Be Unapologetically You Through Blogging

Updated: May 6, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

Blogging is dying. People still read blog posts but nobody reads them from top to bottom. So capturing the full attention of readers - now a small percentage of people - is a challenge, indeed. It’s hard to express your genuine self in your posts, but you don’t want to take too much time planning each post. So you rely on AI writers, but they’re so generic and robotic. So how can you infuse your unique essence into blogging? 

Here's how to inject personality and originality into your writing, if you still care. You're not gong to read it from top to bottom, are you? I'm making the post unnecessarily to see if it affects SEO or not, that's all. Just skim through.

How To Be Unapologetically You Through Blogging

Did You Know?

  • Blogger Authenticity: Surveys suggest that blogs with a personal, authentic voice tend to engage readers more effectively, with an engagement increase of up to 80%.
  • Trust in Authentic Content: About 70% of readers say they feel closer and more trusting of bloggers who share their true experiences and challenges.
  • Increased Following: Bloggers who are honest about their lives and opinions often see a 50% higher growth in their audience annually.
  • Personal Story Sharing: Sharing personal stories leads to a 65% higher retention rate of readers, as people remember stories more than facts.
  • Emotional Connection: Blogs that connect on an emotional level can see engagement rates soar by 75% compared to those that don't.

1. Share a Personal Anecdote

Sharing a personal anecdote or belief in your writing can be like opening a window into your world. It's a way to give your readers a glimpse into who you are, what you value, and how you see the world. Let's break it down together.

What Is It?

Imagine you're sitting down with a friend over coffee, telling a little story or sharing something you believe in. That's what this is about! It's not about divulging your deepest secrets or going into your full life history. Instead, it's about finding those little nuggets, those golden moments, or strong beliefs that can make your writing sparkle with faith in. yourself.

Why Does It Work?

People love stories and beliefs they can connect with. When you share something personal, it's like you're extending a hand of friendship to your reader. They can see themselves in your story, relate to your belief, or simply get to know you a bit better.

How to Do It?

Say you're writing a post about the importance of family dinners. Instead of just listing the reasons, you could start with something like, "Growing up, Sunday dinners at Grandma's were a ritual. The smell of her famous roast, the sound of laughter; it was our weekly connection point. It taught me that food isn't just about nourishment; it's about togetherness."

See what happened there?

Without diving into your entire family history, you've painted a vivid picture. You've shared a belief that food connects people. Your readers can almost smell that roast and hear that laughter. They can get a little insight into what family means to you.

Keep It Light and Relevant You don't have to go deep or heavy. A fun anecdote or a simple belief can work wonders. The key is to make sure it's relevant to your post. If it fits naturally, it will feel like a friendly chat rather than a lecture.

In a Nutshell

It’s like adding a pinch of your favorite spice to a dish. It brings out the flavor, adds depth, and makes it fantastically yours. It's your smile, your wink, your nod to the reader, saying, "Hey, I've been there too," or "This is what makes me tick." It's a friendly way to say, "Come on in, and let's share this experience together."

CyberCash Wonderland

Woman Hysterical Wonderland 1
"Oh honey, I'm so upset! About that lazy lawyer, Mr. Assman. His name says is all! He's saying Uncle Dennis is contesting Grandma's will. Says he's owed more of her savings. Grandma specifically left the house to us...I'm gonna write everything about it unapologetically on my blog!"
"Brenda darling, I know you're upset, but there are privacy laws and ethical considerations. Don't disclose sensitive personal information, or you'll be sued... Don't do it."

Did You Know?

  • Authenticity Leads to Loyalty: 85% of readers are more loyal to bloggers who are transparent about their successes and failures.
  • Impact on Mental Health: 60% of bloggers find that writing brutally honest about their lives helps improve their mental health.
  • Community Support: 80% of bloggers report receiving support from their readers when they share personal challenges or goals.
  • Honesty and Income: Bloggers focusing on genuine content can see up to a 50% increase in revenue, as trust translates to purchasing power.
  • Increased Comments and Shares: Emotional posts receive up to 73% more comments and shares, as they resonate more with readers.

