Automated Profit Formula User Review – They’re Not Telling You The Truth

Updated: June 22, 2019
by Ray Alexander

Well, first of all, I've found one Automated Profit Formula review says you can start making money with it on your first day - that's not true. I can also see some other reviews by scam affiliates telling you how 'easy' it is. Don't believe them. Because this is a 100-day training program, you will not make success so soon. The product is not my type, but if you join, at least you can receive advice and support. My version of Automated Profit Formula will show you how you need to keep up with it to succeed in affiliate marketing.

Automated Profit Formula Review

Product Name:

Automated Profit Formula

Website URL:


Internet Marketing


Vick Carty

Launch Date:

June 2019


$19.95 per month ($1 trial for the first 7 days)


What Is Automated Profit Formula? Overview

Automated Profit Formula

The creator/tutor Vick Carty seems very helpful and sincere. Upon joining you'll be reminded by Vick that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and you'll have to put in every effort to make your internet business a success. You'll be asked to join the Facebook group, where you can receive support.

However the APF is an introduction gateway to Vick's 1-2-1 coaching service, which could cost you up to $10,000.

You Never Told Me That!?

Well, the sales video never tells you what it is, apart from talking large numbers and saying it's an easy "copy-paste system". As suspected, the actual product is a set of training videos.

It was advertised as; "Done-for-you, copy-paste system that makes money on autopilot, even if you are a complete newbie." Unfortunately there's nothing for you to "copy and paste". Looks like the product is only suitable for a certain type of complete newbies, not for those who have a little bit of knowledge and experience.

To me, the two main advantages of working online (especially in affiliate marketing) and learning to work online are;

  1. There's no timescale. I can learn/work any time you want, at any pace I want.
  2. I don't have to speak to anyone real time (on the telephone).

Automated Profit Formula offers neither of the two benefits. Because you'll have to be part of the network and your curriculum is already set. I'll now explain what I mean - a couple of "I wish you had told me before I joined!" points.

#1 It'll Keep You In For 100 Days

One is about the training modules - only one module is unlocked for you every 24 hours. When your task for the day is finished, you can't go any further. Vick says because it will take you some time to digest what you've learned. Unfortunately, the training speed is far too slow. You see, if you were to join a training program, you would want to spend your first day exploring your dashboard to see what's on its way to you, right? It doesn't allow you to - there's nothing there, apart from a very simply Day 1 tasks.

In the sales video he said "You'll only work 2-3 hours each day" - he wasn't lying, you can only work up to a couple of hours each day because you'll only be given a limited volume of tasks a day.

Day 1

Watch the 8-minute introduction video, join the Facebook group, fill in the form (explained below) and submit it. (Task time: 20 minutes)

Day 2

Watch the 3-minute video. Vick tells you to get a small piece of paper and write down your financial goal (how much you want to make), carry it with you all the time. (Task time: 5 minutes)

Day 3

In his 3-minute video, Vick tells you to watch the video "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale. Unfortunately, Vick tells you barely anything during his 3 minutes video. "You must watch this Earl Nightingale's video. And work hard. Get yourself motivated. Take your work seriously. Work every day. Work harder." He repeatedly says this, and signs off.

But what "work" is he referring to?  It's the 3rd day. (Tasks time: 3 minutes + 31 minutes by E. Nightingale = 35 minutes)

Day 4

Two videos - the first one (1.5 minutes) is simply an introduction by Vick to say "watch the second video." In the second video (6 minutes), finally but very briefly, the content of Automated Profit Formula will be revealed. 

In the first 30 days, you will (1) be provided with done-for-you resources to promote a funnel and (2) receive traffic training. After 30 days, you'll be learning about building authority, to receive income consistently, and only at the last 1/3 of the 100 days, you'll launch your system and learn "7 figure action plan".

It means you will not be operating your own business platform for the first 2 months. It may be good for those who have a passive attitude towards learning, and don't want to take action until you've learned the theory. (Task Time: Watching videos for 8 minutes in total)

Day 5

There are 3 x very short videos to watch;

  • Introduction (2.5 minutes) - Vick says that this is a method that nobody has done before.
  • Concept (9 minutes) - Vick reveals the concept. (1) Get your affiliate link, (2) Build a landing page, (3) Send traffic and (4) Start email marketing. I'm puzzled, because this is a method that everybody's taking.
  • Get your affiliate link (3 minutes) - Vick tells you to sign up with Warrior Plus and become an affiliate for his other product, Bulletproof Commission ($9.95).

(Task Time: Watch video for 15 minutes, plus 3 minutes to become Vick's affiliate)

Day 6

Finally users can start something on the 6th day. But I'm afraid Vick is not telling them the truth.

