[Revealed] Top 20 Ways To Generate More Leads For Your New Affiliate Business

Updated: July 29, 2024
by Agent Raydar

So you've decided to start an affiliate business. Congratulations! You're on your way to financial freedom and time freedom that very few have. But there's one thing standing in your way: generating leads. Without leads, you have no one to sell your products or services to. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can generate leads for your new business. 

To help you generate leads for your affiliate business, I have highlighted 20 of the best ways to do so. From Facebook ads to blogging and more, you'll be sure to find a method that works for you.

Top 20 Ways To Generate More Leads For Your New Affiliate Business

20 Ways to Generate More Leads for Your New Affiliate Business

If you're running an affiliate business, generating leads is essential to your success. Without leads, you won't have anyone to promote your products or services to, and your business will quickly grind to a halt.

There are a number of ways to generate leads for your business, but not all methods are created equal. Some methods may be more effective than others, depending on who you're targeting and what type of products or services you're promoting.

Here are a few of the best ways to generate leads for your new affiliate business:

1. Create a Lead Magnet

One of the best ways to generate leads is to use a "lead magnet". A lead magnet is simply a piece of content that's designed to capture users' attention and persuade them to sign up for your email list. For example;

  • E-books
  • Checklists/Cheat Sheets
  • Templates/Worksheets (planning, budgeting, or organizing)
  • Free Webinars
  • Free Online Courses
  • Free Samples
  • Trials for a limited period
  • Discount Codes
  • Quizzes
  • Assessments
  • Reports
  • Exclusive Content

2. Use Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allows you to target your audience with laser precision, meaning you can reach the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

What's more, Facebook Ads are relatively low-cost and easy to set up, making them an ideal way to get started with lead generation.

3. Use Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads is also one of the most effective ways to generate leads for your new affiliate business. By placing ads on Google, you can reach a large demographic of potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer. Plus, thanks to the targeting options available on Google Ads, you can make sure that your ads are only shown to people who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

You can also use negative keywords to ensure that your ads don’t show up for people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer.

4. Create a Landing Page

A simple landing page with a brief, attractive sales copy will generate leads for your new affiliate business. By creating a landing page, you can capture leads who are interested in what you have to offer and funnel them into your sales process. Things to keep in mind are;

Keep it simple

The goal of a landing page is to capture leads, so make sure your page is focused on that goal. Don't try to include too much information or distract from the main purpose of the page.

Include a strong call-to-action

Your call to action should be clear and concise, and it should tell visitors what you want them to do next. Something like "Sign up for our free ebook" or "Get started with our free trial" works well.

Here is a call-to-action example using a Thrive Architect template:

Join the
Facebook Group

Our supportive online community is the best place to connect with others just like you. (Just an example)

5. Use Microsoft Ads

Microsoft (Bing) Ads are minor compared to other PPC ads such as Google and Facebook but are still a powerful tool that allows you to target potential customers searching for your products or services on Bing. You can create targeted ad campaigns that reach people when they’re actively searching for what you have to offer, and you can track the results of your campaigns to see how well they’re performing.

Visit the Microsoft Ads site, sign up and follow the instructions. You will receive up to $400 worth of ad credits depending on the campaign period (you will receive discounts.) Once you have a campaign set up, you’ll need to create ads that target your desired keywords.

When creating your ads, be sure to include a call-to-action so that people know what to do once they click on your ad. You can also use Microsoft Ads to create re-marketing campaigns, which allow you to show ads to people who have already visited your website.

6. Hold a Contest

Holding a contest or giveaway can be an effective way to get people interested in your product or service, and it can also help you build up your list of potential customers.

Make sure that not only the prize should be something that will appeal to your target audience but also should be relevant, not too remote from your niche.

Hold a Contest or Giveaway

For example, if you are promoting pet products but the prize you're giving away is a chocolate bar (for human consumption), it wouldn't make sense unless you clearly state why you're giving out chocolates. Especially chocolates are poisonous for dogs. In this case, you may be collaborating with a confectionary manufacturer for the campaign, etc. which you should explain to your prospects.

Have a good system in place for collecting leads from the participants.

With these things in mind, holding a contest or giveaway can be a great way to generate more leads for your new affiliate business. Just be sure to plan and promote it properly, and you should see some good results!

7. Write Guest Posts on Other Blogs

One of the most effective ways to generate leads for your new affiliate business is to write guest posts on other blogs. This is a great way to get exposure to your business and build relationships with other bloggers in your niche.

