Mastering Online Income Review – 100 Spots Left For Easy Money?

Updated: April 26, 2021
by Ray Alexander

I thought it rang a bell when I had a look at the Mastering Online Income homepage - I've seen the same invitation over & over again for the past couple of years. The seller promises to make a lot of money for you but never explains how exactly, and that's really is the root of the problem for anyone who's persuaded to purchase this product. If you felt doubtful and decided to check a Mastering Online Income review, that's absolutely the right thing to do. And I can tell you what's wrong. If you're seriously looking to make money online, I hope this post will help you learn how to find the right programs to start with.

Mastering Online Income Review

Product Name:

Mastering Online Income

Website URL:


Affiliate Marketing


"Richard Harper" (fake name)


$49.95, down-sold to $24.95


What Is Mastering Online Income?

Mastering Online Income is a newly make-money-online system which is allegedly created by a man named "Richard Harper from Chicago". This is actually a rehashed version of the previously released product "Job Quitter Club"  the site of which has now been shut down, assuming because of the number of complaints received.

The seller claims that this system only requires less than 30 minutes of work and generates $100-$500 income a day for you by;

  • Using "free advertising methods" including Facebook ads and Google ads (NB: They're not free!) as well as social media,
  • Finding a "money loophole", and
  • "Piggybacking" onto some successful affiliate marketers' platform, products, and systems.

None of these makes sense, and I'll explain why in the next section...

Mastering Online Income Income

The Legitimacy of Mastering Online Income

It's 2021, remote work has become the norm, and you have a problem if you still fantasize about some secret untapped methods to find money on the internet. Scammers created silly myths like those decades ago, and you should know by now that there is no such thing as a "loophole" in terms of earning income, whether online or offline. 

We all copy successful business owners' methods, i.e. strive to follow their paths. But it takes a lot of hard work to learn the techniques. Affiliate marketing is easy to start, hence it's competitive. You can't make money while you're simply trying to piggyback on someone else's success.

Likewise, advertising is just a method. Literally millions of professional advertisers spend time & money to promote their businesses and monitor their performances day-in, day-out. You won't just put an ad out and automatically get paid, needless to say. 

The Reasons Not To Buy Mastering Online Income

There are several reasons why you shouldn't buy any products such as Mastering Online Income.

#1 It Doesn't Tell You What Exactly You'll Get

So you look at the invitation video and wonder if it's legit or a scam - whether you can really make any money easy with this program. Well, I can tell you the biggest problem lies with your question itself. While your ultimate goal may be financial freedom, you must have a willingness to find out about the business model. Such as;

  • What kind of work is involved
  • What kind of products are involved
  • Who the audience is (who pays money, so you make money) and
  • Whether this is something you want to do or not.

None of that is explained in the sales video, which means that Mastering Online Income doesn't even get you to stand at the start line but asks you to pay money in advance. 

Imagine a cleaning product ad that repetitively says, "You barely have to do anything, it will clean in seconds! And it's only $10!" You wouldn't even consider paying for it without knowing what it cleans, clothes, or hard surfaces, whether it's a spray, powder, or a wipe, would you?

#2 When You Know They're Hiding Something

You know what, we receive a few sales emails every single day, but the majority of them are from Gmail users. "Hi, my name is Rachel Greene. I'm a professional advertiser and currently launching this campaign..." Unless there's a link to their website or their LinkedIn profile in their email to prove their identity, we don't take a word of it seriously. The sender is "just a Gmail user", not running a business.

Mastering Online Income Fake Seller

The seller of Mastering Online Income calls himself Richard Harper from Chicago, Illinois. I know the photo in the video is just a stock photo, so he's most likely to be using a fake name - or "she is" - it may be a woman. Or some teenage psycho, we just never know. Would you be willing to learn anything from someone with a hidden identity? Even if the information this person gives you appears to be useful, it's unlikely to take it seriously when you know that they have something to hide.

