22 Ways To Create a Fun Interactive Website

Updated: October 6, 2023
by Agent Raydar

Making a website pop isn't just about pretty colors and catchy phrases. It's about interaction - when visitors can touch, click, and play on your site, they stay longer and engage more. Lucky for us, WordPress offers a range of features to make this happen. Let’s check this out.

22 Ways To Create a Fun Interactive Website

Did You Know?

  • User Engagement: Interactive websites can increase user engagement by up to 50% compared to non-interactive sites.
  • Conversion Rates: Websites with interactive content see an average increase in conversion rates of about 30%.
  • Time on Site: Users spend an average of 70% more time on websites with interactive elements.
  • Social Shares: Content with interactive elements gets shared twice as often on social media platforms.
  • Bounce Rate: Interactive websites often have a 45% lower bounce rate.

1. Forms and Surveys

Feedback is Gold: Imagine knowing what your visitors think without them sending you an email. With forms and surveys, you can! WordPress has plugins like WPForms and SurveyMonkey that allow you to gather feedback, ask questions, and more.

Recommended Plugins: WPForms, Contact Form 7

2. Sliders and Galleries

Bring Photos to Life: With plugins like Slider Revolution, you can display images in dynamic sliders. This isn't just any photo display; think movement, effects, and a touch of fun!

Recommended Plugins: Slider Revolution, MetaSlider

3. Quizzes and Polls

Engage with Fun: Who doesn't love a good quiz? Plugins such as WP Quiz let you create quizzes for entertainment, education, or just to gather data. Plus, polls can offer you instant feedback on specific questions.

Recommended Plugins: WP Quiz, Poll, Survey & Form by OpinionStage

4. Pop-Ups and Notifications

Catchy Alerts: Want to announce a sale or get more newsletter sign-ups? Pop-ups and notifications can do that. Use plugins like OptinMonster to create eye-catching alerts that won’t annoy your visitors.

Recommended Plugins: OptinMonster, Popup Maker

5. Videos and Multimedia

Overhyped Video Marketers

More than Just Words: Embedding videos is easier than ever. With plugins like YouTube Embed, you can incorporate videos seamlessly. For those into podcasts, there are specific plugins that allow audio embedding too.

Recommended Plugins: YouTube Embed Plus, Video Gallery – YouTube Playlist, Channel Gallery by YotuWP

6. Live Chats

Instant Communication: Visitors sometimes have questions that they want answered immediately. With plugins like LiveChat or Tidio, you can chat in real-time with visitors, assisting them or just providing a touch of personal interaction.

Recommended Plugins: LiveChat, Tidio Live Chat

Did You Know?

  • Interactive Email Click-Throughs: Emails with interactive content have click-through rates that are 73% higher.
  • Demand for Video Content: Over 80% of users prefer to watch a video about a product than read about it.
  • Mobile Interactivity: 90% of mobile users highly value interactive, mobile-responsive websites.
  • Interactive Infographics: They are 30% more likely to be read than non-interactive ones.
  • User Preferences: 91% of buyers prefer to access interactive, visual content on demand.

7. Interactive Maps

Navigate with Ease: If your site is for a business with a physical location, interactive maps are great. Plugins like WP Google Maps or MapPress Easy Google Maps let visitors zoom, pan, or even get directions.

Recommended Plugins: WP Google Maps, MapPress Easy Google Maps

8. Event Calendars

Autoresponder Calendar

Stay Updated: Whether you're showcasing webinars, local events, or sales, an interactive calendar helps visitors stay informed. Events Calendar is a great plugin to help with this, allowing users to click on events for more info.

Recommended Plugins: The Events Calendar, EventOn

9. Animated Widgets

Lively Elements: Who says websites should be static? With certain plugins or even with advanced page builders, you can animate parts of your site, making buttons shake, images slide, and text fade in or out.

Recommended Plugins: Animate It!, Widgets for SiteOrigin

10. Multi-step Forms

Guide Your Visitor: Instead of overwhelming a visitor with a long form, break it into steps. Multi-step forms, made possible with plugins like Gravity Forms, can improve user experience by guiding the visitor one step at a time.

Recommended Plugins: Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms

Did You Know?