When you write a guest post, be sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your post that encourages readers to visit your website or sign up for your email list. You can also include a link to your affiliate program in your author bio so that readers can learn more about how they can make money with your business.

If you're not sure where to find blogs that accept guest posts, try searching Google for "guest post + [your niche]" or "write for us + [your niche]." Once you've found some potential outlets for your guest posts, take some time to read through their submission guidelines so that you can be sure that your post will be a good fit for their audience.

8. Offer a Free Consultation

Offer a Free Consultation

Offer a Free Consultation

The best way to reach out to the audience is to announce that you can help them for a free of charge. By offering potential leads a free, no-obligation consultation, you can show them that you're an expert in your field and that you're confident in your ability to help them achieve their goals. This can be an effective way to build trust and interest, both of which are essential for generating leads and growing your business.

Tell them that there's no strings attached, apart from your newsletter subscription. Be clear to them that you may be sending promotional emails from time to time but their privacy is secure, and they don't have to buy anything. This way, people can trust you and come to you with their questions or problems.

The downside of it is that you may attract a lot of time-wasters who are not willing to know about your business but trying to take advantage of your 'free' service. 

9. Offer an Affiliate Opportunity

Offering an incentive such as a referral commission or a multi-level marketing commission opportunity is a type of lead magnet, too. Because in a way, you are asking users to let you promote your business in return for a benefit to them. It's a win-win because if they join you and refer your affiliate products to others, then they'll make money, and you'll receive a percentage of their earnings. 

One thing you need to be careful of is the legitimacy of the product you are promoting. When it comes to a product with an MLM structure attached to it, it's often not the quality of the product but it's solely focused on the commission payout rates. Don't emphasize it on your lead capture page before you explain what the product itself is all about.

10. Participate in Online Forums

Participate in online forums such as Reddit. By engaging in conversations with others in your niche, you can build trust and credibility, which will make people more likely to do business with you.

Of course, simply joining a forum isn't enough - you need to be an active participant if you want to see results. That means posting helpful and insightful comments, responding to other people's questions, and generally being a helpful presence.

If you're not sure where to start, just do a quick search for forums related to your niche and jump in. With a little effort, you'll be on your way to generating more leads in no time!

11. Create a Facebook Group

A Facebook group lets you share information about your business with anyone and build good business relationships. When creating a Facebook group, it is important to consider the following:

  • Group Name: The name of your group should be reflective of its purpose. For example, if you are an affiliate marketing business that specializes in health and fitness products, you might want to consider something like "Health and Fitness Affiliate Marketing Tips."
  • Group Description: The description of your group should give potential members an idea of what they can expect from joining. Be sure to include information about the types of content you will be sharing, as well as any rules or guidelines that members need to follow.
  • Invitees: When inviting people to join your group, be sure to target those who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer. For example, if you are targeting health and fitness enthusiasts, you might want to search for similar groups on Facebook, and then invite the members to join your group.

12. Creating a Free Course

Creating a Free Course / Host a Webinar

Creating a Free Course / Host a Webinar

If you have a specialized skill and would like to share your skill, create a free course or host a webinar. This is a great way to show potential customers what you know and how they can benefit from your products or services. Plus, it's a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

When creating a free course, make sure that it's packed with value. No one wants to waste their time on something that doesn't offer them anything of value. Make sure that your course is well-organized and easy to follow. Also, be sure to promote it heavily so that people actually see it and sign up for it.

Webinars are another great way to generate leads and build trust with potential customers. Again, make sure that your webinar provides value and isn't just a sales pitch masquerading as valuable content. Provide useful information that people can use in their businesses and lives. When done right, webinars can be an extremely powerful lead-generation tool.

13. Create YouTube Videos

YouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine, and more people prefer viewing videos to reading blog posts when it comes to learning something. There's no doubt creating informative and engaging YouTube videos is a great way to generate leads for your new affiliate business. When creating videos, be sure to include a call to action in the description box that encourages viewers to visit your website or sign up for your email list. You can also promote your videos on social media platforms and in email marketing campaigns.

14. Create a Podcast

By creating a podcast, you can reach a wide audience and build up your customer base quickly.

  1. Gather Your Equipment: Microphone, headphones, recording and editing software.
  2. Record Your Podcast: Prepare your script, find a quiet recording space, and experiment with different recording techniques.
  3. Edit Your Podcast: Remove unwanted noise and pauses, add sound effects, and create intro/outro.
  4. Create Podcast Artwork: Design eye-catching cover art.
  5. Choose a Podcast Hosting Platform: Consider features, pricing, and storage.
  6. Upload your podcast episodes: Make them accessible to listeners.
  7. Create a podcast feed: This is an XML file that contains information about your podcast. Also submit to platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts to ncrease discoverability.

