

Offer solutions like replacements or refunds if needed. It shows that you care about your customers and their satisfaction.

Did You Know You Already Have a LOT To Sell?
So What's Your Problem?

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of knowledge or skills
  • Fear of scams
  • Don't know where to start
  • Other

About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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  1. Hey, I read what you wrote about calendars but honestly, I have to say I disagree.
    Your perspective is way off. Calendars are a dying breed, and anyone in the industry knows this. I’m speaking from real experience here. The world has moved on to digital, it’s obvious no one bothers with physical calendars anymore.
    I have seen it firsthand. People have their phones and PCs, they don’t need to hang some outdated paper on their walls.
    You need to get with the times and see the reality of the situation. This is the hard truth of the market today.

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