24 Things Not To Say On Your Blog Site (And What Happens If You Do)

Updated: October 13, 2024
by Agent Raydar

Words have immense power. They can inspire, educate, and entertain. However, just as they can build bridges, they can also create barriers. You want to know the "dos and don'ts" when crafting blog content so your're not going to upset anyone - that's not just your readers but the authorities. In this climate of cancel culture, saying one wrong thing could lead to our elimination from the social media world. So here's a guide on what you might want to avoid.

24 Things Not To Say On Your Blog Site (And What Happens If You Do)

1. Personal/Confidential Information

Sharing specific details about oneself on the internet is always a risky move. The internet, vast and seemingly infinite, is also a place where information can spread rapidly, often beyond the control of its original publisher.

Disclosing details like a Social Security number, home address, or family matters can lead to potential privacy invasions. Or even worse, identity theft.

Moreover, releasing such personal snippets might attract unwanted attention or give ill-intentioned users a chance to misuse the data. To maintain a secure boundary between one's online presence and private life, bloggers should be circumspect about the personal information they make public.

2. Defamatory Statements

Reputation, both online and offline, is built over time, often with considerable effort. Making false claims or spreading rumors can harm another’s hard-earned reputation. When a blogger publishes defamatory content, they risk facing legal repercussions, not to mention the ethical considerations.

Such actions can also negatively impact the blogger’s standing among peers and readers. Be cautious and avoid the temptation to perpetuate unverified gossip. That will not only protects the subjects of the statements but also upholds the integrity of the blog.

3. Hate Speech/Discriminative Remarks

Hate Speech

Promoting understanding and unity through content is one of the beautiful aspects of blogging. Using language that promotes hatred tarnishes this potential. Discriminative remarks or hate speech directed at any group, be it based on race, religion, gender, or other factors, perpetuates division and animosity.

Blogs have the power to bring people together, to educate, and to promote kindness. By avoiding divisive language and topics, bloggers can ensure their platform remains a space of learning and mutual respect.

4. Unverified Facts or Falsehoods

Misinformation is one of the challenges of our time. A single piece of misleading or incorrect data can spread like wildfire, leading many astray. When it comes to the facts, bloggers should really provide accurate information.

Publishing falsehoods, even unintentionally, reduces a blog’s credibility. Over time, this can erode trust and discourage readers from returning. A careful approach involves double-checking facts, especially when discussing sensitive or contentious issues, and being open to corrections when errors are made. This way, bloggers not only provide value but also establish their platform as a trusted resource.

5. Content Without Proper Attribution

Originality is at the heart of creative endeavors like blogging. Yet, at times, referencing other works or quoting others becomes essential to strengthen a point. Failing to give proper credit is not only ethically wrong but can also be seen as plagiarism.

Respect fellow creators by taking the time to attribute sources or request permission. It acknowledges their efforts and contributions to the broader discourse. By always giving credit where credit is due, bloggers maintain a transparent and honest relationship with both their readers and peers.

6. Highly Polarizing Opinions (unless that's your niche)


Blogging is a platform where ideas flourish. However, publishing content that takes an extreme stance on contentious topics can deter a broad spectrum of readers. Extreme viewpoints can cause unnecessary division, potentially resulting in a fragmented readership base. Some may feel unwelcome or vehemently opposed, leading to heated debates in comment sections.

Bloggers might opt for a balanced approach to foster a more inclusive environment, presenting multiple perspectives. By doing so, they offer a holistic view, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on well-rounded information.

7. Inappropriate/Offensive Jokes

Humor can be a fantastic way to connect with readers, making content relatable and enjoyable. However, jokes that border on insensitivity or are outright offensive can quickly turn readers away. What might seem humorous to one person can deeply offend another due to varied cultural, personal, or experiential backgrounds.

Being mindful of humor's broad spectrum and considering the wide range of sensitivities among readers can guide bloggers toward more universally accepted humor, ensuring a positive experience for all.

CyberCash Wonderland

Superheroes are overrated

"Superheroes are overrated."

