22 Reasons Why You Should or Should Not Work Remotely

Updated: July 1, 2024
by Agent Raydar

The transition to remote work has been pretty successful for many businesses. Some companies are now even reconsidering their office space needs. And while there are certainly some advantages to working from home, there are also some real drawbacks that can impact your productivity and both physical and mental health

Whatever the outcome, a work-at-home job can give you an opportunity to review your lifestyle. So here are the reasons why you should or should not work remotely.

22 Reasons Why You Should or Should Not Work Remotely

#1 GOOD: You Can Design Your Own Office

Working from home gives you the chance to create an environment that's conducive to productivity and focus. Whether that means setting up a dedicated workspace or simply making sure your home is free of distractions, working remotely can help you create the perfect conditions for getting things done.

Think about it - with a traditional office job, you're stuck in a cubicle or small room with no say in how it's decorated or set up. But working from home, you can make your own office as big or small as you want, add in all the plants and artwork that inspire you, and set up your desk and chair exactly how you like them.

So if having a say in how your office looks and feels means a lot to you, then working remotely is definitely the way to go.

#2 GOOD: You’re Not Tied To One Location

Freedom to work from anywhere - if you want to change up your scenery every once in a while, you can do that too. There's no limit to where your office can be when you work remotely. 

In theory, you can pick up via the internet and work from anywhere in the world. This means that you can take your work with you on vacation, or move to a new city without having to worry about finding a new job. It also means that you can work on the toilet, which can be a great perk.

#3 GOOD: Create Your Own Schedule

You have the potential to create your own schedule. This means that you can work when it suits you and can take breaks when you need them. You're not tied to a 9-5 schedule and can work around other commitments you have in your life.

This flexibility is great whenever you need to fit their work around other commitments. It can also be helpful if you find traditional office hours difficult to stick to.

When managed properly, you can avoid burnout and make sure that you're able to get your work done while still having time for the things that matter outside of work.

#4 BAD: You're Always Working

You're Always Working

You're Always Working

On the other hand, this potential for flexible working comes with its own challenges. You'll need to be good at time management and self-discipline to make sure that you get your work done. 

In fact, you're never really "off the clock." Because you're not physically present in an office, it's easy for your boss and colleagues to forget that you even have a life outside of work. You're always reachable by email, Slack or some other form of communication, which means you can never truly disconnect from work. 

So if you're not careful, you'll quickly find yourself working 12-hour days with no boundary between your work life and personal life. This can lead to burnout and a feeling of always being on the job. 

#5 GOOD: Potentially Learn More About Independence

You're in charge of your own schedule and your own workflow. This can be a great opportunity to learn how to manage your time and your tasks more independently. If you're used to working in a traditional office setting, this can be a big adjustment – but it's one that can pay off in terms of your personal growth.

Of course, working remotely doesn't mean you have to do everything on your own. There are still plenty of opportunities to collaborate with teammates and build relationships – but ultimately, you'll have more control over how you work, and that can lead to greater independence.

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#6 GOOD: Fewer Distractions from Colleagues

You are not surrounded by colleagues who can distract you from your work. This can be a huge advantage, especially if you have trouble staying focused when there are other people around.

Of course, there are still potential distractions when you work from home, but they are usually less frequent and easier to deal with than in an office setting. For example, if you need to take a break to care for your child or pet, it is usually much simpler to do so at home than it would be at the office.

#7 GOOD: Saves Time

No need to mention that you save commuting time, which is probably one of the biggest advantages of remote work for many. But when you work in a team, you have to schedule your work around theirs.

You go out for lunch at 1:00 pm, not 12:55 pm. And if you’re going out at 12:55 pm, you have to tell your colleagues that. “I’m a few minutes early but taking my lunch break. Anyone want coffee?”

Being able to do whatever you want to do whenever convenient for you can save a lot of time. This can also reduce stress levels and give you back some precious time in your day.

#8 GOOD: More Flexibility with Childcare Arrangements

Working remotely can also be a big help when it comes to managing childcare arrangements. If your child is sick or there's a last-minute school closure, being able to work from home can make all the difference in being able to keep up with your work.

#9 GOOD: Avoid Office Politics

Avoid Office Politics

Avoid Office Politics

If you've ever worked in an office, you know that office politics can be a real pain. From backstabbing co-workers to annoying office gossip, office politics can make your work life a lot harder than it needs to be.

Luckily, if you work remotely, you can avoid all of that drama. Because you're not in the office with your co-workers, you don't have to deal with any of the negative aspects of office politics. You can just focus on doing your job and being productive, without having to worry about who's saying what about whom.

So if you're sick of dealing with office politics, working remotely is a great option for you. You can avoid all the drama and just focus on getting your work done.

#10 BAD: You Miss Out On Bitching

You don't get to hear about what so-and-so did at the company party, or who's getting demoted. Especially if you like bitching and can’t live without gossiping, this can make you feel left out and out of the loop.

#11 GOOD: Cost Savings on Commute and Office Space

You won't have to pay for gas or public transportation. This can free up a significant amount of money each month that you can put towards other expenses.

In addition, working remotely can help you reduce your overhead costs. If you don't need to lease or maintain an office space, you can save a lot of money on rent, utilities, and other associated costs. This is especially helpful for small businesses or entrepreneurs who are just getting started.

If you're looking to cut costs, working from home is definitely an option worth considering.

#12 GOOD: Get To Know a Wider Variety of People

When you work in an office, you tend to only interact with the people who work in your immediate vicinity. But when you work remotely, you have the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world.

This can be a great way to expand your network and make new friends. You never know who you might meet when you're working remotely.

#13 GOOD: Expand Your Business Network

When you work remotely, you have the opportunity to expand your network by meeting new people from all over the world. 

