The Philosophy of Hip-Shaking: Get Your Butt Sweat Out While Working from Home

Updated: April 2, 2023
by Ray Alexander

When you work at home, are you sitting at your desk all day? Do you try to add some excitement to your work routine? Because if you don't, you may be missing the element of optimism, so your universe may not be working in favor of your successful work-butt balance. So if you work hard for the money, think about what's work got to do with it, whether it's a second-hand emotion. Get ready to shake your hips and break out of the monotony of remote work. Let's get grooving!

The Philosophy of Hip-Shaking: Get Your Butt Sweat Out While Working from Home

Shake It Up: Why You Need To Keep Shaking Your Bottom

Yes, work should be taken seriously. It’s essential for business owners to take their operations seriously, particularly in today’s challenging economic climate

But too many people are too serious and they become so self-involved that it impacts negatively on the environment. This can manifest itself in an overly competitive attitude, a lack of understanding of the experiences and opinions of others, or simply the absence of any meaningful interaction. This negative energy spreads across the world like wildfire - resulting in low morale and productivity levels.

So you should shake it all up.

Hip shaking is a great way to get your blood flowing and keep your energy up while working from home. It's also a fun way to let loose and have some fun while working from home. 

Here are some of the real, “physical” benefits of hip shaking:

  • Improves circulation: Hip shaking gets your blood flowing and helps to improve circulation. This is especially beneficial if you sit at a desk all day.
  • Relieves stress: Shaking your hips can help to relieve stress and tension. It's a great way to let go of the day's worries and relax.
  • Increases flexibility: Hip shaking helps to increase flexibility in the hips, which can lead to better overall mobility.
  • Burns calories: If you're looking for a way to burn some extra calories, hip shaking is a great option. You can burn up to 150 calories in just 15 minutes of vigorous hip shaking.
  • Improves balance: Shaking your hips helps to improve your sense of balance and coordination. This can help you move more gracefully both in and out of the office.

The Basic Hip-Shaking

Here are a few tips on how to shake your hips and get your groove on while working from home:

Put Some Music On

The music really, really doesn’t have to be up-tempo, dance music. You can choose whatever type that helps you relax and express yourself through your movements. It could be a slow jazz tune, a soft classical piece, or music for a sushi restaurant - pick something that speaks to you and allows your body to move freely with the rhythm and melody. 

Dancing alone in the privacy of your own home is a great way to let go of stress and just enjoy being in the moment - so make sure to choose something that resonates with you!

Stand Up and Move Your Bottom

  1. Stand up as you normally do. With your feet apart at a reasonable length and put your weight evenly distributed between your feet.
  2. Raise your right leg off the ground and begin to shake your hips in a circular motion.
  3. As you continue to shake your hips, start to lift your left leg off the ground and kick it out to the side (think of it like you're kicking a soccer ball).
  4. Alternate kicking your legs out to the side as you continue to shake your hips in a circular motion.
  5. To make things even more challenging, try adding some arm movements into the mix (e.g., raising your arms above your head or doing small circles with your wrists).
  6. While seated, let your butt cheek a smile - try doing some hip circles or gentle rocking back and forth.

If you’re not used to dancing, fake it ‘til you make it - just act like you’re having the time of your life and eventually the real feeling will follow suit.

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The Hip-Shaking Philosophy

If you want to take this hip-shaking purely as a way of exercising, you can. Simply get up and move around every 20 minutes or so. This will at least help you stay alert and avoid getting stiff from sitting in one position for too long.

But the whole point of hip-shaking is to concentrate on your work. Yes, keep moving your bottom as long as you can while focusing on your tasks. That’s my hip-shaking philosophy.

This unique combination of activities is an increasingly popular way to stay productive and maintain a creative outlet. Studies have found that multitasking, such as listening to music or dancing while working, helps improve focus and cognitive performance. 

Dancing has been proven to reduce stress levels, increase productivity, release endorphins which foster motivation and concentration - all beneficial when it comes to getting the job done quickly and efficiently. So if you're looking for a fun way to stay focused on tasks like studying or completing assignments at home, try adding some dance breaks throughout your work time!

Side-to-Side or Booty-Popping?

How to shake your buttocks depends on the specific exercise or dance move you are doing, as well as your personal preferences and comfort level.

For example, if you are doing a salsa or merengue dance, you may want to focus on moving your hips and buttocks in a side-to-side motion to create the characteristic salsa or merengue rhythm. On the other hand, if you are doing a twerking or booty-popping exercise, you may want to focus on moving your buttocks up and down, or in a circular motion, to isolate and engage the glute muscles.

In general, it's important to keep your core engaged and maintain good posture while performing any buttock-shaking movement, to avoid straining your lower back or other muscles. You may also want to start with smaller, slower movements and gradually increase the speed and intensity as you build strength and coordination.

Experiment with different styles of dancing - there's no right or wrong way to do it, so try out whatever feels natural and fun for you. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the movement, while also being mindful of your body and any limitations or concerns you may have.

Shake Your Hips at a Video Meeting

If you are working for someone else, your groovy behavior may be considered inappropriate for your work environment as it might distract others from their point of discussion. You should be mindful of your surroundings for sure.

Shake Your Hips at a Video Meeting

However, if you are participating in virtual meetings or video conferences as a business owner, you shaking your bottom is none of their business. If they think your dance moves are inappropriate and unprofessional, prove them wrong by showing that you're 100% focused on the objective of the meeting. Share your best thoughts and perspectives. Suggest the best possible strategies and actionable steps that you can think of.

If they want to laugh, let them. If they get angry, tell them to go where they should go. Shaking your hips at a video meeting - totally professional. 

Shake Your Cocktail, Bum, and Bad Habits Off at the Same Time

Shaking your favorite cocktail and shaking your bum at the same time is a great way to lift your spirits (pun intended). Not only can it be a fun, energizing activity, but it also has the potential to help you relax and unwind. The combination of movement, music, and an intoxicating beverage makes for an enjoyable experience that can uplift even the lowest of moods.

(Obviously, the cocktail must be a non-alcoholic one as you are working.)

Not only does it help you stay active and keep your mind off old patterns, but it also gives you a chance to practice new behaviors that will help you succeed in the workplace. Letting go of unhealthy habits can be challenging for anyone, so don’t be afraid to shake up your routine! With enough practice, all will become second nature.

The best thing about it is that you never know what kind of hilarious outcome might result! So if you're looking for ways to take your spirits higher on any given day - go ahead and give this combination a try - I guarantee it won't disappoint.

Give Your Butt-Cheeks a Smile

Give Your Butt-Cheeks a Smile

Move your butt cheeks while seated by voluntarily contracting and relaxing the glute (gluteal) muscles. You can do this by squeezing your buttocks together and holding the contraction for a few seconds, and then releasing the tension and relaxing the muscles. 

Repeat it as many times as you wish. It's a simple exercise that can be done almost anywhere and is particularly useful for those who work from home - sitting for long periods of time.

Imagine your butt-cheeks are happy. Activate them by engaging your glute muscles. You can, if you want, try some other seated exercises like leg lifts, seated hip bridges or even some stretching to improve mobility in your hips and glutes while still focusing on your work.

Keep Shaking Like There’s No Tomorrow

Experiment with movement, break up the monotony of everyday work tasks and give you an extra boost of energy during difficult times. Otherwise, in a minute, you might need a man or woman to pump you up.

That’s the way you do it, money for nothing, hips for free. You know players’ gonna play, haters gonna hate, but you’re just gonna shake, shake, shake.

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About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

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