10 Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-friendly

Updated: October 8, 2024
by TJ Salvatore

It’s no secret that climate change is real, and it’s happening now. We see it in the news, we feel it in the air, and we know it’s affecting our planet in a big way. As business owners, we have a responsibility to do our part in reversing the damage that’s been done and helping make the world a better place for future generations. So how can we make our businesses more eco-friendly? Here are 10 ways to get started:

10 Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-friendly

1. Let Office Plants Do The Cleaning

You’ve probably heard about adding plants to your office for that nice aesthetic touch, but what if they could do more than just look pretty? Turns out, some plants actually act like natural air purifiers. Why bother with those noisy, plastic air purifiers when a bunch of plants can quietly filter your air and soak up those harmful chemicals? Think of it like hiring an all-natural cleaning crew that just happens to look good on your desk.

  • Fill your office with spider plants, which are known for filtering out formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.
  • Peace lilies are great for absorbing pollutants like benzene and trichloroethylene.
  • Snake plants release oxygen at night, making them perfect for those late-night work sessions.

Let the greenery handle some of your air purification needs, and you’ll get a cool, low-maintenance way to freshen things up.

2. Pedal Power Charging Stations

How about using some sweat equity to power up your electronics? Set up pedal power charging stations where employees can hop on a stationary bike and generate electricity while they work off some stress. It’s like a mini workout and a way to keep your gadgets juiced up. Plus, it's a fun conversation starter and an excuse to move around during the day.

  • Have a few stationary bikes in a common area where people can plug in their phones or laptops.
  • Encourage “power breaks” where employees pedal for 15 minutes to recharge their devices.
  • You could even take it a step further and hook up a bike to power something larger, like a coffee maker or small appliance.

This one's not just eco-friendly; it's a way to keep everyone from sitting too much, which is always a plus.

3. Adopt A Mini-Office Cow (Or Goat!)

Hear me out on this one—okay, maybe you won’t actually get a cow, but you can “adopt” one. There are programs that let you support a cow or goat at a local farm, and in return, you get things like fresh milk or cheese for the office. You’re helping support sustainable farming, and your office gets to enjoy some organic dairy products.

  • Get your team to chip in to adopt a farm animal for a year.
  • Have fresh dairy delivered to the office for weekly coffee breaks or snacks.
  • Use the experience as an excuse to host an “eco-lunch” featuring local products.

It’s a quirky way to support sustainable agriculture, plus you get some tasty benefits out of it.


4. Hold No-Shoes Workdays

Why wear shoes at work all the time? Implement a no-shoes workday once a week. Going barefoot reduces the wear and tear on your office floors, which means less cleaning (and fewer harsh cleaning chemicals). It also brings a cozy vibe to the workspace, making it feel a little more laid-back. Plus, it's an excuse to rock those funky socks you never get to show off.

  • Designate a barefoot day where everyone kicks off their shoes in the office.
  • Put out some funky mats or rugs that people can walk on (bonus points if they’re made from recycled materials).
  • Keep a stash of slippers or comfy socks in case someone forgets or feels weird about it.

It’s a small change, but it could cut down on cleaning supplies and make the office feel a bit homier.

5. Composting Coffee Grounds

We all know coffee is basically the lifeblood of any office. But what happens to all those coffee grounds once the pot’s done? Instead of tossing them, start a composting system in the office. Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients and can help reduce waste by contributing to compost.

  • Set up a small compost bin in the kitchen area for coffee grounds and other organic waste.
  • Use the compost for an office garden (if you have one) or donate it to a local community garden.
  • Even better—use the grounds to grow mushrooms! Certain types of mushrooms thrive in coffee grounds, giving you a unique, office-grown snack.

It’s an easy, low-effort way to cut down on waste while giving something back to nature.

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6. Turn Old Electronics Into Office Art

Every office has that drawer (or closet) full of outdated gadgets—old phones, laptops, random chargers, and cables that have no purpose anymore. Instead of just letting them sit there or dumping them, why not get creative and turn them into art? It’s like upcycling but with an office flair.

  • Create an office-wide project where everyone contributes their old electronics.
  • Have a DIY art day where people make sculptures, wall hangings, or other decorative pieces.
  • Use the art as a conversation piece or even auction it off for charity.

It’s a quirky way to repurpose electronics and add some character to the office space.

Edible Cutlery

7. Switch to Edible Cutlery

Forget disposable plastic utensils that just end up in a landfill. Try switching to edible cutlery for office lunches and events. Yep, you read that right—spoons, forks, and knives made from things like rice, wheat, or even flavored dough. Not only are they biodegradable, but you can also literally eat them after your meal. It’s both eco-friendly and kind of fun.

  • Stock up on edible cutlery for office parties, lunch meetings, or snack times.
  • Keep a stash in the break room for anyone who forgets their reusable utensils.
  • Try out different flavors (savory or sweet) to match different types of meals.

This is one way to reduce plastic waste while adding a bit of novelty to lunch breaks.

8. Install a Beehive on Your Roof

If your office has a roof, why not turn it into a mini-habitat for bees? Urban beekeeping is on the rise, and you can help support bee populations by installing a beehive. Plus, you’ll get your own supply of fresh, local honey, which could come in handy for office snacks or gifts. It’s a win-win situation.

  • Hire a professional to set up and maintain a rooftop beehive.
  • Use the honey in the office kitchen for coffee, tea, or desserts.
  • Host a “honey harvest” day where employees can sample the honey from the office bees.

Not only do you help save the bees, but you get something sweet out of the deal.

9. Make Reusable Notebooks A Thing

We all know the waste that comes from using endless pads of sticky notes or scribbling in notebooks that eventually get thrown away. But there’s an alternative: reusable notebooks. They look and feel like regular notebooks, but you can wipe them clean after use. It’s like a whiteboard, but in notebook form.

  • Give everyone in the office a reusable notebook that they can use for meetings and brainstorming.
  • Set up a shared space for people to trade or reuse notes, so ideas aren’t lost.
  • Bonus points if you get eco-friendly pens that are refillable too.

It cuts down on paper waste and makes note-taking a little more eco-friendly.

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10. Swap Out Regular Trash Bags for Biodegradable Ones

Last but not least, think about all the trash bags your office goes through. Those standard plastic bags take forever to break down in a landfill. Instead, switch to biodegradable trash bags. They break down much faster, leaving less of a footprint behind.

  • Replace your office’s trash bags with biodegradable or compostable ones.
  • Set up separate bins for compost, recycling, and regular waste to make sorting easier.
  • Encourage everyone to toss their waste in the right bin by labeling them with something quirky.

It’s a small switch, but it helps reduce the amount of plastic your office sends to the landfill.

10 Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-friendly: Wrapping It Up

Being eco-friendly doesn’t have to mean doing the same old boring things. It’s totally possible to go green while having a little fun with it. Whether it’s pedaling your way to a fully charged phone or getting honey straight from a rooftop beehive, these ideas bring a little weirdness to the workplace—and weird is good. Plus, you might even inspire a few other people to think outside the box when it comes to their eco-friendly habits.

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About the Author

A freelancer. A nomad. An LGBTQ and animal rights activist. Love meeting new people, exploring new styles of living, new technologies and gadgets, new ways of making money.

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