13 Best Web Hosting Companies For Bloggers and Affiliate Marketers 2024

Updated: January 10, 2024
by Agent Raydar

Choosing a web hosting company can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure what you're looking for. There are so many different options out there, and it can be hard to know which one is the right fit for your needs. To help you out, I have compiled a list of the 13 best web hosting companies, based on factors such as uptime, speed, features, niches, and ultimately, value.

Best Web Hosting Companies For Bloggers and Affiliate Marketers

Did You Know?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. 

Shared Hosting or Dedicated Hosting?

Shared hosting means that your website shares a server with other websites. Shared hosting is typically very affordable, making it a great option for those on a budget. But the main downside is that your website may be slower because it is sharing resources with other websites. 

Dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting in which a server is rented by a single organization. The server is not shared with any other organizations. This type of hosting is usually more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers more control, amazing speed, and flexibility.

When you start to drive thousands of visitors a day, you can start considering a dedicated hosting option. But for running a small business such as affiliate marketing or building a personal website as a blogger, a shared hosting option is good enough since you don’t need a lot of resources. 

CyberCash Wonderland

Website Wonderland
"Ugh, the website's lagging again! We need to upgrade our hosting." 
"Hold on, darling. We're just starting out with this site. Shared hosting is still affordable, right?"
"But David, dedicated would be faster, more secure, and we wouldn't have to share resources with other sites. It's future-proofing, remember?"
"Future-proofing or future-spending? Shared will do for now, Max. We can always upgrade later if the business takes off."
"But what if it doesn't take off because the website keeps crapping out? We need to invest."
"Alright, honey, alright. Let's compare prices, okay? We can find a good middle ground."

WordPress Hosting

In the past few years, WordPress hosting services have become the standard among individual bloggers who want to take control of their own platforms. It’s a web hosting option specifically designed for WordPress websites. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage a website without any coding knowledge. WordPress hosting companies provide their customers with WordPress-specific features, such as pre-installed WordPress software and automatic updates.

This will be extremely helpful for those who want to focus on creating content, rather than worrying about the technical side of things.

Did You Know?

  • Uptime Guarantee: Top web hosting services offer an uptime guarantee of 99.9%, crucial for maintaining website availability.
  • Loading Speed: A 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions, making speed a priority.
  • WordPress Dominance: Over 60% of CMS-based websites use WordPress, highlighting the demand for WordPress-optimized hosting.
  • Growth of E-commerce: E-commerce sales are expected to reach $6.54 trillion in 2022, emphasizing the need for reliable hosting for online marketers.
  • Mobile Optimization: 52.2% of all website traffic comes from mobile devices, stressing the need for hosting that supports mobile optimization.

Other Web Hosting Types (That Beginner Bloggers Can Ignore)

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a type of web hosting that uses virtual private servers. A virtual private server is a virtual machine that runs its own copy of an operating system. VPS hosting is usually more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers more resources and flexibility.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses cloud computing technologies. Cloud computing is a type of internet-based computing that uses a network of remote servers to store, manage, and process data. Cloud hosting is usually more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers more scalability and flexibility.

Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting allows you to buy web hosting services at wholesale prices and then sell them at a higher price to your customers. You can add your own branding and create your own package of services. If you are selling an online tool such as a sales page package that requires users to have it hosted on the web, starting your own web hosting business using reseller hosting may be a good option for you. 

1. WP Engine

WP Engine

WP Engine

Best For: Bloggers and eCommerce Owners

WP Engine is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers a variety of features designed to make your WordPress site as fast, secure, and reliable as possible. One of the main advantages of using WP Engine is that they handle all of the technical aspects of running a WordPress site for you, so you can focus on creating content and promoting your site.

The Key Features

  • Site management: Provides an easy-to-use control panel that lets you manage all aspects of your website, from creating and editing content to managing users and settings.
  • Security: The company takes security seriously, with features like automatic malware scanning and removal, firewalls, and DDoS protection.
  • Speed: WP Engine's servers are optimized for WordPress, which means your website will load quickly and smoothly.
  • Support: Offers 24/7 support via chat, phone, and email, so you can always get help when you need it.


