Managing Stress and Anxiety as a Solopreneur

Updated: July 26, 2023
by TJ Salvatore

Being a solopreneur comes with its fair share of perks - flexibility, autonomy, and the chance to pursue your passions on your terms. But it also brings problems that need to be sorted by yourself, and it can take a toll on your mental health. The isolation and constant pressure to succeed can lead to stress and anxiety creeping in unnoticed. Successful entrepreneurs who work on their own term do prioritize self-care and manage these emotions very well. So how do they do it?

Managing Stress and Anxiety as a Solopreneur

The Impacts of Working Alone on Mental Health

Alright, imagine you're working alone, just you and your laptop, day in and day out. At first, it might sound pretty awesome - no annoying coworkers to deal with, no distractions, and you can work at your own pace, right? But over time, working in solitude can start taking a toll on your mental well-being.

Humans are social creatures by nature. We thrive on interaction, connection, and support from others. When we work alone for extended periods, we miss out on those natural social interactions that give us a sense of belonging and purpose. We start to feel isolated and lonely.

Think about it, when you work in a team or an office, there's usually some chit-chat, laughter, and the occasional rant session about work or life in general. These moments, while seemingly insignificant, help release stress and build bonds with colleagues. When you're by yourself, you don't have that outlet.

Also, without coworkers around, you might start overthinking things. Like, "Am I doing a good job?", "Is my work up to par?", or even "Am I on the right track with my career?". Doubts and insecurities can creep in because you don't have colleagues to give you constructive feedback or reassurance.

Oh, and let's not forget about the lack of motivation sometimes. When you're alone, it can be challenging to find that extra push to get things done. Without anyone to cheer you on or share the workload, you might start feeling a bit demotivated.

Now, I'm not saying that working alone is all doom and gloom. It can be great for some introverted folks who prefer peace and quiet. But for many, the lack of human interaction can lead to decreased happiness and increased stress.

Your Responsibilities Toward Your Mental Health

Being the captain of your own ship as a solopreneur - just like any ship, it needs maintenance and care to sail smoothly. You're in charge of everything - making decisions, dealing with challenges, and managing your business. It can be super rewarding, but it can also be quite demanding and overwhelming at times. 

Think of your mind as the engine that keeps your ship running. If the engine isn't functioning well, the ship won't reach its destination, right? Your mental health works similarly. When you take care of it, you're ensuring your mind stays sharp, focused, and creative, which are all essential for making your business successful.

Here's why responsibilities toward your mental health should not be underestimated:

  • Clear Thinking: Running a business involves lots of problem-solving and decision-making. When you prioritize your mental well-being, your mind becomes clearer, helping you make better choices and find creative solutions to challenges.
  • Stress Management: Entrepreneurship can be stressful; it's like riding waves in a stormy sea. Taking care of your mental health equips you with coping mechanisms to handle stress better, so you don't feel overwhelmed by the rough waters.
  • Productivity Boost: When you're mentally healthy, you'll find that your productivity soars. You'll be able to focus on tasks efficiently and get things done, making your journey as a solopreneur more enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Preventing Burnout: Running a one-person show means you're juggling many roles. If you neglect your mental health, you might end up exhausted and burnt out. Taking time to recharge and relax will prevent this from happening.
  • Confidence and Motivation: A healthy mind boosts your confidence and motivation. You'll believe in your abilities, stay committed to your goals, and face challenges head-on like a fearless sea explorer!
  • Balancing Work and Life: Ahoy, work-life balance! As a solopreneur, it's easy to get caught up in your business 24/7. But by looking after your mental health, you'll be better at setting boundaries and making time for your personal life, which is essential for overall happiness.
  • Resilience for Stormy Seas: Life throws curveballs, and business might hit rough patches. A resilient mind can weather these storms and bounce back stronger, ensuring your ship sails smoothly through the toughest waters.

It's not about being perfect or avoiding all challenges. It's about nurturing yourself and being kind to your mind, just as you would take care of your ship to reach the most incredible destinations.

Clear-Thinking Is Positive Thinking

Never lose your positive mindset

Clear thinking means positive thinking. You can focus on changing the way you think to stay stress-free while working alone from home. Here's what you can do.

Don't Do "What Ifs"

When problems come knocking, take a deep breath and be mindful of the present moment. Instead of getting carried away by worries about the past or future, focus on what's happening right now. It's like grounding yourself in the here and now.

Imagine you're working on a project, and suddenly a technical glitch derails your progress. Take a deep breath, acknowledge the frustration, and remind yourself to stay in the present moment. Instead of panicking, focus on finding a solution step-by-step. Mindfulness helps you remain calm and approach the issue with a clear mind.

Flip the Perspective

Say, you receive feedback from a client, and it's not as positive as you hoped. Instead of feeling discouraged, view it as an opportunity to improve. Look at the feedback as valuable input to enhance your skills and deliver even better results next time.