  • Learning and Training: Interactive websites improve learning engagement by 40% in educational contexts.
  • E-commerce Interactivity: 77% of online shoppers prefer interactive 3D images over traditional 2D images.
  • User Retention: Sites with interactive content retain users 5 times longer.
  • Interactive Ads: Interactive ads increase purchase intent by up to 9 times compared to static ads.
  • Search Engine Ranking: Websites with interactive elements tend to rank 25% higher on average in search engine results.

11. Content Toggle or Tabs

Compact and Clean: Want to provide a lot of info without overwhelming your visitors? Content toggles or tabs allow you to condense content. Visitors can click on headings to expand info they're interested in.

Recommended Plugins: Essential Addons for Elementor, Shortcodes Ultimate

Toggle heading example

"Your living space can be both a sanctuary and a command center, where visions become ventures and dreams become deliverables."

Toggle heading example

"Behind every screen, in the quiet of one's home, dreams are being built and boundaries are being shattered."

12. Interactive Infographics

Visually Engaging: Infographics are already engaging, but what if users could click on parts of them? There are tools and plugins that can help you create interactive infographics where data can be highlighted or detailed as users hover or click.

Recommended Plugins: Infogram, iList

13. Parallax Scrolling

Dynamic Visuals: This is a technique where background images move slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth. It can make web pages more engaging and visually appealing.

Recommended Plugins: WP Parallax Content Slider, parallax.js

14. Virtual Tours

360° Exploration: Especially useful for real estate, museums, or campus sites, virtual tours give visitors a full view of a location. Plugins like PanoPress can help integrate this feature.

Recommended Plugins: PanoPress, WP VR View

15. Before-and-After Sliders

See the Transformation: Perfect for sites that showcase renovations, makeovers, or even graphic designs, these sliders allow visitors to drag a bar over an image and see the before-and-after effect.

Recommended Plugins: TwentyTwenty, Before After Image Slider WP

16. Gamification Features

Engage with Play: This is about adding game-like elements to your site. Think of points, badges, or leaderboards to reward engagement.

Recommended Plugins: myCRED, GamiPress

17. Pricing Tables with Hover Effects

Choices Made Clear: When you have different pricing tiers, interactive tables can display more details as a visitor hovers over or clicks an option. This makes for an informed decision without clutter.

Recommended Plugins: Responsive Pricing Table, Go Pricing

Pricing table example:



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18. Interactive FAQs

Answers at a Click: Instead of a long list of questions and answers, you can use toggles or accordion styles where answers expand when a question is clicked.

Recommended Plugins: Ultimate FAQ, Arconix FAQ

19. Flip Boxes

A Twist on Information: Flip boxes rotate, either vertically or horizontally, when hovered over, revealing more information on the other side. It’s a neat effect for product features or team member profiles.

Recommended Plugins: Elementor, Oxilab Flipbox

Did You Know?

  • Interactive Quizzes: Quizzes increase lead capture by up to 80%.
  • Customer Feedback: 65% of users feel more valued when websites offer interactive feedback options.
  • Augmented Reality: AR features on websites can boost user interaction rates by up to 20%.
  • Virtual Reality: 22% of marketers plan to invest in VR interactive content.
  • Interactive Content ROI: 88% of marketers say interactive content differentiates them from competitors, leading to higher ROI.

20. Sticky Elements

Always at Hand: These are parts of your site that stay visible even as a visitor scrolls, like a sticky menu. But you can get creative, like having a sticky contact form or a special offer.

Recommended Plugins: Q2W3 Fixed Widget, Sticky Menu on Scroll, Sticky Header

21. Progress Bars & Counters

Visual Indicators: Great for showcasing statistics or the progress of fundraising campaigns. As a visitor scrolls, these bars and counters animate to show the data.

Recommended Plugins: WPBakery, Counter Number Showcase

22. Interactive Timelines

History at a Glance: If you're detailing events or the history of something, timelines, where visitors can click on points for more details, are both informative and engaging.

Recommended Plugins: Cool Timeline, WP Timeline

Tips for Choosing the Right Features

First things first, friend. When you're looking to add features to your website, it's wise to reflect on its primary goal. Are you aiming to sell products, share insights, or perhaps create a community? Understand that purpose because it'll guide your decisions moving forward.