WP Engine offers 3 different pricing plans: Basic WordPress plan which is as low as $20 per month, is the best option for any beginner blogger. e-Commerce plan for those who want to start an online store has a plugin “WooCommerce” pre-loaded. And there’s an advanced option for enterprise users.

WP Engine Customer Support

WP Engine provides customer support 24/7. You can contact them via phone, email, or live chat. They also have a vast knowledge base and extensive documentation to help you troubleshoot any problems you may have. Overall, WP Engine offers excellent customer support.

As a reliable and fast WordPress web hosting service, then WP Engine is definitely worth considering for any blogger and affiliate marketer.

Did You Know?

  • SSL Certificates: 85% of online shoppers avoid unsecured websites, making SSL certificates provided by hosts vital.
  • Cost of Downtime: For major e-commerce sites, downtime can cost up to $100,000 per hour, underscoring the importance of dependable hosting.
  • Hosting Support: 24/7 customer support is considered essential by 98% of users when choosing a web hosting service.
  • SEO Impact: Hosting location can affect website speed and, consequently, SEO rankings, with 40% of people abandoning a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  • Cloud Hosting Growth: The cloud hosting market is projected to grow to $76.43 billion by 2023, reflecting its increasing popularity among bloggers and marketers.

2. Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix

Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix

Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix

Best For: Affiliate Marketers

If you think Wealthy Affiliate is just an affiliate marketing training community, you’re wrong. The premium membership will cost you $49 per month, and if you think it’s too expensive, you may be wrong too, and here is the reason.

The Web Hosting Features

Wealthy Affiliate as a WordPress web hosting provider is extremely economical for bloggers who have a pool of ideas and niches. Because the price includes;

  • You can build up to 50 websites. 
  • “Accelerated” and “Extreme” speed features. The latter of which automatically minify Javascript and CSS for you.
  • Extra security - normally with a web hosting service, you would have to pay extra, but it’s free.
  • Spam blocker - normally with WordPress, you would have to install a spam-blocker plugin, but no need with Wealthy Affiliate because spam is blocked by the servers.

Free Access To Premium Keyword Tool

The price also includes a premium SEO keyword research tool, making it perfect for bloggers who wish to drive organic traffic.

The company has been in business since 2005 and has a solid reputation for providing users access to training and tools that can help them build their own online businesses, as well as being a web hosting provider.

  • Unlimited storage and bandwidth: Because Wealthy Affiliate is primarily an online business training program, the web hosting service is not offered to enterprises. But for individual beginners, unlimited storage and bandwidth are offered.
  • 24/7 support: Wealthy Affiliate offers 24/7 customer support via the message facility, forum, and live chat.
  • Free sub-domain names: Users can register with Wealthy Affiliate for free by using a sub-domain.

Wealthy Affiliate is a great web hosting provider with a lot to offer its users. If you're looking for a reputable web hosting provider with plenty of features, Wealthy Affiliate is worth considering.

Did You Know?

  • Security Concerns: 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses, many of which are blogs or affiliate marketing sites.
  • Bandwidth Needs: The average website transfer for a small to medium website is about 50 GB per month, influencing hosting plan choices.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Over 50% of bloggers use a CMS, with a significant preference for platforms that are easily integrable with web hosting services.
  • Data Backups: 90% of companies that lose data from a disaster are out of business within two years, highlighting the need for hosts that offer regular backups.
  • Email Hosting: 75% of customers agree that owning a domain-based email address is key to building trust with a small business online.

3. GreenGeeks

Best For: The Environment

GreenGeeks is an eco-friendly web hosting company. The hosting platforms are designed to be as energy efficient as possible. Also, for each hosting account provisioned, GreenGeeks plants one tree and match every amperage it uses from the grid with renewable energy via Bonneville Environmental Foundation.

It’s great to know that all of the energy that they use to power their servers comes from renewable sources, helping to reduce the carbon footprint and protect the environment.

