Do you work hard but end up achieving very little? What you need is our time management tips!
Productivity is how efficient we are at doing things. In layman’s terms, if you work really hard, you become productive. Many of us have trouble effectively managing our time and being productive. We either do very little and spend too much time on it or do a lot within a very short time span. The result we obtain is always the same - unproductiveness. And although many of us try to break free from this bad habit, none struggles as much as students do. Fortunately for them, they can always rely on the assistance of professionals.
It begs the question: What can we do to stay productive and save time? To answer it, we’ve prepared some of the best techniques that will help you improve your productivity. They include:
- Planning things ahead
- Waking up early
- Doing the most difficult tasks first
- Doing away with distractions
- Keeping track of your time
- Taking short breaks
- Exercising
- Staying disciplined
- Not overdoing it
- Not beating yourself up

#1 Plan Things Ahead
Our first tip is for you is to plan things ahead. This is something most of us have probably heard many times before. However, we never really tried doing that. We go to bed without even thinking about what we’ll do the next day. Make a to-do list that outlines your short- and long-term goals. This way, you’ll be able to spend your day wisely and achieve the results you want to achieve.
#2 Wake Up Early
For most people, this is probably one of the most difficult things to do. However, as the old adage goes, the height that great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. It takes making great sacrifices to achieve great results. So, if you want to be more productive, you ought to start working early in the morning. That way, you’ll have enough time to accomplish all your tasks.
#3 Eat The Frog
Mark Twain, a famous American writer, publisher, and lecturer, once said: “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”. What he meant was that we all tend to procrastinate if we face a very difficult task (i.e., the frog). So, if you start your day by dealing with the hardest assignment, you’ll find less difficulty doing much simpler ones.
#4 Do Away With Distractions
It goes without saying that distractions are one of the most difficult things to deal with. They are everywhere - from gadgets to social media. However, as difficult as it may seem, it’s possible to do away with them.
#5 Keep Track of Your Time
Knowing how you spend your time is an excellent indicator of your productivity. For instance, if you traced your activities by the end of each day, you’d be able to point out the things that distract you from achieving your goals. And doing this consistently would undoubtedly help you improve your productivity.
#6 Take Short Breaks
Learning to be more productive is an uphill climb. It doesn't happen overnight, and it’s easy to fall back into old habits. One way to prevent this is by taking short breaks throughout the day. This will help you resist the temptation to engage in distracting activities while working. For instance, if you take a 15-minute break every 3 hours, you’ll be able to achieve a lot in a day. Also, these short breaks will help you relax, which is important because too much work can lead to burnout.
#7 Exercise Regularly
Exercising regularly is a great way to stay active, improve your mood, and boost the overall performance of your brain. While taking care of the physical aspects, you shouldn’t forget about biological and mental ones. Research shows that by exercising regularly, you boost your endorphin levels (a hormone responsible for elevating your mood naturally). In addition, exercising causes our brain to produce chemicals responsible for decision making, memory, and problem-solving skills. Lastly, it also helps you sleep better, which, in turn, improves your performance the next day. As you can see, the benefits of exercising are hard to beat.
#8 Discipline Yourself
Discipline is one of the things that helps successful people become what they are. Needless to say, everything else that’s been discussed in this article can be ineffective without a little discipline on your part. The unfortunate thing about being disciplined is that it can’t be taught. So, you should be willing to practice self-discipline to improve your productivity.
#9 Don’t Overdo It
Often times, we want to achieve a lot within the shortest possible time. However, it’s important that you don’t overdo it because it may result in burnout. The secret to catching up on your piling workloads is taking things slowly. It might seem counterproductive, but it’s effective. Being productive takes time; however, if you stay consistent and disciplined, you’ll spend less time on each task.
#10 Don’t Beat Yourself up
It’s only natural to feel frustrated at your mistakes. However, allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by these emotions is unhealthy and counterproductive. Start by doing away with distractions that hinder your productivity and disciplining yourself. You’ll observe significant improvement in no time at all.
Each of us can be useful to our communities and the world at large. However, it takes time and discipline to acquire the skills needed to be productive. So, keep aiming high, and you’ll achieve all your goals!
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Thank you for such an informative article. I seem to spend a lot of time doing nothing nowadays apart from job searching. Due to Covid I lost my job 3 months ago and have not been able to find another one… It seems that time flies by just searching & searching, it feels like I’m not going anywhere. Guides like this help me a lot be more positive. I’ll try following your suggestions like keeping track of time and exercising. Thank you.
Thank you for the useful information. I can make use of these time saving techniques to make my life a lot better.