12 Awesome Ways to Generate Leads Through Facebook

Updated: March 26, 2022
by Jack Stan

Generating leads is not as difficult as converting leads into paying customers. When it comes to ensuring high conversion rates, expertise is definitely required.

Most business owners nowadays use a variety of social media platforms to generate leads for their companies.

One of the most effective ways to approach customers and communicate with them directly is through social media platforms.

12 Awesome Ways to Generate Leads Through Facebook

While Facebook is still mostly used to develop personal groups, it also has a number of business-oriented tools that you can use to convert followers into paying clients. Facebook can even become an invaluable lead generation tool in your social media marketing strategy if leveraged correctly.

As a business owner, you must employ clever techniques in order to generate more leads for your company, and Facebook sounds perfect for that. 

That being said, Facebook is growing increasingly crowded. With more and more businesses utilizing Facebook for marketing every minute, you'll need to come up with clever strategies to stand out.

A lot of companies hire Facebook marketing consultants and lead generation agencies to assist them to achieve the Facebook leads they want, while others are keen to take on the job on their own.

If you’re more of a do-it-yourself kind of person, this guide is perfect for you. Today, we'll look at a variety of lead-generating strategies that will help you produce quick leads through Facebook.

Why should you include Facebook in your lead generation plan?

Because Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms on the planet, the best reason to use it to create leads is its insane reach. Just to give you an idea of the reach Facebook can offer marketers, there are about 1.4 billion daily active users on the platform. Although not all of those users will be interested in your products and services, with the correct marketing approach, those who are, will find you and they will purchase.

Awesome Ways to Generate Leads Through Facebook?

Using Facebook to generate leads can be a terrific method to boost sales while also flexing your social media prowess.

1. Make your business page more appealing

So, while this may appear to be a no-brainer, many people don’t pay much attention to this. It's critical that you fill out all of the necessary contact information on your business page. Business pages are becoming more sophisticated, and simply creating one is no longer sufficient.

Why is this important? 

This is because visitors of your Facebook business page will most likely find themselves looking for more information. So, adding your company's phone number, hours of operation, and address can result in your acquiring more new business.

You can also use your Facebook profile to promote a website and include a call to action, such as 'Buy Now.'

2. Determine who your target market is

target market

A target audience is a set of people you want to reach with your marketing message because they're more likely to act after seeing it.

Certain characteristics will be shared by members of your target audience. These traits can be divided primarily into three categories:

  • Demographics

  • Interests

  • Behaviors

It is common for a business to have many target audiences.

When you know who your target market is, you can focus your marketing efforts on the people who are most likely to buy from you. You'll be able to generate business leads in an efficient manner.

3. Join Facebook groups that are relevant to your niche

Since Facebook groups already have thousands of active members who may be interested in the products and services you offer, why not reach out to them directly?

Join a few Facebook groups that are relevant to your niche and start sharing useful information and engage with community members as soon as group admins let you in. 

To persuade people to message you on Facebook or your website, go ahead and talk about your business and what you do. Just make sure that you don’t sound too pushy.

When looking for appropriate groups to join, consider your target audience and the difficulties they face. Interact with group members, and start dialogues if your products can solve them.

4. Attach links to your website in your Facebook posts

You cannot generate leads without including a link to your lead capture page, so this is essential. You may want to check your site domain is not marked as spam by Facebook’s algorithm. Facebook has a responsibility to divert its users to safe, legitimate sites. If it doesn’t let you include a link to your site in your post, you won’t be able to not only generate leads but promote anything using that very site. Try tools such as Spamhaus to make sure your site domain is not blacklisted. If it is, it’s likely due to the bad record created by the previous domain owner, or complaints that you may have received from multiple users in the past.

Ideally, you should aim to generate compelling content that encourages users to learn more about your products. 

Links are not necessarily bad. However, don’t overdo them. Don’t include links in every post. Use links sparingly. 