Key Features of WordPress Hosting Plans

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • Free WordPress Installation
  • Free WordPress Migration
  • Auto WordPress Updates
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Backup
  • Free CDN
  • WP-CLI & SSH Access
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


The WordPress hosting plan offers 3 pricing plans;

  • Lite ($2.95 per month) for one website, 50Gb web space.
  • Pro ($4.95 per month) for unlimited websites and spaces
  • Premium ($8.95 per month) will also come with a free dedicated IP and AlphaSSL

Other Plans

If you do not wish to use WordPress, standard web hosting plans are also available for the same pricing structure. These plans will include C-Panel and drag & drop site builder, which will make your blog site creation easy. And these plans are all eco-friendly.

Extremely affordable, easy to use, and top-notch customer support make them stand out from other companies. For both ethical and practical reasons, GreenGeeks is an excellent choice for web hosting, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro.

If you are an affiliate marketer who promotes eco-friendly products, you know that GreenGreeks is the perfect hosting company for you.

Help the Environment with GreenGeeks Web Hosting:

Did You Know?

  • Hosting Scalability: 47% of businesses experienced issues because their website could not scale with increased consumer traffic.
  • Managed Hosting: 34% of WordPress users prefer managed hosting for its convenience and advanced features tailored to their blogging and marketing needs.
  • Renewal Rates: Over 40% of web hosting users are unaware of the renewal prices being higher than the initial promotional pricing.
  • Hosting Plan Features: On average, users compare at least 3 hosting providers before making a decision, primarily based on features related to performance and security.
  • Green Hosting: 72% of internet users express a preference for websites hosted by eco-friendly services, a growing trend among bloggers and online marketers.

4. Flywheel

Flywheel is a WordPress web hosting option that's reliable and easy to use, because the service includes keeping your WordPress software up to date, ensuring that your site is secure, and providing support if you run into any problems.

Key Features

Here are some of the highlights of what Flywheel has to offer:

  • Easy to use control panel: Flywheel's control panel is designed with simplicity in mind, so you can easily manage your website without any headaches.
  • One-click site staging: With Flywheel, you can easily create a staging site with just a few clicks, so you can test out changes to your live site before making them live.
  • Free SSL certificates: All websites hosted on Flywheel come with free SSL certificates, so you can keep your site secure without having to pay anything extra.
  • Malware scanning and removal: Flywheel scans your website for malware daily and will remove any infected files so your site stays safe and clean.
  • Fast and reliable servers: Flywheel uses fast and reliable servers, so you can be sure that your website will always be up and running.


Flywheel currently offers 4 pricing plans: Tiny ($13 per month), Starter ($25 per month), Freelance ($96 per month), or Agency ($242 per month) based on the annual payment in advance. You can, however, pay monthly in which case the prices are a little higher. 

Their plans are designed for both beginners and more experienced users, and they offer a wide range of features to help you build and manage your website.

The customer support is said to be outstanding, their performance is top-notch, and they offer a variety of features that make managing your WordPress site easy and enjoyable.

5. Bluehost

Best For: Budget Users

Another popular web hosting company especially among newie affiliate marketers is Bluehost, mainly because of the low price packages. Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting companies, having been founded in 1996. It offers a wide range of hosting plans to suit different needs, including;

  • Shared hosting
  • WordPress hosting
  • VPS hosting
  • Dedicated server plans

The company is known for its excellent customer service and affordable prices.

For businesses that need more power, Bluehost provides VPS and Dedicated server plans. These plans come with increased storage space and bandwidth, as well as enhanced security features. 

Its shared hosting plans are perfect for small businesses on a budget, which means Bluehost is a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

6. GoDaddy

Best For: Casual Users

One of the most well-known domain registration service companies is GoDaddy. And GoDaddy also offers a variety of services, including website hosting, website builder tools, and email hosting. 

It is one of the largest companies in the industry. According to Wikipedia, GoDaddy has more than 21 million customers and over 6,600 employees worldwide as of December 2021. It has been in business since 1997 and is known for its affordable prices. It also offers a wide range of features, making it a good choice for those looking for a comprehensive web hosting solution.

GoDaddy also offers a number of security and backup features to help keep your website safe and running smoothly. Notably, unmetered bandwidth is offered to all users regardless of the pricing plan.