This can be beneficial because you never know when you might need to rely on someone in your network for help or advice. 

Additionally, expanding your network can also help you learn about new cultures and industries that you may be interested in.

#14 BAD: Hard To Advance Your Career

On the other hand, if you intend to stick to your current office job, working remotely can make it difficult to advance your career. In-person networking and face time with your boss are still important for getting ahead in most organizations.

#15 GOOD: No Need For Expensive Office Attire

Totally relaxed dress code. You can wear whatever you want, take off whenever you want, and no one will be the wiser. If you want to dress up, then dress up. But you can also ditch the suits and ties and opt for a more relaxed wardrobe that's comfortable and conducive to a productive workday.

Remote work does give you a lot more freedom when it comes to what you wear on a daily basis. If you are a naturist, remote work is perfect for you.

No Need For Expensive Office Attire

No Need For Expensive Office Attire

#16 BAD: You Have To Be Extra Disciplined

It can take a lot of motivation to be successful with remote work. Because some of us find it hard to just roll out of bed and start working. You may need to have a set schedule and stick to it. This can be difficult for some people, but it's essential if you want to be productive.

There's no one around to hold you accountable for your work, so it's up to you to make sure you're meeting deadlines and producing quality work. If you're not disciplined, it's easy to let your work slide and end up falling behind.

#17 BAD: You Can Feel Isolated

You're not in an office environment where you can socialize with co-workers. You might not have anyone to talk to during the day, which can make you feel lonely. If you live alone, you might not see another person for days at a time. You can feel isolated from the rest of the world. This isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. 

#18 BAD: You Can Get Cabin Fever

Similarly, cabin fever - when you’re stuck in your home office day in, day out, you’ll start to feel constantly claustrophobic. That will also lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression. 

#19 BAD: It Can Affect Your Physical Health

When you work from home, you tend to sit in the same spot for long periods of time. This can lead to back and neck problems, as well as general stiffness and pain. 

Working remotely can also make it difficult to stick to a healthy routine. You might find yourself snacking more often or skipping meals altogether. You might also find it harder to get up and move around throughout the day. All of these factors can contribute to poor physical health.

#20 BAD: Hard To Stay Focused

There are a lot of distractions at home, and it can be easy to get sidetracked. This can lead to decreased productivity and lower-quality work. Additionally, working remotely can make it difficult to stay connected with your team and get feedback on your work.

#21 BAD: Makes It Feel Like You’re Not Contributing

Remote work may make you feel like you're not contributing as much as you could be. When you're not physically present in the office and may not be as visible to your team or managers, it makes you paranoid sometimes.

#22 GOOD: Makes You Philosophical

Missing out on the social aspects of working in an office isn’t all a bad thing. Because instead of having impromptu conversations around the coffee machine or lunchtime catch-ups with colleagues, you can start developing philosophical thoughts. About the meaning of life. What people mean to one another. Is there a perfect life? Can one be happy without achieving anything? Why do birds sing?

Setting Your Own Standard of Living

Work Life Balance

They say working from home can help you achieve a better work-life balance. They also say working from home will make you overwork, tardy, and disorganized, irresponsible, lazy, psychotic…all sorts of things.

A variety of circumstances will make you feel that your work life is starting to feel a bit out of balance at some point in life.

In an office setting, there are plenty of distractions that can take your attention away from work. But when you're working remotely, you’re expected to be more disciplined about staying focused on your work.

At least when you’re working alone, you have the time to fix the problems. 

Get Moving - Even If You Don't Feel Like It

Low spirits can be caused by external factors such as stress from work problems, but sometimes it may just be more internal. 

It’s hard to find the motivation to get up and move when you are too busy with your work at home. But do something active every day to keep your spirits high. If you can't face going to the gym or for a run, try something gentler like yoga or Tai Chi. There are also lots of fun activities you can do, like dancing or playing sports. Whatever you do, make sure you keep moving and stay active.

Make Time For Things That Make You Happy

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to make time for things that make us happy. We get so wrapped up in work, family, and other obligations that we can forget to take care of ourselves. 

Rally schedule things that make you happy in your day. If you know you have a busy week ahead, schedule some time for yourself over the weekend or at night after the kids are in bed. This can be anything from reading a good book, taking a relaxing bath, or taking a walk outside.

Or, do the things you want to do first thing in the morning. Before you start your day, take some time for yourself and do something you enjoy. This can be as simple as meditating for 5 minutes or writing in your journal. Not something unproductive such as playing games or having an extra hour of sleep (unless you are under-slept!)

Start your day-off with something positive and you can set the tone for the rest of the day and be more likely to stick with your happiness goals. Don’t forget that happy activities don't have to be big or time-consuming. Sometimes the simplest things can bring us the most joy. 

Be Accepting of Help

Don’t make your busy schedule as an excuse when help is offered to you. Accepting help from others can be a sign of strength. It shows that we're willing to admit when we need assistance and that we're not afraid to ask for it. It can also be a way of showing others that we care about them and appreciate their help.

So don't be afraid to reach out and ask for it. You may just be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards.

Don't Forget To Breathe

Take a step back from everything you do and remember to breathe deeply. Get out of the house, spend time in nature and surround yourself with the beauty that can lift your mood and give you a renewed sense of perspective. Then take a few deep breaths. Breathing deeply relaxes the body and mind, and can help you refocus and feel more centered.

22 Reasons Why You Should or Should Not Work Remotely: Final Words

You already know that there are many reasons why you should consider working remotely. But remote work has some reasons to make you mentally stressed. There are plenty of ways to make the most of your spare time when working alone, so get your work-life balance right, and you’ll continue to develop your career successfully.

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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