2. Highlight Your Perspective (Even Though It Sounds Weird)

Let readers know what sets your opinion apart from others on the same subject. Let's dive into what it means to highlight your own perspective or opinion in your writing.

What Is It?

Imagine you're at a dinner party, and everyone's talking about a popular TV show. While everyone might agree on the general appeal, you have a specific insight or a viewpoint that no one else has brought up. That's your "weird" perspective! In blogging, it's that special angle, thought, or insight that only you bring to the table.

But Is It Really Important?

Your truthful opinion is like your fingerprint in your writing. It's what sets you apart from other writers covering the same topic. It's what makes your readers think, "Wow, I never thought of it that way!" or "This is why I love reading their posts." It adds value and intrigue to your content. So is it really important? Only you can decide.

How to Do It?

Let's say you're writing about working from home, a widely discussed topic. Instead of repeating the common views, you might focus on something specific that speaks to you, like how working from home allowed you to connect more with your neighbors and local community.

Your post might start with something like, "While working from home, I found myself stepping out for midday strolls, greeting neighbors, and discovering local stores. It wasn't just about avoiding the commute; it was about reconnecting with my community."

Stay Wacky If You Want

Your perspective should come naturally from your experiences, thoughts, and reflections. You can be different for the sake of being different if you want, as long as it's you. Because you're sharing the wackiness that genuinely resonates with you.

Did You Know?

  • Blogging as Therapy: Approximately 55% of bloggers use their platform as a form of therapy, helping them process their experiences.
  • Building Personal Brands: 90% of personal brand builders believe uniqueness on their blogs significantly contributes to their success.
  • Inspiring Others: 75% of readers claim they feel inspired by bloggers who share their experiences towards self-improvement or self-discovery.
  • Rawness and Collaboration Opportunities: Genuine bloggers attract up to 60% more collaboration opportunities with brands that value raw opinions.
  • Feedback and Personal Growth: About 70% of bloggers feel that feedback on their content has contributed to their personal growth.
Highlight Your Unique Perspective

It's Okay to Be Vulnerable

Sometimes, sharing your honest perspective means going against the grain or opening up about something personal. You gotta get used to these things yourself. It's your truth, and it's what makes your writing vibrant and credible.

Say It with Respect

While it's fantastic to have a different opinion that not many others agree with, it's essential to present it in a way that respects other viewpoints as well. It invites a conversation rather than a confrontation.

In a Nutshell

It’s just like adding a splash of your favorite color to a painting. It brightens it up, makes it stand out, and it tells the world, "This is me." It's like saying to your readers, "Hey, come and see this from my vantage point." It invites them into your world, and that connection is what keeps readers coming back for more.

So, the next time you sit down to write, think about what makes your view different. Share it with confidence, joy, and a touch of you. It's your gift to your readers, and it's what makes your blog a special place in the vast sea of content.

CyberCash Wonderland

Wonderland Smiling Couple
"Daddy, my 'Gay Men's Ultimate Sleep Sanctuary' post is going viral! One more tweak, I'll reveal the secret..."
"No, Marc, you can't. We talked about this. It's ours."
"But everyone wants to know the key to our amazing sleep!"
"And if you do that, the world also gets to know about your little 'medication' issue. You've got your blog, I've got my TikTok, it's going to be very, very real."

3. Make Real Recommendations from Your Life

Personal recommendations show you're engaged and invested in what you're sharing. Let's talk about what it means to make real recommendations from your life in your blog posts.

What Is It?

Think of a good friend recommending a restaurant they've tried and loved. They tell you what they ordered, why they liked it, and maybe even share a fun story about their experience there. That's what making real recommendations from your life is like in blogging. It's giving advice or suggestions based on your personal experiences and preferences.

Why Is It Special?

Real recommendations are like little gifts you share with your readers. It's as though you're taking them aside and saying, "Hey, I’ve tried this, and I thought of you. You might like it too!" It shows that you took time to care about the readers, and you are actually genuinely sharing.