GoDaddy currently offers 4 different pricing plans. Economy ($5.99 per month), Deluxe ($7.99 per month), Ultimate ($12.99), and Maximum ($19.99) based on the 3-year term contract.

The cheapest plan is only suitable for small sites with low traffic levels. If you're looking for a more robust option, their Deluxe plan or above that provides bigger storage. Overall, GoDaddy is a great choice for those on a budget.

7. 1&1 IONOS



IONOS is one of the top web hosting companies on the market. They offer a wide range of services including website creation, domain name registration, and web hosting.

IONOS has a very user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create and manage your website. They also offer a wide variety of features that can help you to grow your online business.

Key Features

  • A free domain name for your first year
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Unlimited storage space
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • A money-back guarantee


The recommended option is Business Plan, which will only cost you for $0.50 per month in the first year. The price will go up to $10 per month from the 2nd year onwards.

Other plans include Essential ($4 per month the first year, $6 per month from the second year), or Expert ($8 per month the first year, $16 per month from the second year.)

IONOS is a great choice for those who are looking for an affordable web hosting company. 

8. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is another company that offers a wide variety of hosting plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting. The WordPress hosting option also offers a competitive package.

A2 Hosting is known for its fast and reliable servers. They have a 99.9% uptime guarantee, which means your website will always be up and running.

Key Features

  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Turbo speed (up to 20x faster)
  • Optimize speed and security
  • Free expert site migration
  • On & offsite premium backups
  • Jetpack security daily license
  • Easy staging/cloning


The following prices are based on a 3-year contract. They may seem a little pricier compared to some others but they often offer a seasonal discount, which you can keep an eye on.

  • Run ($11.99 per month) for one WordPress website and up to 50Gb SSD storage
  • Jump ($18.99 per month) for up to 5 WordPress websites and 250Gb SSD storage
  • Fly ($28.99 per month) for unlimited websites and unlimited storage
  • Sell ($41.99 per month) for unlimited websites and unlimited storage plus traffic-surge protection.

A2 Hosting also offers 24/7 customer support. If you have any questions or problems with your hosting account, you can always contact their customer support team. If you are looking for a top-quality web hosting company, A2 Hosting is a great option. They offer a variety of plans to fit any budget, and their servers are always fast and reliable.

9. SiteGround

SiteGround has been in business since 2004 and is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria. It has servers in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. SiteGround offers a variety of services to its customers, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting. It also offers WordPress hosting, Joomla hosting, and Magento hosting. In addition, it offers free SSL certificates, free migration services, and 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Key Features

  • Unmetered Traffic
  • Free SSL
  • Daily Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Free Email
  • Enhanced Security
  • Ecommerce Enabled
  • Managed WordPress
  • Out-of-the-box Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 100% renewable energy match
  • 30-Days Money-Back


The prices are based on 12 monthly deal, which I think is very competitive.

  • Startup ($2.99 per month) for one website, 10Gb web space, up to 10,000 visits monthly.
  • GrowBig ($4.99 per month) for unlimited websites, 20Gb web space, and up to 100,000 visits monthly.
  • GoGeek ($7.99 per month) for unlimited websites, 40Gb web space, and 400,000 visits monthly.

They offer 24/7 customer support via live chat, phone, and email. Overall, SiteGround offers great plans at reasonable prices.

10. HostGator



HostGator is one of the best web hosting companies out there. They offer a wide range of services, including shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. They also have a wide variety of plans to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. And their prices are very competitive.

Key Features

  • One-click WordPress installs 
  • Free WordPress/cPanel website transfer 
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Free SSL certificate 
  • Free domain included


The prices are based on the 36-month contract. You can pay 12 months in advance or pay monthly, in which cases you’ll be paying slightly higher rates. But overall, the prices are very competitive.

Hatching Plan ($2.75 per month) for a single website, Baby Plan ($3.50 per month) for unlimited websites, or Business Plan ($5.25 per month).