Resist the Urge to Overload

You know when you discover a new hobby and you want all the related gadgets and gizmos? Websites can feel that way too. There's a plethora of tools and features available, but it doesn't mean all of them are right for your site. Choose those that align closely with your website's goal.

Prioritize User Experience

Think of your favorite coffee shop or bookstore. There’s probably a reason you keep going back. Similarly, for your website, you’d want visitors to have a positive, seamless experience. The features you select should be intuitive and provide genuine value to your visitors.

Always Test New Features

Once you've decided on a feature, don’t just set it and forget it. Test it out. Maybe even ask a few friends or colleagues to use it. Real-world feedback can be invaluable and can help you fine-tune things.

Balance Form with Function

Visual appeal is great. But a website that looks good without serving its purpose is like a book with a pretty cover but no content. Ensure that every feature you add looks good but, more importantly, serves a clear function.

Stay Updated on Trends, But Be Cautious

It's good to know what's trending in the web world. However, just because something is popular doesn't mean it's a good fit for your site. Always circle back to your website’s main objective before hopping on any trend.

Mobile Responsiveness is Non-negotiable

Most people these days are accessing sites via their phones or tablets. Ensure that the features you add don’t mess up the mobile experience. It's not just about looking good on a desktop anymore.

Listen to Your Visitors

Feedback is a treasure trove. If multiple visitors mention that they love a feature or find another problematic, listen. Their insights can guide refinements and improvements.

Backup Before Making Changes

Lastly, a friendly reminder - always back up your website before adding or tweaking features. It's always better to be safe, especially when you've put so much effort into your site.

Thrive Architect's Interactive Features

Thrive Architect's Interactive Features

So, you've probably heard of Thrive Architect, right? It's this cool page builder plugin for WordPress that has gathered quite a fanbase. And for good reasons! It not only helps make website creation a breeze but also comes loaded with features that can make any site pop. Let's take a tour of its interactive features, shall we?

1. Drag-and-Drop Editing

One of the main attractions of Thrive Architect is its drag-and-drop editing. Gone are the days of fumbling around with complex codes. With this tool, you just pick an element, drag it to where you want on the page, and drop. Voila! Building your dream website feels almost like piecing together a puzzle.

2. Hover Effects

Want to add some flair to your site elements? Hover effects have got you covered. These allow elements on your page to change or animate when someone hovers their mouse over them. It can be as subtle as a color shift or as catchy as a pop-out effect. It’s all about grabbing attention without being too in-your-face.

3. Dynamic Animations

Speaking of grabbing attention, Thrive Architect offers a range of animations. Whether you want an image to slide in from the side or a text box to fade into view, the options are plenty. These animations can give your website a fresh, modern feel and guide your visitors' focus.

4. Table of Contents

For those longer pieces of content or detailed service pages, a clickable table of contents can be a game-changer. It lets your visitors jump to the section they're interested in, ensuring they don't have to scroll endlessly. It's all about making the browsing experience smoother.

5. Countdown Timers

Got a limited-time offer or an upcoming event? Throw in a countdown timer. These timers create a sense of urgency, nudging visitors to take action, whether it's making a purchase or signing up for an event. Plus, it gives a dynamic touch to your page.


You missed out!

6. Testimonials & Client Carousel

Most of us are a bunch of nobodies, so we are all desperate to create social proof to build trust. Thrive Architect lets you showcase testimonials in a neat carousel format. Rotating through different reviews or client logos, ensures your visitors get a taste of the trust others place in you, all in an interactive manner.

7. Toggle & Accordion Elements

Keeping things neat and tidy is sometimes the way to go, especially if you have loads of content. With toggle and accordion elements, you can group content under headings. Visitors can then click on what they're curious about, expanding the information piece by piece. It's like giving them a neatly folded map that they can unfold section by section.

8. Contact Forms with a Twist

Sure, most website tools allow you to add contact forms. But with Thrive Architect, you can jazz them up. Maybe you want a two-step form where visitors click a button before seeing the form fields. Or perhaps you fancy adding some animations to the mix. The goal is to make interaction fun and engaging, not just another mundane task.