8. Baseless Accusations

Casting aspersions without concrete evidence or valid reasoning can lead to distrust among readers. Furthermore, such actions can bring about significant repercussions, both legally and ethically. Accusing someone without a sound basis not only questions the integrity of the accused but also the blogger's credibility.

By ensuring that any claims or accusations made in the content are backed by solid evidence, bloggers maintain a foundation of trust and prevent potential disputes.

9. Graphic Details Without Warning

Some topics necessitate discussions that involve distressing or graphic details. Sharing such content without a warning can catch readers off guard, causing emotional distress. For topics like violence, trauma, or other potentially triggering subjects, a sense of responsibility calls for the addition of content warnings or trigger warnings.

These warnings serve as a courteous heads-up, allowing readers to decide if they wish to proceed. By adopting this practice, bloggers show empathy and understanding toward their readers' emotional well-being.

10. Anything You Wouldn't Say in Person

Anything You Wouldn't Say in Person

The online space provides a level of detachment, often leading people to say things they wouldn't voice in a face-to-face scenario. The written word, once published, has a lasting presence and can be revisited by readers at any time.

Making statements you wouldn't typically make in a personal conversation can come off as hypocritical.

11. Blind Promotion of Products

Blogging often intertwines with marketing, where product endorsements and promotions become part of the content. But advocating for products without genuine belief can lead to mistrust among readers. When readers sense that promotions stem more from commercial interests than genuine appreciation, the authenticity of the entire blog can come into question.

By choosing to promote only those products they truly believe in or have experienced firsthand, bloggers can uphold a genuine relationship with their readers and ensure the promotions resonate as sincere.

12. Oversharing on Sensitive Personal Topics

Sharing personal experiences can create relatable content. Still, excessive disclosure on particularly delicate subjects, such as financial struggles, health issues, or relationship problems, can blur the line between openness and oversharing. Some readers may find such revelations uncomfortable, and some may question the intent behind such disclosures.

Striking a balance by sharing experiences that offer insights, without diving too deeply into exceedingly intimate details, can maintain a level of professionalism and respect toward readers.

13. Disparaging Remarks About Competitors


The blogging community thrives on mutual respect and collaboration. When bloggers resort to negative comments about other content creators, it can appear unprofessional and even petty. Instead of building up their platform, these remarks can have the opposite effect, diminishing the blogger's standing in the eyes of readers and peers.

Focusing on one's unique value proposition and strengths, without resorting to putting others down, creates a positive image and fosters a sense of community among bloggers.

14. Strictly Negative Feedback on Brands/Products

Constructive criticism has its place in review sites as well as direct feedback, but persistently negative commentary without acknowledging any positives can seem one-sided and biased. Readers looking for comprehensive insights may find such reviews lacking in depth and nuance.

By ensuring that feedback, even when predominantly critical, is well-rounded and fair, bloggers can offer more value to their readers and maintain an image of objectivity.

15. Leaked Information

Sharing confidential information or unauthorized leaks, be it about products, services, or personal matters, can have severe consequences. Unauthorized dissemination can result in legal action, not to mention the potential damage to one's reputation and trustworthiness.

Being cautious about the sources of information and ensuring the legitimacy and appropriateness of shared details can prevent inadvertent leaks and the challenges they bring.

16. Biased Information Masked as Objective

Honest and Unbiased

Readers seek out blogs for insights, knowledge, and unique perspectives. When bloggers present skewed data under the guise of unbiased facts, they do a disservice to their readers. You'll mislead them by creating a distorted view of the subject at hand.

To uphold integrity, bloggers should distinguish between personal opinions and factual content. When expressing personal views, clarifying them as such ensures readers can differentiate between subjective takes and objective information.

17. Unvetted Guest Posts

Inviting guest contributors can enrich a blog by introducing diverse viewpoints and expertise. However, publishing guest content without thorough vetting can compromise quality and credibility. Posts that don't align with the blog's values or contain dubious information can deter loyal readers.

By setting clear guidelines for guest contributors and reviewing submissions meticulously, bloggers can maintain a consistent quality and tone, ensuring the blog remains a trusted source of information.