In his 9 minute video, he shows you how to create a landing page using Landing Page Monkey, and also sign up with AWeber.

He says Landing Page Monkey will cost only $1, which is not (you'll have to pay $99 after 7 days, and every year thereafter!)

Also Vick quickly says something funny - "AWeber is just $1 trial and you can start for free" (?) instead of telling you the truth - AWeber offers you a 30-day trial for free, and the price starts from $19 per month.

Day 7

You are advised to post a spammy message on Facebook. Message examples are "done-for-you" therefore you only need to copy one of the messages and paste it onto your Facebook pages, groups, and timelines. Such as "FREE Training - how to make 2k - interested? Comment "Yes" to get started." And send your sales page URL to whoever responded "Yes".

The problem is of course, what's on your sales page is NOT a free training invitation. Other messages include; "Copy & Paste System Makes $846.57 per day (everyday). Comment "YES" to get full info." This is a typical phrase that's used by scammers.

There are quite a few problems with the first 7 days of training;

  • He's not being helpful by not telling you the potential cost. The "all-done-for-you" is not included in the price you're paying Automated Profit Formula.
  • Although he says "you need to take action every day", the training is far too slow.
  • You are advised to lie to your Facebook connections ("FREE training").

#2 Coaching Application Form

You are requested to fill in the "Elite Coaching Application Form" and submit it to Vick. This is not compulsory. The form is for you to show Vick how seriously you want to learn and how much you can pay him to receive a 1-2-1 coaching service. If you do decide to send it, there are some required fields that include;

Coaching Application Form
  • Your Skype ID
  • The best time for Vick to call you
  • Your current monthly income
  • How much you can afford to pay Vick to receive a coaching service ($0, $500, $1,000...$10,000)

Other fields include open questions such as "Why have you chosen to be coached by Vick?", "Why should we consider you over other applications?"

What I really don't like is the fact that you'll have to give them your Skype ID. If you don't have an account with Skype, then you can't send this form because it's a compulsory field. The system doesn't give you an option to contact Vick and his team, they'll contact you any time they want (though they're asking your most convenient time), which I personally think is intrusive.

It's The Wrong Way Round

Don't get me wrong, I would have happily accepted this arrangement had I applied for a private coaching service. But I didn't. It was never even mentioned on the sales page.

As I mentioned earlier, Vick sounds very genuine and helpful. I'm sure he's a great coach, whatever he does - the problem is right there. What does he actually coach? What kind of internet marketing is he covering?

If you were looking for a coach/mentor, firstly you would want to know who's available and each available coach's profile; what they're specialized in, how long for and how much they charge. Then it would be YOUR choice to approach them.

But this one is a recruitment opportunity the other way round. You expected to receive a "copy and paste system" for a one-time fee of $11.95. Now Vick out of the blue, says he'll be "working with you" if you can prove how committed you are, and asks for your personal information and how much you can afford to pay.

Pricing - NOT One Time Payment

One Time Payment

Automated Profit Formula is offered for $19.95 and is advertised as "one-time payment", but that's wrongly presented. It's $19.95 for the first 30 days, then the same amount will automatically be charged every month. Good news is you can cancel it at any time and a full refund is guaranteed if you cancel it within 30 days of your first purchase.

It Will Keep You Mystified

Anyway, whether to consider or forget about the coaching service is your decision, but perhaps the most unconvincing aspect of this program is, you join and still don't get told what you're going to get. There's no menu/table of contents. You've been repeatedly told "tons and tons of content each and every day", but how do you get those tens of thousands of affiliate commissions?

Whether it deliberately keeps you mystified like an advent calendar (in an attempt to keep the users in), or it's simply not organized... It looks like the latter because the user platform somewhat looks unfinished. There's only one question in the FAQ page, and no legal disclosures...

No Legal Disclosures

Account Suspended

Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Cookies Policy, Disclaimer and DMCA - the footer menu is there but the links are all broken. None of the legal disclosures is visible to users. This is a red flag, showing the platform has been quickly built and it's not maintained properly. Though I assume it'll be fixed soon, they can be sued by angry users if they don't.

You'll Get Spammed

As soon as you join the Automated Profit Formula, you'll receive two welcome emails. One from Vick and the other one from a man called Art from the APF team. Art will start sending you promotional emails, his own affiliate products. I'm a little confused to see it. One is telling you to put in as much effort to succeed in the business, about to show you the steps in the next 3.5 months, while the other one's trying to sell unrelated products.

In Art's email, he gives you a link to "18 x bonuses". They're not free bonuses, they're 18 software, none of which explains what it does and more importantly, how it helps your online business. They're likely to be PLR products, and the CPA buttons are placed without a price. This is so scammy. (It turns out that he's selling the set of 18 software for $20).

