Ghostwriting: Is The Job Good For You?

Updated: December 5, 2022
by Agent Raydar

When a celebrity publishes a book, you know there’s always a ghostwriter behind the work. Ghostwriters write books, articles, and other content that you see on the shelves, but they don’t get any credit for it. Most people know that ghostwriters exist, but they may not know how widespread they are.

They may get paid by the word, per project or they may receive a royalty. They can make a decent living if they are able to write a few projects per year. You’re getting paid to make the credited author look good. If you’re ok with that, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be starting your career as a ghostwriter. If you’re interested but not sure how to get started, read on.

Ghostwriting: Is The Job Good For You?

What is Ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is when someone writes something on behalf of another person or organization, without taking credit for themselves. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as when the author doesn’t have the time or expertise to write the piece themselves, or when it’s better for an author to remain anonymous.

In the world of publishing, a ghostwriter is often hired to write fiction books, biographies, or celebrity memoirs. In this case, the celebrity or author's name is used on the book cover, and the ghostwriter is not credited. The ghostwriter may be acknowledged in the acknowledgements section or interviewed about the process of writing the book. 

There are several ways that ghostwriters can be compensated for their work. They may receive a flat fee for their services, or they may be paid a percentage of royalties from book sales. In some cases, they may be given an advance against future royalties.

Why Would Someone Want to Hire a Ghostwriter?

People hire a ghostwriter to improve their work, for example;

  • They don’t have the time to write a book themselves.
  • They want someone with more writing experience to help them tell their story. 
  • They have an interesting story to share but don’t feel confident in their writing skills. 
  • Or just a tradition - not every newspaper column credits the name of the person who wrote it.

Some might consider ghostwriting to be cheating, as the author is not really writing the piece themselves. However, there are many cases where ghostwriting can be completely ethical, such as when someone is helping a friend write their memoirs or a company is outsourcing blog content from freelance writers. As long as both parties are happy with the arrangement and there is no deceit involved, ghostwriting can be a perfectly acceptable way to create content.

Types of Ghostwriting

Types of Ghostwriting

There are many different types of ghostwriting. Here are some of the most common:

  • Books - Ghostwriters are often hired to write books, either in collaboration with the author or anonymously.
  • Songwriting - Many popular songs are written by ghostwriters. The songwriter is usually not credited publicly. Frank Ocean started his career as a ghostwriter for singers including Beyoncé, Justin Bieber, John Legend and Brandy.
  • Speechwriting - Many political figures and other public speakers hire ghostwriters to write their speeches. A ghostwriter interviews clients, does research, and writes the book while keeping the client's voice and tone in mind. The client may review and edit the text before it is published. 
  • Screenwriting - Movies and TV shows hire ghostwriters to write scripts or edit scripts that are written by screenwriters. 
  • Blogging - Some bloggers hire ghostwriters to write posts for their blogs. The ghostwriter is usually not credited publicly but may be given a byline.

What It Takes To Be A Successful Ghostwriter

Needless to say, it is important to have high standards and always strive for excellence in your work. This will help build trust with clients and ensure that they come back to you for future projects, which applies to any job that liaises with clients. Apart from that, here are the particular skills required to be a successful ghostwriter.

Being a Good Listener

A good ghostwriter will be a great listener and ask questions to really understand what the client is looking for. Your job is to capture the client’s voice - you should be able to take the client’s ideas and turn them into a well-written piece that captures their voice. 

So it is essential that you are able to listen carefully and take note of the client’s specific objectives.

Editing Skills

A ghostwriter can also help with the structure of a book or article that’s partly written or dictated by someone else. So you can provide guidance on how to turn it into a marketable material, so the finished product will become easily promotable.


It is also important to be flexible. Each client is different, and each project will require a different approach. Some clients may want you to stick closely to their ideas, while others may give you more freedom to be creative. It is important to be able to adjust your writing style accordingly.


You will likely be privy to confidential information, so it is imperative that you can keep everything strictly between you and the client. This also means being able to respect the client’s wishes if they do not want their name attached to the final product.

Team Player

A good ghostwriter is not only a strong writer with a good understanding of the topic. You’ll be expected to be a good team player as well as possess artistic qualities. Such as being able to meet deadlines and work with the client to ensure that they are happy with the final product.

How Do Ghostwriters Make Money?

How Do Ghostwriters Make Money?

