Digital Dominance Mastery Review: Is It Legit or Scam?

Updated: August 30, 2023
by TJ Salvatore

Welcome to my Digital Dominance Mastery review. If you have stumbled upon the sales page recently and have been wondering if this course is useful or not, I’m about to share my experience so read on. 

It was marketed as a comprehensive affiliate marketing training program that promised to teach its students everything they need to know to start and scale their affiliate marketing business. The course claimed to offer a step-by-step guide on how to find the best affiliate programs, how to promote products effectively, and how to generate a steady stream of passive income. 

Unfortunately, my experience with this course was nothing short of a disaster, and I feel compelled to share my story to prevent others from falling into the same trap.

Digital Dominance Mastery Review: Is It Legit or Scam?

What Is Digital Dominance Mastery?

The Digital Dominance Mastery course was priced at $497, which I thought was a bit steep, but I was willing to invest in my future success. However, after gaining access to the course, I quickly realized that it was audio and text only, and the content was severely lacking in substance. 

Most of the modules consisted of generic information that could easily be found for free on the internet. The "proven system" that was touted on the sales page was nothing more than a collection of basic affiliate marketing strategies that most people are already familiar with.

Convincing Sales Page

From the start, I was skeptical about the course, but the sales page was quite convincing. It was filled with testimonials from people who claimed to have made thousands of dollars within weeks of completing the course. 

The course creator Jason McAllister, who referred to himself as the "Affiliate Marketing Expert", assured that success was guaranteed if you followed his proven system. He also offered a 90-day money-back guarantee, which gave me some peace of mind and ultimately convinced me to give it a shot.

Who Is Jason McAllister?

Jason McAllister

Jason McAllister, self-proclaimed "Affiliate Marketing Champion," is the creator of the Digital Dominance Mastery course. He claims to have over 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry, with a focus on affiliate marketing. 

According to his profile, he has helped thousands of students around the world build successful affiliate marketing businesses and generate passive income. 

He boasts about his supposed expertise in SEO, email marketing, and social media advertising. Jason claims to have a track record of success, with numerous testimonials on his website from students who have supposedly made thousands of dollars following his strategies.

Unproven Claims:

Despite his impressive-sounding profile and the numerous testimonials on his website, there is no concrete evidence to support Jason's claims. He has no verifiable track record of success in the affiliate marketing industry, and there are no independent reviews or case studies to corroborate his claims. 

I cannot find this person’s presence on professional networking sites, and there is no information available about his past work experience or professional achievements.

His lack of an online footprint is concerning and raises questions about the legitimacy of his expertise. 

The Voice Actor

The audio modules of the Digital Dominance Mastery course are narrated by a male actor, which adds another layer of deception to the already dubious program. The use of an actor rather than the course creator himself raises several red flags:

  • Lack of Personal Investment: Reputable course creators usually appear on videos and narrate their own content as it shows a level of personal investment and authenticity. Jason's decision to hire an actor for narration suggests a lack of personal investment in the course content and a detachment from the students he claims to want to help.
  • Lack of Authenticity: The use of a professional actor makes the course feel less authentic and more like a scripted sales pitch. It’s hard for me to trust the advice in the course when it’s spoken by someone who has nothing to do with affiliate marketing.
  • Unconvincing Delivery: The actor's delivery of the content is unconvincing and lacks the nuance and depth of understanding that would be expected from a seasoned affiliate marketer. It is evident that the narrator is simply reading from a script without any real understanding or insight into the strategies being discussed.

For all these reasons, It’s clear to me that this course is not designed to provide real value to students, but rather to extract as much money as possible from them through upsells and false promises.

Module 1: Finding Profitable Niches

Module Finding Profitable Niches

This module is supposed to guide students in selecting a profitable niche to target for their affiliate marketing business. However, the content is all in text, incredibly generic, and offers no actionable insights.

Jason simply lists popular niches like health, wealth, and relationships without providing any data or analysis on market trends, competition, or audience needs. 

There is no guidance on how to conduct niche research or how to validate a niche's profitability. It is basically a regurgitation of commonly known niches without any strategic insight or practical application.

Module 2: Selecting High-Converting Affiliate Products

This module is supposed to help students identify high-converting affiliate products to promote. However, it falls short of providing any useful criteria for selecting products. 

Jason briefly mentions factors like commission rates, product reviews, and vendor reputation, but does not provide any concrete methods or tools for evaluating these factors. 

There is no discussion on how to assess the quality of a product, the credibility of a vendor, or the potential demand for a product. It is essentially a superficial overview of obvious factors without any actionable guidance.

Module 3: Building an Affiliate Marketing Website


This module is supposed to guide students in building their affiliate marketing website. However, it is woefully inadequate in terms of technical guidance. 

Jason provides a basic overview of website-building platforms, domain registration, and hosting services, but does not provide any step-by-step tutorials or technical support. 

There is no guidance on how to customize a website, optimize it for SEO, or create compelling content. The module essentially assumes that students already have a working knowledge of website development, which defeats the purpose of providing training on this crucial aspect of affiliate marketing.

Module 4: Driving Traffic to Your Website

This module is supposed to teach students how to drive traffic to their landing page. But again, it’s incredibly lackluster in terms of content.

He briefly discusses various traffic sources like SEO, social media, and paid advertising, but does not provide any detailed strategies or actionable steps to implement these tactics. 

