We’ve all experienced it. You know, when someone speaks to you in a way that implies they think they are superior to you. They're being Berkshire, they're annoying and hurtful at times. A patronizing behavior can be damaging in the long run.
So you should know how being humble and genuine in your interactions with others can help foster healthier relationships both personally and professionally. Are you acting like a Berkshire when you are giving advice to others just because you've been in the business longer than them?
Arrogance May Backfire On You
When you are teaching or sharing your opinion with juniors, you should remain humble and avoid coming across as aloof. You may be knowledgeable and experienced in the particular subject but you should ensure that others feel comfortable voicing their opinions without fear of judgement or criticism.
Exhibit an open-minded attitude. Show respect for all perspectives. Create a positive learning environment. Or your arrogance may backfire on you at a later date.
Imagine this.
You create a spartan atmosphere out of your ego just because you know things a little better than them. But they learn hard and quickly - not just from you but from other experts. They follow trends while your knowledge becomes outdated. They eventually outdo you, become much more successful than you and earn respect from others.
You cannot accept the fact that they surpassed you. All you can say is, “I helped them grow when they knew nothing about the business.” That’s the exact type of loser that you don’t want to be.
Some Never Show Respect
With that said, you may see where all this is coming from - you may have a reason to act like a Berkshire, because some learners learn like Berks. They only ask you for a favor when they want it. Otherwise, they don’t listen to you, snigger at your suggestions, and never thank you. They don’t show respect.
You should probably show your authority by setting clear boundaries and expectations, communicating openly, providing appropriate feedback when needed, and holding individuals accountable for their actions…
…Only if you manage those people. But you don’t. You’re not a life coach, you are just a human. A good atmosphere can only be created with mutual trust and respect, not one-way respect. Then why should you be so polite to them?

The Ignorants - Ignore Them or Get Rid of Them
No, you don't have to be polite to them at all. But that doesn’t mean you can behave like a Berkshire to everyone from Day One. Attitude is a defense mechanism - to protect yourself from psychological harm - and defense mechanism is a weakness. You don’t have to throw your weakness at people who are supposed to look up to you. Because that would just make the barrier between you and them thicker.
Don’t try to control ignorant people. They don’t deserve anything to do with you, and you don’t want to waste your time either. What you can do is either ignore them completely, or challenge them, shut them up, and tell them where to go.
Those who are open-minded and willing to have a meaningful exchange of ideas should be welcomed.
Those who are willing to learn but find it hard to keep up should be supported.
Quiet ones should not be ignored, but they should be treated the same as others because they may be just too shy to raise questions or voice their opinions, that’s all.
So be nice. ❤️🩹💊