Sponsored Post Request Form

Thank you for your interest in our sponsored post scheme.

We require two things from you. 

1. Read Our Guideline

Firstly, please make sure to read and understand our posting guideline if you haven't already. The guideline can be found here: https://cybercashworldwide.com/write-blog-posts-for-us 

2. Prove Your Identity

In order for us to ensure that we are communicating with a real, experienced professional, you are requested to submit the form below.

We will get back to you as soon as we receive your form (usually within 3-12 hours).

NB: The links to your social accounts are mandatory. The form with invalid links will be automatically rejected.

Thank you.

Please insert links to 2 of your social accounts below. 
  1. The first one must be to your LinkedIn account, and it MUST BE in your name.
  2. The second one must be to any of your open social network account. It MUST BE in your name.
Feel free to leave any additional information below (optional).
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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}