Content Rewriting Contest

Updated: March 4, 2024
by CyberCash Worldwide

Are you a wizard with words, a master of metaphors, or just someone who loves the challenge of taking existing ideas and spinning them into something fresh and exciting? If that sounds like you, then we've got the perfect opportunity. Welcome to the Ultimate Content Rewriting Contest, where your skill in reshaping and rejuvenating content could win you not only recognition but fantastic prizes too!

Content Rewriting Contest

What's It All About?

In the digital age, content is not king, but not all content wears the crown well. That's where you come in. We're looking for talented individuals who can take a piece of existing content and rewrite it in a way that's original, engaging, and even better than the original. Think of it as giving a literary makeover, transforming the tired and mundane into something vibrant and compelling.

In this digital age...

In this FAST PACED digital age...


I'll Kill You, AI
If I hear the phrase "in this digital age" one more time...!

Did You Know?

  • Content rewriting can improve website traffic by up to 50% by updating and optimizing existing content.
  • Rewritten content has a 62% chance of achieving higher search engine rankings due to updated SEO practices.
  • 78% of marketers say rewriting content is crucial for maintaining online relevance.
  • On average, rewriting content can increase user engagement by 40%.
  • Businesses that regularly update and rewrite their content report a 55% increase in leads.
  • Content rewriting can reduce bounce rates by 35% by making content more engaging and relevant.
  • 80% of SEO professionals prioritize content rewriting to improve search visibility.

Why Enter?

Aside from the glory of being crowned the rewriting champion, you'll have the chance to win some incredible prizes. But that's not all. This contest is a fantastic opportunity to flex your creative muscles, showcase your skills to a wide visitomers, and even get feedback from seasoned professionals in the writing and publishing industry. 

Whether you're an aspiring writer, a seasoned scribe, or just looking for a fun challenge, this contest is for you.

What Is a Visitomer?


We're not just talking about bragging rights here (though those are certainly on the table). Winners will receive:

  • First Prize: A thank-you message, a feature on our website, and a 5,000-word generic "how-to" guides by very intelligent AI.
  • Second Prize: A "sorry for not making the 1st" message, also a feature on our website.
  • Third Prize: Links to some resources to help you on your digital journey.

And that's not all. Every entrant will receive constructive feedback on their submission, making this a win-win opportunity for everyone involved.

Did You Know?

  • Rewritten and updated blog posts can see a 106% increase in readership over time.
  • 65% of content creators reuse and rewrite content to fit different platforms and audiences.
  • A study found that rewritten content is 70% more likely to be shared on social media.
  • Rewriting old content with new data can increase credibility and authority, influencing a 60% improvement in domain authority.
  • 85% of successful marketers attribute increased success to regularly reviewing and updating content.
  • Rewritten content with added multimedia elements can increase time on page by over 50%.
  • Companies that focus on rewriting and optimizing their FAQ sections see a 75% decrease in customer support queries.

How to Participate

Participating couldn't be easier. Here's how it works:

  1. Sign Up: Register for the contest on our website. It's quick, easy, and free.
  2. Rewrite: Select a piece from our list of content options. These have been specially chosen for their potential for transformation.
  3. Submit: Send us your rewritten masterpiece by the deadline. Make sure it's your best work—creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme will all be judged.

The Rules

  • Your submission must be original work, rewritten from the provided content options.
  • Submissions must be between 500 and 1000 words.
  • Only one entry per participant is allowed.
  • All submissions must be in English.
  • Adherence to the deadline is a must. Late entries will not be considered.

Judging Criteria

Our panel of judges includes published authors, editors, and content strategists. They'll be looking for:

  • Creativity and originality
  • Clarity and coherence
  • Engagement and entertainment value
  • Improvement on the original piece

Key Dates

  • Contest Launch: August 1, 2049
  • Submission Deadline: August 4, 2072
  • Winners Announced: TBC

Make sure to mark these dates in your calendar!

Did You Know?

  • Email newsletters using rewritten, updated content report a 45% higher click-through rate.
  • Adding updated information and rewriting product descriptions can lead to a 30% increase in online sales.
  • Rewriting content to include current trends can result in a 90% increase in new website visitors.
  • A/B testing shows that rewritten headlines can improve click-through rates by up to 73%.
  • Content that is regularly reviewed and rewritten has a 58% higher retention rate among readers.
  • Rewriting content to make it more accessible and inclusive can expand audience reach by 80%.
Woman Writing
"When I was young, I never needed anyone. Making love was just for fun... What else does she think it is for? Silly woman!"

