12 Examples Of Common Online Scams Like Rotten Chilli Dogs

Updated: September 15, 2024
by Agent Raydar

Online scams have been around for several decades now, and we generally suspect anyone who contacts us. But the truth is that some of us still fall victim to psychological manipulation. A scammer may try to steal your personal information or money by pretending to be a legitimate business or person. Today I’ll share with you some typical online scam examples, how they work, and what you can do to protect yourself.

12 Examples Of Common Online Scams Like Rotten Chili Dogs

Did You Know?

  • Phishing Attempts: 32% of breaches involve phishing, targeting sensitive information through deceptive emails.
  • Financial Losses: Victims lost over $4.2 billion to online scams in the U.S. alone, according to the FBI in 2020.
  • COVID-19 Scams: Over $100 million lost to COVID-19 related online fraud since the pandemic began.
  • Identity Theft Reports: Over 1.4 million reports of identity theft to the FTC in 2020, a significant rise from 2019.
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC): Losses exceeding $1.8 billion in 2020, making BEC one of the most financially damaging online scams.
  • Ransomware Payments: Average ransomware payment increased to $233,817 in Q3 2020, up 31% from Q2.
  • Crypto Scams: Approximately $7.7 billion worth of cryptocurrency was stolen from investors through scams in 2021.

1. Fake Charity Scam

The fake charity scam is a type of online scam where scammers create fake charities and use them to collect money from unsuspecting donors. This type of scam is usually carried out by email, social media, or even by creating a fake donation website.

Those fake websites and social media accounts look like they are associated with legitimate charities. They may also use the branding of popular charities to make their scam seem more credible. The scammers will then use these platforms to solicit donations from people who think they are supporting a good cause.

Donors should be aware that there are many scams masquerading as legitimate charities. Be sure to do your research; Look up the charity on Charity Navigator or other reputable websites that track charitable organizations. Contact the charity directly to verify its existence, ask for the charity registration number and also ask questions about how your donation will be used.

If you believe you have been the victim of a fake charity scam, report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

2. The Grandchild Scam

The grandchild scammer pretends to be a grandchild of a senior person. They randomly contact senior people through email, social media, or phone calls, and ask for money to be sent through wire transfers or prepaid debit cards.

The scammers may have some personal information about the family that they obtained through online research. They use emotional manipulation tactics such as pretending to be in distress or claiming that the money is needed for an emergency.

If you receive any type of communication from someone claiming to be a relative and asking for money, do not respond immediately. Take some time to verify the identity of the person before sending any money. You can do this by contacting the relative directly (if you have their contact information) or by checking public records to see if there is any information about them.

Did You Know?

  • Romance Scams: Over $600 million lost to romance scams in 2020, a 50% increase from 2019.
  • Investment Scams: Investment fraud reports doubled in 2020, with losses amounting to $336 million.
  • Social Media Scams: Social media scams affected 18% of internet users in 2020, with losses reaching $117 million.
  • Fake Shopping Websites: 35% of people reported encountering fake online shops, leading to significant financial losses.
  • Tech Support Fraud: Victims lost over $146 million to tech support scams in 2020.
  • Phishing Email Open Rate: 3% of phishing emails are opened by the recipient, with 12% of those leading to clicking on a malicious link.
  • Elderly Scams: People aged over 60 lost nearly $1 billion to online scams in 2020, with a 69% increase in losses.

3. The Work-From-Home scam


The work-from-home scam is one of the most common scams that people fall for online. The promise of making easy money by working from home is just too tempting for many people to resist. But the reality is that these schemes are nothing more than a way to steal your hard-earned money.

Here's how the scam works: you'll see an ad or email promising a great opportunity to make money by working from home. All you need to do is provide your personal information and/or pay a small fee to get started. Once you do, you'll be asked to complete some tasks, which may include taking surveys, clicking on links, or even buying products. But no matter how much time and effort you put into it, you'll never earn any money. The only ones who make money are the scammers behind the scheme.

So, if you're thinking about working from home, never be tempted by words such as;

  • “Easy” or “quick”
  • “Only a few clicks”
  • “Hard work is already done for you”
  • “Money 24/7”, etc.

There are plenty of legitimate ways to make money online, but just like working offline, you will not earn a dime if you don’t put in the effort.

Romance Scams

4. Online Dating Scam

We all know about scammers who are looking to take advantage of people who are looking for love online. They create fake profiles on dating sites and apps, and then they use those profiles to trick people into sending them money.

Some scammers will even go so far as to set up fake websites that look like legitimate dating sites, but which are actually just scams. It’s hard to stay logical when you’re emotionally attached to someone but you never know anyone until you share your life with them. Don’t take a virtual relationship seriously, and never spend money on them. That’s the bottom line.

Did You Know?

  • Charity Scams: Over $20 million lost to charity scams during natural disasters and pandemics in 2020.
  • Job Scams: 14% of reported scams were job-related, with $3 billion lost to employment scams in 2020.
  • Utility Scams: Approximately $3.5 million lost to utility scams, with scammers posing as service providers.
  • Lottery Scams: Over $80 million lost to lottery and sweepstakes scams, with an average loss of $1,000 per victim.
  • Real Estate Scams: $213 million lost to real estate scams in 2020, often involving fake rental listings.
  • Data Breach Costs: The average cost of a data breach to companies worldwide is $3.86 million.
  • Mobile Payment Scams: 73% increase in mobile payment scams, reflecting the growing use of digital wallets.

5. The Nigerian Prince Scam

The Nigerian Prince Scam, otherwise known as the “advance-fee scam”, is one of the classic online scams. The scammer contacts the victim posing as a Nigerian prince or another authority who needs help to transfer money out of the country.