No price displayed

What you need to be careful of is that, upon your first purchase of APF, the seller, Warrior Plus will gain permission to access your card/PayPal account (you'll be notified of this in small writing). So if you accidentally click any of the buttons to upsells, your order will automatically be placed and your account will be charged.

To stop this, especially if you have purchased APF with PayPal, I suggest that you go to your PayPal account and cancel your subscription to Warrior Plus. (Go to the gear icon at the top-right corner > "Payments" tab > "Manage your pre-approved payments".) It means after 30 days, your next payment of $19.95 to APF will not be made automatically, and if you wish to continue to receive the training, you'll have to re-setup an automatic subscription to Warrior Plus or manually make the next payment. But it's way better than purchasing unwanted products accidentally and ending up asking for a refund every time.

Automated Profit Formula Pros and Cons


  • Helpful support via Facebook Group.
  • Suitable if you like to learn online marketing extremely slowly.
  • 30-day money back guarantee.


  • Actual product is nothing as advertised.
  • Your training module is unlocked each day - you cannot learn faster.
  • You'll never know what you're going to learn.
  • 100 days to complete, means you have to keep paying for 4 months.
  • A "make money" coaching service is offered, but without explaining the method.

Automated Profit Formula Review - Conclusion:

Whether the Automated Profit Formula works or not will not be discovered until all the modules are unlocked, i.e. 100 days later. As a reviewer I've made my decision; unfortunately I can't personally recommend it. I hope you agree that you wouldn't waste so much time in something that's so uncertain.

If you'd like to discover a proven niche affiliate marketing method, build your website for free and start learning, then join me from the link below. You'll at least be able to find out about a content marketing business model and decide if this is for you or not.

(Real Time) Affiliate Income Report Last Month
 December 2024: $8,380.00

About the Author

ASD. Recovering alcoholic. LGBTQ+ advocate. Semi-retired. 15+ years of web-designing experience. 10+ years affiliate marketing. Ex-accountant. I'm nice and real. Ask me if you need any help in starting up your home business.

Thank you for your Comments!

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  1. Hi Ray, great review. I recognize this guy from Warrior Plus. There are too many scammers in Warrior Plus but I thought this guy was a legit one. From what you say in your review he doesn’t sound like it. Sounds like he’s just using this platform to find one to one coaching candidates and I agree with what you say, if he doesn’t impress in the first 7 days then it proves he’s not a good coach.

    I’ve never heard about Earl Nightingale but this sounds like an old recording and it doesn’t sound particularly impressive either. I wouldn’t pay monthly fees for this service. Thanks for your helpful review. Good job. Dex

    1. Hi Dex, thanks for your comment. Yes Earl Nightingale audio is old and pretty uninviting. He’s embedded this YouTube video three times in his lessons but never explains why he thinks it’s important, unfortunately.

  2. Hi Ray, I love your review. It sounds like a good training but it takes too long to complete and you’ll be paying so much money then it’s a shame.
    I don’t understand it makes me wonder what the seller-tutor expects users to do when they sign up if he’s only telling a few things for a few minutes and that’s it.
    If I joined I would get my money back right away. Maybe like you say, he’s just looking for someone to join his coaching service.
    Thanks for your post, Zak.

    1. Hi Zak, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes the product looks like an entrance to the opportunity to receive a coaching service. But like you say, the progress will be too slow for many.

  3. I just asked for my money back for the same reason because there was nothing to learn in the first couple of days. I don’t believe you can make money from it. I didn’t join the FB group and I’m glad I didn’t. good luck for people who stay you wont make any money with this.

  4. Hi, I have seen some reviews and thought it was good but from what you say it does not look genuine now. Thank you for your review because I was almost going to buy it.
    People say Vick is a nice guy but the quality is not up to scratch. I understand it now.
    Thank you for your review, it’s very helpful.

    1. Hi Rura, thanks for sharing your thoughts, I’m glad to hear that the post has helped. But of course it’s entirely up to your own decision whether to buy it or not. Any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me. I wish you all the best!

  5. I think many solo ad sellers are promoting this one cos of the price. no chance or affiliates to make much money for $1 sales. with low quality training I know where its going.

  6. They’re not doing the right job. I reckon they are offering it for cheap for low or no quality content (in the name of training but in fact a few minutes of video each day with no text). The only purpose is to recruit. Like you say they’re not doing it in a legitimate way. I think they are scammers.

  7. Hi Ray, thanks for the awesome review. I was thinking the same thing as I read your review. If I was a reviewer I would not try out for 100 days before saying yes or no, because it would waste so much of my time and it would not be worthwhile for people who want to make money.

    It’s a shame because you say that the instructor seems helpful. Maybe if the platform is more open then people will start believing the system better. Thank you for your advice.

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