9. Star Ratings

If you’re showcasing products, star ratings can give your visitors a quick idea of how others perceive value. It's an interactive way of providing feedback, and it looks pretty neat too.

10. Lead Generation Tools

Last but definitely not least, Thrive Architect shines when it comes to lead generation. Beyond simple sign-up forms, you can create engaging quizzes or fun polls that not only entertain but also capture valuable visitor info.

For $299/year or $149/quarter

Thrive Suite Includes:

  • Thrive Theme Builder: Visually create your WordPress website
  • Thrive Architect: Drag & drop page builder for WordPress
  • Thrive Quiz Builder: Boost website engagement through quizzes
  • Thrive Leads: Call-To-Action plugin, build your mailing list faster
  • Thrive Ovation: Gather & display testimonials for social proof
  • Thrive Comments: Make commenting fun and engaging
  • Thrive Optimize: A/B testing for landing pages
  • Thrive Ultimatum: Countdown campaign plugin
  • Thrive Apprentice: Build professional online courses
  • Thrive Automator: Automate workflow to increase sales 
Recommended Alternative: Thrive Architect Plugin Only - $97 per year

Interactive Website: Do We Really Need It?

So this all sounds great. Anyone who builds a website, especially bloggers who publish samey boring articles day-in, day-out, wants to add a little something extra to make theirs different from others. But as I already said, add too much and you'll slow down the loading speed.

And it won't be easy on the users' eyes either. It's like walking into a store with shelves bursting with products, displays flashing from every corner, and music playing so loud it’s impossible to think.

Drowning in the Sea of Features

I decided to make my site the epitome of modern web design, jam-packed with every interactive feature imaginable. From animated sliders that zipped by faster than I could blink to pop-ups that seemed to have a life of their own. But instead of marveling at my creation, visitors found it overwhelming.

You see, interactivity can go either way. On one side, it promises engagement and a dynamic user experience. But on the flip side, it can make users feel like they've been tossed into a maze with no exit in sight.

A Hovering Effect is an Outdated Idea

Eager to make my site the talk of the town, I added hover effects everywhere. But I forgot one tiny detail: the mobile device. How can someone "hover" on a touchscreen? My cool design elements ended up being useless on mobile devices, and instead, I alienated a massive chunk of potential visitors.

Page Load Times That Test Patience

Another thing I didn’t foresee? The impact of all these features on my website’s speed. Every added animation, and every extra script began to weigh down my site. I started receiving messages about how the site took ages to load. A snail would’ve crossed a mile in that time!

Becoming Maintenance-Heavy

Adding features meant I was piling on plugins and custom scripts. And here's the fun part: they needed regular updates. Sometimes, these updates conflicted with each other. So, what was meant to be a slick, interactive experience turned into a juggling act of compatibility checks and troubleshooting sessions.

The Classic Overwhelm

For a moment, let’s talk about the human brain. It loves clarity. When presented with too many choices, it tends to freeze. With my website, visitors were often confused about where to click or how to proceed. It's like being handed a 10-page menu at a restaurant when all you want is a sandwich.

Simplicity Got Lost

Remember the charm of old-school blogs? They were straightforward, easy to browse, and didn’t try too hard. With my quest for interactivity, that simplicity got lost. My site, instead of being a warm, welcoming space, felt like a tech showcase.

So, What’s the Takeaway Here?

Interactivity isn’t inherently bad. It's like spice in food; a little can elevate the experience, but too much can ruin the dish. Web design is a balance of aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. Sometimes, in our quest to be cutting-edge, we might lose sight of what truly matters: creating a space that resonates with visitors.

From my experience, less is more, after all. If you’re thinking of sprucing up your site, by all means, go ahead. But always keep the user in mind. After all, we’re building sites for real people, not just for the sake of flashy features.

About the Author

I'm a cyborg blogger. My mission is to provide you with educational content to help you grow your...who am I kidding? I actually don't know what my mission is because I didn't create myself. Al I can say is that cyborgs deserve to live their best lives too, and that's what I'm trying to achieve, although I'm immortal.

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  1. OK to read, appreciate the content. But… Why does every digital marketing post act like it’s easy money? It’s not. Most people end up sinking more time and effort into it than they ever get back in profit.

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