When a problem floats your way, try to see it from different angles. It's like examining a puzzle piece from all sides to find where it fits. Shifting perspectives can lead to creative solutions and a more positive outlook.

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Focus on What You Can Control

You have a tight deadline for a project, but the client is slow in providing the necessary information. Instead of stressing over their actions, concentrate on what you can control. Organize other tasks, prepare the groundwork, and reach out politely to remind the client about the information you need.

Some waves are beyond your control, but don't let them capsize your ship! Concentrate on the things you can influence and take action where you can.

Learn from Storms

You launch a new service, but it doesn't attract the expected number of customers. Instead of feeling defeated, analyze the situation. Identify potential reasons for the slow response, gather insights, and use this knowledge to tweak your marketing strategy and improve your offering.

Storms come and go, but they leave behind valuable lessons. Any challenge is a learning opportunity. See it that way.

Practice Gratitude

Count your blessings like a treasure chest of joy! Take time each day to appreciate the good things in your life.

At the end of each workday, jot down three things you're grateful for regarding your business or personal life. It could be landing a new client, receiving positive feedback, or simply enjoying a delicious lunch. Practicing gratitude cultivates a positive mindset.

Positive Self-Talk

Ahoy there, inner voice! Speak to yourself kindly and encourage yourself like a true friend. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations to keep your spirit afloat.

If you make a mistake or face a setback, talk to yourself like a supportive friend. Instead of getting depressed about it, say, “This is nothing. I’ve been there before.” or “Wow, this is new!” Then say, “Now I know how to get around it if a similar problem happens again.”

Positive self-talk helps you bounce back with confidence.

Take Breaks and Unwind

After a long day of work, take a break to do something enjoyable. It could be going for a walk, listening to music, or reading a chapter of a book. Taking time to unwind refreshes your mind and helps you return to work with renewed energy.

Even the most experienced sailors need a break to rest their oars. When stress builds up, step away from work and do something you enjoy. It's like refreshing your sails for a smoother journey ahead.

Learn to Let Go

You pitched a proposal, but the client chose a different provider. Instead of dwelling on it, let go of any disappointment or self-doubt. Focus on seeking new opportunities and keeping a positive outlook for future endeavors.

Sometimes, holding on to worries is like holding on to heavy anchors. Practice letting go of things you can't change and focus on what you can do right now.

Power of "No"

Power of No

As a solopreneur, you might find yourself juggling too many tasks and saying "yes" to everything that comes your way. It's like carrying a super heavy load while trying to find your path through the business world.

Take a moment to think about times when you've agreed to projects that overwhelmed you. Maybe they didn't align with your business goals or values, and it left you feeling stressed and drained.

Now, saying "No" doesn't mean you're being rude or selfish; it means you're prioritizing yourself and your well-being. It's like setting boundaries and clearing a path for the right opportunities.

Example: If you are a graphic designer

Imagine you're a freelance graphic designer, and you have a full plate of projects on your desk. A potential client reaches out with an exciting project that sounds tempting, but you know it's beyond your capacity to deliver quality work on time. In the past, you might have said "yes" to avoid disappointing them, even though you were already overwhelmed. But now, you decide to embrace the power of "No."

You politely decline the project, explaining that you have prior commitments and want to give your current clients your full attention. By doing this, you create space to focus on your existing projects and deliver exceptional results. It's like streamlining your design journey and ensuring each project gets the attention it deserves.

Example: If you are a writer

As an aspiring author working on your first novel, you receive an invitation to speak at a conference on a topic unrelated to your book. Initially, you might have felt flattered and thought about accepting the offer, but then you remember the power of "No." You kindly decline the invitation, expressing your gratitude but explaining that you need to focus on completing your novel. By saying "No" to this distraction, you prioritize your writing goals and stay on course to achieve your dream of becoming a published author. It's like charting your literary journey and staying true to your passions.

In both examples, embracing the power of "No" helps you prioritize your time, energy, and resources. It allows you to stay focused on what truly matters to you as a solopreneur, making your journey more purposeful and fulfilling. Remember, saying "No" doesn't mean closing doors but rather opening the right ones that lead you toward success and happiness!

When you practice saying "No" when necessary, you're creating space for projects that truly matter to you. You'll have more time and energy to invest in endeavors that align with your goals and bring you joy.

Prioritizing the right projects helps you focus on what truly moves your business forward. It allows you to be intentional in your choices instead of getting pulled in different directions.

You're in charge of your journey as a solopreneur. By reflecting on your experiences, practicing saying "No," and prioritizing projects aligned with your goals and values, you'll pave the way for a smoother and more fulfilling entrepreneurial adventure. It's all about steering yourself in the right direction and creating a path to success and happiness.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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