What Can You Rewrite About?

Overly Saturated Topics

Ever notice how some topics just keep popping up, no matter where you look? We're talking about those subjects that everyone and their dog seems to have an opinion on. Think weight loss, making money online, and self-help. Because these topics are so popular, the internet is flooded with articles about them.

The issue here is that with so much content already out there, a lot of what gets produced is just rehashing old ideas without adding anything new or valuable. It's like hearing the same song on repeat: after a while, it all starts to blend together.

Product Reviews (Without the Product)

Here's a quirky area: product reviews written by folks who've never actually used the product. This happens more than you'd think, especially in affiliate marketing. Writers are tasked with promoting a product, so they cobble together reviews from what other people have said, or worse, they just make it up as they go along.

The result? A review that's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It lacks depth, insight, and, most importantly, genuine experience.

Clickbait Articles

Clickbait is the junk food of the internet. These are the articles with titles that promise you'll "Never Believe What Happened Next!" but then deliver content that's as disappointing as a deflated balloon at a birthday party. 

The problem with clickbait isn't just that it's annoying; it's that the content often doesn't live up to the hype. Writers are so focused on getting that click that the actual article is an afterthought, resulting in a piece that's shallow and unsatisfying.

CyberCash Wonderland

Woman Hysterical Wonderland 1
"Ugh, honey, this is hopeless! This AI writer spits out perfect sonnets in seconds, and all I can muster is 'the sky is blue'? I feel like a creative black hole! I'm drowning my sorrows in cookies! I swear, these things must be multiplying on their own. Maybe I should just hire the AI to write love letters to you, my darling... at least they'd sound eloquent."

SEO-Driven Content

Is SEO crucial for getting content seen? Not anymore. Eveyone's at it, it's becoming stupid. The whole SEO craze is leading to some pretty dry articles. This is the stuff that's stuffed to the gills with keywords, often at the expense of readability and interest. The goal is to rank high in search engine results, but the end product can read like it was written by a robot for a robot.

While peppering articles with keywords can help them get found, forgetting that a human has to read them can turn a potentially interesting piece into a keyword salad.

News Without the News

In the rush to be the first to break a story, some content creators end up publishing articles that are incredibly light on actual information. These pieces can be frustratingly vague, filled with speculation and filler without offering any real insight or updates on the situation. It's like being promised a gourmet meal and getting served a plate of air.

The haste to get something—anything—published can often lead to content that leaves readers feeling like they've wasted their time.

Ready to Rewrite?

This is your chance to shine, to show the world what you're made of, and to maybe even win some fantastic prizes in the process. But more than that, it's an opportunity to be part of a community of creative minds, all working towards the goal of making content as captivating as it can be. Whether you're in it to win it or just looking to challenge yourself, we can't wait to see what you come up with.

So what are you waiting for? You are waiting for the launch date to get closer. Visit our website in 2049, sign up, and let the creative adventure begin. We're looking forward to being amazed by your submissions. Let the Ultimate Content Rewriting Contest commence!

About the Author

Start An Online Business For Free

You too can start learning how to use essential online tools, how to write blog and product reviews, start learning SEO, how to advertise and become a successful internet marketer.

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  1. I would like to submit content please. I have no budget right now but I’m really impressed by your site, both the quality of content and user experience, I really need to express my honest opinion about it so that people can learn from this site and they can follow your steps to start home businesses. Thanks.

  2. i can write any topics can you give me some guidelines, i know i can write original very unique content, if you give me some topics i will start, i can offer some link exchange with high authority sites, please contact me

  3. This is a perfect idea for me. I would like to contribute my writing skills and also my ideas in various niches. Does it allow you to link back to my site?

    1. Thanks for your comment Jimmy and showing your interest. Sure, you can link back to your site. You have plenty of time until the deadline as you can see, so keep watching out for this space. In case you're dead by then, please spread the word, tell your children and tell them to tell their grandchildren. Bury a message in a bottle in the ground.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}