The Difference Between ENL vs ESL Writers: Which One to Choose?

Updated: April 3, 2023
by TJ Salvatore

Are you considering hiring a writer for your next project but feeling overwhelmed by the options available? You may have come across terms like ENL and ESL writers - the choice between an English as a Native Language (ENL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) writer is hit or miss. You can't really ensure the success of your project just by choosing between the two.

Here are some facts about self-proclaimed writers who provide trashy articles for a lot of money. There are many writing service companies, and most of the work they produce is low-quality or even no-quality, whether written by ENLs or ESLs. Some companies surely deserve to be called scammers. So don't believe everything they say!

The Difference Between ENL vs ESL Writers: Which One to Choose?

What Are ENL Writers and ESL Writers?

ENL writers are those who have English as their native language. That's all it is. That doesn't mean they have excellent grammar, spelling, or punctuation skills. In fact, very few so-called "ENL writers" can produce high-quality content that is error-free.

ESL writers, on the other hand, are non-native English speakers who write in English. While they may not have the fluency of a native speaker, they may still be able to communicate their ideas clearly. Many ESL writers come from countries where English is not the primary language, but they have been educated in English and are able to write at a decent level.

So what's the difference? The difference is what they charge. ENL writers simply charge more than ESL writers by claiming they are native English speaker, never mind their actual writing skills. 

My Experience with a Fake American "Writer"

I have a disappointing experience with a writer I hired the other day. I trusted him when he claimed to be an American and even provided me with a copy of his US passport. However, it turned out that he only had US residency and was not a native English speaker.

I could not believe it when I saw the article he submitted. It was poorly written and full of grammatical errors that made it virtually useless. It was clear that he did not have a good grasp of the English language, and I felt like I had been tricked into hiring him.

I put my trust in this writer, and he let me down. He not only wasted my time and money, but he also produced work that was of no use to me. It's frustrating to think that someone would go to such lengths to deceive me and take advantage of my trust.

This experience has left me feeling angry and disillusioned with the freelance writing industry. I hope that others can learn from my mistake and take the necessary precautions to ensure that they hire reputable writers who can deliver quality work.

Their Samples May Be Fake

Use of a Fake Name Online

Before you place an order, you can ask the writer for a sample that they have published in the past so that you get a sense of their writing style, voice, and overall approach to writing. 

This can help you determine whether the writer is a good fit for your project and can deliver the kind of work you're looking for.

However...that sample may be fake, written by someone else.

So when you ask for a sample, tell them that it must be an article that’s written and published on their own blog site with their name on it. The name must be the name of the person you are communicating with.

This can give you peace of mind and help you avoid any potential issues that may arise from receiving a sample that was not actually written by the writer.

If they say they don't have their own blog site... Forget it. If they really don't have their site but still want to prove that they are a real ENL writer, they should have sent you something else instead by then, a link to their LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, etc. (You shouldn't have to ask them for alternative proof.) It's too late, they're hiding something. Stop replying to them.

How To Spot a Fake ENL Writer

Ask them some extra questions. From the way they reply, you can easily tell if they are a native English speaker or not, and often which country they are from. For example;

  1. Vocabulary and word choice: Native English speakers may have a more extensive and nuanced vocabulary and be more familiar with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.
  2. Grammar and syntax: Native English speakers may have a more intuitive grasp of English grammar and syntax, while non-native speakers may make more errors or use sentence structures that are more typical of their native language.
  3. Style and tone: Native English speakers may have a more natural and fluent style and tone in their writing, while non-native speakers may have a more formal or stilted style.
  4. Cultural references: Native English speakers may be more familiar with cultural references and allusions that are specific to English-speaking countries and may use them more naturally in their writing.

ENL Writers Pros and Cons

Considering the writer is not hiding their true identity;


  • They should have a higher level of English proficiency than ESL writers.
  • They should understand and be able to handle complex writing assignments.


  • Typically more expensive than ESL writers.
  • Being a native speaker does not mean they can write.

ENL vs ESL: Which One is Better for Your Project?

It doesn’t matter. What matters is how they respond to your questions. You are paying them, meaning you are engaging in a business transaction with them. They should communicate with you in a professional and friendly manner. If you think they are abrupt in any way, you shouldn’t use them.

Also pay attention to their spelling and punctuation. Native English speakers don’t necessarily make fewer errors than non-native speakers. If their email reply has a few errors, that’s the reflection of their work, too.

Use AI Instead and Get Humans To Edit

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing, there is no longer a need to hire either ENL or ESL writers for content creation. AI writers such as ChatGPT can quickly and effectively create written material from scratch.

However, AI lacks creativity, it creates a lot of duplicate sentences and still gives some ridiculous suggestions. So you may still need to hire a human editor to review and edit the AI content if you’re not able to do it yourself for any reason.

Editors can provide valuable insight, offering feedback on everything from grammar and syntax, to flow and coherence. They may also be able to help streamline your writing by optimizing it for readability and clarity.

In short, it doesn’t matter ENL or ESL but hiring an editor rather than a writer is a good step in polishing any written material before publishing or submitting it for consideration.

Another thing is, AI-generated text can be useful for certain types of content, such as product descriptions or news articles that require a straightforward presentation of information. However, for more complex writing tasks, such as crafting a compelling story or developing a persuasive argument, human writers may still be the better option, whether they are native or not.

The Difference Between ENL vs ESL Writers: Which One to Choose? Conclusion

ENL writers are native English speakers who have been educated in English-speaking countries. That’s all it is. Their writing is not necessarily better than ESL writers’. 

Consider trying an AI writer first. It can generate text quickly and accurately, although it does not have the same level of creativity, nuance, and depth of understanding as human writers.

Good professional writers bring their unique perspectives and experience to their work and can craft content that resonates with readers and achieves the desired outcome. They can also offer a personal touch that AI-generated text may not provide.

It doesn’t matter if they are ENL or ESL writers. If their written content does not give an authentic, personal touch, don’t hesitate to reject it.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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