#3 Fake Discounting and Scarcity Tactics

Discounting and scarcity tactics are popular ways by any marketer to close the deal when promoting a product. They show the original value of the product, then offer a discount for a limited period. They often do it to trick the buyer's psychology and there's no true reason other than to sell more. For example, they may say that they offer their training program "worth $30k" for a hundred dollars, but that original value is totally subjective, there are no comparative programs to prove their claim.

However, the way that the seller of Mastering Online Income does this is even more invalid, because;

  • He says the original value is $1,495 and eventually brings it down to $49.95. But he never even shows you what the product looks like. (e.g. screenshot of the dashboard) 
  • He says that there are only 100 spots available - this is a digital product, there's no reason why the number should be limited. 

If you proceed to the checkout screen then try to close the browser, the final discount offer of $24.95 will pop up in your face, this shows clearly that he's trying to sell it to as many users.

#4 Promotes Get-Rich-Quick Fantasy

This is similar to #1 above - the seller falsely promises easy money but never tells you what it is. But instead of giving a logical explanation, he tries to rather distract you with filthy-rich fantasy images; an income statement with a very large sum on it (which is in no doubt fabricated) and photos of a large house with expensive cars in the garage, which again, turn out to be stock photos.

He also spares a few minutes in the video talking about how he had to work long hours to make ends meet - shops and restaurants, his boss yelling at him, etc, before he discovered Mastering Online Income. Again, it's a fake person talking, so there's no way you can believe a word of it. Sharing a fabricated sob story for far too long is a typical trick used by make-money-online scammers - they try to sound familiar to those who are fed up with their hard-working life, waiting for a miracle to happen.

60-Days Money-Back Guarantee

Well, the site owner does tell you in the video that he will refund your money if you change your mind after you purchase. But again, this is a fake person talking and the site does not have a link to a "terms and conditions" page. So you may have difficulty having your request for a refund accepted, as I mentioned in the review previously, some users of Job Quitters Club suffered the problem and made complaints. In which case you may end up contacting your card company to claim a dispute.

Mastering Online Income Pros and Cons


  • 60-day money-back guarantee - though you may have to dispute against your credit card company.


  • Promotes a false get-rich-quick scheme.
  • The owner is unknown - you cannot trust any words by someone with a hidden identity.

Mastering Online Income Review - Conclusion:

Mastering Online Income is targeted to those who are rather in need of money and looking for a way to make quick bucks without putting any effort - which never exists. If you still wonder if there's an undiscovered "loophole" to pocket easy money, it's about time you faced the reality. Don't buy into anything that's being said by people with hidden identities!

Be Successful in Affiliate Marketing

The term affiliate marketing is pretty broad. You promote products on the online retailer's behalf and receive a commission upon sale. The good news is anyone can start it easy, while the bad news is it's very competitive because of it. If you and thousands of others promote the same product, people have no reason to buy it from you or any others - they would probably buy it directly from the retailer.

That's why it's important to show your uniqueness and gain trust from users. You need to make them want to buy it from you rather than anyone else. My way of affiliate marketing is to be true to yourself and the audience and build a good trust relationship. To do this, you need to;

  • Build your own website and show others what your specialty is.
  • Learn SEO (search engine optimization) techniques and make your website known via Google.
  • Share your honest & unbiased product reviews, ask the audience's opinions, and engage with them.

It won't happen overnight, but it's one of the most economic ways to start online marketing - you won't have to buy products, nor will you have to contact others personally, as network marketers do.

If you're seriously willing to make money from affiliate marketing and interested in my recommended method, do join from the link below. Any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Good luck!

(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
 December 2024: $8,380.00

About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

Thank you for your Comments!

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  1. Thanks – almost fell for it! Also, appreciate your straightforwardness on affiliate marketing.
    Take care.

  2. I stupidly bought it on April 15 and immidietly knew I made mistake. I was given a number to call but it did not work. I kept trying and 2 days later somebody answered and the lady said somebody will call me back but nobody answered. I lost all my money. Please how can I get this back. Thank you

    1. Hi Destiny, sorry to hear that you’re in trouble. You may want to contact your credit card company and dispute against them. Luckily the site seems to be still there, so take a screenshot of 60-day money-back guarantee and give your card company as much details as you can. Good luck!

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