The victim is promised a percentage of the money for their help. The scammer then asks for personal information and financial assistance to complete the transaction, which of course never happens. The victim ends up losing their money and often their personal information as well.

6. Lottery Scam

Lottery Scam

If you've ever received an email or message from someone claiming to be a lottery official, telling you that you've won a large sum of money and asking you to send personal information or money in order to claim your prize, then you've been the target of a lottery scam.

Those scammers take advantage of the fact that many people dream of winning the lottery. The scammers will often create very realistic-looking emails or messages, using the logo of a legitimate lottery company or organization. They may even spoof the email address so that it appears to be coming from a legitimate source.

Lottery scams have been around for long enough, but typically they pretend they are officials from a network. For example, they may contact you on Messenger and they are from the Facebook management team.

The scammer will typically ask for personal information such as your name, address, date of birth, and bank account details. They may also ask you to pay a fee in order to 'release' the funds. In some cases, victims have been asked to travel to another country to collect their 'winnings'.

If you receive an unsolicited email or message claiming that you've won the lottery, just ignore it and delete the message. Do not give out any personal information or send any money. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

7. Job-Offer Scam

Job scammers post fake job listings in order to collect personal information from victims. The listing may look legitimate, but the contact information will often lead to a bogus website or email address. Scammers may also create fictitious companies and post false job openings on legitimate job boards.

If you come across a job listing that looks too good to be true, do some research to verify the company and the position. Be suspicious of any listing that asks for personal information up front, or that has vague or no contact information. 

Never pay any money to apply for a job, ever. When you are looking to be employed by someone, you should never pay anything upfront. And be wary of giving away your personal information online. If you have been victimized by a job scam, report it to the authorities and file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

8. Counterfeit Goods Scam

Counterfeit Goods

If you're shopping online, beware of counterfeit goods. These are fake products that are made to look like the real thing. They might be lower quality, dangerous, or even deadly.

Counterfeiters will often set up websites that look like the real thing. They might use a similar domain name or a fake version of a well-known website. Or they might create their own website that looks professional.

Be especially careful if you're buying high-end items like designer clothes, electronics, or pharmaceuticals. Counterfeiters target these items because they can charge a lot of money for them.

How can you avoid getting scammed? Always use a credit card (or PayPal) so your purchase will be protected. If the goods you receive turn out to be counterfeit and the scammer’s disappeared, you can dispute it against your card company/PayPal and claim your money back. Don’t ever send money via your bank account, because it means you’re voluntarily sending money to a scammer, and nobody will support your action.

Needless to say, you should make sure you're buying from a reputable source. 

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9. Phishing Scam

The phishing scam is a type of online scam where criminals send emails or texts impersonating a legitimate organization in order to trick people into giving them sensitive information. The information they are after can include login credentials, financial information, or even just personal details that can be used for identity theft.

Phishing scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it can be difficult to spot one if you're not familiar with the telltale signs. That's why it's important to be aware of what to look for, and what to do if you think you've been targeted by a phisher.

If you receive an unsolicited email or text message purporting to be from a legitimate organization, be wary. Don't click on any links or attachments, and don't reply with any personal information. If you're unsure whether or not the message is legitimate, contact the organization using a phone number or email address from their website, not the one provided in the message.

If you think you may have fallen for a phishing scam, act quickly. Change any passwords that may have been compromised, and contact your bank or credit card company to cancel any accounts that may have been opened in your name without your knowledge. Finally, report the scam to the authorities so they can investigate and hopefully prevent others from being victimized.

10. Ponzi Scheme

A Ponzi scheme is where a founder creates a fictitious investment source and offers the participants a high return for recruiting others. For example, you are required to pay the founder a one-off fee of $100 to join the scheme, but you will receive $50 each time you successfully get someone else to join. 

The truth behind the scheme is that there is no real investment, and the earlier members’ returns are only funded by the newer members’ joining fees. Effectively, this is “Rob Peter to pay Paul”, you will only make money by getting someone else to pay.

A Ponzi scheme is only illegal because no valuable asset is involved. To get around this, they offer a low-quality digital product upon joining. For example, they use the same system as above (pay $100 to join, receive $50 for recruiting someone else), but they give you access to a video training course. So the founder can officially say that the joining fee of $100 is not for the investment, but it’s a course tuition fee. 

11. Fake Investments Scam

Fake Investments

A fake investment scam is even worse than a Ponzi scheme. The scammer simply tries to convince you to invest in something that doesn't exist. They might promise you;

  • A “guaranteed” return on investment,
  • High returns with little or no risk, or
  • They have inside information about a hot new investment opportunity.

The truth is, there is no such thing as a guaranteed investment, and any offer that promises high returns with little or no risk is likely a scam. What they do is also simple; they just shut down the website and disappear.

Whatever the case may be, don't let yourself be scammed by investing in something you’ve never heard of. Always google and see what others say, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

12. Fake Check/Money Order Scam

If you’re selling something online, the fake check or money order scam is a common way for scammers to try to steal your money. They’ll send you a fake check or money order for more than the asking price of your item, and then ask you to wire them the difference. The check will eventually bounce, and you’ll be out of the money you wired plus any fees. So if someone offers to pay you with a check or money order, wait and see until it’s cashed at your bank.

Examples Of Common Online Scams Like Rotten Chili Dogs: Conclusion

Online scams are more prevalent than ever before and can have serious consequences for those who fall victim to them. It's important to stay aware of the potential risks when using the internet and be extra vigilant about what information is shared with whom. Education on how to detect and avoid these types of scams is key in order to protecting yourself from becoming a victim of them. By staying alert and taking simple precautions, you can significantly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of an online scammer.

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About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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