When creating your content, you can also include interviews with experts in your field to provide even more value. Once you have several episodes of your podcast created, start promoting it on social media and other channels. This will help you reach an even wider audience and generate more leads for your business.

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15. Speak at Online Events

By speaking at online events and voicing your opinions, other attendees will naturally show interest in you, and it gives you a chance to connect with potential customers and build relationships that can lead to sales.

When you're speaking at an online event, it's important to be clear and concise in your presentation. You want to make sure that your audience understands what you're saying and that they can see the value in what you're offering. Make sure to give them a call to action so they know what they need to do next.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of online directories that list upcoming events. Do some research and find an event that would be a good fit for your business. Then, reach out to the organizers and see if you can get on the agenda.

Generating leads through online events is a great way to grow your affiliate business. When you take the time to speak at these events, you'll be able to build relationships and generate sales.

16. Create an eBook


A direct link to your affiliate product page or any kind of page can be placed on an eBook. This is a great way to build up your list of potential customers and get them interested in what you have to offer.

Make sure that it's something that people will actually want to read. It should be informative and provide value, not just be a sales pitch for your products or services.

Keep your ebook reasonably short, rather than spanning over hundreds of pages. No one wants to read a long, drawn-out eBook. (No one's going to read it anyway.) Get to the point and provide useful information that people can use right away.

And to promote your eBook, make sure people know that it exists and where they can go to get it. The more eyeballs you can get on your eBook, the better chance you have of generating leads from it.

17. Provide Testimonials

Testimonials (and reviews) are not just merchants and service providers. Even for an affiliate marketer, one of the best ways to generate more leads is to provide testimonials and reviews. By doing so, you can show potential buyers that you're an authority in your field and that you're knowledgeable about the affiliate products you're promoting.

First, identify which products you want to promote. Once you've done that, reach out to the companies and ask if they would be willing to provide you with a review copy. If they agree, then take some time to test out the product or service and write up a detailed review.

Be sure to include both the pros and cons of whatever it is you're reviewing. And don't forget to mention any special deals or discounts that your readers can take advantage of. Value-packed testimonials always help generate more leads and convert more sales.

18. Build a Blog Site

You already know that blog articles can be informational, educational, or even promotional in nature. The key is to provide value to your readers so that they keep coming back for more, because;

  • It can help you build up your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field. When people read your articles and see that you know what you're talking about, they're more likely to trust you and do business with you.
  • Blogging can help you attract new visitors. If you write keyword-rich articles, people who are searching for information related to your industry will find your site and learn about what you have to offer. This can lead to increased traffic and more potential customers for your business.
  • You can also keep in touch with those who may need your products down the road. This keeps you top of mind when they're ready to buy, making it more likely that they'll choose to do business with you.

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Your website should be full of high-quality, informative content that will educate potential customers about your products or services. Use compelling headlines and call-to-actions to encourage visitors to take action, such as signing up for your email list or requesting a free consultation.

But like any marketing strategy, blogging takes time and effort to see results. If you're not seeing the results you want, don't give up. Keep at it and eventually, you'll start to see the leads come in.

19. Answer Questions On Quora

If you're looking for ways to generate more leads for your new affiliate business, one great way to do so is by answering questions on Quora. Not only can you help others with their queries, but you can also direct them to your affiliate website or products/services if they're interested in learning more.

To get started, simply search for relevant topics on Quora and start answering questions. Be sure to include a link to your website or product in your answer so that people can learn more about what you have to offer. If you provide helpful and informative answers, people will be more likely to trust your recommendations and check out your site.

Answering questions on Quora is a great way to build up your authority and credibility in your industry, so don't hesitate to give it a try!

20. Advertise Offline

Generate leads by advertising your business offline. You can also distribute flyers and brochures in local businesses or postcards in high-traffic areas, and display your website URL so that the recipients can directly search from their smartphone device or desktop. Write a big, bold headline to attract attention from potential customers offline.


There are a lot of ways to generate leads for your new affiliate business. However, not all of them are created equal. The 20 methods we've outlined in this article are some of the most effective ways to generate leads and get people interested in what you're selling. So, if you're looking for ways to get more leads for your business, start with these 20 methods. They'll help you reach a wider audience and get more people interested in what you have to offer.

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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