Ghostwriters can make a very good living by writing for clients who are willing to pay for their services. They can get paid in several ways;

  • Per word or per project: This means that the ghostwriter will agree to write a certain number of words or a certain number of articles for a set price. This is usually the most common way.
  • Charge an hourly rate: This means that the client will agree to pay the ghostwriter an hourly rate for their services. The number of hours required will depend on the scope of the project and the deadline set by the client.
  • Through royalties: This means that the ghostwriter will receive a percentage of any sales made from books, articles, or other products that they have written. This is usually only available if the ghostwriter has agreed to write an entire book or other long-term projects.

The Benefits of Being a Ghostwriter

The benefits of a ghostwriting job include;

  • Avoid criticism by the public: If the material you’ve written turns out to receive bad reviews, the only people who jeopadize their reputation are the credited author and whoever approved your work.
  • You get to work from home. You can set your own hours and work as little or as much as you want. This is a great option for stay-at-home parents or people who want to supplement their income.
  • You get to help people create something amazing. Many times, people come to ghostwriters because they have an idea for a book but don't know how to write it themselves. As a ghostwriter, you get to help them bring their vision to life.
  • The job can be very rewarding. It's a chance to use your talents to make a difference in the world and leave your mark on history.

The Challenges of Being a Ghostwriter

First of all, just like any other freelancer, you are always at the mercy of your clients and their needs. If they do not have any work for you, then you do not get paid. This can make it hard to plan financially and can be very stressful. But there are 2 main challenges particularly for being a ghostwriter;

Not Getting Credits

Not being credited for your work may be the reason you want to become a ghostwriter in the first place. But it can become frustrating if you have put a lot of time and effort into something only to have your name left off of it. It is important to remember, however, that the client is paying you for your discretion and not for recognition.

No Control Over The Content

Ghostwriting can be emotionally challenging. It can be difficult to detach yourself from your work and not take things personally when they are edited or changed without your input. It is important to remember that the client has the final say over what goes into the piece and to keep an objective perspective.

Steps To Becoming a Ghostwriter

High Quality Content

The great thing about considering a ghostwriter as a career is that you can develop yourself further in any way you want from there at a later date. 

If you're a talented writer and you enjoy helping others create content, start a career as a ghostwriter now, and if you change your mind and want to receive the acknowledgement that comes with being a published author, your ghostwriting experience will be a great portfolio to showcase. 

Assuming that you’re confident of your ability to write well in order to create high-quality content for your clients. If you're not, consider taking some courses or attending workshops to improve your skills.

Here are the steps to take as a successful ghostwriter:

1. Decide Your Expertise

Choose the area of expertise that you can focus on. This will make it easier to market yourself as an expert in that particular field and attract clients who are looking for someone with your specific skill set.

2. Build up your portfolio

Once you have developed your writing skills and chosen a niche, start building up your portfolio of work by writing sample articles, blog posts, or even short stories that you can show potential clients.

3. Find clients

There are many ways to find clients as a ghostwriter - see the methods below. Once you've found some prospective clients, reach out and introduce yourself, and be sure to include samples of your work.

4. Negotiate terms

Once you've found a client, it's important to negotiate terms before starting any work. Be sure to discuss things like compensation, deadlines, and what type of credit or acknowledgement you'll receive for your work.

5. Deliver quality work

As a ghostwriter, your reputation is everything. Be sure to always deliver quality work that meets or exceeds your client's expectations in order to maintain good relationships and keep getting hired back.

Where to Find Ghostwriting Jobs

There are a few ways to go about finding ghostwriting jobs. But writing jobs are generally very competitive, so it’s important for you to have a solid portfolio to impress. 

  1. Search Online: If you google search by keywords such as “ghostwriter required”, you’ll find plenty of freelance writing gig opportunities.
  2. Network With Other Writers: Either in person or online, you can attend online conferences and get to know other professionals in your field. Many writers are happy to share leads and refer others for work.
  3. Contact Media Companies Directly: Inquire about ghostwriting opportunities. If you have a particular area of expertise or interest, this can be a great way to find projects that are a good fit for you.
  4. Provide ghostwriting services on Fiverr: More opportunities will open up as you keep building good feedback from customers.
  5. Become a content writer for websites or online publications: This can be a great way to get your work out there and build up a portfolio. While it may not typically pay as much, you can ask the publishers about ghostwriting opportunities.
  6. Promote yourself on social media, particularly on LinkedIn and Twitter, using hashtags #ghostwriter #ghostwriting #GhostWritingExpert etc. You must include a link to your portfolio in your post though. Nobody wants to hire anyone without proof of experience.


If you're interested in becoming a ghostwriter, we hope this article has given you some helpful tips and tricks. Whether you're looking to write for a specific client or simply want to hone your own writing skills, ghostwriting is a great way to make money as a writer, and it can be extremely rewarding work. So if you're ready to give it a try, go for it. Thanks for reading!

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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