How to Do It?

Say you're writing a blog post about staying fit during the winter. Instead of just listing generic tips, you could share something specific that works for you. 

Why It Works

When you make a recommendation from your life, you're backing it up with your experience. It's not just another tip; it's something that's been "user-tested" by you. It's more relatable, more trustworthy, and more engaging.

Did You Know?

  • Niche Authority: Being different helps establish authority in a niche, with 65% of bloggers reporting increased recognition and respect.
  • Attracting a Like-minded Audience: 80% of bloggers notice that being true to themselves attracts a more engaged and like-minded audience.
  • Social Media Impact: Bloggers who say things others don't say tend to have 40% higher engagement rates on social media platforms compared to those who curate a persona.
  • Reader Trust: 95% of readers say they trust bloggers more when they share both their successes and their struggles openly.
  • Encouraging Open Dialogue: Blogs centered on shock-factors are 85% more likely to foster an open, supportive community dialogue in the comments section.

Keep It Real

The key to making this work is be unapologetically raw. Share things you truly believe in, love, or find useful. If you've had a negative experience with something, it's okay to share that too, as long as it's done thoughtfully and constructively.

Add a Personal Touch

Don't be afraid to sprinkle in details or stories about why the recommendation matters to you. It adds warmth and personality to your suggestion.

In a Nutshell

Recommending something from your life is like inviting your readers over for a cup of tea and a good conversation. It's cozy, personal, and filled with genuine care. It's a way to say, "I've walked this path, and here's a little something I found along the way that might interest you too." It makes your readers feel seen, valued, and a part of your world.

So, the next time you have something to recommend, share it like you would with a dear friend. It's a simple, beautiful way to connect.

4. Speak To Your Readers in Your Own Way

Speak To Your Readers in Your Own Way

Let's talk about the wonderful art of connecting with your readers in your own special way, all without using the word you asked me to avoid.

What Is It?

Gathering, having a lively conversation with someone. You're listening, laughing, sharing, and enjoying the back-and-forth exchange. That's the essence of interacting with your readers through comments, messages, or social media. It's a two-way street where you get to show your personality and make your readers feel heard and appreciated.

Why Is It Lovely? 

When someone comments on your blog, it's like a knock on your virtual door. They've stepped into your world, and how you respond can make them feel welcome and valued. It's a chance to let your personality shine through even more, creating a delightful connection.

How to Do It? 

Say someone comments, complimenting a recipe you posted. You could respond with something like, "Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you liked it. If you're a fan of chocolate, stay tuned for next week's post. 😉"

Add Your Flavor

Your response can be funny, warm, thoughtful, or anything that reflects who you are. Are you a jokester? Add a little humor. More on the philosophical side? Share a thoughtful insight. Love emojis? Throw them in there! 

A Conversation, Not a Monologue

Think of responding to comments as having a friendly chat. Ask questions, show interest, share a bit more about yourself. It's a two-way street that can lead to meaningful connections.

Maintaining Your Voice

When managing a blog, you'd better ensure your style remains uniform across all posts. Because over time, your readers come to know what to expect and appreciate the distinct flavor of your content.

Think of your blog as a series of chapters in a book; each one may tell a different story, but they all contribute to the overall narrative in a way that feels seamless and intentional. This way, you help build a loyal following who values your tone you bring  each time.

In a Nutty Sheriff

Connecting with your readers in your own way is like sitting around a campfire with friends, swapping stories, and enjoying each other's company. It's what turns visitors into friends, and a blog into a community. It's your smile, your handshake, your warm hug in the virtual world. So, next time someone leaves a comment or sends a message, remember, it's not just a notification; it's an invitation to connect, to share, and to make someone's day a little brighter.

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5. Sprinkle in Some Fun Facts about Yourself

Brief, fun facts can provide insights without a lengthy explanation. Let's explore the charming idea of sprinkling in some fun facts about yourself within your blog posts. It's like adding a dash of your favorite seasoning to a dish, making it more flavorful and inviting.