There is no discussion on how to create engaging content, optimize it for search engines, or target the right audience on social media. It is basically a cursory overview of traffic generation methods without any practical application.

Module 5: Scaling Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Why Will It Help You Scale Up Your Online Income?

This module is supposed to guide students in scaling their affiliate marketing business to generate passive income. But it’s woefully inadequate in terms of strategic guidance. 

He vaguely discusses the importance of tracking and optimizing performance but does not provide any tools, metrics, or methods for doing so. There is no discussion on how to optimize conversion rates, increase average order values, or expand into new markets. It is essentially a generic discussion on the importance of scaling without any actionable strategies or insights.

To summarize it all, I don’t think any part of the Digital Dominance Mastery course is useful because it lacks depth, actionable insights, and practical application. The content is common sense for most beginners, and there is a lack of concrete guidance and support throughout the course. 

No Real Examples

I also noticed that Jason never showed any real examples of his own affiliate marketing business. Instead of showing actual case studies or sharing his own experiences, Jason relied on hypothetical scenarios and vague strategies that lacked depth and practical application

This approach not only made the content harder to digest but also raised doubts about Jason's credibility as an affiliate marketing expert. If he truly had a successful affiliate marketing business, why wouldn't he share real examples and insights from his own journey? 

The lack of transparency and concrete examples left me feeling more confused than enlightened and cast a shadow of doubt over the entire course.


From the very beginning, it was clear that the main objective of the course was not to educate, but rather to upsell more expensive products and services. After each module, there was a section dedicated to promoting Jason's other offerings, such as his one-on-one coaching program, mastermind groups, and advanced training courses.

These sections were often longer than the actual module and more detailed than the course content. This, I think, further highlighted the true intent of the program.

Promotional Emails

The upselling did not stop at the course content. From the moment I joined the course, I received at least 3 emails from Jason a day, promoting webinars, workshops, and special offers that were supposedly available for a limited time only.

These emails were urging me to “take action immediately to avoid missing out on a golden opportunity”. It was clear that these tactics were designed to manipulate me into making impulsive decisions and spending even more money on his products.

Unrealistic Promises

The upselling was accompanied by unrealistic promises about the potential results of his other programs. Jason claimed that his coaching and mastermind programs could help me exponentially increase my income, achieve financial freedom, and “unlock the secrets to affiliate marketing success”. 

He shared testimonials from students who supposedly achieved incredible results after enrolling in his advanced programs, but these testimonials could not be verified, and there was no way to contact the individuals who provided them.

It was evident that the entire Digital Dominance Mastery course was designed as a sales funnel to lead students toward purchasing Jason's more expensive products. The course content was deliberately kept vague and incomplete to create a sense of need for his advanced programs. It felt that the main goal was not to provide value to the students, but rather to extract as much money as possible from them.

Request for Refund

90 Days Money Back Guarantee

Despite my growing skepticism, I decided to stick with the course and complete all of the modules. After all, I had invested a significant amount of money and time into this program, and I wanted to give it a fair chance. However, by the end of the course, I felt no more prepared to start my affiliate marketing business than I did before I enrolled.

Frustrated and disappointed, I requested a refund within the 90-day window. However, my request was denied on the grounds that I did not "implement the strategies" taught in the course. This was incredibly frustrating, as there was no way to prove that I had or had not implemented the strategies. It felt like a convenient excuse for the course creator to avoid honoring his money-back guarantee.

Digital Dominance Mastery Pros and Cons

While there are hardly any pros to the course in my opinion, I feel it's important to provide a balanced view:


  • Basic Overview: For someone completely new to affiliate marketing, the course does provide a basic overview of what affiliate marketing involves. It covers fundamental topics such as selecting a niche, choosing affiliate products, building a website, driving traffic, and scaling the business.
  • Easy to Access: The course is online and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it convenient for individuals who prefer to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes.


  • Generic Content: The content of the course is extremely generic and lacks depth. Most of the information can easily be found for free on the internet. The strategies discussed are basic and common knowledge for most people familiar with affiliate marketing.
  • Constant Upselling: The course creator, Jason McAllister, constantly pushes his other products and services throughout the course. It feels like the entire program is just a sales funnel designed to upsell more expensive coaching and mastermind programs.
  • Lack of Real Examples: Jason does not provide any real-world examples or case studies from his own affiliate marketing business. Instead, he uses hypothetical scenarios and vague strategies that lack practical application.
  • Unverified Testimonials: The course sales page features testimonials from students who claim to have achieved great success after completing the course. However, these testimonials cannot be verified, and there is no way to contact the individuals who provided them.
  • No Money-Back Guarantee: Despite offering a 90-day money-back guarantee on the sales page, several students, including myself, have reported that their refund requests were denied on dubious grounds.
  • Questionable Credibility of Creator: Jason McAllister lacks a verifiable track record of success in affiliate marketing. There is no concrete evidence to support his claims of expertise, and his decision to hire an actor to narrate the course raises questions about his authenticity and credibility.
  • Expensive: The course is priced at $497, which is quite steep considering the lack of depth, originality, and practical application of the content.

Digital Dominance Mastery Review - Conclusion:

The content is generic, most of the strategies are common sense, and the course creator is more interested in upselling his other products than in helping his students succeed.

I regret my decision to enroll in the "Digital Dominance Mastery" course, and I would advise others to steer clear of this program. There are plenty of legitimate affiliate marketing training programs out there, but unfortunately, this is not one of them.

About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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