18. Ignoring Reader Feedback

The feedback loop between bloggers and their readers is pivotal in shaping content and fostering a community. Disregarding comments, suggestions, or concerns from readers can create a sense of disconnect. Readers may feel undervalued, and the blog could miss out on valuable insights.

Engaging with reader feedback, whether by addressing comments directly or subtly adapting content, demonstrates that the blogger values the input and wishes to grow and adapt based on community interactions.

19. Relying Heavily on Jargon


Specialized blogs, especially those in technical fields, often involve industry-specific language. Overloading posts with jargon, however, can alienate readers unfamiliar with the terminology. Excessive use of complex language can make content inaccessible to those looking for beginner-friendly information.

To cater to a broader readership, bloggers can aim to explain terms when first introduced and provide context to ensure comprehension. This approach allows both novices and experts to benefit from the content.

20. Not Updating Outdated Information

The rapid pace of change in many fields means that information can quickly become obsolete. Leaving outdated posts on a blog without updates can misinform readers. For instance, a tech review from three years ago might no longer be relevant, and health advice could change based on new research.

Regularly revisiting older posts to update or flag outdated content shows a commitment to accuracy and current knowledge. This proactive approach ensures that readers always access up-to-date and reliable information.

21. Unsupported Medical or Scientific Claims

In the age of easy access to vast information, readers often turn to blogs for insights on health, wellness, and science. Presenting claims without a solid foundation of research or expert consensus can mislead readers, leading them to make ill-informed decisions that may adversely affect their health or beliefs.

For instance, endorsing a dietary supplement without clear evidence of its benefits can result in readers taking something that, at best, doesn't work, and at worst, harms them. When discussing complex subjects, bloggers have a responsibility to ensure that their claims align with current, reputable research and expert opinions.

22. Content That Mimics Another's Work

Originality is the backbone of genuine blogging. When bloggers reproduce or closely imitate another creator's content, they not only jeopardize their credibility but also rob themselves of the chance to present unique perspectives.

Plagiarism, whether intentional or not, can lead to legal challenges and a damaged reputation. Rather than replicating what is already out there, bloggers benefit from bringing their distinct voices and viewpoints to the table, offering fresh takes that differentiate their work from the multitude of content online.

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Feng Shui for the afterlife

"I don't believe in ghosts."

23. Clickbait Titles That Don't Deliver

The art of crafting compelling headlines is vital to draw readers in. However, when these headlines, often sensational in nature, fail to match the ensuing content, it can create a disconnect. Readers may feel cheated, having been promised one thing and delivered another.

For example, a headline promising "A Revolutionary Way to Boost Productivity" might attract many clicks, but if the article merely rehashes common tips, readers could leave feeling disappointed. Maintaining consistency between headlines and content ensures that readers' expectations are met, fostering trust and encouraging return visits.

24. Absolute Statements Without Flexibility

The world, in its vastness, rarely deals in absolutes. When bloggers present ideas or methods as the sole or definitive approach, they may inadvertently exclude a range of valid alternatives. Such dogmatic statements can be off-putting to readers who may have experienced success or seen value in other methods.

For instance, claiming that "X is the ONLY effective marketing strategy" dismisses the myriad ways businesses achieve success. Offering insights with an openness to diverse experiences and solutions creates a more inclusive environment, recognizing the multifaceted nature of most subjects.

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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  1. Are you an agent to avoid revealing sharing on Sensitive Personal topics? Did You Know You Don’t Have To Say You Don’t Want To Say?

  2. This is very useful for me. Because I try to establish myself as a professional blogger now but sometimes my article gets rejected by webmasters for saying things that can affect adversely to their sites. Now I can know what to avoid. Thank you for your useful post.

  3. This is really interesting. I totally agree with you about cancel culture. Before, I used to post a lot on social media, thinking I was helping others. But it seemed like spam to people, and many blocked me. Won’t do that again. I also completely agree with you about not sharing security or personal info of others. Even if they say it’s fine to share, it’s on you and it could cause problems later. Thanks for the helpful article. It’s very useful for me.

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