The business plan includes;

  • Free upgrade to Positive SSL 
  • Free dedicated IP 
  • Free SEO tools 
  • Free domain included 
  • Cloudflare CDN with up to 2.5x faster page load time
Landing Pages for WordPress

11. InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting company also offers a variety of hosting plans;

  • Shared hosting plan for small businesses starting at $2.99 per month.
  • WordPress hosting plan for bloggers, affiliate marketers, and work-from-home beginners, starting at $3.99 per month. 
  • VPS hosting plan for high-traffic sites, larger businesses as well as resellers, starting at $19.99 per month.
  • Dedicated hosting plan for enterprises, custom deployments and IT sites, starting at $139.99 per month.

InMotion Hosting also includes a free domain name and free SSL certificate with every plan. InMotion Hosting is another good choice for anyone looking for a reliable and affordable web host.

CyberCash Wonderland

Woman Hysterical Wonderland 1
"Honey, I... I can't do this anymore. My website is just so slow. Every time! And it keeps going down. No one wants to wait, they click away, and I haven't made a single cent from the affiliate links...
I know I shouldn't have gone with the cheapest hosting, but I was trying to be smart... I feel like such a failure. I just...need another glass of Chardonnay."

12. DreamHost

DreamHost also has a long history of providing excellent customer service and reliable web hosting services. They offer a wide range of features and plans to suit any budget, and they have a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. 

Features and Pricing

The prices are very competitive. If you are looking at WordPress hosting options, there are two to choose from; WordPress Starter ($2.59 per month) and WordPress Unlimited ($3.95 per month). 

Prices are based on the 3-year contract. But you can also choose 12 month or monthly payment option, in which case you’ll be paying higher rates.

The features of the WordPress Unlimited plan are;

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Free Domain included 
  • Unlimited Traffic 
  • WordPress Pre-Installed 
  • NEW Free Automated WordPress Migrations 
  • NEW WP Website Builder 
  • Fast SSD Storage
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Unlimited Email with Your Domain Name

The only difference about the Starter plan is that it will only allow you to build one website instead of an unlimited number, and you will have to pay $1.67 extra to create a domain-specific email address.

Marked as “Excellent” by Trustpilot, DreamHost is a great choice for anyone looking for a budget WordPress web hosting company.

13. Hostinger



Best For: Adult Niches

Hostinger as a web hosting company was founded in 2011, but the foundation of the company had already been there since 2004. Well-established and rated “excellent” by Trustpilot with more than 10,000 reviews, Hostinger is one of the most trustworthy web hosting companies that you should consider going for.

Like others, Hostinger also offers a variety of hosting types such as agency hosting, cloud hosting, VPS, etc. But let’s look at the WordPress web hosting option.

Key Features

What’s available depends on the pricing plan you choose, but based on the “most popular” WordPress Starter option ($2.99 per month), the features are;

  • Up to 100 Websites
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
  • ~25 000 Visits Monthly 
  • Free Email
  • Unlimited Free SSL
  • Free Domain ($9.99 value)
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Managed WordPress
  • WordPress Acceleration
  • WordPress Multisite 
  • WP-CLI 
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Multiple Data Centers
  • SSH Access  


The prices are based on a 48-month contract. 

  • Single WordPress Plan starts from $1.99 but it only allows you to build one website, 50Gb SSD storage, and up to 10,000 visits monthly. You can have one email account.
  • The most popular Starter Plan is $2.99 per month
  • Business WordPress Plan is optimized for small businesses, which is $3.99 per month. 
  • But for medium-sized businesses, WordPress Pro Plan is available for $11.59 per month, allowing to build up to 300 websites, up to 200Gb SSD storage and 200,000 visits monthly.

The great thing about Hostinger is that it allows you to display adult content (except illegal materials, obviously. See the condition here.) Hostinger will be perfect if you intend to promote adult affiliate niches.

Best Web Hosting Companies For Bloggers and Affiliate Marketers: Conclusion

Deciding on a web hosting company is a crucial step in building a website. This is because your web host will determine how fast and reliable your site is, as well as how much security you have against hackers. I hope that this post has provided an overview of some of the best web hosting companies out there so that you can make an informed decision about which one to choose for your own website.

About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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  1. I have been a customer for a year now with WP Engine and have found their technical support to be genuine and prompt. I was looking for a green hosting company and came across Greengeek by accident. They sound awesome and I am going to try them next.

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