5. Leverage Facebook videos

It's not easy to create high-quality videos for social media. Even if you aim to create a 15 seconds long video, it’ll still take a lot of time, effort, and resources.

You can use Facebook videos to promote your current offers. Remember to include captions in your videos. Use calls-to-action (CTAs) to leverage your videos as lead generation tools.

You can eventually make Facebook selling interesting for both you and your Facebook page visitors through entertaining and engaging videos.

6. Use Facebook Lead Generation Ads

Facebook Lead Generation Ads

Lead adverts are essentially forms that are designed in such a way that users can provide their contact information without having to lead Facebook. To harness the true power of lead generation on Facebook, you may use lead ads in three ways:

1. Collect queries from prospects and interested consumers.

2. Increase the number of prospects who subscribe to your email list.

3. Entice prospects to take make the most of special offers and promotions.

7. Utilize Facebook Live events

If you don't know, Facebook Live has an insanely high view rate. Marketers can live broadcast video footage on Facebook Live while also customizing the format as they please.

Facebook Live can be used for, Q&A, virtual company tours, virtual conferences, and more.

Facebook Live gives businesses the freedom to interact with potential prospects so they can get familiar with your company.

8. Leverage UGC

UGC (user-generated content) - content that people produce for your products like reviews and testimonials. UGC makes your brand appear more credible. After all, you’re not promoting your content through ads. Instead, people leave genuine reviews. Satisfied customers leave positive reviews. If you put positive user reviews in front of potential customers, they will most likely buy too.

User-generated content is critical to the purchasing decision because it appeals to people of all ages.

9. Host giveaways

When producing content on Facebook, engagement is crucial to generate leads. You must keep your followers interested; else, they will drift away and switch to your competition.

Launching incentives can help you avoid losing potential customers.

Giveaways are low-cost events that can help you raise the number of likes on your page, enhance engagement, and convert your followers into leads.

However, before you start your giveaway or contest, make sure you read Facebook's Page Guidelines to make sure your event is legal.

10. Quickly follow up with leads

When it comes to following up on Facebook leads, snoozing is not an option. According to studies, following up within the first 5 minutes has a hundred times higher likelihood of landing a deal than waiting 30 minutes. Make sure you (and your sales colleagues) are immediately notified when a Facebook lead is created if you don't want to miss out on amazing prospects.

11. Monitor conversions and sales

A high-quality lead is one that has a good chance of becoming a paying customer.

The only way to improve your marketing efforts is to know what percentage of your leads convert to paying consumers. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor conversion rates through your choice of CRMs.

With relevant data, you can improve the lead quality of your campaigns based on actual sales.

12. Reuse old content

Do not be afraid to republish the previous blogs that have gained you a lot of traction the first, second, or even third time. Reusing content will help you save a lot of time and effort. Also, the point of using old, good-performing content is that they’re bound to bring you positive traction. 


So there you have it. These were our tried and tested strategies for generating more leads through Facebook. When you effectively promote your brand on Facebook, your chances of gaining more clients will skyrocket.

Whether you desire to get more people interested in your company first or you seek instant, one-off sales, Facebook offers multiple options which can help you reach your target audience.

Your chances of obtaining more clients will rise if you efficiently advertise your brand or organization on Facebook.

When it comes to using Facebook to create more leads, your imagination is the only limit. You can use existing methods, combine two or three, or create a whole new one.

Using the strategies shared in this blog post, you will surely be able to generate high-quality leads through Facebook.

Did You Know You Already Have a LOT To Sell?
So What's Your Problem Biatch?

  • No time! I'm too busy biatching, darling.
  • Lack of knowledge or skills, I'm pretty thick!
  • Fear of scams. I'm a 90-year old Ruth.
  • Don't know where to start. I'm completely dunked in a puddle of poo.
  • Other. Whatever.

About the Author

Online Marketing Career Consultant. Network marketing and web developing since 2009, helping people quit daytime job and earn enough money and freedom. Keen swimmer, horse-rider, cake-baker, a little bit of OCD.

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