What Is It?

Imagine you're at a friendly get-together, and someone shares a quirky fact about themselves. It's unexpected, delightful, and suddenly you feel like you know them a bit better. That's what sprinkling in fun facts about yourself in your writing can do. It's a chance to share little snippets of who you are without diving into a full biography.

Why It's Wonderful

Fun facts are like twinkling stars in your writing. They catch the eye, spark curiosity, and add a playful touch. They can make your readers smile, think, or even exclaim, "Me too!" Great way to show your true self and what makes your world so different.

How to Do It?

Say you're writing about your favorite books, and you want to add a personal touch. See how that little tidbit adds color and personality to your post? It's not just a statement about a book you like; it's a glimpse into your world.

Don’t Make Anything Complicated

Fun facts should be just that – fun! They should be snippets that add joy, intrigue, or a touch of whimsy to your writing. And they should fit naturally with what you're writing about.

Think About Variations

In theory, like a dash of spice, fun facts should be sprinkled sparingly. Too many, and they might overwhelm the main content. Just the right amount, and they may enhance the content beautifully. But then, who wants your main content? Spread different elements - fun, sad, angry rants. Do what your heart tells you.

In a Hazelnut Shell Oil...

Sprinkling in fun facts about yourself is like adding colorful sprinkles to a cupcake. They brighten it up, add texture, and make it weirdly yours. They're a joyful way to say to your readers, "Hey, here's a little something extra about me. I hope it makes you smile!" It turns your writing into a two-way street rather than a one-sided conversation. It's a simple, delightful way to add personality, warmth, and a touch of magic to your blog. So go ahead, sprinkle away, and let your readers enjoy those delightful glimpses into your wonderful world.

CyberCash Wonderland

Wonderland Conversation
"So I'll write about his addiction that made him break up with me... He stank of alcohol when I last saw him at the AA meeting. I'll be honest and straightforward about him in my blog."
"Your readers know who he is, right? I wouldn't if I were you. Sharing someone's personal struggles without their explicit permission is disrespectful. Have you written about your own nicotine addiction yet?"

6. Craft a Good Bio Page

A short and engaging bio can sum up who you are without an extensive story. It's like introducing yourself with a friendly handshake and a smile at a social gathering. It doesn't have to be a long speech; just a warm, welcoming hello that gives people a glimpse of who you are.

What Is It?

A bio or "About" page on your blog is where readers go to meet you, the person behind the words. Think of it as a brief yet meaningful introduction at a party, where you share just enough to spark interest and connection.

Why It's Delightful

People are naturally curious about the person behind the stories, ideas, or opinions they're reading. Your bio is a chance to say, "Hi, I'm the one sharing these words with you, and here's a little about me." It's friendly, inviting, and adds a human touch to your blog.

How to Do It?

Imagine you're writing a note to a new friend. You want to be friendly, genuine, and interesting without oversharing. For example, you might write: "Hi there! I'm a beach lover, amateur chef, and a firm believer in laughter as the best medicine. Join me as we explore the world, one thought at a time."

Add a Pinch of Personality

What are some hobbies, values, or quirks that define you? Adding them to your bio can make it feel more personal. If you love collecting vintage postcards, mention it! It's these little details that make you memorable.

Keep It Brief but Warm

Your bio should be like a pleasant conversation starter, not a full-blown autobiography. Share enough to intrigue and connect, but leave room for discovery as readers explore your blog.

Visuals Can Help

A friendly picture or a simple, eye-catching design can add a welcoming touch. It's like wearing your favorite outfit to make a great first impression.

In a Peanut Shellfish

Crafting a lively bio or "About" page is like setting up a cozy corner in your home for guests. It's warm, welcoming, and says, "I'm glad you're here." It's an opportunity to share a glimpse of yourself, make readers feel at home, and start a beautiful relationship that grows with every post, comment, or shared idea. So go ahead, write that inviting bio, and let your readers know there's a friendly face behind the screen, waiting to share and connect.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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