Passing Your Blogging Legacy to Someone Else

Updated: June 19, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

What will happen to your blog when you die? If you think it's only a blog, why should you care, then fine, let it go. But depending on the level of income you've been making from it, it's worth passing it on to your loved ones, right? Your blog has been a little part of your life. You could keep your legacy alive.

Passing Your Blogging Legacy to Someone Else

Documenting Your Wishes

Create a detailed document outlining your desires for your blog. This should include:

  • Who will take over the blog
  • How to access your blog
  • Instructions for managing the content
  • Financial aspects, such as ad revenue or affiliate income

Keep this document in a safe place and ensure your chosen person knows where to find it.

You don't have to worry about how to handle technical issues much, because you never know what happens to the blogging platform itself. The main thing is to choose your successor who can handle technical issues. 

The Access Information

Your successor will need access to various accounts related to your blog. Make a list of all login details, including:

  • Blog hosting account
  • Domain name account
  • Email account linked to the blog
  • Social accounts associated with the blog

Use a password manager to store this information securely. Share the master password with your successor to ensure they can access everything without hassle.

Did You Know?

Blogs that have been running for over 5 years generate 4 times the leads.

The Future Content Plan

Outline how you want your blog content to be handled. You might want your successor to continue posting new content, or perhaps you prefer the blog to remain as it is. If you want new content, then you may want to discuss:

  • Topics to cover
  • Posting schedule
  • Writing style

This will help your successor maintain the blog in a way that aligns with your original vision. Providing a clear content plan ensures a smoother transition and keeps the blog true to your personality and interests.

Handling Income

If your blog generates income, address the financial aspects. Tell your successor about any revenue streams, such as:

  • Ad networks - URL of each account
  • Affiliate programs - URL of each program
  • Sponsored posts - How you usually invoice your customer
  • Merchandise sales - If any

Ensure they know how to manage these accounts and handle the income. Include instructions on updating payment details if needed. This ensures the blog can continue to provide financial support to your loved ones.

What Do You Advocate?

Are you willing to share what you love? Show your creativity and earn rewards. Websites, AI tools, community & coaching.

Selling Your Blog with Conditions

An alternative to passing your blog to someone you know is selling it. However, you can make a legal agreement that the content must not be deleted. Appoint someone to monitor the blog closely after you die to ensure the new owner adheres to the agreement.

Selling your blog can provide a financial boost for your family. Make sure the legal agreement is airtight to protect your content. The appointed monitor should have clear authority and a detailed understanding of what to look for.

Notice To Your Readers

Your readers are a vital part of your blog’s success. When you pass away, your successor should inform them about the change. They can write a post explaining the situation and reassuring readers that the blog will continue. This maintains trust and keeps your readers engaged.

Encourage your successor to be transparent with your readers. Honesty helps them feel connected to the new management and more likely to remain loyal to the blog. Keeping communication clear and respectful is necessary.

Legal Considerations

Legal Considerations

Consider the legal aspects of passing on your blog. Depending on where you live, your blog might be part of your estate. Consult a lawyer to understand the legal steps needed to ensure a smooth transition. This might include updating your will to include your blog and its assets.

Having a clear legal plan prevents disputes and complications. It ensures your blog is passed on according to your wishes and that your successor has the legal right to manage it.

Backing Up Your Blog

Regularly back up your blog to protect your content. Teach your successor how to back up and restore the blog if needed. Many WordPress plugins can automate this process.

Backing up your blog protects your content and makes the transition easier for your successor. They can focus on managing and updating the blog without worrying about losing valuable content.

Providing Training

If your successor is not familiar with blogging but they're absolutely willing to learn, you sure can teach them basic technics:

  • Write and publish posts
  • Moderate comments
  • Use blogging services and plugins
  • Manage the blog’s design and layout

This helps them feel more confident in taking over your blog and maintaining its quality. Providing training ensures your blog continues to run smoothly and remains a valuable resource for your readers.

Keeping the Essence Alive

Keeping the Essence Alive

Encourage your successor to keep the essence of your blog alive. They can add their own touch while staying true to the themes and values you established. This approach ensures your blog remains a special place for readers.

Your successor should appreciate what makes your blog unique and why readers come back. By keeping the core of your blog alive, they can honor your legacy and continue to provide value to your audience.

Setting Up a Transition Period

A transition period can make the change smoother. You don't want to leave it until you become ill. During this time, you can work with your successor to gradually hand over responsibilities. This allows them to get comfortable with the blog’s operations while you’re still around to offer guidance.

This overlap period is invaluable. It gives your successor the chance to learn and ask questions while you are there to provide answers and support. It ensures a seamless transition and helps maintain the quality and continuity of your blog.

Updating Your Plan Regularly

Review and update your plan regularly so your successor is always prepared to take over if needed. Regular updates to your plan reflect changes in your blog, your personal situation, and the capabilities of your successor. Keeping your plan current ensures your blog is always ready for a smooth transition.

Keep documenting your wishes and talking to your successor so your blogging legacy will be kept alive. 

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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